8 research outputs found

    First Documented Case of BK Nephropathy in Kidney Transplant Recipient in Croatia: Usage of Urine Cytology in Evaluation Process

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    BK virus associated nephropathy (BKVAN) in transplanted kidney, although recognized as a distinct entity in the 1970-es, continues to represent a challenge in kidney transplantation, mainly because the optimal treatment approach has not been determined yet. The fact that about 10ā€“20% of patients have simultaneously some stage of acute rejection, complicate the treatment even more. Herein we present a case of BK nephropathy in the patient, one year after combined liver and kidney transplantation, complicated by episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection. Identification of decoy cells by cytology urine exam in patient with acute kidney graft function deterioration, raised suspicion of BKVAN. Diagnosis has been made by histological examination and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining for BK virus in kidney graft biopsy. One month after he had been treated for BKVAN with intravenous immunoglobulin, leflunomide and overall immunosuppression therapy reduction, there was further deterioration of graft function due to an episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection (Banff classification IA). He received 500 mg of metilprednisolon intravenously and mycophenolate mofetil had been reintroduced, which resulted in slow partial recovery of the graft function, but never to the baseline values. For the past two years his renal graft function has been stable, maintaining lower levels of immunosupressive therapy. According to our knowledge this is the first documented case of BK virus associated nephropathy, diagnosed and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining of tissue from kidney biopsy in Croatia

    First Documented Case of BK Nephropathy in Kidney Transplant Recipient in Croatia: Usage of Urine Cytology in Evaluation Process

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    BK virus associated nephropathy (BKVAN) in transplanted kidney, although recognized as a distinct entity in the 1970-es, continues to represent a challenge in kidney transplantation, mainly because the optimal treatment approach has not been determined yet. The fact that about 10ā€“20% of patients have simultaneously some stage of acute rejection, complicate the treatment even more. Herein we present a case of BK nephropathy in the patient, one year after combined liver and kidney transplantation, complicated by episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection. Identification of decoy cells by cytology urine exam in patient with acute kidney graft function deterioration, raised suspicion of BKVAN. Diagnosis has been made by histological examination and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining for BK virus in kidney graft biopsy. One month after he had been treated for BKVAN with intravenous immunoglobulin, leflunomide and overall immunosuppression therapy reduction, there was further deterioration of graft function due to an episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection (Banff classification IA). He received 500 mg of metilprednisolon intravenously and mycophenolate mofetil had been reintroduced, which resulted in slow partial recovery of the graft function, but never to the baseline values. For the past two years his renal graft function has been stable, maintaining lower levels of immunosupressive therapy. According to our knowledge this is the first documented case of BK virus associated nephropathy, diagnosed and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining of tissue from kidney biopsy in Croatia

    Polyomavirus Associated Nephropathy after Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation: Case Report

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    Polyomavirus virus associated nephropathy (PVAN) is an important cause of graft failure in the renal transplant population. The prevalence of PVAN has increased from 1% to 10% in the past decade, leading to loss of transplanted organ in 30% to 80% of cases. In the absence of specific antiviral drugs, early detection of disease and modification/reduction of immunosuppressive regimen is currently the cornerstone of therapy. In the setting of multiorgan transplantation, like simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPKT), diagnosis and therapy of PVAN can be even more challenging problem. We report a first described case of PVAN in patient after SPKT in Croatia. Patient is a 32 years old Caucasian male with type 1 diabetes mellitus and end stage renal failure, diagnosed for PVAN 6 month after SPKT. Patient was treated with reduced immunosuppressive regimen. At 32 month follow up, patient has preserved kidney and pancreas function with estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) rate of 91 mL/min and no signs of PVAN on his 2 year protocol kidney biopsy

    Polyomavirus associated nephropathy after kidney and pancreas transplantation: case report [Polomavirusom uzrokovana nefropatija nakon simultane transplantacije bubrega i guŔterače: prikaz slučajeva]

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    Polyomavirus virus associated nephropathy (PVAN) is an important cause of graft failure in the renal transplant population. The prevalence of PVAN has increased from 1% to 10% in the past decade, leading to loss of transplanted organ in 30% to 80% of cases. In the absence of specific antiviral drugs, early detection of disease and modification/reduction of immunosuppressive regimen is currently the cornerstone of therapy. In the setting of multiorgan transplantation, like simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPKT), diagnosis and therapy of PVAN can be even more challenging problem. We report a first described case of PVAN in patient after SPKT in Croatia. Patient is a 32 years old Caucasian male with type 1 diabetes mellitus and end stage renal failure, diagnosed for PVAN 6 month after SPKT. Patient was treated with reduced immunosuppressive regimen. At 32 month follow up, patient has preserved kidney and pancreas function with estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) rate of 91 mL/min and no signs of PVAN on his 2 year protocol kidney biopsy

