80 research outputs found

    Organizational principles related to the rehabilitation of children with congenital clubfoot

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    Referat wygłoszony w ramach V Międzynarodowych Dni Rehabilitacji "Potrzeby i standardy współczesnej rehabilitacji"

    Prerequisites for the formation of the concept. Physical therapy of children in need of palliative care

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    The purpose of the research is the scientific justification and development of a system of physical therapy for children who need palliative care. The methods of research in this case are empirical methods (description, comparison, measurement), the method of theoretical knowledge (axiomatic), general logical methods (analysis, synthesis), systematic approach. The basis of providing palliative care involves a patient-centered approach of a multidisciplinary team, the composition of which is determined by the patient's needs, his age, and the severity of his condition. If we consider the rehabilitation support of children who need non-oncological palliative care within the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, it can be stated that, having violations in the Body Structure and Functions component, they have significant limitations in the Activity-Participation component. Contextual factors – Environmental factors and Personal factors – play a significant role in the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation. After the rehabilitation instrumental examination, the needs of the child and his family members, child-centered tasks are identified, and the goal of physical therapy is formed. The means of the rehabilitation program are therapeutic physical culture, massage, positioning, dance and movement therapy, photo therapy and art therapy using the «hand in hand» method; selection of technical means of movement, rehabilitation equipment for modification of the educational space. Therefore, the means of the physical therapy program will be directed to reducing the complication of the main disease, will help to form the household-educational-social organization of the space of children of this category, will contribute to the emotional and psychological stability of patients, their family members, and representatives of the interdisciplinary team

    Moulding of professional and personal features of a character of future specialists on health

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    Peer-reviewed articleThe following article is studding and considering the results of the research work on the subject matter: personal example on the part of specialists on health in their activities in institutions of physical rehabilitation as well as their acquiring both physical and personal features of a character by the virtue of traditional Vedic (ancient Indian) knowledge such as Ayurveda and BhagavataPurana, which in turn contain some practical recommendations pertaining to support of health and development of consciousness on the basis of profound unity both of spiritual, psychological as well as physical state of a person

    Przegląd kliniczny terapią fizyczną przy ataksji

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    In the article the clinical activity of a physical therapist for patients with ataxia. Analyzed the causes of ataxia, physical examination of patient and rehabilitation interventions in this pathology. Ataxia – (from the Greek α- [means denying] and τάξις order) means a violation of the coordination of voluntary movement, is a neurological symptom. Ataxia is a non-specific clinical manifestation, which indicates that the dysfunction of the nervous system, namely the ability to co-ordinate voluntary motions (for example, cerebellum). Codes of the International classification of functions, disability and health (ICF): b750 (Motor reflex functions), b755 (Involuntary movement reaction functions), b760 (Control of voluntary movement functions), b765 (Involuntary movement functions), b770 (Gait pattern functions). Various means of physical therapy efficiency are confirmed by international surveys of scientific and evidence-based practice, namely: approaches to improve proprioceptive, measures to improve balance, vestibular exercises, approaches to minimized limb ataxia and the use of supportive aids. Separately considered rehabilitative interventions to improve gait in patients with ataxia. Conclusion. The on top of mentioned elements of the physical therapy intervention to help the physical therapist to reduce signs of ataxia and minimize the limited opportunities, which arises as a result of this dysfunction.W artykule klinicznej aktywności terapeuta fizycznego dla pacjentów z ataksji. Analizowano przyczyny ataksji, fizycznego badania pacjenta i rehabilitacji interwencji w tej patologii. Ataksja – (z greckiego α – [oznacza zaprzeczanie] i aby τάξις) zespół objawów określających zaburzenia koordynacji ruchowej ciała. Stanowi jedną z manifestacji wielu chorób centralnego układu nerwowego. Ataksja jest niespecyficznym objawem klinicznym który wskazuje, że zaburzenie układu nerwowego, mianowicie zdolność do koordynowania ruchów dobrowolnych (na przykład, móżdżek). Kodeksy Międzynarodowej klasyfikacji funkcjonowania, niepełnosprawności i zdrowia (ICF): B750 (funkcje motorowe reflex), B755 (funkcje ruchy mimowolne reakcji), b760 (funkcji control dobrowolnych ruchowych) , b765 (funkcje mimowolna ruchowa), b770 (funkcje wzorzec chodu). Różne środki sprawności terapii fizycznej są potwierdzone przez międzynarodowych badań naukowych i praktyki opartej na dowodach, a mianowicie: metody poprawy propriocepcji, środki w celu poprawy równowagi, ćwiczenia, przedsionkowego podejścia do minimalizacji ataksja kończyn i stosowanie wspomagających środków pomocniczych. Osobno proanalizovano rehabilitacyjne interwencje w celu poprawy chodu u pacjentów z ataksji. Wnioski: Z powyżej wspomnianych elementów terapią fizyczną pomoże fizycznej terapeuta zmniejszyć objawy ataksja, zminimalizować ograniczone możliwości, które powstaje w wyniku tej czynności

