1,857 research outputs found

    Growth diversity in one dimensional fluctuating interfaces

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    A set of one dimensional interfaces involving attachment and detachment of kk-particle neighbors is studied numerically using both large scale simulations and finite size scaling analysis. A labeling algorithm introduced by Barma and Dhar in related spin Hamiltonians enables to characterize the asymptotic behavior of the interface width according to the initial state of the substrate. For equal deposition--evaporation probability rates it is found that in most cases the initial conditions induce regimes of saturated width. In turn, scaling exponents obtained for initially flat interfaces indicate power law growths which depend on kk. In contrast, for unequal probability rates the interface width exhibits a logarithmic growth for all k>1k > 1 regardless of the initial state of the substrate.Comment: Thoroughly extended and corrected version. Typeset in Latex, 20 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Revisiting Kawasaki dynamics in one dimension

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    Critical exponents of the Kawasaki dynamics in the Ising chain are re-examined numerically through the spectrum gap of evolution operators constructed both in spin and domain wall representations. At low temperature regimes the latter provides a rapid finite-size convergence to these exponents, which tend to z≃3.11z \simeq 3.11 for instant quenches under ferromagnetic couplings, while approaching to z≃2z \simeq 2 in the antiferro case. The spin representation complements the evaluation of dynamic exponents at higher temperature scales, where the kinetics still remains slow.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Low temperature Glauber dynamics under weak competing interactions

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    We consider the low but nonzero temperature regimes of the Glauber dynamics in a chain of Ising spins with first and second neighbor interactions J1, J2J_1,\, J_2. For 0<−J2/∣J1∣<10 < -J_2 / | J_1 | < 1 it is known that at T=0T = 0 the dynamics is both metastable and non-coarsening, while being always ergodic and coarsening in the limit of T→0+T \to 0^+. Based on finite-size scaling analyses of relaxation times, here we argue that in that latter situation the asymptotic kinetics of small or weakly frustrated −J2/∣J1∣-J_2/ | J_1 | ratios is characterized by an almost ballistic dynamic exponent z≃1.03(2)z \simeq 1.03(2) and arbitrarily slow velocities of growth. By contrast, for non-competing interactions the coarsening length scales are estimated to be almost diffusive.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures (composite). Brief additions and few changes. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-linear spectroscopy of rubidium: An undergraduate experiment

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    In this paper, we describe two complementary non-linear spectroscopy methods which both allow to achieve Doppler-free spectra of atomic gases. First, saturated absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure of the 5S1/2→5P3/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm P}_{3/2} transition in rubidium. Using a slightly modified experimental setup, Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy is then performed on the 5S1/2→5D5/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm D}_{5/2} transition in rubidium, leading to accurate measurements of the hyperfine structure of the 5D5/25{\rm D}_{5/2} energy level. In addition, electric dipole selection rules of the two-photon transition are investigated, first by modifying the polarization of the excitation laser, and then by measuring two-photon absorption spectra when a magnetic field is applied close to the rubidium vapor. All experiments are performed with the same grating-feedback laser diode, providing an opportunity to compare different high resolution spectroscopy methods using a single experimental setup. Such experiments may acquaint students with quantum mechanics selection rules, atomic spectra and Zeeman effect.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    No phase transition for Gaussian fields with bounded spins

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    Let a<b, \Omega=[a,b]^{\Z^d} and H be the (formal) Hamiltonian defined on \Omega by H(\eta) = \frac12 \sum_{x,y\in\Z^d} J(x-y) (\eta(x)-\eta(y))^2 where J:\Z^d\to\R is any summable non-negative symmetric function (J(x)\ge 0 for all x\in\Z^d, \sum_x J(x)<\infty and J(x)=J(-x)). We prove that there is a unique Gibbs measure on \Omega associated to H. The result is a consequence of the fact that the corresponding Gibbs sampler is attractive and has a unique invariant measure.Comment: 7 page

    Non-universal disordered Glauber dynamics

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    We consider the one-dimensional Glauber dynamics with coupling disorder in terms of bilinear fermion Hamiltonians. Dynamic exponents embodied in the spectrum gap of these latter are evaluated numerically by averaging over both binary and Gaussian disorder realizations. In the first case, these exponents are found to follow the non-universal values of those of plain dimerized chains. In the second situation their values are still non-universal and sub-diffusive below a critical variance above which, however, the relaxation time is suggested to grow as a stretched exponential of the equilibrium correlation length.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, brief addition

    Spatial diffusion in a periodic optical lattice: revisiting the Sisyphus effect

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    We numerically study the spatial diffusion of an atomic cloud experiencing Sisyphus cooling in a three-dimensional lin⊥\botlin optical lattice in a broad range of lattice parameters. In particular, we investigate the dependence on the size of the lattice sites which changes with the angle between the laser beams. We show that the steady-state temperature is largely independent of the lattice angle, but that the spatial diffusion changes significantly. It is shown that the numerical results fulfil the Einstein relations of Brownian motion in the jumping regime as well as in the oscillating regime. We finally derive an effective Brownian motion model from first principles which gives good agreement with the simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.
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