76 research outputs found

    Combined DNA extraction and antibody elution from filter papers for the assessment of malaria transmission intensity in epidemiological studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Informing and evaluating malaria control efforts relies on knowledge of local transmission dynamics. Serological and molecular tools have demonstrated great sensitivity to quantify transmission intensity in low endemic settings where the sensitivity of traditional methods is limited. Filter paper blood spots are commonly used a source of both DNA and antibodies. To enhance the operational practicability of malaria surveys, a method is presented for combined DNA extraction and antibody elution. METHODS: Filter paper blood spots were collected as part of a large cross-sectional survey in the Kenyan highlands. DNA was extracted using a saponin/chelex method. The eluate of the first wash during the DNA extraction process was used for antibody detection and compared with previously validated antibody elution procedures. Antibody elution efficiency was assessed by total IgG ELISA for malaria antigens apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1) and merozoite-surface protein-1 (MSP-142). The sensitivity of nested 18S rRNA and cytochrome b PCR assays and the impact of doubling filter paper material for PCR sensitivity were determined. The distribution of cell material and antibodies throughout filter paper blood spots were examined using luminescent and fluorescent reporter assays. RESULTS: Antibody levels measured after the combined antibody/DNA extraction technique were strongly correlated to those measured after standard antibody elution (p < 0.0001). Antibody levels for both AMA-1 and MSP-142 were generally slightly lower (11.3-21.4%) but age-seroprevalence patterns were indistinguishable. The proportion of parasite positive samples ranged from 12.9% to 19.2% in the different PCR assays. Despite strong agreement between outcomes of different PCR assays, none of the assays detected all parasite-positive individuals. For all assays doubling filter paper material for DNA extraction increased sensitivity. The concentration of cell and antibody material was not homogenously distributed throughout blood spots. CONCLUSION: Combined DNA extraction and antibody elution is an operationally attractive approach for high throughput assessment of cumulative malaria exposure and current infection prevalence in endemic settings. Estimates of antibody prevalence are unaffected by the combined extraction and elution procedure. The choice of target gene and the amount and source of filter paper material for DNA extraction can have a marked impact on PCR sensitivity

    High heterogeneity of malaria transmission and a large sub-patent and diverse reservoir of infection in Wusab As Safil district, Republic of Yemen.

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    BACKGROUND: Yemen remains the country with the highest malaria transmission within the Arabian Peninsula and a source of imported cases to neighbouring countries. METHODS: This study collected samples from individuals resident in a valley in Western Yemen as a baseline to examine infection prevalence for a future trial. As well as rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and microscopy, a filter paper blood spot was collected for molecular and serological analyses. RESULTS: Samples were collected from 2261 individuals from 12 clusters across a study area of approximately 100 km(2). Plasmodium falciparum infection prevalence was 12.4, 11.1 and 19.6% by RDT, microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. RDT and microscopy did not detect 45% of infections present, suggesting many infections were low-density. Infection prevalence and seroprevalence were highly heterogeneous between clusters, with evidence of higher exposure in clusters close to the wadi. The mean multiplicity of infection (MOI) was 2.3 and high heterozygosity and allelic richness were detected. CONCLUSIONS: This highly diverse parasite population suggests a high degree of transmissibility and coupled with the substantial proportion of low-density infections, may pose challenges for malaria control and elimination efforts

    Submicroscopic carriage of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in a low endemic area in Ethiopia where no parasitaemia was detected by microscopy or rapid diagnostic test.

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    BACKGROUND: Motivated by the success in malaria control that was documented over the last decade Ethiopia is aiming at malaria elimination by 2020 in selected districts. It is currently unknown if asymptomatic, submicroscopic malaria parasite carriage may form a hurdle to achieve elimination. The elimination effort may further be complicated by possible glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency which would hinder the use of 8-aminoquinolines in the elimination efforts. METHOD: In February 2014 a community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in Malo, southwest Ethiopia. Finger-prick blood samples (n = 555) were tested for presence of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax with microscopy, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR). Multiplicity of P. falciparum infections was determined based on genotyping the polymorphic merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2) gene. Individuals were also genotyped for mutations in the gene that produces G6PD. RESULTS: All study participants were malaria infection negative by microscopy and RDT. Nested PCR revealed P. falciparum mono-infection in 5.2% (29/555), P. vivax mono-infection in 4.3% (24/555) and mixed infection in 0.2% (1/555) of individuals. All parasitemic individuals were afebrile (axillary temperature <37.5°C). None of the study participants carried mutations for the G6PD African A-(202GA) and Mediterranean (563CT) variants. All infections, except one, were single-clone infection by MSP-2 genotyping. CONCLUSION: The detection of a substantial number of subpatent malaria infections in an apparently asymptomatic population without evidence for malaria transmission by conventional diagnostics raises questions about the path to malaria elimination. It is currently unknown how important these infections are for sustaining malaria transmission in the study sites. The absence of G6PD deficiency indicates that 8-aminoquinolines may be safely deployed to accelerate elimination initiatives

    Plasmodium falciparum Gametocyte Enrichment in Peripheral Blood Samples by Magnetic Fractionation: Gametocyte Yields and Possibilities to Reuse Columns.

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    Gametocytes are sexual stage malaria parasites responsible for transmission to mosquitoes. Multiple gametocyte-producing clones may be present in natural infections, but the molecular characterization of gametocytes is challenging. Because of their magnetic properties, gametocyte enrichment can be achieved by magnetic fractionation. This increases detection sensitivity and allows specific genotyping of clones that contribute to malaria transmission. Here, we determined the percentage of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes successfully bound to magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) LS columns during magnetic fractionation and assessed whether columns can be reused without risking contamination or affecting column binding efficiency. Bound column fractions were quantified using multiplex quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) for male (pfMGET) and female (CCp4) gametocytes and ring-stage asexual parasites (SBP1). To investigate cross contamination between columns, parasite strain identity was determined by merozoite surface protein 2 genotyping followed by capillary electrophoresis fragment sizing. A reproducible high percentage of gametocytes was bound to MACS LS columns with 94%) of gametocyte enrichment was achieved when columns were used up to five times with lower binding success after eight times (79%). We observed no evidence for cross contamination between columns

    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase status and risk of hemolysis in Plasmodium falciparum-infected African children receiving single-dose primaquine.

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    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme function and genotype were determined in Ugandan children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria enrolled in a primaquine trial after exclusion of severe G6PD deficiency by fluorescent spot test. G6PD A- heterozygotes and hemizygotes/homozygotes experienced dose-dependent lower hemoglobin concentrations after treatment. No severe anemia was observed

    Natural Human Infections With Plasmodium cynomolgi and Other Malaria Species in an Elimination Setting in Sabah, Malaysia.

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    To determine the presence and species composition of malaria infections, we screened a subset of samples collected during a cross-sectional survey in Northern Sabah, Malaysia using highly sensitive molecular techniques. Results identified 54 asymptomatic submicroscopic malaria infections, including a large cluster of Plasmodium falciparum and 3 P. knowlesi infections. We additionally identified 2 monoinfections with the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium cynomolgi, both in individuals reporting no history of forest activities or contact with macaques. Results highlight the need for improved surveillance strategies to detect these infections and determine public health impacts

    Emergence of Undetectable Malaria Parasites: A Threat under the Radar amid the COVID-19 Pandemic?

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    Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) play a critical role in malaria diagnosis and control. The emergence of Plasmodium falciparum parasites that can evade detection by RDTs threatens control and elimination efforts. These parasites lack or have altered genes encoding histidine-rich proteins (HRPs) 2 and 3, the antigens recognized by HRP2-based RDTs. Surveillance of such parasites is dependent on identifying false-negative RDT results among suspected malaria cases, a task made more challenging during the current pandemic because of the overlap of symptoms between malaria and COVID-19, particularly in areas of low malaria transmission. Here, we share our perspective on the emergence of P. falciparum parasites lacking HRP2 and HRP3, and the surveillance needed to identify them amid the COVID-19 pandemic

    Haemolysis and haem oxygenase-1 induction during persistent "asymptomatic" malaria infection in Burkinabé children

