126 research outputs found

    Public and private affairs marketing in rural tourism development

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    In Romania, the agro and rural tourism started as potential sources of living and become an alternative for the classic tourism. As we rise up on the presented papers in 2003, even if there is a significant development of the rural tourism, it is not very attractive to the Romanian people. The study made on County Dambovita area, shows that an important reason of the poor attractiveness of agro-tourism in mountains rural area is the les proper marketing of the services. Based on these conclusion and taking advantages on the public administration area, it was started a program of public and private marketing of rural tourism. The main stages of the programme were: 1) the evaluation of specific indicators of rural tourism like staying overnights, net using capacity in function and quality of provided services; 2) provide information and advertise the area facilities and natural environment using the public administration infrastructure; 3) make the link between the owners of tourism capacities and public servants by a briefly marketing training; 4) re-evaluation the indicators mention above. The results of the programme implementation prove that the public and private marketing, used in partnership by local authorities and of rural tourism services providers, could be a tool of better development. Never the les, the win-win situation rise up from the benefit of general economic development of the area obtained due to a larger flux of domestic and foreign tourists.tourism, development, public, private affairs, marketing

    Public administration role in infrastructure development

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    The infrastructure (transport) is essential for the economic development of a region. If we are taking into consideration the tourism industry and other tourist activities, the importance of the infrastructure is higher, due to the fact that the attractiveness is increased by the comfort and the easiness of reaching the targeted places. The public administration plays a huge role in developing projects for improving the infrastructure or for rehabilitating it. We are presenting different situations and the roles played by the public authorities together with the options they have for public investment projects.public administration, infrastructure, economic development

    National policies and public marketing for cultural tourism destination

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    Tourism and traveling industry represents, at international level, the most dynamic economic sector. At the same time, the most important job creator and a source of national economies recovering. Being a complex activity, tourism industry is putting together the efforts of a lot of economic entities - public and private, national and transnational - each one is contributing to the development of the tourism area they are interest in. Their activity must not take into consideration only on the spot effects they should count on a medium and long term planning able to assure a sustainable development of tourism destination. The tourism it selves could not be appreciate a “good” or “bad”, “positive” or “negative” but it consequences, very spread, could be evaluated so. During the last years it becomes more evident that the ethics in tourism should be taken into consideration as a component of tourism sustainable development. From this point of view it is necessarily to pay more attention to the quality of tourism products so that should offer in the same time “the perfection of the taste” and “the taste of the perfection”. It is a true challenge for all marketing specialists to find out WHY the customer is choosing something in place of another, creating a dynamic of choose related with: analyzed market structure, brand position on the market, product development.tourism destination, expenditure, public marketing, public policies

    The marketing importance of European funded project

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    New communication techniques offer, to all stakeholders of an European project, instant information about the launch, implementation, results etc. All successful international projects are connected through a good communication between team members, team and funding organization, project (project manger) and public. The marketing techniques should be used in all stages of the project development: call for projects, designing, proposing, negotiation, implementation, finalization and results. We will focus on the importance and benefits of the recommended forms of marketing used at the launch of an European project in order to increase the visibility of the financing organization and its aims. The most important used tools are: press releases, leaflets, brochures, newsletters, reports, personalized papers, visit cards, banners, posters, web-sites, public presentations, events, etc. The paper will be focused on the manner of the above mentioned techniques selection according to the targeted applicants. In our opinion, the marketing importance of European funding projects is very high at this moment due to the fact that Romania has to access large amounts of funds as an European Union new member state. The government plays an important role in dissemination of information to all potential project beneficiaries.marketing, projects, techniques, performances, funding

