79 research outputs found

    Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens), a source of antimicrobial peptides

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    In the modern world, multi-drug antibiotic resistance is an increasingly serious problem which poses a serious threat to both plants, animals and humans. The unreasonable use of antibiotics has led to the spread and increase in the number of infectious diseases that existing antibiotics may not be able to cope with. Thus, there is a need for the development of new classes of antibiotics that do not induce resistance. It is necessary to find agents with new mechanisms of action for the development of such antimicrobial compounds. Antimicrobial peptides are excellent candidates for this role. Penetrating through the membranes, they affect the target protein without high specificity, which in turn reduces the probability of induced resistance to a minimum [13]. Scientists have identified about 57 active peptides belonging to various groups of antimicrobial peptides, including defensins, cecropins, attacins and lysozyme. Defensins form the largest group of antimicrobial peptides in insects. As a rule, a defensin-like peptide contains from 34 to 43 amino acids. Antimicrobial peptides obtained from Hermetia illucens can become a good alternative to antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, as they differ in their antimicrobial properties and are less likely to induce resistance [8]. The lipid composition as well as the amino acid composition can be changed by different larvae diets. Larvae fat contains oleic, palmitic, lauric, myristic, stearic and palmitolic acids, which are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and have an intense effect against bacteria

    Information and analytical support for the detection and investigation of crimes

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    The effectiveness of law enforcement agencies is constantly monitored by the public, and its indicator is the safety of citizens, the ability to exercise their rights and freedoms. One of the strategic resources of the life of modern society is various information. Computer networks, geographical information systems, means of tactical forecasting of crimes, numerous integrated databases are already widely applied in the activities of the law enforcement agencies. Despite this, the main information resource for forensic purposes represented by the information arrays of the forensic registration system still remains a repository of heterogeneous data, the collective use of which causes significant organizational and technical difficulties. Information and analytical support for the disclosure and investigation of crimes is aimed at obtaining an analytical information product about the structure, hierarchy, and composition of criminal groups, about the commodity and cash flows and relations of individuals and legal entities, about their joint criminal activities, about the unidentified circumstances of the events of the crime to be proven. The implementation of cumulative inspections of objects and traces on various information arrays helps to establish the missing information about the crime event

    Использование низкобелковых обогащенных крахмаломучных продуктов в диетотерапии больных фенилкетонурией детей в возрасте старше 1 года

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values.Обоснование. В питании детей с фенилкетонурией широко используют специализированные продукты на основе крахмалов, ассортимент которых постоянно расширяется.Цель исследования — изучить безопасность состава хлопьев крахмаломучных, обогащенных комплексом жирорастворимых витаминов, натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, используемых в пище детей с фенилкетонурией.Методы. В исследование включали детей в возрасте до 14 лет, комплаентных к ранее проводимой гипофенилаланиновой диете, без острых инфекционных, тяжелых соматических или неврологических заболеваний. Исследуемые продукты — крахмалоржаные, пшеничные и пшеничные плодово-ягодные хлопья с комплексом провитамина А и витамина Е — назначали взамен применявшихся ранее низкобелковых кондитерских изделий в количестве 20–25 г/сут детям младше 6 лет, по 30–40 г — детям, достигших возраста или старше 6 лет. Продукты выдавали с рекомендацией использовать поочередно, продолжительностью не менее 10 сут, всего на 30 сут исследования. Безопасность продуктов оценивали по концентрации фенилаланина в крови (определяли флюориметрическим методом). Дополнительно оценивали органолептические качества продуктов и динамику физического развития детей.Результаты. В исследование включили 15 детей, средний возраст 4,4±1,9 года. Исходная концентрация фенилаланина в крови варьировала от 1,6 до 3,9 мг%, медиана — 2,2 мг% (2,0; 2,8). Через 30 сут после включения в рацион крахмаломучных хлопьев содержание фенилаланина в крови не изменилось и составило 2,5 мг% (2,2; 2,7); р=0,859. Органолептические свойства продуктов были оценены на «отлично» всеми пациентами и их родителями (у детей в возрасте до 6 лет — только согласно оценке родителей). Показатели физического развития не изменились. Нежелательные явления (аллергические реакции, диспепсии, отказ от приема продуктов) не зафиксированы.Заключение. Введение в рацион детей с фенилкетонурией новых функциональных продуктов — хлопьев крахмаломучных низкобелковых, обогащенных витаминным комплексом и натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, позволяет сохранять уровень фенилаланина в крови на уровне референсных значений.ИСТОЧНИК ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЯ Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Федерального государственного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт крахмалопродуктов» Федерального агентства научных организаций (Московская область). Для целей исследования использовались продукты, безвозмездно предоставленные производителем (опытное производство ФГНУ «ВНИИК» ФАНО).КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВ Т.Э. Боровик, Н.Н. Семёнова, О.Л. Лукоянова, Н.Г. Звонкова, Т.В. Бушуева, Т.Н. Степанова, В.А. Скворцова — проведение научно-исследовательских работ при поддержке компаний Heinz, Semper, Хипрока Нутришион Ист Лимитед. И.М. Гусева, Е.А. Рославцева, А.К. Геворкян, С.Т. Быкова, Т.Г. Калинина, С.Г. Калиненкова подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов.ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ПРИЗНАТЕЛЬНОСТИ Выражаем благодарность к.м.н. С.Г. Калиненковой (Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф. Владимирского) за участие в выполнении лабораторной части данного исследования. 