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    BACKGROUND: The haemolysis associated with clinical episodes of malaria results in the liberation of haem, which activates the enzyme haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1). HO-1 has been shown to reduce neutrophil function and increase susceptibility to invasive bacterial disease. However, the majority of community-associated malaria infections are subclinical, often termed "asymptomatic" and the consequences of low-grade haemolysis during subclinical malaria infection are unknown. STUDY DESIGN AND RESULTS: As part of an ongoing study of subclinical malaria in Burkina Faso, 23 children with subclinical Plasmodium falciparum infections (determined by qPCR) were compared with 21 village-matched uninfected control children. Infected children showed evidence of persistent haemolysis over 35 days, with raised plasma haem and HO-1 concentrations. Concentrations of IL-10, which can also directly activate HO-1, were also higher in infected children compared to uninfected children. Regression analysis revealed that HO-1 was associated with haemolysis, but not with parasite density, anaemia or IL-10 concentration. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that subclinical P. falciparum malaria infection is associated with sustained haemolysis and the induction of HO-1. Given the association between HO-1, neutrophil dysfunction and increased risk of Salmonella bacteraemia, prolonged HO-1 induction may explain epidemiological associations and geographic overlap between malaria and invasive bacterial disease. Further studies are needed to understand the consequences of persistent subclinical malaria infection, low-grade haemolysis and raised HO-1 on immune cell function and risk of comorbidities

    Getting to zero: micro-foci of malaria in the Solomon Islands requires stratified control.

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    BACKGROUND: The Solomon Islands has made significant progress in the control of malaria through vector control, access and use of improved diagnostics and therapeutic drugs. As transmission is reduced there is a need to understand variations in transmission risk at the provincial and village levels to stratify control methods. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of malaria in humans was conducted in the Solomon Islands during April 2018. Nineteen villages across 4 provinces were included. The presence of Plasmodium species parasites in blood samples was detected using PCR. RESULTS: Blood samples were analysed from 1,914 participants. The prevalence of DNA of Plasmodium falciparum was 1.2 % (n = 23) and for Plasmodium vivax was 1.5 % (n = 28). 22 % (n = 5/23) of P. falciparum DNA positive participants were febrile and 17 % of P. vivax DNA positive participants (n = 5/28). The prevalence of both P. falciparum and P. vivax was extremely spatially heterogeneous. For P. falciparum, in particular, only 2 small foci of transmission were identified among 19 villages. Plasmodium falciparum infections were uniformly distributed across age groups. Insecticide-treated bed net use the night prior to the survey was reported by 63 % of participants and significantly differed by province. CONCLUSIONS: Malaria transmission across the Solomon Islands has become increasingly fragmented, affecting fewer villages and provinces. The majority of infections were afebrile suggesting the need for strong active case detection with radical cure with primaquine for P. vivax. Village-level stratification of targeted interventions based on passive and active case detection data could support the progress towards a more cost-effective and successful elimination programme

    The Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in the Bijagos Islands of Guinea-Bissau.

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    Distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs), passive detection and treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) are the mainstay malaria control measures of Guinea-Bissau's national control programme. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum on Bubaque, the most populous island of the country's remote Bijagos archipelago. A cross-sectional survey was performed at the start of the rainy season in August 2017. Participants were recruited using systematic random sampling in a two-stage stratified cluster design. Malaria parasitemia was detected using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and quantitative PCR (qPCR). Data on housing, education, larval source management, socioeconomic status, anemia, and malaria preventive measures were collected. Multivariable logistic regression models were constructed to identify associations with P. falciparum infection. Four hundred four persons (aged 6 months-79 years, median 17 years) were enrolled in the study. The prevalence of P. falciparum parasitemia was 5.8% by RDT (95% CI: 3.55-9.33) and 16.9% by qPCR (95% CI: 13.09-21.71). The prevalence of anemia was 74.3% (95% CI: 69.04-78.85) as defined by the WHO criteria. All sampled houses were found to have open eaves; 99.5% of the surveyed population reported sleeping under a bednet (95% CI: 97.8-99.9). Although reported LLIN use is high, there remains an appreciable prevalence of malaria, suggesting that transmission is ongoing and further tools are required to reduce the burden of the disease
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