64 research outputs found

    Systolic pressure, abdominal obesity and body fat, metabolic syndrome predictors in Spanish preschoolers

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    Se plantea como objetivo determinar la presencia de predictores de síndrome metabólico en niños de 2 a 7 años en relación a su estado nutricional. Método: Estudio descriptivo con análisis cuantitativo en 260 niños de 2-7 años (135 niñas y 125 niños), 66% del total censados. Se midieron parámetros antropométricos y tensión arterial y se calcularon IMC, grasa corporal según Hoffman e índice cintura-talla (ICT). Se realizaron subgrupos con Z-Score del IMC según edad y sexo (bajo peso, normopeso, sobrepeso y obesidad), según grasa corporal (normal y con exceso), ICT (normal y obesidad abdominal) y tensión sistólica (normotensos e hipertensos según edad y sexo). Se utilizó como variable principal la clasificación según Z-Score del IMC. Resultados: La prevalencia combinada de sobrepeso y obesidad fue del 27%, sin diferencias por sexo. El estado nutricional relacionó significativamente con tensión arterial, grasa corporal e índice cintura-talla. Mayor porcentaje de obesos con tensión arterial sistólica alta que de normonutridos (OR=4.1; IC95% 1.7-9.8; p<0,001). Mayor riesgo de hipertensión en obesidad abdominal (OR=84.4; IC95% 17.8-194.0; p<0,001). El ICT correlaciona con los grupos de tensión arterial sistólica (p<0,001). La distribución según ICT es concordante con la de Z-Score de IMC, aumentando la obesidad abdominal con el IMC (en el 96.8% de obesos coinciden ambos criterios). Conclusión: Se presenta una relación directa entre sobrepeso y obesidad con hipertensión arterial, grasa corporal y obesidad abdominal en preescolares. Se muestra la validez de valores antropométricos accesibles (ICT y porcentaje de grasa corporal) para estudiar factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico.Objective: The aim of this paper is to determine the presence of metabolic syndrome predictors in 2-to-7-year-old children according to nutrition state. Method: A descriptive study with quantitative analysis was conducted in 260 2-to-7-year-old children (135 girls and 125 boys), 66% of the total census. Anthropometric parameters and blood pressure were measured and BMI, body fat by Hoffman and waist-to-height ratio (ICT) were calculated. Subgroups according BMI Z-Score by age and gender (low weight, normal weight, overweight and obesity), body fat (normal and excess), ICT (normal and abdominal obesity) and systolic pressure (normotensive and hypertensive by age and gender) were performed. BMI Z-Score classification was primary endpoint used. Results: Combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was 27%, with no difference by sex. Nutritional state was significantly associated with blood pressure, body fat and abdominal obesity as waist-to-height ratio. Higher percentage of obese children had high systolic blood pressure versus normal weight children (OR = 4.1; 95% CI 1.7-9.8; p <0.001). Higher hypertension risk was found in abdominal obesity group (OR = 84.4, 95% CI 17.8-194.0; p <0.001). ICT correlates with groups of systolic blood pressure (p <0.001). Distribution by ICT is consistent with the BMI Z-Score ones, increasing abdominal obesity with BMI (in 96.8% of obese match both criteria). Conclusion: A direct relation between overweight and obesity with hypertension, body fat and abdominal obesity in preschoolers is presented. It is showed the validity of accessible anthropometric (ICT and body fat percentage) to study metabolic syndrome risk factors

    La variabilidad en la adherencia al tratamiento dietético y la calidad de la pérdida de peso: el sobrepeso y la obesidad

