2,662 research outputs found

    SPAG16 is a Bifunctional Gene Regulating Male Fertility

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    SPAG16 is the murine orthologue of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii PF20, a protein known to be essential to the structure and function of the “9 + 2” axoneme. The “9 + 2” axoneme provides the cytoskeletal core of all eukaryotic motile cilia and flagella. In Chlamydomonas, the Pf20 gene encodes a single protein present in the central pair of the axoneme. Loss of Pf20 prevents central pair assembly and results in flagellar paralysis. The murine Spag16 gene encodes two proteins. While 71 kDa SPAG16L is found in all murine cells with motile cilia or flagella, 35 kDa SPAG16S transcript and protein are detected only in male germ cells, suggesting a unique role distinct from general axoneme formation. Transgenic mouse studies published previously by our lab have shown that abrogation of both SPAG16 isoforms causes arrest of spermatogenesis, and the mutant allele is not transmitted to offspring by chimeric males. Mice homozygous for a knock-out of SPAG16L alone are infertile, but show no abnormalities in spermatogenesis. The defects seen in chimeric Spag16 mutant mice, unaccounted for by loss of SPAG16L, indicate a possible role for SPAG16S in the specialized process of male germ cell development. Our results demonstrate that SPAG16S is predominantly found in specific regions within the nucleus of round spermatids. These nuclear sub-domains also contain SC35, a known marker of nuclear speckles enriched in pre-mRNA splicing factors. Putative interaction partners of SPAG16S are also shown to play critical roles in the peri-nuclear region during the round spermatid transition to the condensation and elongation stage of spermiogenesis, the final specialization point in sperm development. The distinct localization of SPAG16S at this critical juncture, its interaction with discretely localized proteins at a critical temporal junction in spermatogenesis, and its ability to modulate SPAG16L expression, suggest that SPAG16S plays an important role in the gene expression machinery of male germ cells, and represents an evolutionary distinction in axoneme gene function

    A Forty Year Odyssey with Montana Wolves: Beginnings Through Five Years of State Management

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    This study traces wolf population growth in Montana from initial searches for wolves in 1973, through the first wolf radio-collared in the North Fork Flathead in 1979 up to the 2014 population.  Reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone NP and Central Idaho in 1995 and 1996 resulted in two “non-essential experimental” Montana recovery areas in addition to the Northwest Montana “endangered” recovery area.  From early in wolf recovery to present, livestock depredation control actions have removed individuals or packs from the population.  The first public harvest of wolves began in 2009, was stopped by legal action in 2010 and resumed in 2011 to present.  The Montana population appears to have leveled off at approximately 700-900 wolves.  Minimum counts peaked at 653 in 2011 and have been approximately 625 wolves for the last two years.  Approximately 60% of Montana’s wolves occupy the Northwest Montana recovery area.  Through the 5 years state harvests have been conducted, harvest quotas and restrictions on methods of take have been gradually relaxed.  However, those changes have resulted in relatively little change in harvest or in Montana’s wolf population.  Wolf depredation control actions have decreased since the advent of public harvests.  Wolves are here to stay at about the current population level, assuming no drastic changes in public harvests or wolf control actions

    Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and its maternal and fetal outcomes

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    We hereby report the results of a prospective cohort study where we compared the association of various demographic factors and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), determined the prevalence of GDM and its maternal and fetal outcomes

    Nanoreinforced Adhesives

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    Benign papillary cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube presenting as posterior fornix cyst: case report

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    Benign papillary cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube is very rare tumor of female genital tract. Usually asymptomatic and incidental finding. Worldwide literature only 18 cases were found. On account of its rarity and best of our knowledge, is the first case of benign papillary cystadenofiboma presented as posterior fornix cyst, so we are presenting this case. We report a rare case of benign papillary cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube in a 30-years old female P3L3 presenting with abdominal pain. On examination abdomen was soft, per vaginally mobile non-tender cystic mass of 5×4 cm was noted. Laparotomy was planned. Intraoperatively 5x4 cm cyst arising from serosal surface of left fallopian tube near fimbrial end noted with bilateral ovaries normal. Left fimbrial cystectomy with salpingectomy was done with sparing both ovaries. Histopathology suggestive of benign papillary cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube. Patient had uneventful recovery in follow up period. Benign papillary cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube is rare tumor found incidentally. Tumor seems to have benign course only cystectomy is required for treatment

    Assessing Age Structure, Winter Ticks and Nutritional Condition as Potential Drivers of Fecundity in Montana Moose

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    Fecundity in ungulates is an important component of population dynamics, and itself can be driven by differences in the age and nutritional condition of females.  As one element of a larger research project focused on moose (Alces alces) population dynamics and ecology, we examined nutritional condition, pregnancy rates, and litter sizes for moose in three Montana moose populations.  During the winters of 2013–2015 we captured 100 female moose ? 1 year old and assessed pregnancy status using assays of both serum (pregnancy specific protein B [PSPB]) and feces (fecal progesterone).  After calibrating the relationship between these two assays, we subsequently monitored pregnancy with feces alone for additional winters following capture.  Coincident with captures, animals were aged using tooth extraction and cementum analysis, nutritional condition was assessed using ultrasonography of rump fat thickness, and winter tick loads were estimated by counting ticks along transects of the rump and shoulder.  Additionally, the concentrations of nitrogen and neutral detergent fiber of winter pellets were measured during each winter as indices of dietary quality.  Here, we assess the importance of environmental and demographic factors in limiting moose productivity in Montana by examining the interdependence of forage, parasites, nutritional condition, age structure, and ultimately fecundity for female moose.  We then place these findings in context of fecundity rates observed for moose elsewhere within neighboring US Rocky Mountain populations and across North America

    Development and implementation of a decision pathway for general practitioners for the management or referral of suspected allergy.

