799 research outputs found

    Dynamics around supermassive black holes

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    The dynamics of galactic nuclei reflects the presence of supermassive black holes (SBHs) in many ways. Single SBHs act as sinks, destroying a mass in stars equal to their own mass in roughly one relaxation time and forcing nuclei to expand. Formation of binary SBHs displaces a mass in stars roughly equal to the binary mass, creating low-density cores and ejecting hyper-velocity stars. Gravitational radiation recoil can eject coalescing binary SBHs from nuclei, resulting in offset SBHs and lopsided cores. We review recent work on these mechanisms and discuss the observable consequences.Comment: Invited talk. To appear in "2007 STScI Spring Symposium: Black Holes", eds. M. Livio & A. M. Koekemoer. (Cambridge University Press, in press) 26 pages, 12 figure

    Hypervelocity stars from star clusters hosting Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) represent a unique population of stars in the Galaxy reflecting properties of the whole Galactic potential. Determining their origin is of fundamental importance to constrain the shape and mass of the dark halo. The leading scenario for the ejection of HVSs is an encounter with the supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre. However, new proper motions from the \textit{Gaia} mission indicate that only the fastest HVSs can be traced back to the Galactic centre and the remaining stars originate in the disc or halo. In this paper, we study HVSs generated by encounters of stellar binaries with an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) in the core of a star cluster. For the first time, we model the effect of the cluster orbit in the Galactic potential on the observable properties of the ejected population. HVSs generated by this mechanism do not travel on radial orbits consistent with a Galactic centre origin, but rather point back to their parent cluster, thus providing observational evidence for the presence of an IMBH. We also model the ejection of high-velocity stars from the Galactic population of globular clusters, assuming that they all contain an IMBH, including the effects of the cluster's orbit and propagation of the star in the Galactic potential up to detection. We find that high-velocity stars ejected by IMBHs have distinctive distributions in velocity, Galactocentric distance and Galactic latitude, which can be used to distinguish them from runaway stars and stars ejected from the Galactic Centre.Comment: 15 pages, 16 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Is NGC6752 hiding a double black hole binary in its core ?

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    NGC6752 hosts in its halo PSR J1911-5958A, a newly discovered binary millisecond pulsar which is the most distant pulsar ever known from the core of a globular cluster. Interestingly, its recycling history seems in conflict with a scenario of ejection resulting from ordinary stellar dynamical encounters. A scattering event off a binary system of two black holes with masses in the range of 3-50 solar masses that propelled PSR J1911-5958A into its current peripheral orbit seems more likely. It is still an observational challenge to unveil the imprint(s) left from such a dark massive binary on cluster's stars: PSR J1911-5958A may be the first case.Comment: 2 pages, newpasp.sty. To appear in "New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy", eds. G. Piotto, G. Meylan, G.Djorgovski, M. Riell

    Unveiling black holes ejected from globular clusters

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    Was the black hole in XTE J1118+480 ejected from a globular cluster or kicked away from the galactic disk?Comment: 2 pages, newpasp.sty. To appear in "New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy", eds. G. Piotto, G. Meylan, G.Djorgovski, M. Riell

    Perturbations induced by a molecular cloud on the young stellar disc in the Galactic Centre

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    The Galactic centre (GC) is a crowded environment: observations have revealed the presence of (molecular, atomic and ionized) gas, of a cusp of late-type stars, and of ~100 early-type stars, about half of which lying in one or possibly two discs. In this paper, we study the perturbations exerted on a thin stellar disc (with outer radius ~0.4 pc) by a molecular cloud that falls towards the GC and is disrupted by the supermassive black hole (SMBH). The initial conditions for the stellar disc were drawn from the results of previous simulations of molecular cloud infall and disruption in the SMBH potential. We find that most of the gas from the disrupted molecular cloud settles into a dense and irregular disc surrounding the SMBH. If the gas disc and the stellar disc are slightly misaligned (~5-20 deg), the precession of the stellar orbits induced by the gas disc significantly increases the inclinations of the stellar orbits (by a factor of ~3-5 in 1.5 Myr) with respect to the normal vector to the disc. Furthermore, the distribution of orbit inclinations becomes significantly broader. These results might be the clue to explain the broad distribution of observed inclinations of the early-type stars with respect to the normal vector of the main disc. We discuss the implications for the possibility that fresh gas was accreted by the GC after the formation of the disc(s) of early-type stars.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Three-body encounters in the Galactic centre: the origin of the hypervelocity star SDSS J090745.0+024507

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    Hills (1988) predicted that runaway stars could be accelerated to velocities larger than 1000 km/s by dynamical encounters with the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the Galactic center. The recently discovered hypervelocity star SDSS J090745.0+024507 (hereafter HVS) is escaping the Galaxy at high speed and could be the first object in this class. With the measured radial velocity and the estimated distance to the HVS, we trace back its trajectory in the Galactic potential. Assuming it was ejected from the center, we find that a \sim 2 mas/yr proper motion is necessary for the star to have come within a few parsecs of the SMBH. We perform three-body scattering experiments to constrain the progenitor encounter which accelerated the HVS. As proposed by Yu & Tremaine (2003), we consider the tidal disruption of binary systems by the SMBH and the encounter between a star and a binary black hole, as well as an alternative scenario involving intermediate mass black holes. We find that the tidal disruption of a stellar binary ejects stars with a larger velocity compared to the encounter between a single star and a binary black hole, but has a somewhat smaller ejection rate due to the greater availability of single stars.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Supernovae in the Central Parsec: A Mechanism for Producing Spatially Anisotropic Hypervelocity Stars

