14 research outputs found

    O compartilhamento do conhecimento e a influência da cultura organizacional: estudo de caso do Centro de Inovações em Negócios (CINg) da Fundação Centros de Referência em Tecnologias Inovadoras (CERTI)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-EconômicoO principal objetivo deste estudo é a verificação da percepção das pessoas, as práticas adotadas e a influência da cultura organizacional no compartilhamento do conhecimento, em um centro específico de uma fundação de caráter privado da cidade de Florianópolis, SC. Para atingir este propósito, o estudo inclui o levantamento teórico sobre a gestão do conhecimento, o compartilhamento do conhecimento e a cultura organizacional. Na parte empírica, foram obtidos dados sobre a percepção das pessoas quanto ao compartilhamento do conhecimento, as práticas organizacionais de compartilhamento do conhecimento utilizadas e a influência de alguns elementos culturais no processo de compartilhamento do conhecimento. Metodologicamente, esclareceu-se o enfoque teórico através de dados secundários como bibliografia, artigos e documentos da organização. Na parte empírica utilizou-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação livre. Os resultados refletem que o compartilhamento do conhecimento é considerado importante e necessário para o Centro; que as práticas adotadas para o compartilhamento são as reuniões, palestras e apresentações, relatórios, repositório de conhecimento, correio eletrônico e conversa. Os elementos culturais que influenciam de forma mais positiva no compartilhamento são os artefatos e criações visuais, o sistema de comunicação e o processo decisório, enquanto os elementos que influenciam de forma mais negativa são o sistema gerencial-administrativo, as políticas de recursos humanos e o processo de socialização de novos membro


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    Um dos grandes desafios das organizações é o compartilhamento dos conhecimentos existentes em seu interior. Para estudar o tema, traçou-se como objetivo verificar a influência da cultura organizacional no compartilhamento do conhecimento. Para atingir este propósito, trabalhou-se em duas frentes de investigação: a bibliográfica e a pesquisa de campo. Na primeira, foi realizado um levantamento teórico sobre gestão do conhecimento, compartilhamento do conhecimento e cultura organizacional. Na segunda, utilizou-se um estudo de caso, com o método de abordagem qualitativo do tipo exploratório e descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os integrantes de um dos centros de uma fundação de caráter privado da cidade de Florianópolis, SC. Os resultados obtidos refletem que os elementos culturais influenciam de forma positiva ou negativa no compartilhamento do conhecimento organizacional

    Real-time automatic integrated monitoring of barn environment and dairy cattle behaviour: Technical implementation and evaluation on three commercial farms

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    Due to increasing herd sizes and automation on dairy farms there is an important need for automated monitoring of cow production, health, and welfare. Despite much progress in automatic monitoring techniques, there is still a need to integrate data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive overview and accurate diagnosis of a cow’s state. To aid the technological development of data integration, a prototype of an open and customizable automatic system that integrates data from multiple sensors relating to barn environment and cow behaviour was developed. The system integrates data from sensors that measure barn climate (e.g., temperature, humidity, wind speed), air quality (e.g., CO2 concentration), water use and temperature, the moisture and temperature of the litter and cow behaviour (e.g., lying, eating, ruminating). An external weather system and video recording system are also included. The system’s architecture consists of four main elements: sensors, nodes, gateways, and backend. The data are recorded by sensors, then locally processed on custom-developed sensor nodes, and then transmitted via radio channels to local gateways that combine the data from multiple nodes and transmit them to distributed digital storage (“the cloud”) via a 3G/4G cellular network. On the cloud, the data are further processed and stored in a database. The data are then presented to the user continuously and in real time on a dashboard that can be accessed via the internet. In the design of the local wireless network, care was taken to avoid data packet collision and thus to minimize data loss. To test the system’s performance, the system was installed and operated on three commercial dairy cattle farms for one year. The system provided high data stability with minimal loss and outliers, showing that the system is reliable and suitable for long term application on commercial dairy farms. The system’s architecture, communication network, and data processing and visualization applications form an open framework for research and development purposes, allowing it to be customized and fine-tuned before being deployed as a management assistant on commercial dairy farms. Missing elements that should be added in the future are the integration of the data from the milking parlour and cow identification. Algorithms to integrate information from multiple sensors can be added to provide a comprehensive system that monitors all aspects related to cow welfare, health, and production automatically, remotely and in real time, thereby supporting farmers in important management decision-making