    System composite of the triplet’s of strategic overview – revised fundamentals

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    The STIQE 2004 paper presents the identified triplets at macro and micro level of the socio-economic system. Through the important triplets identified are the following: European Union (UE) – State Members (SM) – European Citizens (ECz); European parliament will (PW) – national commitment (NC) – personal desire (PD); sustainable development(SD) - environment protection(EP) - quality of life(QL); economics(EC) – social climate(SC) – politics(P); material resources(MR) – financial resources(FR) – human resources(HR); life security (peace)(LS) – food security (survival)(FS) – environment security(ES); agriculture development (AD) - industrial development (ID) – infrastructure development (IsD); jobs/salaries (JS) – affordability/ expenses (AE) - quality of life (QL). It was also proposed a way of the triplets identification, a system to organize and link them on two dimensions: micro and macro level, and to get possible final structures by linking the two plans. The output, through a geometrical approach, has to be a system of interconnected triplets able to provide potential effects on the whole by action (modification) one point, than could be use for national strategies design and effects estimation. According with the opinions expressed at the conference we decide to revise the fundamentals of the theory. So, there were settled some criteria of knots identification, triplets assemble and plans definition. The main delimitation are euro/national areas, micro/macro levels and socio/economic approaches. The revised fundamentals are based on a more structured view, able to conduct us to a better triplets assembly as a whole. Also, the selection of the knots is made more carefully taken into account the future step of their evolution and dependences expressed by mathematic functions. At the same time there were identified potential factors of knots influence. It is a step back on the theory development, but it allows a better analysis and structuring of the elements taken into account, that could be a crucial decision in reaching the right composite of the system.sustainable development, triplets, overview, strategy, fundamentals

    Coordinates of Successful Management in Business and Public Management

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    The activity in public or private sector has the aim to obtain certain results that is why an accent is put on the performance. Managing public and business organizations means to lead them to the best results that could be obtained. To achieve the objectives the management must be a good one, professional in terms of theory and practice. This was the reason to find out the opinion of the managers that operate in business or public sector about the activities they are responsible for, the aptitude and knowledge requested by a managing position. The research is based on a survey of about 700 subjects from both areas, record of the appearance frequencies of the option, and the similarities or differences found out. The study results will allow the education and training providers to adjust their programs and also to correct misunderstandings and poor practices.management, business, public management.

    Strategic Japanese business visions – possible transposes in public services

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    Frequently, the „Japanese miracle” was a subject of discussion. The book „The Strategist Brain Power – The Business Art in Japan”, by Kenichi Ohmae (Japan, 1975) when the business environment was confronted with serious problems. The book brings, also in Romania (1998), a number of tools that can be used by businessmen in working out strategies ment to lead to performance. Even if the author is declaring himself „an enemy of governments and bureaucrats, and a great supporter of entrepreneurial initiative and private companies”, we believe that the use of the strategist’s comprehenhsion can be „a very powerful weapon, comparable with the laser” for the eradication of some problems in the public services sector. The paper aims at transposing some strategic schemes used in business, in public services, especialy by the idea of extent of freedom versus constraints.strategic vision, Japanese business, transposition, public services


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    Education represents one of the fundamentals of the social and economic environment in each and every society, even more in the current stage of development that involves higher educational levels for proper access to technologies. Depending on the specific level of education and training, people are able to find a suitable position in the society by integrating themselves into the labor market. The human potential within a region might be an essential element for embarking the area upon a positive trend in economic development. Without a doubt, the economic environment is primarily attracted to areas rich in human and material resources. Skilled human resources provide an edge especially as the share of the tertiary sector in the economy is becoming larger. Previous research were focused on determining the skill, knowledge and activities management and marketing specialists from the public and private - similarities and differences, selection schemes. A regional analysis of the educational system by taking into account the distribution of infrastructure and the educational categories within the structure of the active population could lead towards an “attractiveness chart†from this perspective. This paper aims to perform specific analyses for various types of infrastructure elements of the individual and integrated educational system in order to emphasize the educational capacity of each county. At the same time, on the basis of data on existing occupational groups in each county and by using the same method, counties can be ranked with respect to the materialized potential of the educational system. The outcomes of the study can be integrated into complex structural analyses, which underpin the public policies on education and employment of workforce and represent a possible approach of the infrastructure and outputs of a system. Organizational change and strategies for medium and long term are out coming of high technologies used by a skilled workforce. Romania is known less as a high-tech generation laboratory, but especially as the skilled workforce and highly qualified with outstanding creative and innovative skills reservoir. That is why the management of technological change should be understood in relationship with the workforce.

    Romanian public marketing in terms of necessity, collaboration and mix

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    The paper carries out a short literature review on public sector and public marketing terms. The findings of the paper’s study shows that the Romanian public sector should give more importance to marketing activities, as 87% of the respondents sustained when asked about their necessity. Within a public institution, the marketing specialists should cooperate with research& development, sales and financial departments. The study results reaffirm the importance of the 4 P of the marketing mix when making an offer, and place them on the top positions.public marketing, knowledge, specialists, cooperation