21 research outputs found

    Quality life patients with cancer

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică şi Management„Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP, Spitalul Clinic mun. Nr.1In this article are deveribed some particularities of the life’s quality in patients with cancer. The quality of life is a descriptive notion which reflects the emotional, social and physic wellbeing, and represents an important step in the final evaluation of the treatment in patients with cancer. Key words: the quality of life, symptoms emotional disorders . În lucrare se descrie unele particularităţi a calităţii vieţii pacienţilor cu cancer. Calitatea vieţii reprezintă un termen descriptiv care se referă la starea de bine emoţională, socială, fizică şi la abilitatea de a funcţiona normal, reprezentând un important punct final de evaluare a tratamentului, pacienţilor cu cancer. Cuvinte – cheie. Calitatea vieţii, Simptoamele, tulburări comportamentale

    Particularităţile bolilor profesionale ale personalului medical din Republica Moldova

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    Summary. Specific diseases for health workers in Moldova. One of the most important problems faced by employees in the workplace is risk factors and specific illnesses. In order to determine the particularities of illness for doctors in Moldova, a study was conducted based on surveys of 180 for 4 categories of health workers (45 therapists, 45 surgeons, 45 nurses care units and 45 nurses from surgical wards) from three medical institutions: Municipal Clinical Hospital “Sfînta Treime”, The Republican Clinical Hospital and Clinical Hospital Cantemir. Pathology with the highest weight for medical staff in Moldova is gastrointestinal pathology followed by acute respiratory infections. They are caused by nervous stress and intense physical strain.Резюме. Особенности профессиональныx заболеваний сотрудников медицинских учреждений в Молдове. Одна из самых важных проблем, с которыми сталкиваются сотрудники на рабочем месте – это факторы риска и профессиональные заболевания. Для определения особенностей болезни для медицинского персонала в Молдове, было проведено исследование на основе опросов 180 человек, для 4 категорий врачей (45 терапевтов, 45 хирургов, 45 медсестер в терапевтических отделениях и 45 медсестер в хирургических отделениях) из трех медицинских учреждений: Городская больница „Sfânta Treime”, Республиканская клиническая больница и Больница г. Кантемир. Наибольшая часть медицинских работников Молдовы страдают от желудочно-кишечных патологий, и от острых респираторных инфекциях. Они вызваны нервным стрессом и интенсивной физической нагрузкой на работе

    Specific risk in the work of medical staff in Moldova

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    Catedra Medicină Socială şi Management Sanitar “Nicolae Testemiţanu”One of the most important problems faced by employees in the workplace is risk factors and specific illnesses. In order to determine the main risk factors faced by doctors in Moldova, a study was conducted based on surveys of 180 for 4 categories of health workers (45 therapists, 45 surgeons, 45 nurses care units and 45 nurses from surgical wards) from three medical institutions: Municipal Clinical Hospital “Sfînta Treime”, The Republican Clinical Hospital and Clinical Hospital Cantemir. Risk factors prevalent in the work of medical staff in Moldova are neuropsihosenzorial stress and intense physical strain. These are caused by insufficient financial income and vicious long positions at the workplace.

    Child orphan seven years – problem of public health in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică şi Management „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”In this state are described the particularities of the abandoned phenomena of a child between 0-7 years in Republic of Moldova, in which the author presents the situation establishes the aim and the objectives, underlines the causes and concludes the strategies of protection and prevention of the biological and social abandoned child. Studiul cercetează fenomenul abandonului copilului de vârsta 0-7 ani în Republica Moldova în contextul social – economic şi cultural prezent, având ca centru de greutate: copilul şi familia acestuia, procesele ce-l însoţesc pe traseul evoluţiei sale în această ipostază foarte complexă şi dificilă de soluţionat – copil abandonat

    The uncial particularities the in patients with cancer

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    Rezumat. În lucrare se descrie unele particularităţi a calităţii vieţii pacienţilor cu cancer. Calitatea vieţii reprezintă un termen descriptiv care se referă la sta‑ rea de bine emoţională, socială, fizică şi la abilitatea de a funcţiona normal, reprezentând un important punct final de evaluare a tratamentului, pacien‑ ţilor cu cancer.Summary. In this article are deveribed some particularities of the life’s quality in patients with cancer. The quality of life is a descriptive notion which reflects the emotional, social and physic wellbeing, and represents an important step in the final evaluation of the treatment in patients with cancer

    Development strategy of medical vitality expertise in the Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Medicină Socială și Management Sanitar ”Nicolae Testemițanu”The European integration of the Republic of Moldova includes aspects of standardization of medical expertise activity of vitality according to the european model and requirements. The major objectives of this activity is assessing the percentage of preserving vitality, categorizing people with disabilities dependent on the degree of severity of the deficiency and social inclusion of people and disabilities and their reintegration into life, work and family. Cursul de integrare europeană a Republicii Moldova cuprinde și aspectele de standardizare a activității de expertiză medicală a vitalității după modelul și cerințele europene. Principalele obiective a acestei activități sunt aprecierea procentului păstrării vitalității, încadrarea în categoria persoanelor cu dizabilități în dependență de gradele de severitate a deficienței și incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilități cu reîncadrarea acestora în viață, muncă și familie

    Problemele medico-sociale şi de reabilitare a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi în Republica Moldova

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    Summary. Medical problems of social and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in Republic of Moldova. In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the local and universal literature in the specialty was done. Also, the were studied the provisions of laws and regulations on these issues. The Social opinion poll for the society’s attitude towords people with disabilities was provided.Резюме. Медико-социальные и реабилитационные проблемы людей с ограниченными возможностями в Республике Молдова. В данном исследовании проведен комплексный анализ местной и универсальной литературы по специальности. Также изучены положения законодательных и нормативных актов по данным вопросам. Проведен социальный опрос населения на предмет отношения общества к людям с ограниченными возможностями

    Some features of socio-economic factors influence the phenomenon of loneliness

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică şi Management USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu”Republic of Moldova, a country in the process of economic transition, something certainly puts his stamp on the quality of life of the population as a whole. A consistent trend of increasing migration of population, increased divorce, especially couples without childrens, and the number of deaths among couples gave rise to the phenomenon of loneliness and development in Moldova. Republica Moldova, ţară în plin proces de tranziţie economică, realitate care îşi pune cert amprenta pe calitatea vieţii populaţiei în totalitatea sa. O tendinţă constantă de creştere a emigraţiei populaţiei, divorţialitatea crescută, în special în cuplurile fără copii, precum şi numărul mare de decese în rândul cuplurilor a determinat apariţia şi dezvoltarea fenomenului de singurătate în republica Moldova