100 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Sportsmanship-Aggression Continuum in Youth Football

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    8 p.[ENG] Given the importance of sport in modern society, it is essential that appropriate instruments are available for the assessment of both fair play and unfair play in the sport of football, particularly in the context of youth football. This research study presents the findings from the implementation of a protocol intended to assess fair play during football matches across three seasons. The study included 64 teams, 1192 players, 64 coaches and 292 referees all of whom were involved in the First Cadet category of the Football Federation of Álava (FFA). The measurement instrument employed was the Record of Football Match Evaluations (RFME) developed by Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño and Aznar (2007). The results revealed that there was a high level of fair play at this level of play which extended to referees, coaches and players across the seasons of interest; there was a greater frequency of fair play attitudes relative to unfair play attitudes; home teams that were victorious were judged to have the most favorable fair play attitudes; and there was a negative correlation between perceived fair play and the number of cards shown by referees. The instrument 1) allowed for the effective utilization of a tool to assess fair play in youth football; 2) was effective for use over the course of the season; and 3) provided knowledge about the social agents who initiate inappropriate and unsportsmanlike acts during football matches for of school age youth, which enables consideration of appropriate counter measures.[ES] Dada la trascendencia que tiene en nuestra sociedad el deporte, en especial el fútbol desde edades muy tempranas, se hace necesario que los gestores de las competiciones dispongan de herramientas que permitan evaluar los comportamientos de deportividad y no deportividad que se observan en contextos deportivos de fútbol. En la presente investigación, se muestra la implementación de un protocolo de evaluación continua de la deportividad en los partidos de fútbol, durante tres temporadas deportivas. Participaron 64 equipos; 1192 futbolistas, 64 entrenadores y 292 árbitros, de la categoría primera cadete de la Federación Alavesa de Fútbol (F.A.F.). El instrumento de recogida de información utilizado fue el “Registro de Evaluación de Partidos de Fútbol” (REPF) (Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño y Aznar, 2007). Los resultados re"ejan: puntuaciones positivas, en relación a la deportividad de árbitros, entrenadores y jugadores en cada una de las temporadas evaluadas; una mayor frecuencia de actitudes y conductas deportivas en comparación con las no-deportivas; una mayor percepción de deportividad en aquellos partidos en los que el equipo local es el ganador; y una correlación negativa entre la percepción de deportividad de un partido y el número de tarjetas mostradas por los árbitros. Como conclusión, se puede a#rmar que el instrumento que se presenta permite: 1. Utilizar una herramienta de evaluación especí#ca de la deportividad para la disciplina del fútbol en edad escolar; 2. Evaluar la deportividad a lo largo de toda la temporada; 3. Identi#car los agentes que presentan comportamientos inadecuados durante la práctica deportiva de los jóvenes deportistas, pudiendo proponer las mejores medidas de intervenció

