1,144 research outputs found

    Hay chicas a las que les gusta tirar: los límites del feminismo punk en el Perú de los ochenta

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    Este artículo desarrolla una teoría de la política feminista punk tal como surgió en Lima durante el tenso periodo de violencia política en el que el Perú estaba sumido en los ochenta. Mientras que los revolucionarios maoístas de Sendero Luminoso en Perú alentaban ideológicamente a las mujeres jóvenes a actuar como militantes armadas, una artista punk en Lima desarrollaba otro modelo de práctica feminista radical en base a formas expresivas de sexualidad prohibida. Con el nombre artístico de María T-Ta, se las ingenió para impactar las normas conservadoras de género y sexuales llamando la atención pública sobre la política involucrada en el placer de tirar. Como resultado de esto, encontró también obstáculos considerables -dentro del movimiento punk y fuera de él, y refractados a través de otros puntos de vista sociales de clase, geografía y raza-. Aunque el artículo tiene en cuenta un contexto histórico particular, finalmente sirve para provocar un diálogo teórico enmarcado en dos formas de conceptualización expresiva: a) la larga historia de provocadoras feministas en el punk (e.g. Lydia Lunch, Siouxsie Sioux, The Slits, Riot Grrrls, y más recientemente Pussy Riot) en la que puede situarse a María T-Ta, y b) los debates contemporáneos que rodean la teoría queer, la post-pornografía y la tercera ola del feminismo (particularmente el trabajo de Beatriz Preciado)


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    Este artículo examina los problemas encontrados por un programa estatal sobre multiculturalismo afro-indígena en Perú dentro del marco de la historia intelectual de la nación, sus regiones, y las ideologías que las gobiernan. En vez de presentar un recuento comparativo sobre las políticas aplicadas a afro-descendientes e indígenas a nivel regional Latinoamericano enfatizando «raza» versus «cultura» arguyo que se debe prestar más atención a las formas en las que el multiculturalismo afro-indígena se «peruaniza» en el proceso de la expansión global/regional. El caso peruano es particularmente interesante por la forma en la que el Estado separa sus sujetos multiculturales por región (reconociendo los andinos, amazónicos, y afroperuanos que son implícitamente de la costa). También analizo cómo la larga fascinación de la nación con la figura del inca permite que los andinos tengan un estatus de elite indígena dentro de la imaginación multicultural. La influencia histórica de lo que llamo el «apartado inca» sugiere posibilidades para poder comparar todos aquellos sujetos definidos como no andinos / no incas, y particularmente para los afroperuanos e indígenas amazónicos en este contexto

    Introduction: Human Rights and Legal Systems Across the Global South Symposium

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    Human Rights and Legal Systems Across the Global South, Symposium, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana. 9-10 April 2010

    Introduction: Human Rights and Legal Systems Across the Global South Symposium

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    Human Rights and Legal Systems Across the Global South, Symposium, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana. 9-10 April 2010

    ¿Pueblos indígenas S. A.? La cultura como política y propiedad en la bioprospección farmacéutica

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    The ongoing debate over indigenous claims to intellectual and cultural property reveals a series of indigenous strategies of mobilization that both appropriate from and work against the logic of the market. Of particular significance in this regard are the various indigenous strategies used in contemporary pharmaceutical bioprospecting activities. This article presents field data on a controversial ethnopharmaceutical project among the Aguaruna of Peru’s high forest and offers a comparative analysis of the outcomes with attention to several other cases in and beyond South America. In particular, questions are raised about the forms of legitimating authority in the burgeoning international indigenous movement, the role of NGOs, researchers, bureaucracies, and corporations in this process, and the dilemmas that emerge from the politicization and privatization of indigenous culture and identity.El debate reciente sobre las reclamaciones indígenas acerca de la propiedad intelectual y cultural revela una serie de estrategias de movilización indígena que, simultáneamente, toman de y se mueven en contra de la lógica del mercado. A este respecto, son muy importantes varias estrategias indígenas usadas en las actividades de bioprospección actuales. Este artículo presenta datos de campo sobre un controvertido proyecto etnofarmacéutico entre los aguarunas peruanos, y un análisis comparativo sobre los resultados, prestando atención a varios casos en y por fuera de Sudamérica. Plantea preguntas sobre las formas de legitimar la autoridad dentro del creciente movimiento indígena, el papel de las ONG, los investigadores, las burocracias y las corporaciones en este proceso, y los dilemas que surgen de la politización y privatización de la cultura e identidad indígenas

