6,569 research outputs found

    Curved Beta-Gamma Systems and Quantum Koszul Resolution

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    We consider the partition function of beta-gamma systems in curved space of the type discussed by Nekrasov and Witten. We show how the Koszul resolution theorem can be applied to the computation of the partition functions and to characters of these systems and find a prescription to enforce the hypotheses of the theorem at the path integral level. We illustrate the technique in a few examples: a simple 2-dimensional target space, the N-dimensional conifold, and a superconifold. Our method can also be applied to the Pure Spinor constraints of superstrings.Comment: harvmac, 17 page

    Super-Chern-Simons Theory as Superstring Theory

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    Superstrings and topological strings with supermanifolds as target space play a central role in the recent developments in string theory. Nevertheless the rules for higher-genus computations are still unclear or guessed in analogy with bosonic and fermionic strings. Here we present a common geometrical setting to develop systematically the prescription for amplitude computations. The geometrical origin of these difficulties is the theory of integration of superforms. We provide a translation between the theory of supermanifolds and topological strings with supertarget space. We show how in this formulation one can naturally construct picture changing operators to be inserted in the correlation functions to soak up the zero modes of commuting ghost and we derive the amplitude prescriptions from the coupling with an extended topological gravity on the worldsheet. As an application we consider a simple model on R^(3|2) leading to super-Chern-Simons theory.Comment: hravmac, 50p

    The Covariant Quantum Superstring and Superparticle from their Classical Actions

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    We develop an approach based on the Noether method to construct nilpotent BRST charges and BRST-invariant actions. We apply this approach first to the holomorphic part of the flat-space covariant superstring, and we find that the ghosts b, c_z which we introduced by hand in our earlier work, are needed to fix gauge symmetries of the ghost action. Then we apply this technique to the superparticle and determine its cohomology. Finally, we extend our results to the combined left- and right-moving sectors of the superstring.Comment: 14 pages, harmva

    Superstrings and WZNW Models

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    We give a brief review of our approach to the quantization of superstrings. New is a covariant derivation of the measure at tree level and a path integral formula for this measure.Comment: 12 pp, LaTeX, Contribution to the QTS3 Conference Proceeding

    Fermionic Corrections to Fluid Dynamics from BTZ Black Hole

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    We reconstruct the complete fermionic orbit of the non-extremal BTZ black hole by acting with finite supersymmetry transformations. The solution satisfies the exact supergravity equations of motion to all orders in the fermonic expansion and the final result is given in terms of fermionic bilinears. By fluid/gravity correspondence, we derive linearized Navier-Stokes equations and a set of new differential equations from Rarita-Schwinger equation. We compute the boundary energy-momentum tensor and we interpret the result as a perfect fluid with a modified definition of fluid velocity. Finally, we derive the modified expression for the entropy of the black hole in terms of the fermionic bilinears.Comment: 21 pages, Latex2e, no figure

    Fermionic Wigs for BTZ Black Holes

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    We compute the wig for the BTZ black hole, namely the complete non-linear solution of supergravity equations with all fermionic zero modes. We use a "gauge completion" method starting from AdS_3 Killing spinors to generate the gravitinos fields associated to the BH and we compute the back-reaction on the metric. Due to the anticommutative properties of the fermionic hairs the resummation of these effects truncates at some order. We illustrate the technique proposed in a precedent paper in a very explicit and analytical form. We also compute the mass, the angular momentum and other charges with their corrections.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    An Introduction to the Covariant Quantization of Superstrings

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    We give an introduction to a new approach to the covariant quantization of superstrings. After a brief review of the classical Green--Schwarz superstring and Berkovits' approach to its quantization based on pure spinors, we discuss our covariant formulation without pure spinor constraints. We discuss the relation between the concept of grading, which we introduced to define vertex operators, and homological perturbation theory, and we compare our work with recent work by others. In the appendices, we include some background material for the Green-Schwarz and Berkovits formulations, in order that this presentation be self contained.Comment: LaTex, 23 pp. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop in String Theory, Leuven 2002, some references added and a comment on ref. [16

    Fermions, Wigs, and Attractors

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    We compute the modifications to the attractor mechanism due to fermionic corrections. In N=2, D=4 supergravity, at the fourth order, we find a new contribution to the horizon values of the scalar fields of the vector multiplets.Comment: v2 : 1+11 pages; paper reorganized in Sections; Sec. 5 added, with detailed treatment of the axion-dilaton model; some typos fixed and references adde

    Further results on peripheral-tube model for ridge correlation

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    Peripheral one-tube model has shown to be a nice tool for dynamically understanding several aspects of ridge structures in long-range two-particle correlations, observed experimentally and obtained also in our model calculations using NexSPheRIO code. Here, we study an extension of the model, to initial configurations with several peripheral tubes distributed randomly in azimuth. We show that the two-particle correlation is almost independent of the number of tubes, although the flow distribution becomes indeed strongly event dependent. In our picture, the ridge structures are causally connected not only in the longitudinal direction but also in azimuth.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, prepared for ISMD 2012 Proceeding
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