37 research outputs found

    Identificación de movimiento para enanas marrones en imágenes wise.

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    Las enanas marrones son objetos subestelares que hace aproximadamente 25 años fueron con firmadas y por esto poco se conoce de ellas, pues su mecanismo de formación hasta el d a de hoy es un misterio. Pero sabemos que comparten características similares a las estrellas y planetas.

    Selection for drought resistance in common bean also improves yield in phosphorus limited and favorable environments

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    An estimated 60% of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production worldwide is at risk of drought. A breeding program was developed at the International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) to create drought resistant breeding lines with varietal potential in the small red, small black, cream (mulatinho) and cream-striped (carioca) grain classes. Breeding populations were created from triple or double crosses. Field screening under terminal drought was performed at Palmira, Colombia in the dry season in F2, F3:5, and F6:8 generations over two cycles of recurrent selection in the small red and small black classes, and one cycle in the mulatinho and carioca classes. Drought resistant lines yielded significantly more than commercial check cultivars under drought in all color classes. Some outyielded the respective checks by 15 to 25% (depending on color class and trial) in one or more of three favorable environments, or in the combined analysis across favorable environments, and were also earlier to mature. Drought resistant lines presented up to 36% greater yield d?1 in favorable environments. Some also expressed superior yields in a phosphorus-limited environment. Thus, selection for drought resistance has improved yield potential and plant efficiency across different environments. It is suggested that selection under drought stress reveals genes that correct inefficiencies inherited from the wild Phaseolus vulgaris, and are key to yield improvement of common bean

    Replication Data for: Evidence for genotypic differences among elite lines of common bean in the ability to remobilize photosynthate to increase yield under drought

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    Traits and genotypes related with resistance to intermittent and terminal drought stress. Three common bean elite lines (NCB 226, SEN 56, SER 125) were identified with superior levels of adaptation to both intermittent and terminal drought stress conditions. The greater performance of these lines under drought stress was associated with their ability to remobilize photosynthate to increase grain yield based on higher values of harvest index, pod harvest index, leaf area index and canopy biomass. Two wild bean germplasm accessions (G 19902, G 24390) showed very poor adaptation to both types of drought stress. One small-seeded black line (NCB 226) was superior in combining greater values of canopy biomass with greater ability to mobilize photosynthates to grain under both types of drought stress. Two small-seeded red lines (SER 78, SER 125) seem to combine the desirable traits of enhanced mobilization of photosynthates to seed with effective use of water through canopy cooling under terminal drought stress. Pod harvest index showed significant positive association with grain yield under both types of drought stress and this trait can be used by breeders as an additional selection method to grain yield in evaluation of breeding populations for both types of drought stress