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    Objective: Observation of weight loss and the maximum time that individualized dietary treatment qualitative and quantitative is shown to be effective. Method: 4625 consultations were conducted with 616 patients over 25 years old, in the nutrition consultation, using the qualitative and quantitative individualized dietary treatment. As a result we controlled the weight loss, the fat and the quality and variability of the loss, monthly according to sex, age and BMI in an urban area of southeastern Spain. Results and discussion: A low level of abandonment was proved in men, patients older than 45 years old compared to obese showed a higher degree. The quality of the loss was greater in men under 45 years old, overweight patients, however, more research is needed in this area. Measuring the waist and hips has led to an increasing interest in measuring indicators of body fat. Conclusion: The individualized dietary treatment has been proved to be effective for six months and then a multidisciplinary mode of this treatment is recommended. The use of new ways to assess weight loss is proposed taking into consideration the quality and variability of loss, regardless of the treatment used.Objetivo: Observación de la pérdida de peso y el tiempo máximo que se muestra el tratamiento dietético individualizado cuali-cuantitativo para ser eficaz. Método: 4625 consultas se llevaron a cabo con 616 pacientes mayores de 25 años, en la consulta de nutrición, utilizando la herramienta de tratamiento dietético individualizado cuali-cuantitativo, como resultado se controló la pérdida de peso, la grasa, la calidad y la variabilidad de la pérdida, mensualmente en función del sexo, la edad y el IMC en una zona urbana del sureste de España. Resultados y discusión: Se demostró un bajo nivel de abandono en los hombres, en los pacientes mayores de 45 años, frente a los obesos que mostraron un mayor grado. La calidad de la pérdida fue mayor en los hombres, los menores de 45 años, los pacientes con sobrepeso, sin embargo, se necesita más investigación en esta área. La medición de la cintura y las caderas ha llevado a un creciente interés en los indicadores de medición de grasa corporal. Conclusión: El tratamiento dietético individualizado ha demostrado ser eficaz en los seis meses y, posteriormente, se recomienda su uso en el modo multidisciplinario. Se propone el uso de nuevas formas de evaluar la pérdida de peso: la calidad y la variabilidad de la pérdida, independientemente del tratamiento utilizado

    Predefined Diets in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease mediated by the immune system and characterized by the importance of diet in pathological development. This study aims to understand how the use of predefined diets can affect the adult population diagnosed with IBD. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. From the different databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane, LILACS, CINAHL, and WOS), we found 4195 registers. After a review process, only 31 research studies were selected for qualitative synthesis and 10 were selected for meta-analysis. The variables used were Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) for patients with Crohn’s Disease (CD) and fecal calprotectin (FC), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), and albumin (ALB) for patients with IBD. Predefined diets have been shown to have partial efficacy for the treatment of IBD and are compatible with other medical treatments. CDAI improved but with reasonable doubts due to the high heterogeneity of the data, while no differences were observed for ALB, FC, and CRP. More studies that evaluate the influence of predefined diets on IBD patients are needed due to the great variability in diets and the tools used to measure their effects

    The combined effect of family environment and parents' characteristics on the use of food to soothe children

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    Parental feeding practices, such as the use of food to soothe, can be shaped by various factors, including the family environment and parents' psychological characteristics and capacities. To our knowledge, the combined effect of these factors has not been studied. Furthermore, parental feeding practices have mainly been studied in women, resulting in a gender gap in the research. This study aims to investigate the combined effect of family environment and parental characteristics on the likelihood of using food to soothe children, taking the gender of both parents into account. This cross-sectional study included a sample of 846 parents (36.3% men) of 1-year-old children from different regions of Spain. Participants completed an online survey that included questionnaires to measure whether parents used food to soothe children, the family environment, parents' characteristics, and their psychological capacities. Binary logistic regression analyses were performed to identify associations between the variables. The final model showed that, within the family environment, higher levels of dyadic adjustment between couples (OR = 0.965; p = .026) were associated with a reduced likelihood of using food to soothe children, whereas the psychological characteristic of parental fatigue (OR = 1.053; p = .007) appeared to be associated with an increased likelihood. Also associated with an increased likelihood of this practice were higher parental sense of competence (OR = 1.028; p = .029) and the attention dimension of emotional intelligence (OR = 1.043; p = .007). Our study suggests that using food to soothe children may be influenced by factors at different levels, from the quality and adjustment of the couple's relationship to parental fatigue, self-competence, and emotional intelligence. For future research, it may be worthwhile contextualizing parental practices to gain a better understanding of children's behavior.Mar Lozano-Casanova would like to thank the Ministerio de Universidades for the FPU21/04232 grant