    Evaluation of the Sportsmanship-Aggression Continuum in Youth Football

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    8 p.[ENG] Given the importance of sport in modern society, it is essential that appropriate instruments are available for the assessment of both fair play and unfair play in the sport of football, particularly in the context of youth football. This research study presents the findings from the implementation of a protocol intended to assess fair play during football matches across three seasons. The study included 64 teams, 1192 players, 64 coaches and 292 referees all of whom were involved in the First Cadet category of the Football Federation of Álava (FFA). The measurement instrument employed was the Record of Football Match Evaluations (RFME) developed by Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño and Aznar (2007). The results revealed that there was a high level of fair play at this level of play which extended to referees, coaches and players across the seasons of interest; there was a greater frequency of fair play attitudes relative to unfair play attitudes; home teams that were victorious were judged to have the most favorable fair play attitudes; and there was a negative correlation between perceived fair play and the number of cards shown by referees. The instrument 1) allowed for the effective utilization of a tool to assess fair play in youth football; 2) was effective for use over the course of the season; and 3) provided knowledge about the social agents who initiate inappropriate and unsportsmanlike acts during football matches for of school age youth, which enables consideration of appropriate counter measures.[ES] Dada la trascendencia que tiene en nuestra sociedad el deporte, en especial el fútbol desde edades muy tempranas, se hace necesario que los gestores de las competiciones dispongan de herramientas que permitan evaluar los comportamientos de deportividad y no deportividad que se observan en contextos deportivos de fútbol. En la presente investigación, se muestra la implementación de un protocolo de evaluación continua de la deportividad en los partidos de fútbol, durante tres temporadas deportivas. Participaron 64 equipos; 1192 futbolistas, 64 entrenadores y 292 árbitros, de la categoría primera cadete de la Federación Alavesa de Fútbol (F.A.F.). El instrumento de recogida de información utilizado fue el “Registro de Evaluación de Partidos de Fútbol” (REPF) (Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño y Aznar, 2007). Los resultados re"ejan: puntuaciones positivas, en relación a la deportividad de árbitros, entrenadores y jugadores en cada una de las temporadas evaluadas; una mayor frecuencia de actitudes y conductas deportivas en comparación con las no-deportivas; una mayor percepción de deportividad en aquellos partidos en los que el equipo local es el ganador; y una correlación negativa entre la percepción de deportividad de un partido y el número de tarjetas mostradas por los árbitros. Como conclusión, se puede a#rmar que el instrumento que se presenta permite: 1. Utilizar una herramienta de evaluación especí#ca de la deportividad para la disciplina del fútbol en edad escolar; 2. Evaluar la deportividad a lo largo de toda la temporada; 3. Identi#car los agentes que presentan comportamientos inadecuados durante la práctica deportiva de los jóvenes deportistas, pudiendo proponer las mejores medidas de intervenció

    Efectos del entrenamiento de elevada intensidad sobre la fatiga aguda en personas con enfermedades reumáticas

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    La fatiga es un síntoma característico de las enfermedades reumáticas. Estudios han relacionado este síntoma con el dolor, el sueño y el estado de depresión, entre otros. No hay un protocolo de ejercicio físico concreto que avale la disminución inmediata de la fatiga pero existen antecedentes de entrenamiento de alta intensidad de 8 a 12 semanas efectivos para la disminución de la fatiga en pacientes reumáticos. Todavía no hay estudios que investiguen estos efectos a corto plazo en la fatiga en enfermos reumáticos. El presente trabajo cuenta con tres capítulos empíricos. En primer lugar, se realizó una revisión sistemática del trabajo de alta intensidad realizado con pacientes reumáticos. En segundo lugar, se llevó a cabo un estudio de las variables asociadas a la fatiga percibida en pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas y finalmente, se diseñó, implementó y evaluó una rutina de activación física consistente en ejercicio de alta intensidad para la disminución inmediata de la fatiga percibida en dos estudios de caso. Estos resultados se compararon con los extraídos de la revisión sistemática

    Protocolo de prevención de partidos de riesgo: una experiencia aplicada para la prevención de la violencia en el fútbol base

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    [EN] This study presents an applied experience which takes part of a program on prevention of the violence in soccer in school age. The aim was the acquisition of the commitment of the trainers involved in matches considered as non sportive, in the fulfillment of sportive behavior guidelines. To achieve this aim, a meeting was carried out by the trainers of the equipments that led violent incidents in the first round of the league, with the presidents of these equipments, with representatives of the local football Federation and with representatives of the Committee of referees. From this meeting it was intended: 1) to reduce the probability of aggressive and violent incidents; 2) to promote a relation of cooperation between the entities of the teams that led non sportive incidents, and the referee group; and 3) Make the sports context be a protector to prevent non sportive behaviors. The results of this study reflect that the participation had a positive effect in the improvement of the sportsmanship in the return football matches of the league.[ES] En este estudio se presenta una experiencia aplicada que forma parte de un programa de prevención de la violencia en el fútbol base. El objetivo era la adquisición del compromiso de los entrenadores implicados en partidos considerados como no deportivos, en el cumplimiento de unas pautas de conducta deportivas. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una reunión con los entrenadores de los equipos que protagonizaron incidentes violentos en la primera vuelta de la liga, con los presidentes de estos equipos, con representantes de la Federación Alavesa de Fútbol y con representantes del Comité Arbitral. A partir de esta reunión se pretendía: 1) reducir la probabilidad de ocurrencia de incidentes agresivos y violentos; 2) fomentar una relación de cooperación entre las entidades de los equipos que protagonizaron incidentes no deportivos y el colectivo arbitral; y 3) hacer del contexto deportivo un protector que prevenga de comportamientos antideportivos. Los resultados de este estudio reflejan que la participación tuvo un efecto positivo en la mejora de la deportividad en los partidos de fútbol de la segunda vuelta de la liga

