3,916 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship in the old en new Europe

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    Developing a dynamic SME sector is essential for countries transforming their centrally planned economy into a market oriented one. New firm formation is the major driver of this transition. Obviously, entrepreneurial energy is a necessary condition for new firm formation. This paper uses 2004 survey data from the 25 EU member states and the US to explain country differences in entrepreneurial energy. This energy is captured as latent and actual entrepreneurship.

    Entrepreneurial engagement levels in the European Union

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    A multinomial logit model and survey data from the 25 EU member states and the US are used to establish the effect of demographic and other variables on various entrepreneurial engagement levels. These engagement levels range from 'never thought about starting a business' to 'thinking about it', 'taking steps for starting up', 'having a young business', 'having an older business' and 'no longer being an entrepreneur'. Data of the 2004 Entrepreneurship Flash Eurobarometer survey containing over 13,500 observations is used. Other than demographic variables such as gender, age, education level and whether parents are self-employed, the set of explanatory variables used includes country specific effects, measures of risk tolerance, internal and external locus of control and four perceptions of 'obstacles'.

    Latent and actual entrepreneurship in Europe and the US: some recent developments

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    This paper uses 2004 survey data from the 15 old EU member states and the US to explain country differences in latent and actual entrepreneurship. Other than demographic variables such as gender, age and education, the set of covariates includes the perception by respondents of administrative complexities, of availability of financial support and of risk tolerance as well as country-specific effects. A comparison is made with results using a similar survey in 2000. While a majority of the surveyed population identifies lack of financial support as an obstacle to starting a new business, the role of this variable in both latent and actual entrepreneurship appears to be even more counterintuitive in 2004 than in 2000.

    Controlling service work: An ambiguous accomplishment between employees, management and customers

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    In order to understand the control of service work, most service literature has focused on its production while treating the customer as secondary. The consumption literature emphasizes the customer’s role but lacks empirical evidence for its claims. Using an ethnographic study of an ‘exclusive’ department store, this article aims to reduce the gap between these two bodies of literature by investigating how employees, management and customers control service work. The findings suggest that the maintenance of class difference combined with competing expectations of managers, employees and customers makes the management of service work highly ambiguous and reveals a continuing instability between managerial practices of control and consumer culture

    Learning with Errors is easy with quantum samples

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    Learning with Errors is one of the fundamental problems in computational learning theory and has in the last years become the cornerstone of post-quantum cryptography. In this work, we study the quantum sample complexity of Learning with Errors and show that there exists an efficient quantum learning algorithm (with polynomial sample and time complexity) for the Learning with Errors problem where the error distribution is the one used in cryptography. While our quantum learning algorithm does not break the LWE-based encryption schemes proposed in the cryptography literature, it does have some interesting implications for cryptography: first, when building an LWE-based scheme, one needs to be careful about the access to the public-key generation algorithm that is given to the adversary; second, our algorithm shows a possible way for attacking LWE-based encryption by using classical samples to approximate the quantum sample state, since then using our quantum learning algorithm would solve LWE

    Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs

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    In this work we consider the interplay between multiprover interactive proofs, quantum entanglement, and zero knowledge proofs - notions that are central pillars of complexity theory, quantum information and cryptography. In particular, we study the relationship between the complexity class MIP∗^*, the set of languages decidable by multiprover interactive proofs with quantumly entangled provers, and the class PZKMIP∗^*, which is the set of languages decidable by MIP∗^* protocols that furthermore possess the perfect zero knowledge property. Our main result is that the two classes are equal, i.e., MIP∗=^* = PZKMIP∗^*. This result provides a quantum analogue of the celebrated result of Ben-Or, Goldwasser, Kilian, and Wigderson (STOC 1988) who show that MIP == PZKMIP (in other words, all classical multiprover interactive protocols can be made zero knowledge). We prove our result by showing that every MIP∗^* protocol can be efficiently transformed into an equivalent zero knowledge MIP∗^* protocol in a manner that preserves the completeness-soundness gap. Combining our transformation with previous results by Slofstra (Forum of Mathematics, Pi 2019) and Fitzsimons, Ji, Vidick and Yuen (STOC 2019), we obtain the corollary that all co-recursively enumerable languages (which include undecidable problems as well as all decidable problems) have zero knowledge MIP∗^* protocols with vanishing promise gap

    Determinants of self-employment preference and realization of women and men in Europe and the United States

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    Female self-employment rates are consistently lower than those of men. This untapped female potential has drawn the attention of policy makers. In the present paper the determinants of selfemployment rates of both men and women are investigated in the context of a two-equation model explaining both actual self-employment and the preference for self-employment. A systematic distinction is made between different ways in which gender can exert influence on (preference for) self-employment,including moderation, mediation and direct effects. Using Flash Eurobarometer data of about 8,000 individuals from 29 countries (including the 15 old EU member states, 10 new EU member states and the United States) probit equations are estimated explaining the (preference for) self-employment. Next to gender, explanatory variables include age, education, social capital, risk attitude, locus of control and perceptions of the entrepreneurial environment. Findings show that at least part of the explanation of the lower female self-employment rate is caused by a lower preference for women to become self-employed. We do not find evidence for a moderating effect of gender on the relationship between self-employment and the preference for self-employment, indicating that�' other things equal�' women and men who have a preference to become self-employed do not differ with respect to the impact of this preference on its materialization. Read also�the new version of this paper: R200803,��"Explaining preferences and actual involvement in self-employment: new insights into the role of gender."

    Explaining Preferences and Actual Involvement in Self-Employment: New Insights into the role of Gender

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    This paper investigates why self-employment rates of women are consistently lower than those of men. It has three focal points: it discriminates between the preference for self-employment and actual involvement in self-employment for women and men. It uses a huge data set from about 8,000 individuals across 26 countries while probit equations are estimated explaining (the preference for) self-employment. And a systematic distinction is made between different ways in which gender can influence the preference for and actual involvement in self-employment, including moderation, mediation and direct effects. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour we investigate effects of risk attitude,social norms, locus of control, perceptions of the entrepreneurial environment as well as that of an individual’s age and educational attainment. Findings show that the lower preference of women to become self-employed largely explains their relatively low involvement in self-employment and that – other things equal – women and men who express a preference for it, have equal chances of becoming self-employed. This paperis a new version of H200622, "Determinants of self-employment preference and realization of women and men in Europe and the United States"

    Globalization, entrepreneurship and the region

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    The present document analyzes the linkages between globalization, entrepreneurship and the role of regions. After dealing with the meaning of globalization, the regional dimension of the response to globalization is described where downsizing, knowledge spillovers and agglomeration are the essential phenomena. Next, it is shown how these developments have led to the emergence of new entrepreneurial activities. Subsequently, more details are given on the effects of the information and communication (ICT) revolution on the organization of industry in a globalized economy. Finally, it is concluded that policies promoting both knowledge investments as well as entrepreneurship have become prominent for many regions in the most developed countries. �
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