    Energy and Macronutrients Intake in Indoor Sport Team Athletes: Systematic Review

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    Indoor team sports are characterized by matches that are shorter in duration and with frequent substitution (high-intensity intermittent). The main goal of teams is to best cover athletes’ physiological demands, while meeting their dietary intake needs is critical. The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the dietary intake of indoor team sports athletes and to analyze whether they comply with nutritional recommendations. A search of PubMed-MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2008 to July 2022 was conducted and 2727 documents were identified. The studies focused on adult professional or semi-professional volleyball, basketball, handball, or futsal athletes. Two independent researchers screened and extracted the data, with 20 documents included after they met the inclusion criteria. Most of the athletes, both men and women, did not meet the official recommendations based on under-consumption (energy and carbohydrates) or over-consumption (fats). In relation to protein, 28.6% of studies met the recommendations, with 50% of those who did not meet it being due to under-consumption. Although there are references on athletes’ dietary intakes, there are no references considering sexes or types of sport. More adapted recommendations are needed in order to more precisely evaluate athletes’ intake to know if they meet their real nutritional requirements

    Feeding Difficulties Associated with IBD during the Working Day: Qualitative Study, Alicante Spain

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrition is a key aspect as it can modulate much of the symptomatology. People affected by IBD often experience difficulties at work in all areas, including adapting their dietary management to workplace situations. The aim of this study is to identify the difficulties associated with eating during the working day in people diagnosed with IBD. A qualitative study was conducted through a nominal and focus group with people affected by IBD. After the thematic analysis of the data, three main themes emerged: management of food during the working day, searching for strategies to live with the disease, and the importance of visibility and support. This study shows that IBD influences the working life of people with IBD and makes it difficult to maintain an adequate diet. The institutions in charge of the treatment of IBD patients should consider the support of multidisciplinary teams, including nutrition professionals, as a fundamental part of the pathology control and dietary treatment to minimize its repercussions at work

    Assessment of Spanish Food Consumption Patterns during COVID-19 Home Confinement

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    People’s eating habits and lifestyle can have a negative impact on health. In situations of difficulty or socioeconomic crisis, these habits tend to be modified, leading to unhealthy dietary patterns that result in an increase of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Previous studies have indicated that, due to the state of alarm imposed in Spain to combat the spread of COVID-19, an increase in the purchase of non-core products occurred, along with a decrease in the daily physical activity of the population. This could be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection. The objective of this observational study was to analyze the dietary pattern of the Spanish population during home confinement and to compare it with the pattern of habitual consumption collected in the last National Health Survey, analyzing the possible changes. More than half of the respondents in the sample increased their consumption of sweets and snacks during confinement, while the consumption of fresh products decreased. Most claimed to be emotionally hungry, leading to an increase in their daily energy intake. The stress and anxiety generated by confinement could be the cause of the increased consumption of products rich in sugars and saturated fats, which are associated with greater stress and anxiety

    Which variables influence compliance with physical activity recommendations in young children?

