107 research outputs found

    The Analyzation and Production of Christian Folk Music

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    Knowledge Organization and Inference Engine for the WVU Face Decision Support System

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    The knowledge-based organization for the West Virginia University Face Decision Support System is given, along with the initial development of the associated inference engine. The knowledge base contains generic knowledge about underground coal mines that utilize continuous miners. A typical knowledge entry is given, and the inference engine methodology is explained. The engine utilizes this knowledge with data from monitoring systems and from interaction with the section foreman, to assist in making section management decisions and plans

    A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Managing Underground Coal Mines in the U.S.

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    The Mine Management Support System which is being developed as a knowledge-based expert system for better management of underground coal mines, is presented. Concentrating on capturing the complex body of knowledge needed to enhance efficient management of a mine, it will encompass information and preferred rules on work scheduling, work practices, regulations impinging on the accomplishment of work, responses to operating problems, and the labor-management work agreement. Different components of the mine system, modeled using an object-oriented layering technique, are displayed graphically to aid in coordinating work plans and to present locations of equipment, supplies, and proposed subsystem components

    Breakthrough Energy Savings with Waterjet Technology

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    Experiments performed at the University of Missouri-Rolla's Waterjet Laboratory have demonstrated clearly the ability of waterjets to disaggregate, in a single step, four different mineral ores, including ores containing iron, lead and copper products. The study focused mainly on galena-bearing dolomite, a lead ore, and compared the new technology with that of traditional mining and milling to liberate the valuable constituent for the more voluminous host rock. The technical term for the disintegration of the ore to achieve this liberation is comminution. The potential for energy savings if this process can be improved, is immense. Further, if this separation can be made at the mining face, then the potential energy savings include avoidance of transportation (haulage and hoisting) costs to move, process and store this waste at the surface. The waste can, instead, be disposed into the available cavities within the mine. The savings also include the elimination of the comminution, crushing and grinding, stages in the processing plant. Future prototype developments are intended to determine if high-pressure waterjet mining and processing can be optimized to become cheaper than traditional fragmentation by drilling and blasting and to optimize the separation process. The basic new mining process was illustrated in tests on two local rock types, a low-strength sandstone with hematite inclusions, and a medium to high-strength dolomite commonly used for construction materials. Illustrative testing of liberation of minerals, utilized a lead-bearing dolomite, and included a parametric study of the optimal conditions needed to create a size distribution considered best for separation. The target goal was to have 50 percent of the mined material finer than 100 mesh (149 microns). Of the 21 tests that were run, five clearly achieved the target. The samples were obtained as run-of-mine lumps of ore, which exhibited a great deal of heterogeneity within the samples. This, in turn, reduced the ability to apply detailed statistical tests to the product outcomes. Nonetheless, a regression analysis showed that operating pressures between 105 (10,000psi) and 140 (15,000psi) MegaPascals (MPa) at traverse speeds no greater than 10 cm/min (4 in/min), best generated the target result. Variation in other parameters, rotation speed, nozzle diameter, and nozzle separation angle, during the preliminary tests did not substantially change the product, and so were kept fixed during the ore mining tests. The experimental protocols were developed to include proper treatment of the lead-bearing materials, which may be considered hazardous. In anticipation of the creation of a mineral processing design for separation of the concentrates from the tailings (waste), assays were made of the metal content of each screen size for each of the 21 runs; with three screens and a pan for undersize, to give a total of 84 assays. This information will enable Dr. McNulty, project consultant, to create a flow sheet for the prototype mining machine. As a preliminary component to such a system, the experimental layout included a product-recovery system that delivered all of the fragmented product to the nest of screens which allowed study of the liberation at the different size levels. Where incomplete liberation is found, a secondary process was demonstrated for using pressurized cavitation to further comminute the material. This concept was successfully demonstrated, with a small cavitation chamber illustrating the much smaller space that such a tool requires, relative to conventional ball and rod mills. Additional testing is ongoing, external to this program, to find whether an one-step process using higher jet pressures and longer dwell times to achieve all the required comminution in mining, is more efficient than a two-step process in which normal jet pressures and feed rates do the initial mining, but full particle liberation is achieved only through secondary processing of the product in a cavitation chamber. Subsequent testing is also planned, to determine preferred methods for separating ore minerals from the waste. Tests with this system have included both the galena samples, and copper ores from Poland. The development of this tool lies within an expanding market for the use of high-pressure waterjet equipment across a broad spectrum of applications. As the industry develops new tools, it is anticipated that the research team will investigate the development of a prototype machine based on these tools, since this will simplify and speed up equipment development. It is hoped that once this is developed that can be taken into an active mine. Such a machine should be able to produce large enough samples to allow assessment of optimal operating conditions

    Potential Role of Particle Characteristics on Coal Mine Respirable Dust Standards

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    Compliance standards for respirable dust, which are reduced because of high quartz concentrations, have become an industry-wide problem. Research on the physical and chemical character of quartz-classified particles in respirable coal mine dusts indicates that they may exist in intermixed layers or may be coated by clay or coal material. The relative amount of intermixing varies with the coal seam being mined. If most of the quartz particles of a mine dust are \u27pure,\u27 then the dust may have a high fibrogenic risk potential because of truly free silica and the compliance standard should be lowered. If, however, the quartz is locked inside another material matrix, or coated, a reduced compliance standard may not be appropriate

    An Integrated Production and Cost Management System for Underground Coal Mines

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    The current coal market demands better management of resources and minimum-cost performance from underground mines. It is a matter of survival in which only well-managed operations will capture a share of the market. This situation forces mine managers to apply management science techniques in scheduling and controlling operations. Tools for operations research are generally lacking at mine sites. Techniques which are used have typically been applied in isolation and in mine design. an integrated production and cost management system, which spans planning, scheduling, and monitoring activities, is demanded. Techniques employed must be responsive to changing environmental and economic conditions. an integrated approach to underground coal mine management is developed. a model for achieving the level of control of mine operations critical to surviving in the current market is outlined. the integrated Production and Cost Management System (PROCOST) is designed to provide the mine manager with a reliable, quantitative, decision-assisting system that can be used in formulating timely responses to complex fluctuations in operations. PROCOST consists of a productivity forecast model, a sectional bill of materials containing current resource consumption factors, a linear programming scheduling model, and operations analysis that focuses on production and cost performances. Necessary data gathering components are specified, and emphasis is placed on involving operating personnel. PROCOST was applied to an underground coal mine using information obtained from various reports. an accurate productivity forecast model was developed and validated, and linear programming was used to validate resource consumption factors. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze operational performances. Manpower required for different operating scenarios was analyzed, and a labor loading index was calculated to reflect loading of different labor types. Material requirements planning was used to control the flow of supplies and materials based upon production demand. the overriding objective of PROCOST is integration of mine management functions to achieve optimal performance of the operation. Controlling utilization of resources and analyzing operational performances are key components. It was applied successfully to the model mine, as evidenced by validation of production and cost results. Further analysis indicated that it can be useful in seeking a minimum-cost arrangement of resource utilization
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