    HPV Vaccination in Vermont: Identifying Educational Resources for Adolescents

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    HPV vaccine is unique in that (1) it\u27s not a required vaccine to enter school and (2) it\u27s given at an age where patients have more agency over their medical care, so an adolescent who doesn\u27t want to get the shot is often able to avoid it. In Vermont, there\u27s a lack of educational material aimed at young adults about the benefits of the HPV vaccine.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1018/thumbnail.jp

    The influence of snow depth and hardness on winter habitat selection by caribou on the southwest coast of Newfoundland

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    LaPoile Herd caribou winter in the coastal margin of their range in southwestern Newfoundland. Reduced snow depths near the coast (0-20 km inland), as a result of moderated winter temperatures and low elevations, appear to provide more favourable foraging conditions than do areas further inland. In the latter areas greatly increased snow depth and hardness combine to create very extreme winter conditions and these areas are avoided by caribou throughout the winter period

    Quantification and evaluation of the role of antielastin autoantibodies in the emphysematous lung.

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be an autoimmune disease. Smoking causes an imbalance of proteases and antiproteases in the lung resulting in the generation of elastin peptides that can potentially act as autoantigens. Similar to COPD, Z alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Z-A1ATD) and cystic fibrosis (CF) are associated with impaired pulmonary antiprotease defences leading to unopposed protease activity. Here, we show that there is a trend towards higher bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) antielastin antibody levels in COPD and Z-A1ATD and significantly lower levels in CF compared to control BALF; the lower levels in CF are due to the degradation of these antibodies by neutrophil elastase. We also provide evidence that these autoantibodies have the potential to induce T cell proliferation in the emphysematous lung. This study highlights that antielastin antibodies are tissue specific, can be detected at elevated levels in COPD and Z-A1ATD BALF despite their being no differences in their levels in plasma compared to controls, and suggests a therapeutic role for agents targeting these autoantibodies in the lungs

    Inhibition of Toll-Like Receptor 2-Mediated Interleukin-8 Production in Cystic Fibrosis Airway Epithelial Cells via the α7-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor

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    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disorder characterised by chronic inflammation of the airways. The lung manifestations of CF include colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus leading to neutrophil-dominated airway inflammation and tissue damage. Inflammation in the CF lung is initiated by microbial components which activate the innate immune response via Toll-like receptors (TLRs), increasing airway epithelial cell production of proinflammatory mediators such as the neutrophil chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8). Thus modulation of TLR function represents a therapeutic approach for CF. Nicotine is a naturally occurring plant alkaloid. Although it is negatively associated with cigarette smoking and cardiovascular damage, nicotine also has anti-inflammatory properties. Here we investigate the inhibitory capacity of nicotine against TLR2- and TLR4-induced IL-8 production by CFTE29o- airway epithelial cells, determine the role of α7-nAChR (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) in these events, and provide data to support the potential use of safe nicotine analogues as anti-inflammatories for CF

    Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

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    OBJECTIVE: To review the topic of alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. METHOD: Narrative literature review. RESULTS: Much work has been carried out on this condition with many questions being answered but still further questions remain. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: AAT deficiency is an autosomal co-dominantly inherited disease which affects the lungs and liver predominantly. The clinical manifestations, prevalence, genetics, molecular pathophysiology, screening and treatment recommendations are summarised in this review