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    Introducción: Existen recomendaciones europeas de actividad física para la infancia. El principal objetivo de estudio era determinar los factores que podrían influir en el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones europeas de actividad física en la primera infancia. Métodos: Se incluyó a 136 niños (2-8 años), clasificados según su estado de peso medido con puntajes Z del IMC siguiendo los estándares de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se midió la actividad física durante 5 días consecutivos con acelerómetros y la ingesta diaria. Resultados: Una mayor actividad física se asoció con un menor estado de peso (B = −1,55; IC 95%: −2,02 a −1,08; p < 0,001), menor edad (B = −1,33; IC 95%: −1,72 a −0,93; p < 0,001) y mayor gasto energético (B = 0,02; IC 95%: 0,02 a 0,03; p < 0,001). El total de la muestra tuvo una actividad física ligera (media = 589 cpm/día). Los niños con sobrepeso y obesidad pasaron menos tiempo en actividad física moderada-vigorosa (p = 0,005) y más tiempo en actividad física sedentaria (p = 0,005) que los del grupo normopeso. Todos los grupos pasaron entre 90 y 130 min diarios en actividades sedentarias, con una media que supone un 15,5% del tiempo de actividad (eliminando las horas de sueño). El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones europeas depende del sexo (p = 0,010) y del estado de peso (p = 0,038). Conclusión: Los preescolares pasaron más de 100 min diarios en tiempo sedentario. Las recomendaciones europeas de actividad física moderada-vigorosa diarias se cumplieron por la mayoría de la muestra. Sin embargo, este cumplimiento dependía del sexo y del menor estado de peso.Introduction: There are established European guidelines for physical activity in childhood. The main goal of our study was to determine the factors that may influence compliance with European recommendations for physical activity in young children. Methods: We included 136 children (aged 2-8 years) classified by weight status, calculated based on the body mass index z-score using the growth standards of the World Health Organization. We measured physical activity over 5 consecutive days with accelerometers and recorded the food intake. Results: A greater level of physical activity was associated with a lower weight status category (B = −1.55; 95% CI: −2.02 to −1.08; P < .001), lower age (B = −1.33; 95% CI: −1.72 to −0.93; P < .001) and greater energy expenditure (B = 0.02; 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.03; P < .001). The overall physical activity in the sample was light (mean = 589 cpm/day). Children with overweight and obesity spent less time engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity (P = .005) and more time engaged in sedentary activities (P = .005) compared to children with normal weight. All groups spent between 90 and 130 minutes a day in sedentary activities, with a mean time spent that amounted to 15.5% of their time (excluding time spent sleeping). The adherence to European recommendations varied in association with sex (P = .010) and weight status (P = .038). Conclusion: Young children spent more than 100 minutes a day engaged in sedentary activities. Most of the sample met the European recommendations for daily moderate to vigorous physical activity. However, the degree of adherence depended on sex and weight status

    Measurement Units Used in Treatments to Reduce Weight and Obesity. Systematic Review

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    Existen diferentes tratamientos para reducir el sobrepeso y la obesidad; no obstante, los resultados de los tratamientos sobre la pérdida de peso tienen una expresión muy heterogénea. Objetivo: Determinar las unidades de medida más utilizadas en los tratamientos de pérdida de peso, mediante la revisión de artículos científicos. Método: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de los últimos 5 años en CINHAL, Proquest y Scopus. Se han seleccionado los artículos publicados en inglés, francés y español. Los criterios de inclusión han sido: artículos de tratamiento únicamente dietético del sobrepeso en humanos. Los criterios de exclusión: tratamientos no dietéticos, enfermedades metabólicas, menos de 50 pacientes y menos de 8 semanas de tratamiento. La revisión ha sido realizada por dos investigadores independientes. Resultados y discusión: De 854 artículos, sólo 61 cumplían con los criterios establecidos. Estos se agruparon en 5 subgrupos, según expresaban la pérdida, en kilos o en porcentajes. Los resultados muestran falta de homogeneidad en la expresión de dicha pérdida. Conclusiones: Existe una gran heterogeneidad en la expresión de los resultados de los tratamientos de pérdida de peso; la dieta es una de las herramientas menos usadas; el análisis de los ensayos clínicos de intervención refleja una alta calidad en los sujetos mayores de 18 años, destacando la carencia de este tipo de líneas de investigación en los menores de esa edad. Por ello, se deberían estandarizar las magnitudes de expresión del éxito de dichos tratamientos y aumentar las líneas de investigación sobre este tema.There are different parameters to express the loss of weight in the treatment of overweight and obesity: absolute loss, percentage of loss, decrease in BMI, etc. Objective: To determine the magnitudes more used in the bibliography in order to establish criteria for uniformity in the expression of those results. Methods: a systematic review of the last five years has made at Proquest, CINHAL, Scopus, with descriptors “body fat distribution” and “diet” and “diet, reducing” and “weight loss”. Articles published in English, French and Spanish were selected. Inclusion criteria were used: articles only dietary treatment of overweight in humans, and exclusion criteria: not dietary treatments, metabolic diseases, less than 50 patients and less than 8 weeks of treatment. Title, summary, methodology, results and discussion have been analysed by two researchers independently. Results and discussion: 854 items found, only 61 met the criteria. These were grouped into 5 subgroups, as they expressed the weight loss (weight or fat loss in kg; weight and fat loss in kg; weight or fat loss in %; weight loss in % and fat loss in kg or vice versa; weight and far loss in%). The results show a lack of homogeneity in the loss, being the percentage the most used expression. Conclusions: There is great heterogeneity in the expression of results of the treatments for weight loss; the diet is one of the least used tools; the analysis of clinical trials of intervention reflects a high quality in subjects older than 18 years, highlighting the lack of this type of research lines in children under 18 years. Therefore, it should standardize the magnitudes of expression of the success of these treatments and increase the lines of research on this topic

