174 research outputs found

    Mass-symmetry breaking in three-body ions

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    The ground-state energy of three-body ions (M+,M+,m)(M^+,M^+,m^-) evolves when the like-charge constituents are given different masses. The comparison of (m1+,m2+,m)(m_1^+,m_2^+,m^-) with the average of (m1+,m1+,m)(m_1^+,m_1^+,m^-) and (m2+,m2+,m)(m_2^+,m_2^+,m^-) reveals a competition between the symmetric term and the antisymmetric one. The former dominates in the Born--Oppenheimer regime such as the (p,t,e) case, while the latter wins for H^--like systems with two negative light particles surrounding a heavy nucleus. A comparison is also made with the case of baryons in simple quark models with flavour independence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    Durability of cement-like construction materials, as well as durability of cement stone, depends on their humidity resistance, frost resistance, corrosion resistance. All of these properties depend not only on the composition of the original clinker, but also on structural organization at micro-and nanoscale level of hydrated portland cement compositions. In this research the authors used the method of small-angle neutron scattering to define structural parameters of hydrated portland cement compositions on nanoscale level, distribution of calcium hydrate silicate nanoparticles in size, medium nanoparticles radius, fractal dimension. It is shown, that introduction of modifying nanoadditives into portland cement compositions affects structural parameters of a cement stone. The following nanoadditives were used: of artificial (alpha aluminium oxide, gamma aluminum oxide) and of anthropogenic (carbonate and alumo-alkaline sludges) origin, as well as integrated nanoadditives containing surfactants. The change in structural parameters of portland cement compositions with nanoadditives in the process of hydration is investigated. It is shown that use of nanoadditives allows to control the process of forming the structure of hydrated portland cement composition on the nanoscale level, directly affect the values of structural parameters and, as a result, modify properties of cement stone

    Height-latitude structure of stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere

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    Daily UK Met Office stratospheric assimilated data for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, accumulated for the period from 2004 to 2012 and pressure range of 1000-0.1 hPa, are used in this paper. The paper presents and thoroughly discusses spatial-temporal distributions of stationary planetary wave (SPW) amplitudes and phases, calculated on the basis of geopotential height, temperature, zonal and meridional wind data for zonal wave numbers 1 and 2 (SPW1 and SPW2). The climatological planetary wave amplitudes and phases are calculated by extracting waves from three types of data: daily, monthly mean and climatological monthly mean. It has been established that magnitude of amplitudes and height-latitude distribution of amplitudes of SPW1 and SPW2 depend on data processing method for all parameters. It has also been established that height-latitude distribution amplitudes and phases significantly differ for geopotential height, temperature, zonal and meridional wind and depend on wave number and hemisphere. However, height-latitude distributions of phases are little different from each other for the used methods of data processing. © 2013 COSPAR

    Height and time variability of planetary wave activity

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    The height-season and year-to-year regularities of parameters of first and second spatial harmonics determine the structure of the stratosphere and mesosphere circulation and its variability. In the period 1992-2002 at heights 0-55 km, the amplitudes and phases of the first and second spatial harmonics in the field of temperature, geopotential height, zonal and meridional wind were calculated by the method of harmonic decomposition. Dispersion (standard or mean square deviation) of their day-to-day and year-to-year variations was calculated by their wavelength constants. Height and season patterns of variability have been estimated. The difference in height-longitude variability for wave numbers m = 1 and 2 has been discovered. At the same time, the intensity of wave disturbances for m = 1 is less than for m = 2 excluding the polar areas, where a significant variability appears at the heights 0-55 km. There is also a tendency for the intensity of year-to-year variations to decrease in comparison with day-to-day variations. In cold and warm periods the amplitude of perturbation waves with m = 2 both for day-to-day and year-to-year variations is greater than for waves with m = 1. Transient height areas in the interval of 20-30 km are more distinct for day-to-day variations of polar area. The mean square deviation (RMS) of the first harmonic of the zonal and meridional winds is less than that of the second harmonic and its year-to-year variability is less than day-to-day one. The amplitude of the first harmonic of zonal and meridional wind is higher than the amplitude of the second harmonic, and the day-to-day variability is greater than the year-to-year variability for the Northern hemisphere. The heterogeneous height and latitude structure is a characteristic of the year-to-year variation of the phase of the second harmonic. It could be caused by a non-steady state of the second harmonic. Crown Copyright © 2008

    Structure of rotational spectra of vectorial wave fields in the middle atmosphere