    Socioeconomic status, parental support, motivation and self-confidence in youth competitive sport

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    World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012CC BY-NC-ND[EN] The relationship between family and competitive sport and its complex interactions has been studied as a key factor by several authors. However, many questions about how psychological, cultural and social variables interact have been unanswered. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between socioeconomic status and perceived parental support in young athletes of a high performance center and subsequently, with motivation and self-confidence, as these two variables have been identified as relevant by previous research.For this purpose, and with a DEXPLOS design, a parental support scale was made. It resulted in a six items scale whose discriminative capacity in addition to its internal consistency was high (Cronbach Alpha =0.84). Firstly, an open-ended-questionnaire (qualitative phase) was filled out by 346 youth athletes, measuring socioeconomic status (residence, parents' educational level, parents' job and income) besides athlete's parental support perception. These answers were analyzed by judge agreement to lead into a quantitative close-endquestionnaire, which was completed in a five-interval Likert scale by 209 people. Furthermore, motivation and selfconfidence were evaluated through the Questionnaire of Psychological Characteristics involved in Sport Performance s relacionadas con el Rendimiento Deportivo -CPRD) in order to review whether the perception of parental support or its lack is reflected in these two relevant psychological variables for sport performance.Results show that there exists a positive relationship between parental support and status (living in a singleparent family because of divorce or abandonment, the s specific aspects of self-confidence during competition and motivati not only help to explain the concept but it can also be a useful tool for coaches, sport managers and administrators in their daily job with sport yout

    Ethnography as a linking method between psychology and sociology: research design

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    World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012CC BY-NC-ND[EN] Ethnography is one of the most relevant methods in qualitative research, and both psychology and sociology use qualitative methods in their research. This is essential when the purpose is to keep the historical memory of different population in relation to facts or experiences from the past. In a first phase, ethnography could expedite study's variables description. Based on the implication of the variable's conceptualization obtained by this first qualitative phase (ethnographic), in subsequent phases of the research, researchers might deepen in the concepts still using descriptive methodology but quantitative, which is typical of both psychology and sociology, for instance, in the quiz methodology. The aim of this study is to show how ethnography can be a relevant method in both psychological and sociologic research when they interact to explain facts and experiences from the past.To illustrate this thought, a study on women who practiced sport in the Spanish dictatorship period (1936-1975) would be shown to explain the variable determination through ethnography methods as life story and in-depth interview. Twenty four Spanish women who practiced sport (in different regions, from different socioeconomic levels, either rural or urban residence and between leisure and competitive sport level) were interviewed to accomplish information about their personal and sport life. This material was ethnographic analyzed to categorize it into five dimensions which explain part of the women experiences in that convulsed period. The categories or dimensions derived were aesthetics, culture, nutrition, community and morality, and showed agreements and disagreements in their perception reflecting a complex women world where sport was a liberating activity as well as a relevant experience which has traced in their personalities and has not only influenced them, but also their progeny life

    La actividad del World Café, una herramienta para la evaluación y desarrollo de los valores en el deporte escolar

