35 research outputs found


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    In two previous papers we computed cohomology groups for a range of levels , where is the congruence subgroup of consisting of all matrices with bottom row congruent to mod . In this note we update this earlier work by carrying it out for prime levels up to . This requires new methods in sparse matrix reduction, which are the main focus of the paper. Our computations involve matrices with up to 20 million nonzero entries. We also make two conjectures concerning the contributions to for prime coming from Eisenstein series and Siegel modular forms

    Cohomology of congruence subgroups of SL(4, Z) II

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    In a previous paper [3] we computed cohomology groups H5(..0(N),C), where ..0(N) is a certain congruence subgroup of SL(4,Z), for a range of levels N. In this note we update this earlier work by extending the range of levels and describe cuspidal cohomology classes and additional boundary phenomena found since the publication of [3]. The cuspidal cohomology classes in this paper are the first cuspforms for GL(4) concretely constructed in terms of Betti cohomology

    Automata and cells in affine Weyl groups

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    Let be an affine Weyl group, and let be a left, right, or two-sided Kazhdan-Lusztig cell in . Let be the set of all reduced expressions of elements of , regarded as a formal language in the sense of the theory of computation. We show that is a regular language. Hence, the reduced expressions of the elements in any Kazhdan-Lusztig cell can be enumerated by a finite state automaton