    Selection of key criteria for assessment tools for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    The article discusses the main criteria for assessment tools for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, analyses the methods and questionnaires most commonly used in medical and rehabilitation practice, in particular, taking into account the International Functioning Qualification and the recommendations of the Ukrainian Association of Rheumatologists on the treatment of the disease. The purpose of the paper is to analyse and identify the main criteria for assessment tools for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific data in the modern scientific and methodological literature and selection of the main assessment tools for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results. The examination of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis is based on determining the objective condition of all organs and systems, the condition of the affected joints, which is the key to establishing a diagnosis, planning and predicting a physical therapy programme. In the course of the study, we found that researchers use different criteria and methodological approaches to the rehabilitation examination of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Usually, examination of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis is based on generally accepted methods, which include: finding out the patient's complaints; careful collection of anamnesis (history) of the disease; objective assessment of vital body systems; objective examination, palpation of affected joints; use of additional research methods. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis of scientific achievements in the modern scientific and methodological literature, we have identified the following main criteria for the assessment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: determination of motor and functional disorders, VAS, Ketle index, MMT, goniometry, dynamometry, BCTQ, Sollerman hand function test, DASH, HADS, Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire, and the EuroQol-5D-5L

    Влияние ценностных ориентаций родителей на воспитание здорового ребенка

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    The study aims to identify parents’ value orientations, find out their valeological culture and activity in the upbringing of a healthy child. The family plays a crucial role in creating the foundation of child’s health. This is sort of microsocial institution that creates the ability to activate personal potentially present, given by nature bioenergetic opportunities. Obtained during the investigation data testify to an inadequate level of valeological culture and parents’ activity and allow to suggest that the family today does not fully perform its functions towards the formation of the principles of children’s healthy lifestyle. In this regard, particular actuality has the need for targeted formation of parents’ health culture that is important for primary orientation of children in the organization of healthy lifestyle. Today actual is the problem of developing the pedagogic strategies of forming the foundations of children’s healthy life in the system “family – preschool educational establishment – school”.Целью исследования есть выявление в родителей ценностных ориентаций, уровня их культуры здоровья, а также активности в воспитании здорового ребенка. Семья играет решающую роль в создании фундамента здоровья ребенка. Это своего рода, микросоциальная среда, что создает возможность активировать личный потенциал дошкольника. Полученные в ходе исследования данные свидетельствуют о недостаточном уровне культуры здоровья и активности родителей, что позволяют утверждать тот факт, что семья сегодня не в полной мере выполняет свои функции по отношению к формированию принципов здорового образа жизни детей. В этой связи особую актуальность имеет необходимость целенаправленного формирования родительской культуры здоровья, что важно для первичной ориентации детей в организации здорового образа жизни. Сегодня актуальной является проблема разработки психолого-педагогических стратегий формирования основ здорового образа жизни детей в системе “семья – дошкольное образовательное учреждение– школа”

    Przegląd kliniczny terapią fizyczną zaburzenia połykania po udarze

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    Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleArtykuł analizuje mechanizmy zaburzenia połykania z powodu incydentu mózgowo-naczyniowego. Metody oceny zaburzeń połykania i jego występowania w populacji. Przegląd medycyny opartej na dowodach praktyki interwencji fizycznej terapii u pacjentów z zaburzeniami połykania. Artykuł skupia się na skuteczności niektórych ćwiczeń i technik do zarządzania konsekwencjami dysfagii. Zaburzenia połykania (dysfagia: phagia – jeść, dys – trudność lub upośledzenie) – termin medyczny określający utrudnione przechodzenie pokarmu z jamy ustnej przez przełyk do żołądka. Dysfagia bardzo ujemnie wpływa na jakość życia pacjenta, co prowadzi do poważnych konsekwencji ze strony układu oddechowego, odwodnienie, wyniszczenie. Według danych różnych autorów, od 25 do 65% pacjentów przyjmowanych do leczenia szpitalnego w ostrym okresie mają zaburzenia połykania. Największa częstość występowania zaburzeń połykania ma w środowisku osób pochodzenia azjatyckiego. Wszystkie inne rasy wpływa jednakowo. Przegląd kliniczny badań i rehabilitacji opartei na dowody wskazują, że możliwe jest zastosowanie trzech przyjęć: manewr Mendelssohna; manewr Masako; ćwiczenia Shaker.The article analyzes the mechanisms of swallowing due to violations of acute cerebrovascular accident. The methods of evaluation of dysphagia and its prevalence in the population. An overview of scientific evidence-based practice of physical therapy intervention in patients with dysphagia. Article focuses on the effectiveness of certain exercises and techniques to manage the consequences of dysphagia. Dysphagia (from the dys and Greek phagéin – is swallow) – a disorder of the act of swallowing. Dysphagia very negatively affects the quality of life of the patient, leading to serious consequences on the part of the respiratory system, dehydration, cachexia. According to the data of different authors, from 25 to 65% of patients admitted to inpatient treatment in the acute period have dysphagia. The highest incidence of dysphagia has in the environment of people of Asian origin. All the other races are affected equally. Clinical overview of the research and evidence-based rehabilitation indicates that it is possible to apply the three receptions: Maneuver Mendelssohn; Maneuver Masako; Exercises Shaker

    Improvement of life quality of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis with help of physical activity

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    In the article was carried research of prevalence of rheumatoid diseases among the world population and in Ukraine. According to the analysis of the literature, were highlighted the main elements of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, are described levels of activity of rheumatoid process and criteria of determination the functional capacity of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that a sedentary lifestyle, low level of physical preparedness – two factors, that are typical for many patients, who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. It was determinate, that difficulty status of patient with rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by pain syndrome, deterioration of physical function, declining index of physical health, significantly affecting on quality of life. The article summarized and presented modern views and tendencies as for physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was considered the main approaches to the appointment of means of medical physical culture in system of physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis on a stationary phase of treatment. There was determinate, that physical rehabilitation is an essential component of successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Particularly, systematic physical exercises improve general health, reduce pain, increase mobility, contributing to the saving of functional activity of the joints, have positive effect on the heart’s work and on the general circulation of the blood and thus, improve the quality of patients’ life. It was proved the necessity in development and theoretical substantiation of the concept of physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Modern view on chronic fatigue syndrome and approaches to physical rehabilitation

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease with insufficiently studied hitherto etiology and pathogenesis. Purpose: based on the analysis of literature to form a modern understanding of the syndrome of chronic fatigue and approaches to physical rehabilitation. Methods of the research: analysis of scientific literature, synthesis and generalization. Results: A perspective on the evaluation of the pathogenesis of the disease and the development of new treatments is the view on chronic fatigue syndrome as a pronounced disadapted syndrome, against which the effects of viral infection and immune system disorders are manifested. In the study of predisposing to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome factors, along with high stress, social and economic instability, pollution of the environment, very important are the low standard of living, poor quality and expensive (not available) medical assistance. For patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, compulsory daily walks, therapeutic gymnastics courses, massage, hydrotherapy and autogenous training are recommended. Essential role belongs to complex sanatorium treatment (sparing-training regime of motor activity, diet, internal use of drinking mineral water, mineral baths) and physiotherapy methods. Conclusions: The provision of medical care for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome should begin with early detection of the symptom complex and further readaptation and rehabilitation. The main principle of treatment and rehabilitation of chronic fatigue syndrome is its complexity

    Main provisions of the concept of physical therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    The purpose, main tasks and principles of the author's concept are defined, conceptual approaches to the problems of physical therapy of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are analyzed. The main approaches to the prerequisites for the development of the author's concept of restoring the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are considered, which include: biological, social and personal prerequisites. A system of restoration and improvement of the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis has been developed, which consists in the integrated application of rehabilitation measures, taking into account the individual and interdisciplinary approach to each patient in each of the recovery periods. The methodological approaches in accordance with the domains of the International classification of functioning, taking into account the factors that affect the level of functional impairment and quality of life of the patient, are taken into account. It is emphasised that the proposed concept was holistic in nature, based on the targeted use of a comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical and rehabilitation approach, physical therapy programmes were individually selected for each patient, taking into account functional joint disability, rheumatoid arthritis activity, quality of life and health status of patients. The article presents the technology of rehabilitation measures to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, achieve clinical remission, reduce pain, improve joint motor function, prevent deformities and contractures, maintain performance and improve quality of life. It was noted that the realization of the restorative effect in accordance with the tasks of physical therapy varied. Each patient was given a personalized approach to rehabilitation intervention, taking into account the degree of functional joint disability, participation in work life and psychosocial issues