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    [ES] El presente trabajo presenta una experiencia aplicada que pretende conocer las opiniones, de los agentes sociales que rodean a los jóvenes deportistas, para la promoción de valores. A través de la actividad del World Café, los agentes sociales implicados en el deporte escolar aportaron orientaciones enfocadas a mejorar la calidad educativa del deporte. Un grupo de 56 participantes [padres/madres (8), árbitros (8), profesores de educación física (8), entrenadores (8), deportistas de élite (8), deportistas escolares (8) y representantes institucionales (8)] debatieron, desde su perspectiva, cómo consideraban que podían ayudar en la promoción de valores en los contextos deportivos escolares en los que participan. Entre los resultados más relevantes destacan, la necesidad de concretar desde el propio centro escolar los valores que se pretenden promocionar a través del deporte; en segundo lugar, la importancia de llevar a cabo una coordinación entre los agentes directos que rodean a los jóvenes deportistas; y finalmente, llevar a cabo una formación dirigida a monitores y padres/madres, que les permita adquirir herramientas adecuadas para la promoción de valores.[EN] This article outlines an applied experience that aimed to find out the views of the social agents that have contact with young athletes, in order to facilitate the promotion of values. Through the activities of the World Café, the social agents involved in school sports came to share their experience in order to look from all the different angles at how the educational quality of sport can be improved. A group of 56 participants [parents (8), referees (8), physical education teachers (8), sports coaches (8), elite athletes (8), school athletes (8) and institutional representatives (8)] gave their points of view on how they considered that they could help in the promotion of values in the context of the school sports in which they take part. Among the most noteworthy results was the need for the school centre itself to set out very clearly the values that they strive to promote through sport. Secondly, the importance was underlined of coordination between the agents that have direct contact with the young sportspeople. Lastly, the advisability of carrying out training sessions aimed at monitors and parents was highlighted, to enable them to acquire the necessary tools for the promotion of value

    Characteristics of the sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conduct evaluation tools in youth sport

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    World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012CC BY-NC-ND[EN] In youth sport contexts, aggressiveness and violence constitute a deplorable social phenomenon. There are sportsmanlike conducts as forms of alternatives to these types of behaviors. Specifically, the present paper aims to introduce the characteristics of the evaluation tools used to assess the sportiveness, aggressiveness and violence constructs in sporting environments in general and, more precisely, in youth sport. The methods used to evaluate the previous constructs are described based on a bibliometric analysis of the information base obtained from psychology, physical activity and sports specialized data bases. From the documents review it appears that, on the one hand, a few instruments are used to evaluate sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conducts in educational sports, and most of them focus on professional sport. Furthermore, performed researches concerning common sporting environments tend to focus on evaluating attitudes and conducts of sportsmen while ignoring the influence of other social agents such as coaches, parents/spectators, referees. Therefore, it would be desirable that some proper instruments were elaborated and allowed evaluating sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conduct, particularly in youth sport. The evaluation must enable the type of pro social and antisocial attitudes and conducts to be identified, as well as the agents which carry them out

    Es el reimplante valvular mejor que el bentall biológico modificado para tratar aneurismas de la raíz asociados a insuficiencia?