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    Many patients with suspected allergy are referred to specialist care inappropriately. We aimed to develop and implement an online decision pathway to aid General Practitioners' (GPs) management decisions in suspected allergy. Our study involved 1487 GPs, 3 referral management centres, 5 GP system suppliers, 4 primary care trusts, and 1 specialist allergy clinic. The pathway was implemented by 3/5 GP system suppliers, published to Map of Medicine and on a specialist clinic website. In the first year, the pathway ranked in the top 10/160 local care maps accessed via Map of Medicine and was viewed 900 times. Only 96 GPs registered to use the clinic website. Only 110 (7%) GPs responded to the feedback request, of which 13/110 (12%) had used the pathway; nearly all thought it useful. It was used by referral management centres as explanation of rejected referrals. Alternative approaches to embed its use are required. Significance for public healthOne in three people in the UK are affected by allergies during their lifetime. Early diagnosis and appropriate management can improve quality of life and reduce emergency hospitalisation. However, referring patients to secondary care is costly in terms of time and resources. We developed a pathway algorithm to support General Practitioners' (GPs) allergy management and referral decisions to ensure that all referrals to specialist clinics were appropriate. The study illustrates a real world implementation with lessons for those seeking to improve the primary-secondary care interface, implementing pathways in various formats. In the UK, Map of Medicine seems to be the most used software. We demonstrated the difficulty of reaching GPs to encourage adoption of online decision support and suggest new ways forward by expanding care pathways into more detailed protocols for use directly by patients

    The impact of draping effects on the stiffness and failure behavior of unidirectional non-crimp fabric fiber reinforced composites

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    Unidirectional non-crimp fabrics (UD-NCF) are often used to exploit the lightweight potential of continuous fiber reinforced plastics (CoFRP). During the draping process, the UD-NCF fabric can undergo large deformations that alter the local fiber orientation, the local fiber volume content (FVC) and create local fiber waviness. Especially the FVC is affected and has a large impact on the mechanical properties. This impact, resulting from different deformation modes during draping, is in general not considered in composite design processes. To analyze the impact of different draping effects on the mechanical properties and the failure behavior of UD-NCF composites, experimental results of reference laminates are compared to the results of laminates with specifically induced draping effects, such as non-constant FVC and fiber waviness. Furthermore, an analytical model to predict the failure strengths of UD laminates with in-plane waviness is introduced. The resulting stiffness and strength values for different FVC or amplitude to wavelength configurations are presented and discussed. In addition, failure envelopes based on the PUCK failure criterion for each draping effect are derived, which show a clear specific impact on the mechanical properties. The findings suggest that each draping effect leads to a “new fabric” type. Additionally, analytical models are introduced and the experimental results are compared to the predictions. Results indicate that the models provide reliable predictions for each draping effect. Recommendations regarding necessary tests to consider each draping effect are presented. As a further prospect the resulting stiffness and strength values for each draping effect can be used for a more accurate prediction of the structural performance of CoFRP parts

    Industrial manufacturing and characterization of multiscale CFRP laminates made from prepregs containing graphene-related materials

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    The introduction of graphene-related materials (GRMs) in carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been proved to enhance their mechanical and electrical properties. However, methodologies to produce the 3-phase materials (multiscale composites) at an industrial scale and in an efficient manner are still lacking. In this paper, multiscale CFRP composites containing different GRMs have been manufactured following standard procedures currently used in the aerospace industry with the aim to evaluate its potential application. Graphite nanoplateletelets (GNPs), in situ exfoliated graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been dispersed into an epoxy resin to subsequently impregnate aeronautical grade carbon fibre tape. The resulting prepregs have been used for manufacturing laminates by hand lay-up and autoclave curing at 180 {\deg}C. Abroad characterization campaign has been carried out to understand the behaviour of the different multiscale laminates manufactured. The degree of cure, glass transition temperature and degradation temperature have been evaluated by thermal evolution techniques. Similarly, their mechanical properties (tensile, flexural, in-plane shear, interlaminar shear and mode I interlaminar fracture toughness) have been analysed together with their electrical conductivity. The manufacturing process resulted appropriated for producing three-phase laminates and their quality was as good as in conventional CFRPs. The addition ofGOand rGO resulted in an enhancement of the in-plane shear properties and delamination resistance while the addition ofGNPimproved the electrical conductivity