    An exploratory study on the effectiveness of virtual reality analgesia for children and adolescents with kidney diseases undergoing venipuncture

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    The current study evaluated the effectiveness of VR analgesia among pediatric and adolescent patients with kidney disease undergoing venipuncture. Patients at an Italian Children’s hospital (N = 82, age range 7–17 years) undergoing venipuncture were randomly assigned to a No VR group (non-medical conversation) vs. a Yes VR group (VR analgesia). After the procedure, patients gave 0–10 Verbal Numeric Pain Scale ratings. Compared with patients in the No VR Group, patients in the Yes VR group reported significantly lower “Pain intensity”(No VR mean = 2.74, SD = 2.76 vs. Yes VR mean = 1.56, SD = 1.83) and the VR group also rated “Pain unpleasantness” significantly lower than the No VR group (No VR mean = 2.41, SD = 0.94 vs. Yes VR mean = 1.17, SD = 1.80). Patients distracted with VR also reported having significantly more fun during the venipuncture procedure. No side effects emerged. In addition to reducing pain intensity, VR has the potential to make venipuncture a more fun and less unpleasant experience for children with CKD, as measured in the present study for the first time. Finally, in exploratory analyses, children aged 7–11 in the VR group reported 55% lower worst pain than control subjects in the same age range, whereas children aged 12 to 17 in the VR group only reported 35% lower worst pain than control subjects. Additional research and development using more immersive VR is recommended.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a New Wearable 3D Sensor Node and Innovative Open Classification System for Dairy Cows' Behavior

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    Simple Summary In order to keep dairy cows under satisfactory health and welfare conditions, it is very important to monitor the animals in their living environment. With the support of technology, and, in particular, with the installation of sensors on neck-collars, cow behavior can be adequately monitored, and different behavioral patterns can be classified. In this study, an open and customizable device has been developed to classify the behaviors of dairy cows. The device communicates with a mobile application via Bluetooth to acquire raw data from behavioral observations and via an ad hoc radio channel to send the data from the device to the gateway. After observing 32 cows on 3 farms for a total of 108 h, several machine learning algorithms were trained to classify their behaviors. The decision tree algorithm was found to be the best compromise between complexity and accuracy to classify standing, lying, eating, and ruminating. The open nature of the system enables the addition of other functions (e.g., localization) and the integration with other information sources, e.g., climatic sensors, to provide a more complete picture of cow health and welfare in the barn. Monitoring dairy cattle behavior can improve the detection of health and welfare issues for early interventions. Often commercial sensors do not provide researchers with sufficient raw and open data; therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an open and customizable system to classify cattle behaviors. A 3D accelerometer device and host-board (i.e., sensor node) were embedded in a case and fixed on a dairy cow collar. It was developed to work in two modes: (1) acquisition mode, where a mobile application supported the raw data collection during observations; and (2) operating mode, where data was processed and sent to a gateway and on the cloud. Accelerations were sampled at 25 Hz and behaviors were classified in 10-min windows. Several algorithms were trained with the 108 h of behavioral data acquired from 32 cows on 3 farms, and after evaluating their computational/memory complexity and accuracy, the Decision Tree algorithm was selected. This model detected standing, lying, eating, and ruminating with an average accuracy of 85.12%. The open nature of this system enables for the addition of other functions (e.g., real-time localization of cows) and the integration with other information sources, e.g., microenvironment and air quality sensors, thereby enhancing data processing potential