    First documented case of BK nephropathy in kidney transplant recipient in Croatia: usage of urine cytology in evaluation process [Prvi potvrđeni slučaj BK virusne nefropatije u bolesnika sa transplantiranim bubregom u Hrvatskoj: koriÅ”tenje citoloÅ”ke analize urina u otkrivanju bolesti]

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    BK virus associated nephropathy (BKVAN) in transplanted kidney, although recognized as a distinct entity in the 1970-es, continues to represent a challenge in kidney transplantation, mainly because the optimal treatment approach has not been determined yet. The fact that about 10ā€“20% of patients have simultaneously some stage of acute rejection, complicate the treatment even more. Herein we present a case of BK nephropathy in the patient, one year after combined liver and kidney transplantation, complicated by episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection. Identification of decoy cells by cytology urine exam in patient with acute kidney graft function deterioration, raised suspicion of BKVAN. Diagnosis has been made by histological examination and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining for BK virus in kidney graft biopsy. One month after he had been treated for BKVAN with intravenous immunoglobulin, leflunomide and overall immunosuppression therapy reduction, there was further deterioration of graft function due to an episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection (Banff classification IA). He received 500 mg of metilprednisolon intravenously and mycophenolate mofetil had been reintroduced, which resulted in slow partial recovery of the graft function, but never to the baseline values. For the past two years his renal graft function has been stable, maintaining lower levels of immunosupressive therapy. According to our knowledge this is the first documented case of BK virus associated nephropathy, diagnosed and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining of tissue from kidney biopsy in Croatia

    Prvi potvrđeni slučaj BK virusne nefropatije u bolesnika sa transplantiranim bubregom u Hrvatskoj: koriÅ”tenje citoloÅ”ke analize urina u otkrivanju bolesti

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    BK virus associated nephropathy (BKVAN) in transplanted kidney, although recognized as a distinct entity in the 1970-es, continues to represent a challenge in kidney transplantation, mainly because the optimal treatment approach has not been determined yet. The fact that about 10ā€“20% of patients have simultaneously some stage of acute rejection, complicate the treatment even more. Herein we present a case of BK nephropathy in the patient, one year after combined liver and kidney transplantation, complicated by episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection. Identification of decoy cells by cytology urine exam in patient with acute kidney graft function deterioration, raised suspicion of BKVAN. Diagnosis has been made by histological examination and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining for BK virus in kidney graft biopsy. One month after he had been treated for BKVAN with intravenous immunoglobulin, leflunomide and overall immunosuppression therapy reduction, there was further deterioration of graft function due to an episode of acute T-cell mediated rejection (Banff classification IA). He received 500 mg of metilprednisolon intravenously and mycophenolate mofetil had been reintroduced, which resulted in slow partial recovery of the graft function, but never to the baseline values. For the past two years his renal graft function has been stable, maintaining lower levels of immunosupressive therapy. According to our knowledge this is the first documented case of BK virus associated nephropathy, diagnosed and confirmed with immunohistochemical staining of tissue from kidney biopsy in Croatia.BK virusna nefropatija, koja je prepoznata kao posebni entitet u transplantiranom bubregu joÅ” tijekom 1970-tih godina, i dalje predstavlja dijagnostički i terapijski izazov u transplantacijskoj medicine. Otprilike 10ā€“20% bolesnika istovremeno razvije određeni stupanj akutnog odbacivanja grafta bubrega, Å”to dodatno komplicira pristup liječenju. Prikazujemo slučaj nefropatije uzrokovane BK virusom u bolesnika, godinu dana nakon istovremene transplantacije bubrega i jetre, čije liječenje je dodatno komplicirala epizoda akutnog odbacivanja bubrega. Temeljem citoloÅ”ke analize i nalaza tzv. Ā»decoyĀ« stanica u urinu bolesnika sa akutnim pogorÅ”anjem funkcije grafta bubrega, postavljena je sumnja na BK virusnu nefropatiju, a dijagnoza je postavljena temeljem patohistoloÅ”ke analize bioptata tkiva bubrega i specifičnog imunohistokemijskog bojenja tkiva na BK virus. Bolesnika smo liječili smanjenjem ukupne doze imunosupresivne terapije, uz adjuvantnu intravensku primjenu humanog imunoglobulina, te zamjenom mikofenolat mofetila sa leflunomidom. Mjesec dana nakon početka liječenja dolazi do daljnjeg pogorÅ”anja bubrežne funkcije, uzrokovane patohistoloÅ”ki dokazanom epizodom akutnog odbacivanja posredovanog T-limfocitima. Bolesnik je liječen parenteralno Solumedrolom, uz ponovo uvođenje mikofenolat mofetila, čime se funkcija grafta bubrega djelomično oporavlja i ostaje stabilna tijekom posljednje dvije godine, uz trajno nižu razinu ukupne imunosupresivne terapije. Temeljem naÅ”eg saznanja, radi se o prvom potvrđenom slučaju BK nefropatije u bolesnika s transplantiranim bubregom u Hrvatskoj, čija je dijagnoza postavljena temeljem specifičnog imunohistokemijskog bojenja tkiva bubrega na BK virus