20 research outputs found

    Validation of Elmendorf Method for Testing Perforated Corrugated Cardboard

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    The Elmendorf method is a well-known test that provides valuable insight into the durability and lifespan characteristics of the observed material, i.e., paper or paperboard. The objective of this paper is to determine if it is possible to apply the Elmendorf test to perforated corrugated cardboard to measure tear resistance. An Instron tensile tester was used to obtain input data for a range of properties of perforated corrugated board and to validate the non-standard test technique. Correlation analysis was used to statistically verify and quantify the relationship between the results obtained by the two aforementioned methods. Specimens were cut from four different qualities of three-layer E-flute corrugated cardboards at five defined angles affected by five types of perforations. First, the graphical difference in Least Square mean values was analysed and the results were confirmed by correlation analysis. No significant difference in results between the two observed methods was determined, and the relationship was mostly interpreted as a high positive correlation. Therefore, the results obtained by the Elmendorf method can be used for a better understanding of the mechanical properties of perforated corrugated cardboard

    Printability of Synthetic Papers by Electrophotography

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    This paper deals with the printability of synthetic papers by the electrophotography technique. Prints of cmyk colour fields from 20% to 100% raster tone values were printed on three types of synthetic papers (one film synthetic paper and two fiber synthetic papers). The investigation of the appearance included densitometric measurement of the cmyk prints. The results have shown differences in the optical density and optical tone value between cmyk prints made on various synthetic papers. The highest optical density and the increase of the optical tone value were observed on the film synthetic paper, where cmyk prints were more saturated. The highest abrasion resistance of cmyk prints was obtained from the fibre synthetic paper

    Water Fastness of Screen Printed Pearl Luster Pigments based on Synthetic and Natural Mica on Polyvinyl Chloride Foil and Rich Mineral Paper

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    The present study attempts to examine water fastness of screen printed pearl luster pigments based on synthetic and natural mica on polyvinyl chloride foil and Rich Mineral Paper. Three types of pearl luster pigments were used, each different from the other in composition, interference colour and particle size: one pigment based on synthetic mica (Pigment 1) and two pigments based on natural mica (Pigment 2 and Pigment 3). Pearl luster pigments were applied to the printing base (PVC transparent base) in 15wt.% concentration and printed by means of screen printing technique. The test of water fastness was made on prints, where the samples were soaked in distilled water for 6 and 12 days. It was established that this water treatment did not have any significant impact on the durability of screen printed pearl luster pigments. The pigments could demonstrate slightly better water fastness after being printed on Rich Mineral Paper

    Analysis of PLA Composite Filaments Reinforced with Lignin and Polymerised-Lignin-Treated NFC

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    Polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the most suitable materials for 3D printing. Blending with nanoparticles improves some of its properties, broadening its application possibilities. The article presents a study of composite PLA matrix filaments with added unmodified and lignin/polymerised lignin surface-modified nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC). The influence of untreated and surface-modified NFC on morphological, mechanical, technological, infrared spectroscopic, and dynamic mechanical properties was evaluated for different groups of samples. As determined by the stereo and scanning electron microscopy, the unmodified and surface-modified NFCs with lignin and polymerised lignin were present in the form of plate-shaped agglomerates. The addition of NFC slightly reduced the filamentsā€™ tensile strength, stretchability, and ability to absorb energy, while in contrast, the initial modulus slightly improved. By adding NFC to the PLA matrix, the bending storage modulus (Eā€™) decreased slightly at lower temperatures, especially in the PLA samples with 3 wt% and 5 wt% NFC. When NFC was modified with lignin and polymerised lignin, an increase in Eā€™ was noticed, especially in the glassy state

    Sistem praznin v vlaknih

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    The macrovoid system of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(propylene) (PP) fibres was studied by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). Commercial PET textile fibres were treated in different media and the influence on fibre homogeneity was followd by SAXS. PP technical fibres were manufactured on a laboratory spin-drawing device and subsequently drawn at different drawing conditions on a laboratory drawing device. The influence of drawing on the pore system was followed.V prispevku smo z ozkokotnim rentgenskim sipanjem (SAXS) proučili sistem mikrovotlin v polietilentereftalatnih (PET) in polipropilenskih (PP) vlaknih. Komercialna PET tekstilna vlakna smo obdelali v različnih medijih in spremljali vpliv pogojev obdelave na homogenost vlaken s SAXS. Konvencionalno barvanje vlaken v vodnem mediju in in toplotna obdelava vlaken v vročem zraku povzročita spremembe v sistemu por vlakna. Na laboratorijski predilno-raztezalni napravi smo izdelali tehnična PP vlakna ter določili vpliv raztezanja na sistem por v vlaknu. Raztezanje vpliva na oblikovanje sistema praznin v vlaknu