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    Several tens of hyper-velocity stars (HVSs) have been discovered escaping our Galaxy. These stars share a common origin in the Galactic centre and are distributed anisotropically in Galactic longitude and latitude. We examine the possibility that HVSs may be created as the result of supernovae occurring within binary systems in a disc of stars around Sgr A* over the last 100 Myr. Monte Carlo simulations show that the rate of binary disruption is ~10^-4 yr^-1, comparable to that of tidal disruption models. The supernova-induced HVS production rate (\Gamma_HVS) is significantly increased if the binaries are hardened via migration through a gaseous disc. Moderate hardening gives \Gamma_HVS ~ 2*10^-7 yr^-1 and an estimated population of ~20 HVSs in the last 100 Myr. Supernova-induced HVS production requires the internal and external orbital velocity vectors of the secondary binary component to be aligned when the binary is disrupted. This leaves an imprint of the disc geometry on the spatial distribution of the HVSs, producing a distinct anisotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Eccentric disc instability in stellar discs formed from inspiraling gas clouds in the Galactic Centre

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    The inspiral of a turbulent molecular cloud in the Galactic Centre may result in the formation of a small, dense and moderately eccentric gas disc around the supermassive black hole (SMBH). Such a disc is unstable to fragmentation and may lead to the formation of young massive stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy. Here we perform high-accuracy direct summation N-body simulations of a ring of massive stars (with initial semi-major axes 0.1 < a/pc < 0.4 and eccentricities 0.2 < e < 0.4), subject to the potential of the SMBH, a stellar cusp, and the parent gas disc, to study how the orbital elements of the ring evolve in time. The initial conditions for the stellar ring are drawn from the results of previous simulations of molecular cloud infall and disruption in the SMBH potential. While semi-major axes do not evolve significantly, the distribution of eccentricities spreads out very fast (~1 Myr) as a consequence of cusp precession. In particular, stellar orbits with initial eccentricity e>0.3 (e<0.3) tend to become even more (less) eccentric, resulting in a bimodal eccentricity distribution. The distribution is qualitatively consistent with that of the massive stars observed in the Galactic Centre's clockwise disc.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Semi-Analytic dynamical friction model that reproduces core stalling

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    We present a new semi-analytic model for dynamical friction based on Chandrasekhar's formalism. The key novelty is the introduction of physically motivated, radially varying, maximum and minimum impact parameters. With these, our model gives an excellent match to full N-body simulations for isotropic background density distributions, both cuspy and shallow, without any fine-tuning of the model parameters. In particular, we are able to reproduce the dramatic core-stalling effect that occurs in shallow/constant density cores, for the first time. This gives us new physical insight into the core-stalling phenomenon. We show that core stalling occurs in the limit in which the product of the Coulomb logarithm and the local fraction of stars with velocity lower than the infalling body tends to zero. For cuspy backgrounds, this occurs when the infalling mass approaches the enclosed background mass. For cored backgrounds, it occurs at larger distances from the centre, due to a combination of a rapidly increasing minimum impact parameter and a lack of slow moving stars in the core. This demonstrates that the physics of core-stalling is likely the same for both massive infalling objects and low-mass objects moving in shallow density backgrounds. We implement our prescription for dynamical friction in the direct summation code NBODY6 as an analytic correction for stars that remain within the Roche volume of the infalling object. This approach is computationally efficient, since only stars in the inspiralling system need to be evolved with direct summation. Our method can be applied to study a variety of astrophysical systems, including young star clusters orbiting near the Galactic Centre; globular clusters moving within the Galaxy; and dwarf galaxies orbiting within dark matter halos.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A semi-analytic dynamical friction model for cored galaxies

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    We present a dynamical friction model based on Chandrasekhar's formula that reproduces the fast inspiral and stalling experienced by satellites orbiting galaxies with a large constant density core. We show that the fast inspiral phase does not owe to resonance. Rather, it owes to the background velocity distribution function for the constant density cores being dissimilar from the usually-assumed Maxwellian distribution. Using the correct background velocity distribution function and the semi-analytic model from Petts et al. (2015), we are able to correctly reproduce the infall rate in both cored and cusped potentials. However, in the case of large cores, our model is no longer able to correctly capture core-stalling. We show that this stalling owes to the tidal radius of the satellite approaching the size of the core. By switching off dynamical friction when rt(r) = r (where rt is the tidal radius at the satellite's position) we arrive at a model which reproduces the N-body results remarkably well. Since the tidal radius can be very large for constant density background distributions, our model recovers the result that stalling can occur for Ms/Menc << 1, where Ms and Menc are the mass of the satellite and the enclosed galaxy mass, respectively. Finally, we include the contribution to dynamical friction that comes from stars moving faster than the satellite. This next-to-leading order effect becomes the dominant driver of inspiral near the core region, prior to stalling.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, resubmitted to MNRAS after responding to feedback from the refere