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    In this work the time spectra dynamics of zonal and meridional average daily values of wind velocity was investigated. An analysis is carried out using Atmospheric Assimilated Data acquired from British Atmosphere Data Center United Kingdom Met Office on the height range 0-55 km in the grid node correspondent to Kazan and experimental data of the wind velocity acquired by radio meteor measurements in radio meteor station of Kazan State University (56N, 49E) for height range 80-100 km. The seasonal structure of zonal circulation and planetary wave activity is established in the height range of the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere using wavelet transformation and rotational spectra. An intensity of planetary waves has a stable maximum in the winter on heights above 20 km. The stable maximum of the intensity of planetary waves is observed in the height of the tropopause during the whole year. A regime of planetary waves with specific rotation of resulting wind velocity vector (clockwise and anticlockwise) appears on heights of the lower and middle atmosphere with the prevailing of a certain type of rotation depending on height, season and scale of planetary waves

    Temporal and spatial rotational spectra of wind velocity variations with periods 2-40 days in lower and middle atmospheres of the Earth

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    Current work is dedicated to the investigation of temporal and spatial energy spectra of wave processes in the field of lower and middle atmospheres (0-100 km) of the Earth. For analysis we used data of wind measurements at heights 80-100 km performed at meteor radar in Kazan (56N, 49E). Also we used data of BADC UK MO containing wind velocity in nodes of the longitudinal - latitudinal grid (96×72) for the height range 0-55 km. Analysis of calculated temporal rotational energy is performed separately for time scales 2-7 days, 7-20 days and 20-40 days. At middle latitudes of Northen and Southen Hemispheres the change of the prevailing direction of the wind velocity rotation is detected. Established change of the prevailing rotation of the wind velocity vector at heights 0-100 km shows that these latitudes are in the region of active cyclonic and anticyclonic activity. Also we found that for middle and high latitudes of the Northen and Southen Hemispheres the planetary wave regime is specific as well as the regime of the geostrophic turbulence is specific for low latitudes and the equator. This result is acquired using the analysis of the spatial energy spectra for heights 0-55 km. The inclination of these energy spectra in the linier region with wave numbers 8-25 is [-6;-4] for middle and high latitudes (it corresponds to the planetary wave regime) and [-2;-1] for low latitudes and equator (it corresponds to the regime of the geostrophic turbulence)

    Height variability of solar effects on dynamical processes of middle atmosphere

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    Large-scale changes observed in the atmosphere can be explained by the connection with solar processes. For region of Kazan the within-year variability is mainly determined by annual and semi-annual oscillations, which are investigated in the present work. The analysis of height profiles of coefficients of dependence of these processes on solar activity demonstrates the expressed height variability of their values, even change of their sign. The most expressed 11-year oscillation of the solar activity is in antiphase with 11-year periodicities of variations of annual average values of zonal wind. For the series of amplitudes of annual oscillations it is in phase with solar activity variations. In all probability, the most expressed solar effects on large-scale dynamic processes of atmosphere are mainly caused by 11-year periodicity of variations of solar activity. © 2006

    Seasonal variations of planetary waves intensity in the middle atmosphere

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    In this papers the investigation of time variations of the energy of background motions as well as the intensity of the planetary waves by continuous measurements in the height range of the middle-latitude middle atmosphere was fulfilled. Height and seasonal regularities for the period of time 1992-2001 are established. Oservatioris during the period close to the cycle of solar activity allow to find a stable height and seasonal structure of energetic parameters for the middle atmosphere being investigated in the work. We found differences of the height profiles of phases and also the difference of intensity of annual and semiannual oscillations of kinetic energy of background and vortical motions on the different height levels of the middle atmosphere. The annual oscillations prevail on heights of the tropostratosphere while the semiannual oscillations plays a main role in the seasonal varations on heights of the upper mesosphere - lower termosphere. The strong difference of height profiles of phase of the maximum of annual and semiannual oscillations on heights of the upper mesosphere - lower termosphere indicates the different origin of these oscillations in this height range

    Torrential rain forecast using the mesoscale model WRF-ARW

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    Annotation. Using a mesoscale model WRF-ARW1we made a torrential rain episode forecast on January 5-6, 2014 in the province of Khuzestan (Iran) with an advance time of 24, 48 and 72 hours. To find an optimal scheme of forecast we made numerical experiments with six sets of physical parameterizations. During the numerical experiments we were able to identify that the model showed the most sensitivity to cloudiness parameterization. The rating of a forecast made on an independent material showed that the used set of parameterizations of the model WRF-ARW allows to give satisfactory forecasts of heavy rainfall with an advance time of 24 hours