    Use of QR code in dairy sector in Slovenia

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    The increasing use of smartphones has allowed quick response (QR) codes to build a stronger connection between consumers and products, enabling a bridge between offline and online products and providing quick access to product information, traceability, and food safety. This study focuses on two primary aspects: familiarity with QR codes and their usage by consumers and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) producers in Slovenia. Additionally, authors examined consumersā€™ motivations to scan QR codes for food products, particularly dairy products. Data collected through online research, interviews, and field investigations revealed that consumers rarely scan QR codes. To increase its usage, it should be included in an overall advertising campaign to provide instant benefitconsequently, it would increase consumer engagement with the product. Field research and interviews revealed that only a few packaged products are equipped with QR codes, primarily to support trade marketing activities. In addition, most consumers scan the code at home seeking information regarding its origin, which provides insights into future implementation possibilities. Furthermore, from the design point, QR codes should be positioned on the side panel of the packaging together with an invitation to motivate and explain how scanning would benefit the consumer

    Comparison Of Durability Between Uv Inkjet And Conventional Offset Prints Exposed To Accelerated Ageing

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    The present study deals with the optical and colour stability of aged offset and UV inkjet prints. As a paper substrate,a film synthetic paper was used, which was printed by two techniques (UV inkjet press Ɠce Arizona 250Ā® GT andconventional offset press KBA Performa 74). Film synthetic paper, offset prints and UV inkjet prints were artificiallyaged using standard techniques of accelerated ageing, such as moist-heat (80 Ā°C and 65% relative humidity)and dry-heat (105 Ā°C). Ageing was performed for periods of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 days. It was found that the moist-heataccelerated ageing influenced the most on optical properties of film synthetic paper. UV inkjet prints had highercolourfastness than the conventional offset prints. The most stable among all tested prints was the black colour UVinkjet print

    UV Ink-Jet printability and durability of stone and foil

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    he use of ultraviolet (UV) printing technology has impacted printing industry in last years due to its applicability on many different Ā»absorptiveĀ« as well as Ā»non-absorptiveĀ« printing materials. The printability of building materials and recycled foils is relatively unknown. For primary building materials like stones, functionality can be explored with the use of UV printing technology; increased visual, informative effect or even ā€œcreative printingā€ of buildings. Also several aspects of recycled foils reusability as a printing material could be find (printed packaging material or also like secondary building materials). In the present study, printability of the stone and recycled foil and durability of UV prints was explored by means of macroscopically and microscopically characterization. Results indicate that higher print quality can be achieved on polished stone and on coated foil, which surfaces have higher smoothness. Durability of UV prints at freezing is higher at unpolished stone and coated foil that is at materials with the higher surface energy

    Effect of printing process parameters on the shape transformation capability of 3D printed structures

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    The aim of our research was to investigate and optimise the main 3D printing process parameters that directly or indirectly affect the shape transformation capability and to determine the optimal transformation conditions to achieve predicted extent, and accurate and reproducible transformations of 3D printed, shape-changing two-material structures based on PLA and TPU. The shape-changing structures were printed using the FDM technology. The influence of each printing parameter that affects the final printability of shape-changing structures is presented and studied. After optimising the 3D printing process parameters, the extent, accuracy and reproducibility of the shape transformation performance for four-layer structures were analysed. The shape transformation was performed in hot water at different activation temperatures. Through a careful selection of 3D printing process parameters and transformation conditions, the predicted extent, accuracy and good reproducibility of shape transformation for 3D printed structures were achieved. The accurate deposition of filaments in the layers was achieved by adjusting the printing speed, flow rate and cooling conditions of extruded filaments. The shape transformation capability of 3D printed structures with a defined shape and defined active segment dimensions was influenced by the relaxation of compressive and tensile residual stresses in deposited filaments in the printed layers of the active material and different activation temperatures of the transformation