2,100 research outputs found

    All Along the Ivory Tower: Black American Identity as Voiced by Poetic Youths

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    The purpose of the current study was to help amplify and analyze Black American elementary student voice in a post-2020 world. Discussions and writings were conducted at the students’ charter school in spaces where students voiced what it meant to be a Black American youth through both verbal and written means. The current qualitative study focused on using discussions and creative writing to help participants make sense of their identity in their school, community, and the United States. This research provided students’ counternarratives regarding stereotypes associated with being Black American students and focused on how such spaces can positively impact Black American students. The current study used a narrative inquiry via youth participatory action research with critical race theory serving as its theoretical framework. Additionally, the current study also addressed development of critical consciousness as interpreted from a nigrescence framework. When discussing the Black American experience in predominantly White spaces, an analysis of themes revealed fourth- and fifth-grade Black American student participants felt personality mattered most when defining oneself as a Black American. Participants also discussed themes related to both racial battle fatigue and an awareness of how their Blackness in predominantly White spaces had been racially profiled and policed. Participants discussed the United States’ historically violent nature toward Black Americans, wanting to be representatives of representation in predominantly White careers, a desire for equitable treatment from White adults, and an appreciation for trusted adult allies. Through it all, participants noted a desire for changes in their communities and an overall appreciation for engaging in the work with one another also came forth. Findings suggested elementary-aged Black American students wish to work in community with one another and want to share information regarding their experiences to assist educators in cultivating more welcoming spaces in their school communities and beyond

    The MASSIVE Survey - I. A Volume-Limited Integral-Field Spectroscopic Study of the Most Massive Early-Type Galaxies within 108 Mpc

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    Massive early-type galaxies represent the modern-day remnants of the earliest major star formation episodes in the history of the universe. These galaxies are central to our understanding of the evolution of cosmic structure, stellar populations, and supermassive black holes, but the details of their complex formation histories remain uncertain. To address this situation, we have initiated the MASSIVE Survey, a volume-limited, multi-wavelength, integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) and photometric survey of the structure and dynamics of the ~100 most massive early-type galaxies within a distance of 108 Mpc. This survey probes a stellar mass range M* > 10^{11.5} Msun and diverse galaxy environments that have not been systematically studied to date. Our wide-field IFS data cover about two effective radii of individual galaxies, and for a subset of them, we are acquiring additional IFS observations on sub-arcsecond scales with adaptive optics. We are also acquiring deep K-band imaging to trace the extended halos of the galaxies and measure accurate total magnitudes. Dynamical orbit modeling of the combined data will allow us to simultaneously determine the stellar, black hole, and dark matter halo masses. The primary goals of the project are to constrain the black hole scaling relations at high masses, investigate systematically the stellar initial mass function and dark matter distribution in massive galaxies, and probe the late-time assembly of ellipticals through stellar population and kinematical gradients. In this paper, we describe the MASSIVE sample selection, discuss the distinct demographics and structural and environmental properties of the selected galaxies, and provide an overview of our basic observational program, science goals and early survey results.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. ApJ (2014) vol. 795, in pres

    The MASSIVE Survey II: Stellar Population Trends Out to Large Radius in Massive Early Type Galaxies

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    We examine stellar population gradients in ~100 massive early type galaxies spanning 180 < sigma* < 370 km/s and M_K of -22.5 to -26.5 mag, observed as part of the MASSIVE survey (Ma et al. 2014). Using integral-field spectroscopy from the Mitchell Spectrograph on the 2.7m telescope at McDonald Observatory, we create stacked spectra as a function of radius for galaxies binned by their stellar velocity dispersion, stellar mass, and group richness. With excellent sampling at the highest stellar mass, we examine radial trends in stellar population properties extending to beyond twice the effective radius (~2.5 R_e). Specifically, we examine trends in age, metallicity, and abundance ratios of Mg, C, N, and Ca, and discuss the implications for star formation histories and elemental yields. At a fixed physical radius of 3-6 kpc (the likely size of the galaxy cores formed at high redshift) stellar age and [alpha/Fe] increase with increasing sigma* and depend only weakly on stellar mass, as we might expect if denser galaxies form their central cores earlier and faster. If we instead focus on 1-1.5 R_e, the trends in abundance and abundance ratio are washed out, as might be expected if the stars at large radius were accreted by smaller galaxies. Finally, we show that when controlling for \sigmastar, there are only very subtle differences in stellar population properties or gradients as a function of group richness; even at large radius internal properties matter more than environment in determining star formation history.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted by ApJ; resubmitted with updated reference

    The Stellar Halos of Massive Elliptical Galaxies II: Detailed Abundance Ratios at Large Radius

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    We study the radial dependence in stellar populations of 33 nearby early-type galaxies with central stellar velocity dispersions sigma* > 150 km/s. We measure stellar population properties in composite spectra, and use ratios of these composites to highlight the largest spectral changes as a function of radius. Based on stellar population modeling, the typical star at 2 R_e is old (~10 Gyr), relatively metal poor ([Fe/H] -0.5), and alpha-enhanced ([Mg/Fe]~0.3). The stars were made rapidly at z~1.5-2 in shallow potential wells. Declining radial gradients in [C/Fe], which follow [Fe/H], also arise from rapid star formation timescales due to declining carbon yields from low-metallicity massive stars. In contrast, [N/Fe] remains high at large radius. Stars at large radius have different abundance ratio patterns from stars in the center of any present-day galaxy, but are similar to Milky Way thick disk stars. Our observations are thus consistent with a picture in which the stellar outskirts are built up through minor mergers with disky galaxies whose star formation is truncated early (z~1.5-2).Comment: ApJ in press, 12 pages, 6 figure

    Misdiagnosis, Mistreatment, and Harm - When Medical Care Ignores Social Forces.