    Alginate-amphotericin B nanocomplexes covered by nanocrystals from bacterial cellulose: physico-chemical characterization and in vitro toxicity

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    Nanocomplexes systems made up natural poylymers have pharmacotechnical advantages such as increase of water solubility and a decrease of drugs toxicity. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a drug apply as anti-leishmanial and anti-fungal, however it has low water solubility and high toxicity, limiting its therapeutic application. With this in mind, the present study aimed to produce nanocomplexes composed by alginate (Alg), a natural polymer, with AmB covered by nanocrystals from bacterial cellulose (CNC). For this reason, the nanocomplexes were produced utilizing sodium alginate, amphotericin B in a borate buffer (pH 11.0). The CNC was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of the bacterial cellulose. To CNC cover the nanocomplexes 1 ml of the nanocomplexes was added into 1 ml of 0.01% CNC suspension. The results showed an ionic adsorption of the CNC into the Alg-AmB nanocomplexes surface. This phenomena was confirmed by an increase in the particle size and PDI decrease. Besides, nanocomplexes samples covered by CNC showed uniformity. The amorphous inclusion of AmB complex into the polysaccharide chain network in both formulations. AmB in the nanocomplexes was in supper-aggregated form and showed good biocompatibility, being significantly less cytotoxic in vitro against kidney cells and significantly less hemolytic compared to the free-drug. The in vitro toxicity results indicated the Alg-AmB nanocomplexes can be considered a non-toxic alternative to improve the AmB therapeutic effect. All process to obtain nanocomplexes and it coat was conduce without organic solvents, can be considered a green process, and allowed to obtain water soluble particles. Furthermore, CNC covering the nanocomplexes brought additional protection to the system can contribut advancement in the pharmaceutical.The authors acknowledge financial support from Coordination for Higher Level Graduate Improvements (CAPES/Brazil, finance code 001), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/Brazil Process #428751/2016-4), and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP/Brazil, processes #2019/22626-5 and #2018/10508-5).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early Evidence of the Interplay between Separation Anxiety Symptoms and COVID-19-Related Worries in a Group of Children Diagnosed with Cancer and Their Mothers

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    Having cancer in childhood is a risk factor for separation anxiety symptoms, with negative effects on the disease and psychological wellbeing. The Covid-19-pandemic-related concerns could have a negative effect. The present study explores the interplay between separation anxiety symptoms and COVID-19-related worries in pediatric cancer patients and their mothers, compared to a group of healthy children and their mothers, during the pandemic. Thirty-three subjects with cancer, aged 7-15 years, and their mothers were compared to a control sample of 36 healthy children and caregivers. They were administered a pandemic-related psychological experience survey and standardized questionnaires assessing psychological wellbeing, anxiety, and separation anxiety symptoms. Children with cancer reported significantly higher prosocial behaviors, fear of being alone, and fear of abandonment. Their mothers had worse psychological wellbeing, higher COVID-19 concerns, anxiety, and separation anxiety symptoms. The multiple linear regression model showed that an increase in children's separation anxiety symptoms was associated with younger age, more recent diagnosis, more mother-child time, lower mothers' worry for children's contagion, and higher mothers' and children's anxiety. COVID-19-related worries of clinical children's mothers seem to be protective for children's psychological wellbeing. Early psychosocial support interventions for mothers are essential in health services for cancer

    Nonprofits and theirs communication professionals: their role in today's world

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    This paper addresses the questions, perplexities and results of an ongoing project that involves mixed methods analysis and that has as its main purpose to understand the role of the communication professionals in the non for profit organisations in Portugal. The specific research questions that this paper addresses may be summarised as an interrogation about the role that the communication professionals are called to fulfill in these institutions. Do the communication professionals have technical, tactical and strategic responsibilities in the portuguese non for profit organisations?Projeto de investigação desenvolvido com o apoio do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, no âmbito do Concurso IDI&CA - ref. IPL/2017/CFD_ESCSN/