433 research outputs found

    Change in format, register and narration style in the biomedical literature: A 1948 example

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    Scientific communication has evolved over time and the formats of scientific writing, including its stylistic modules, have changed accordingly. Research articles from the past fit a research world that had not been taken over by the internet, electronic searches, the new media and even the science mass production of today and reflect a reality where scientific publications were designed to be read and appreciated by actual readers. It is therefore useful to have a look back to what science looked like in the past and examine the biomedical literature from older archives because several features of those publications may actually harbor vital insights for today's communication. Maintaining a vivid awareness of the evolution of science language and modalities of communication may ensure a better and steadfast progression and ameliorate academic writing in the years to come. With this goal in mind, the present commentary set out to review a 1948 scientific report by I.L. Bennett Jr, entitled "A study on the relationship between the fevers caused by bacterial pyrogens and by the intravenous injection of the sterile exudates of acute inflammation", which appeared in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in September 1948

    Relationships and events: towards a general theory of reification and truthmaking.

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    We propose a novel ontological analysis of relations and relationships based on a re-visitation of a classic problem in the practice of knowledge repre- sentation and conceptual modeling, namely relationship reification. Our idea is that a relation holds in virtue of a relationship's existence. Relationships are therefore truthmakers of relations. In this paper we present a general theory or reification and truthmaking, and discuss the interplay between events and rela- tionships, suggesting that relationships are the focus of events, which emerge from the context (the scene) they occur in

    Modelling international monthly tourism demand at the micro destination level with climate indicators and web-traffic data

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    We investigate if and how climate indicators and web-traffic data may improve the estimates of demand functions\u2019 parameters, considering specific origins and destinations. Overall, augmented demand functions show better fit and more reliable price and income elasticities whether the demand is measured with arrivals or with overnights. However, heterogeneity stemming from the main type of tourism (business vs. cultural vs. sea and sun) affects both the web-based and the climate indicators better describing tourists demand as well as their optimal lags. Our findings highlight the utility of such prompt and territorial detailed information for local policymakers, showing, however, how sensitive different demand segments are to policy intervention

    Ultrafast broadband optical modulation in indium tin oxide/titanium dioxide 1D photonic crystal

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    Photonic crystals can integrate plasmonic materials such as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) in their structure. Exploiting ITO plasmonic properties, it is possible to tune the photonic band gap of the photonic crystal upon the application of an external stimuli. In this work, we have fabricated a one-dimensional multilayer photonic crystal alternating ITO and Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) via radio frequency sputtering and we have triggered its optical response with ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation, we observe a change in the refractive index of ITO. Such an effect has been used to create a photonic crystal that changes its photonic bandgap in an ultrafast time scale. All optical modulation in the visible region, that can be tuned by designing the photonic crystal, has been demonstrated

    Large scale indium tin oxide (ITO) one dimensional gratings for ultrafast signal modulation in the visible spectral region

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    Indium tin oxide (ITO) is a heavily doped semiconductor with a plasmonic response in the near infrared region. When exposed to light, the distribution of conduction band electron induces a change in the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity. The coupling of the electromagnetic waves with the electrons in the conduction band of metallic nanostructures with ultrashort light pulses results in a nonlinear plasmonic response. Such optical modulation occurring on ultrafast time scales, e.g. picosecond response times, can be exploited and used to create integrated optical components with terahertz modulation speed. Here, we present a photophysical study on a one dimensional ITO grating, realized using a femtosecond micromachining process, a very industrially accessible technology. The geometries, dimensions and pitch of the various gratings analyzed are obtained by means of direct ablation in a controlled atmosphere of a homogeneous thin layer of ITO deposited on a glass substrate. The pitch has been selected in order to obtain a higher order of the photonic band gap in the visible spectral region. Femtosecond micromachining technology guarantees precision, repeatability and extreme manufacturing flexibility. By means of ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy, we characterize both the plasmon and inter-band temporal dynamics. We observe a large optical nonlinearity of the ITO grating in the visible range, where the photonic band gap occurs, when pumped at the surface plasmon resonance in the near infrared (1500 nm) region. All together, we show the possibility of all-optical signal modulation with heavily doped semiconductors in their transparency window with a picosecond response time through the formation of ITO grating structures

    4th international workshop on ontologies and conceptual modeling (Onto.Com)

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    The theme of the 4th International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling is foundational ontologies and their meta-ontological choices. Expert representatives of major foundational ontologies have been invited to discuss and compare their meta-ontological choices within the context of a common case study. The workshop is aimed at exploring the ways in which different meta-ontological choices impact conceptual modelling in information systems

    An Initial Empirical Assessment of an Ontological Model of the Human Genome

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    Conceptual modeling is used to model application domains for which an information system is needed. One of the most complex domains to which conceptual modeling has been applied is that of the human genome. Due to its complexity, its understanding is often left to domain experts. Conceptual models represent genomics-related concepts, with various purposes, including domain clarification or data structures design for facilitating data integration. However, traditional conceptual models, which might be expressed, for example, with UML, may not be appropriate for properly explaining such a complex domain, thus requiring an additional layer to ground the model on well-accepted ontological foundations. To achieve this result, an “ontological unpacking” method has been proposed that uses OntoUML as a visual formalism. In this research, we carry out an empirical study to compare the two mentioned representations. The study involved a small group of participants, who responded to a set of questions by reading either a UML model or its related OntoUML unpacked version; the results enabled us to assess their understanding of the domain. We aim to initiate a practical evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and user beliefs of models derived by ontologically unpacking traditional conceptual models. The results of the analysis provide the basis for a broader assessment

    Assessing the value of ontologically unpacking a conceptual model for human genomics

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    Although the knowledge about human genomics is available to all scientists, information about this scientific breakthrough can often be difficult to fully comprehend and share. A Conceptual Schema of the Human Genome was previously developed to assist in describing human genome-related knowledge, by representing a holistic view of the relevant concepts regarding its biology and underlying mechanisms. This model should become helpful for any researcher who works with human genomics data. We, therefore, perform the process of ontological unpacking on a portion of the model, to facilitate domain understanding and data exchange among heterogeneous systems. The ontological unpacking is a transformation of an input conceptual model into an enriched model based on a foundational ontology. The preliminary analysis and enrichment process are supported by the ontological conceptual modeling language OntoUML, which has been applied previously to complex models to gain ontological clarity. The value of the used method is first assessed from a theoretical point of view: the transformation results in significant, diverse modeling implications regarding the characterization of biological entities, the representation of their changes over time, and, more specifically, the description of chemical compounds. Since the ontological unpacking process is costly, an empirical evaluation is conducted to study the practical implications of applying it in a real learning setting. A particularly complex domain such as metabolic pathways is either described by adopting a traditional conceptual model or explained through an ontologically unpacked model obtained from a traditional model. Our research is evidence that including a strong ontological foundation in traditional conceptual models is useful. It contributes to designing models that convey biological domains better than the original models
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