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    The Case Studies in Social Medicine demonstrate that when physicians use only biologic or individual behavioral interventions to treat diseases that stem from or are exacerbated by social factors, we risk harming the patients we seek to serve

    The Effect of AGN on the Global HI Content of Isolated Low-Mass Galaxies

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    We investigate the global neutral hydrogen (HI) content of isolated galaxies selected from the SDSS spectroscopic survey with optical evidence of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Our sample includes galaxies with unresolved HI observations from the ALFALFA 70% data release combined with deeper HI observations of low-mass galaxies with 7.0 < log(M*) < 9.5. We examine the HI masses of this sample using the distance from the star-forming sequence on the OIII\Hb and NII\Ha Baldwin Phillips Terlevich (BPT) diagram as a measurement of AGN activity. In agreement with previous studies, we find that, for galaxies with log(M*) > 9.5, AGN activity does not correlate with the global HI content. However, for galaxies with 9.2 < log(M*) < 9.5, we identify a set of objects at large distances from the BPT star-forming sequence and lower than expected HI masses. This gas-depleted sample is red in both g-r and NUV-r colors and compact without distinguishable signs of star formation. This is surprising because the vast majority of isolated galaxies in this stellar mass regime are both star-forming and gas-rich. These galaxies are greater than 1.5 Mpc from any massive galaxy, ruling out environmental processes as a source of the gas-depletion. We suggest that either black hole feedback or shocks from extremely bursty star formation cause the emission lines and have destroyed or otherwise consumed the cold gas.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 14 pages, 7 figure

    Valuing Transgenic Cotton Technologies Using a Risk/Return Framework

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    Stochastic Efficiency with Respect to a Function (SERF) is used to rank transgenic cotton technology groups and place an upper and lower bound on their value. Yield and production data from replicated plot experiments are used to build cumulative distribution functions of returns for nontransgenic, Roundup Ready, Bollgard, and stacked gene cotton cultivars. Analysis of Arkansas data indicated that the stacked gene and Roundup Ready technologies would be preferred by a large number of risk neutral and risk averse producers as long as the costs of the technology and seed are below the lower bounds calculated in this manuscript.cotton, financial risk, market value, SERF, transgenic, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty, Q12, Q16,

    Distance to the RR Lyrae Star V716 Monocerotis

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    We present high quality BVRI CCD photometry of the variable star V716 Monocerotis (= NSV 03775). We confirm it to be an RR Lyrae star of variability type ab (i.e. a fundamental mode pulsator), and determine its metallicity ([Fe/H] = -1.33 +/- 0.25), luminosity (Mv = 0.80 +/- 0.06), and foreground reddening (E(B-V) = 0.05-0.17) from the Fourier components of its light curve. These parameters indicate a distance of 4.1 +/- 0.3 kpc, placing V716 Mon near the plane of the Galaxy well outside the solar circle. This research was conducted as part of the 1999 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Practicas de Investigacion en Astronomia (PIA) Programs at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO).Comment: 9 pages including 2 figures and 2 tables; accepted by PAS

    Dynamical Measurements of Black Hole Masses in Four Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 100 Mpc

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    We present stellar kinematics and orbit superposition models for the central regions of four Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs), based upon integral-field spectroscopy at Gemini, Keck, and McDonald Observatories. Our integral-field data span radii from < 100 pc to tens of kpc. We report black hole masses, M_BH, of 2.1 +/- 1.6 x 10^10 M_Sun for NGC 4889, 9.7 + 3.0 - 2.6 x 10^9 M_Sun for NGC 3842, and 1.3 + 0.5 - 0.4 x 10^9 M_Sun for NGC 7768. For NGC 2832 we report an upper limit of M_BH < 9 x 10^9 M_Sun. Stellar orbits near the center of each galaxy are tangentially biased, on comparable spatial scales to the galaxies' photometric cores. We find possible photometric and kinematic evidence for an eccentric torus of stars in NGC 4889, with a radius of nearly 1 kpc. We compare our measurements of M_BH to the predicted black hole masses from various fits to the relations between M_BH and stellar velocity dispersion, luminosity, or stellar mass. The black holes in NGC 4889 and NGC 3842 are significantly more massive than all dispersion-based predictions and most luminosity-based predictions. The black hole in NGC 7768 is consistent with a broader range of predictions.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Alpha-Vacua, Black Holes, and AdS/CFT

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    The Schwarzschild, Schwarzschild-AdS, and Schwarzschild-de Sitter solutions all admit freely acting discrete involutions which commute with the continuous symmetries of the spacetimes. Intuitively, these involutions correspond to the antipodal map of the corresponding spacetimes. In analogy with the ordinary de Sitter example, this allows us to construct new vacua by performing a Mottola-Allen transform on the modes associated with the Hartle-Hawking, or Euclidean, vacuum. These vacua are the `alpha'-vacua for these black holes. The causal structure of a typical black hole may ameliorate certain difficulties which are encountered in the case of de Sitter alpha-vacua. For Schwarzschild-AdS black holes, a Bogoliubov transformation which mixes operators of the two boundary CFT's provides a construction of the dual CFT alpha-states. Finally, we analyze the thermal properties of these vacua.Comment: 40 pages REVTeX and AMSLaTeX, 17 black&white eps figures. v3: references added. v4: details of the pinch singularity avoidance for the string quantization of the Rindler space toy model have been added in both the body of the paper and in a new 7 page appendix. Other clarifications and references added. This is the version accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra