12 research outputs found

    SMART Frame Selection for Action Recognition

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    Action recognition is computationally expensive. In this paper, we address the problem of frame selection to improve the accuracy of action recognition. In particular, we show that selecting good frames helps in action recognition performance even in the trimmed videos domain. Recent work has successfully leveraged frame selection for long, untrimmed videos, where much of the content is not relevant, and easy to discard. In this work, however, we focus on the more standard short, trimmed action recognition problem. We argue that good frame selection can not only reduce the computational cost of action recognition but also increase the accuracy by getting rid of frames that are hard to classify. In contrast to previous work, we propose a method that instead of selecting frames by considering one at a time, considers them jointly. This results in a more efficient selection, where good frames are more effectively distributed over the video, like snapshots that tell a story. We call the proposed frame selection SMART and we test it in combination with different backbone architectures and on multiple benchmarks (Kinetics, Something-something, UCF101). We show that the SMART frame selection consistently improves the accuracy compared to other frame selection strategies while reducing the computational cost by a factor of 4 to 10 times. Additionally, we show that when the primary goal is recognition performance, our selection strategy can improve over recent state-of-the-art models and frame selection strategies on various benchmarks (UCF101, HMDB51, FCVID, and ActivityNet).Comment: To be published in AAAI-2

    Watt For What: Rethinking Deep Learning's Energy-Performance Relationship

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    Deep learning models have revolutionized various fields, from image recognition to natural language processing, by achieving unprecedented levels of accuracy. However, their increasing energy consumption has raised concerns about their environmental impact, disadvantaging smaller entities in research and exacerbating global energy consumption. In this paper, we explore the trade-off between model accuracy and electricity consumption, proposing a metric that penalizes large consumption of electricity. We conduct a comprehensive study on the electricity consumption of various deep learning models across different GPUs, presenting a detailed analysis of their accuracy-efficiency trade-offs. By evaluating accuracy per unit of electricity consumed, we demonstrate how smaller, more energy-efficient models can significantly expedite research while mitigating environmental concerns. Our results highlight the potential for a more sustainable approach to deep learning, emphasizing the importance of optimizing models for efficiency. This research also contributes to a more equitable research landscape, where smaller entities can compete effectively with larger counterparts. This advocates for the adoption of efficient deep learning practices to reduce electricity consumption, safeguarding the environment for future generations whilst also helping ensure a fairer competitive landscape

    Learn2Augment: Learning to Composite Videos for Data Augmentation in Action Recognition

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    We address the problem of data augmentation for video action recognition. Standard augmentation strategies in video are hand-designed and sample the space of possible augmented data points either at random, without knowing which augmented points will be better, or through heuristics. We propose to learn what makes a good video for action recognition and select only high-quality samples for augmentation. In particular, we choose video compositing of a foreground and a background video as the data augmentation process, which results in diverse and realistic new samples. We learn which pairs of videos to augment without having to actually composite them. This reduces the space of possible augmentations, which has two advantages: it saves computational cost and increases the accuracy of the final trained classifier, as the augmented pairs are of higher quality than average. We present experimental results on the entire spectrum of training settings: few-shot, semi-supervised and fully supervised. We observe consistent improvements across all of them over prior work and baselines on Kinetics, UCF101, HMDB51, and achieve a new state-of-the-art on settings with limited data. We see improvements of up to 8.6% in the semi-supervised setting.Comment: Accepted to ECCV-202

    A Closer Look at Temporal Ordering in the Segmentation of Instructional Videos

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    Understanding the steps required to perform a task is an important skill for AI systems. Learning these steps from instructional videos involves two subproblems: (i) identifying the temporal boundary of sequentially occurring segments and (ii) summarizing these steps in natural language. We refer to this task as Procedure Segmentation and Summarization (PSS). In this paper, we take a closer look at PSS and propose three fundamental improvements over current methods. The segmentation task is critical, as generating a correct summary requires each step of the procedure to be correctly identified. However, current segmentation metrics often overestimate the segmentation quality because they do not consider the temporal order of segments. In our first contribution, we propose a new segmentation metric that takes into account the order of segments, giving a more reliable measure of the accuracy of a given predicted segmentation. Current PSS methods are typically trained by proposing segments, matching them with the ground truth and computing a loss. However, much like segmentation metrics, existing matching algorithms do not consider the temporal order of the mapping between candidate segments and the ground truth. In our second contribution, we propose a matching algorithm that constrains the temporal order of segment mapping, and is also differentiable. Lastly, we introduce multi-modal feature training for PSS, which further improves segmentation. We evaluate our approach on two instructional video datasets (YouCook2 and Tasty) and observe an improvement over the state-of-the-art of ∼7%\sim7\% and ∼2.5%\sim2.5\% for procedure segmentation and summarization, respectively.Comment: Accepted at BMVC 202

    CLASTER: Clustering with Reinforcement Learning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition

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    Zero-shot action recognition is the task of recognizing action classes without visual examples, only with a semantic embedding which relates unseen to seen classes. The problem can be seen as learning a function which generalizes well to instances of unseen classes without losing discrimination between classes. Neural networks can model the complex boundaries between visual classes, which explains their success as supervised models. However, in zero-shot learning, these highly specialized class boundaries may not transfer well from seen to unseen classes. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based model, which considers all training samples at once, instead of optimizing for each instance individually. We optimize the clustering using Reinforcement Learning which we show is critical for our approach to work. We call the proposed method CLASTER and observe that it consistently improves over the state-of-the-art in all standard datasets, UCF101, HMDB51, and Olympic Sports; both in the standard zero-shot evaluation and the generalized zero-shot learning

    A New Split for Evaluating True Zero-Shot Action Recognition

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    Zero-shot action recognition is the task of classifying action categories that are not available in the training set. In this setting, the standard evaluation protocol is to use existing action recognition datasets (e.g. UCF101) and randomly split the classes into seen and unseen. However, most recent work builds on representations pre-trained on the Kinetics dataset, where classes largely overlap with classes in the zero-shot evaluation datasets. As a result, classes which are supposed to be unseen, are present during supervised pre-training, invalidating the condition of the zero-shot setting. A similar concern was previously noted several years ago for image based zero-shot recognition, but has not been considered by the zero-shot action recognition community. In this paper, we propose a new split for true zero-shot action recognition with no overlap between unseen test classes and training or pre-training classes. We benchmark several recent approaches on the proposed True Zero-Shot (TruZe) Split for UCF101 and HMDB51, with zero-shot and generalized zero-shot evaluation. In our extensive analysis we find that our TruZe splits are significantly harder than comparable random splits as nothing is leaking from pre-training, i.e. unseen performance is consistently lower, up to 9.4% for zero-shot action recognition. In an additional evaluation we also find that similar issues exist in the splits used in few-shot action recognition, here we see differences of up to 14.1%. We publish our splits and hope that our benchmark analysis will change how the field is evaluating zero- and few-shot action recognition moving forward