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    Es el reimplante valvular mejor que el Bentall Biológico Modificado para tratar aneurismas de la raíz asociados a insuficiencia? Obando CE; Gutiérrez HF; Santamaría G, Bresciani R; Camacho J; Sandoval N; Umaña J. Departamento de Cirugía Cardiovascular, Fundación Cardio Infantil, Bogotá, Colombia. Objetivo: comparar resultados funcionales, morbilidad y sobrevida a corto y mediano plazo, tras la realización de Bentall modificado con prótesis Freestyle vs reimplante valvular de Tirone David, en insuficiencia aortica secundaria a aneurisma de la raíz. Diseño: revisión de registros institucionales de 88 pacientes tratados entre enero de 2003 y agosto de 2009 con insuficiencia aortica secundaria a aneurisma de la raíz sin daño valvular, distribuidos en dos cohortes: Grupo 1 (Bentall modificado) y Grupo 2 (reimplante valvular). Se evaluaron complicaciones perioperatorias, transfusiones, estancias hospitalarias y en el seguimiento a mediano plazo insuficiencia valvular, clase funcional, función ventricular y sobrevida. Solidez de los resultados verificada mediante análisis de propensidad con balanceo de grupos. Resultados: Grupo (1) 51(57.9%) pacientes y grupo (2) 37(42.1%). Aunque el grupo 2 es mas joven, patrones similares de coomorbilidad, anatomía de la raíz, función y diámetros ventriculares hacen comparables los dos grupos. Seguimiento de 3.3 años (IQR 2.0-4.4). Mortalidad temprana 2(3.8%) vs 0 p =0.2 y tardía de 2(4.1%) vs 0 p=0.33. El análisis estratificado de covariables en bloques de distribución tampoco identifica diferencias en mortalidad. El análisis de sobrevida de mortalidad y sobrevida libre de eventos identifica desenlaces similares entre los grupos (Log-Rank chi2=0.9, p=0.3); incluyendo Insuficiencia aortica = II temprana (3.8% vs 0, p=0.2) y tardía (3.8%vs 0, p=0.1), transfusiones perioperatorias, reintervenciones por sangrado (2.3% vs 3.4%, p=0.4), arritmias (25.5% vs 13.5%, p=0.2) y disfunción neurológica (5.7% vs 2.9%, p=0.9). Finalmente la hospitalización total (6.5 {1-35} vs 4{3-16} p=0.001) y estancia en Cuidado intensivo (2.5 {1-21} vs 1{1-16} p=0.001) es superior en el grupo1. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los aneurismas de la raíz aortica asociados a insuficiencia valvular sin daño estructural, mediante reimplante valvular o Bentall biológico modificado ofrece resultados similares a corto y mediano plazo. La preservación valvular se asocia a estancias mas cortas, pero no hay diferencia en complicaciones postoperatorias, estatus funcional, insuficiencia valvular, función ventricular, mortalidad y sobrevida libre de eventos adversos.Compare functional results, Morbility and median and short term survival, after modified Bentall procedure with Freestyle valve vs. Valvular Reimplantation Tirone David, for the aortic valve insufficiency secondary to aortic root aneurysm. DESIGN: Revision of institutional registers of 88 patients treated from January 2003 to august 2009 with aortic insufficiency secondary to aortic root aneurysm without valve damage, distributed in two cohorts: Group 1 (Modified Bentall), Group 2 (Valvular Reimplantation). Perioperative complications were evaluated as well as transfusions, hospitalization days, median term observation for valve insufficiency, functional class, ventricular function and survival. The solidity of the results were verified by propensity analysis with balance of groups. RESULTS: Group (1) 51(57.9%) patients and group (2) 37(42.1%). Although group 2 is younger, similar patterns of comorbility, aortic root anatomy, function and ventricular diameters of both groups make them comparable. Follow up for 3.3 years (IQR 2.0-4.4). Early Mortality 2(3.8%) vs. 0 p =0.2 and late 2(4.1%) vs. 0 p=0.33. The analysis of stratified co variables in blocks of distribution does not identify differences in mortality. The analysis of survival of mortality and survival free of events identifies similar results between the groups (Log-Rank chi2=0.9, p=0.3); including aortic insufficiency = II early (3.8% vs. 0, p=0.2) and late (3.8%vs 0, p=0.1), perioperative transfusions, reinterventions by bleeding (2.3% vs. 3.4%, p=0.4), arrhythmias (25.5% vs. 13.5%, p=0.2), and neurologic dysfunction(5.7% vs. 2.9%, p=0.9). Finally total hospitalization (6.5 {1-35} vs. 4{3-16} p=0.001) and Intensive care staying (2.5 {1-21} vs. 1{1-16} p=0.001) is superior in group 1. CONCLUSIONS: The treatment of aortic root aneurysm associated to aortic valve insufficiency without structural damage, with valve reimplantation or Modified Bentall (Biological) offers similar results. Valve preservation is associated to shorter hospitalization stay, but there is no difference in post operative complications, functional status, valve insufficiency, ventricular function, mortality, and survival free of adverse events