    Economic Intervals' Method for Choice of Line Cross-Section and Its Realization in Matlab Software

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    The choice of lines’ cross-sections for electric networks' rational designing is necessary to fulfill technical and economic requirements. The existing method of a choice on economic considerations using economic density of a current does not work in the conditions of free market prices. The aim of this paper is working out the modified method of economic intervals for choice lines’ optimum cross-sections under market conditions. The method is based on search of minimum total annual costs for lines’ construction. By well-founded mathematical transformations it is possible to exclude some components from function of costs, which are ambiguously defined in the conditions of market economy. The method allows to execute economically well-founded choice of 20-110-330 kV overhead lines. Developed nomograms have universal character for given voltage lines. The creation of user interface for method’s realization by Matlab environment is proposed

    The Modified Method of Economic Intervals for High-Voltage Overhead Lines

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    In paper an approach to the choice of optimum cross-sections for high-voltage overhead lines by the modified method of economic intervals is proposed. The updated economic intervals' method has been developed that can use under market conditions. The method allows considering the discrete character of standard cross-sections’ scale, concrete technical and technically-economic parameters and technical limitations. For practical application of the modified method universal economic nomograms for overhead lines have been constructed and illustrated in paper for 20-110-330 kV lines with steel-aluminum wires

    Анализ мероприятий по модернизации трансформаторного оборудования

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    В статье дана методика оценки мероприятий по модернизации высоковольтных трансформаторов для повышения надежности функционирования энергосистемы. Модернизация позволяет продлить срок службы трансформаторов сверх нормативного и отодвинуть сроки замены оборудования. Этот путь требует значительно меньших начальных затрат и инвестиций и является временным решением в условиях существующего дефицита средств в энергетической отрасли. Выбор и экономическая оценка мероприятий по модернизации трансформаторов должна основываться на технико-экономических расчетах для рационального использования денежных ресурсов. Минимальные суммарные ежегодные дисконтированные затраты для пользователя силовых трансформаторов за весь срок службы являются основным экономическим критерием выбора мероприятий по модернизации высоковольтных трансформаторов

    Comparison of Characteristics of a Low and Medium Voltage Power Lines

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    According to the new conception of electrification, the medium voltage 20 kV networks are to be extended. To what degree it is advisable to do so, depends on many factors: characteristics and design of the networks and step-down transformers, etc. In medium voltage networks as compared with low-voltage 0.4 kV networks, voltage and power losses can be neglected. Therefore the wire diameter can be diminished, calculating it only from the condition of its heating by load currents. Later, it must be checked if the wire diameter corresponds to mechanical requirements. In supplying the energy via low-voltage lines, greater expenses must be taken into account than in delivering this energy via medium voltage lines. Evaluating the transition from low-voltage lines to medium-voltage lines, we must know how the cost of small step-down transformers increases in the medium-voltage version