    Longitudinal study about the adherence to Mediterranean Diet patterns in Health Sciences students

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    Introducción: El período universitario suele ser el momento en que los estudiantes asumen por primera vez su propia alimentación y pueden adquirir hábitos que repercutirán en su futura salud. Se analiza la evolución del índice de masa corporal (IMC) y adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea en estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud estudiando los efectos de la formación recibida en el primer curso y en el segundo curso académico. Material y Métodos: Estudio piloto sobre el seguimiento de 124 estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (grados de Enfermería y Fisioterapia), mediante el cuestionario KIDMED en primer curso y durante el segundo curso académico, valorando los cambios en la adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea y posibles factores asociados (sexo, grado de procedencia, comensalidad, estado de IMC y valoración de la adherencia previa). Resultados: Se encuentra buena correlación entre IMC inicial y final (r2=0,848; p<0,001) y valoración KIDMED inicial y final (r2=0,691; p<0,001). El IMC no muestra diferencias significativas al recibir la formación. Se produce un incremento significativo de la valoración KIDMED, mayor en los alumnos de Enfermería (p=0,045). El 50,8% mejora su adherencia a la dieta, tanto en el análisis bivariante como multivariante de regresión logística binaria, únicamente se observa asociación inversa a la adherencia inicial (OR=1,68[1,35–2,08]; IC=95%; p<0,001). Conclusiones: Se observó una ligera mejoría en la adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea cuando los estudiantes cursaban segundo curso de Ciencias de la Salud. Por ello, incluir información científica acerca de hábitos dietéticos y estilos de vida saludables a los universitarios contribuye a mejorar sus propios hábitos y poderlos promover entre sus futuros pacientes.Introduction: The university period is usually the moment when students assume their own diet for the first time and can acquire habits that will affect their future health. The evolution of the nutritional status of the body mass index (BMI) and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Health Sciences students in the Nursing and Physiotherapy degrees is studied by studying the effects of the training received in the first year and in the second academic course on Dietetics and Nutrition. Material and Methods: Pilot study on the follow-up of 124 students of Health Sciences of the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Nursing and Physiotherapy degrees), by means of the KIDMED questionnaire before and after studying a subject of Nutrition in first year and during the second academic year, assessing the changes in the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and possible associated factors (sex, degree of origin, commensality, state of nutrition through BMI and assessment of previous adherence). Results: A good correlation was found between initial and final BMI (r2=0.848, p<0.001) and initial and final KIDMED assessment (r2=0.691, p<0.001). The nutrition status BMI does not show significant differences when receiving the training. There was a significant increase in KIDMED assessment, higher in Nursing students (p=0.045). 50.8% improves its adherence to the diet, both in the bivariate and multivariate analysis of binary logistic regression, only an inverse association with the initial adherence is observed (OR=1.68[1.35–2.08]; IC=95%, p<0.001). Conclusions: A slight improvement in the adherence of the students’ diet to the Mediterranean Diet was observed when the students were taking a second course in Health Sciences and had received nutrition training. Therefore, include scientific information about dietary habits and healthy lifestyles to college students help improve their own habits and promote them among their future patients