65 research outputs found

    Kwaliteit van groenblauwe dooradering en voorkomen van vogels, vlinders en planten

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    In dit rapport wordt de relatie tussen kenmerken van groenblauwe dooradering en soortenrijkdom van een aantal soortgroepen in agrarische gebieden in Nederland gekwantificeerd. Daarbij ligt de nadruk op de ruimtelijke rangschikking van de landschapselementen. De relaties worden beschreven met behulp van statistische modellen waarmee de kans op aanwezigheid van planten, vlinders en vogels wordt berekend. Het bleek dat de ruimtelijke rangschikking van de landschapselementen de soortenrijkdom van alle drie de soortgroepen beïnvloedt. De resultaten kunnen worden gebruikt bij het evalueren of plannen van maatregelen die moeten leiden tot grotere natuurwaarden in groenblauwe dooraderin

    Forensic exploration of the mechanical properties of basalt grains in earthenware

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    The overall goal of this project is to contribute to reconstruct the innovation mechanisms and development of ceramic production using forensic engineering techniques. Instead of optimizing materials as a driver in modern engineering, here we wish to use these methodologies, but aim to solve questions on advancement in the past fabrication process – and thus ultimately understand the key issues of a less or (un)successful design and subsequent improvement. This paper wishes to address the advantages and constraints regarding to use of basalt in ceramic matrices. By utilizing a standardized set of different test bars comprising different amounts of basalt fired at both 800°C and 1000°C, it can be concluded basalt tempered ceramics have a higher fracture toughness when compared to quartz enriched materials. It is there plausible to identify basalt as a good temper material for (ancient) earthenwares in terms of thermal (shock) activitie

    Stratification of hospitalized COVID-19 patients into clinical severity progression groups by immuno-phenotyping and machine learning

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    Quantitative or qualitative differences in immunity may drive clinical severity in COVID-19. Although longitudinal studies to record the course of immunological changes are ample, they do not necessarily predict clinical progression at the time of hospital admission. Here we show, by a machine learning approach using serum pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral cytokine and anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody measurements as input data, that COVID-19 patients cluster into three distinct immune phenotype groups. These immune-types, determined by unsupervised hierarchical clustering that is agnostic to severity, predict clinical course. The identified immune-types do not associate with disease duration at hospital admittance, but rather reflect variations in the nature and kinetics of individual patient's immune response. Thus, our work provides an immune-type based scheme to stratify COVID-19 patients at hospital admittance into high and low risk clinical categories with distinct cytokine and antibody profiles that may guide personalized therapy. Developing predictive methods to identify patients with high risk of severe COVID-19 disease is of crucial importance. Authors show here that by measuring anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody and cytokine levels at the time of hospital admission and integrating the data by unsupervised hierarchical clustering/machine learning, it is possible to predict unfavourable outcome

    Forest species in an agricultural landscape in The Netherlands: effects of habitat fragmentation

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    For 312 forest patches on sandy soils in the Netherlands, effects of fragmentation are studied of forest habitat in the past on the present occurrence of forest plato species. Using regression techniques, the numbers of forest edge, interior, zoochorous and anemochorous species, as well as occurrence of 24 individual species were related to patch area and connectivity measures. Connectivity was defined as the amount of forest habitat around patches within three zones up to 1000 m. Plant categories were distinguished by habitat type anti dispersal mechanism. The results showed that number of total species and number of species of all habitat and dispersal categories increased with area. The occurrence of ten individually studied species were also positively related to area. Most of them were interior species. The number of zoochorous species increased with increasing connectivity. Also occurrence of ten individually studied species were affected by connectivity. Interior zoochorous species showed the highest percentage of affected species. The relationship of interior, animal-dispersed plants to connectivity can be explained by the limited distances covered by their dispersal agents (forest birds and ants) in a non-forest habitat. Also, some anemochorous plants appeared to be affected by connectivity, especially those with heavy seeds and potentially short distance dispersal. As not all species within a certain dispersal or habitat category react similar to area or isolation, it is suggested that differences in underlying processes of fragmentation such as local extinction and colonization need more focus

    Visitatierapport WonenBreburg 2012-2015

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    Voorkomen piekafvoeren

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    Waterbeheer binnen natuurgebieden

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