55 research outputs found

    The importance of foreign spectators’ expenditure in the tourism impact of mega-sporting events

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    Many economic impact studies assessed that mega-sporting events can have aninfluence on the level of economic activity of the host territory. The attraction of manytourists is usually at the centre of the analysis. During the Rugby World Cup 2007 inFrance, foreign spectators are at the root of most of the economic impact on Frenchregions, with significant differences depending on their nationalities and their sociodemographicprofiles. It thus appears that the regional impact of the event is evenstronger since the host matches have attracted many foreign spectators with a highlevel of income and expenditure


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    Une aide publique des grands Ă©vĂ©nements sportifs ne peut ĂȘtre justifiĂ©e par une seule Ă©tude d’impact Ă©conomique. Il est nĂ©cessaire de mesurer aussi l’utilitĂ© sociale dans le cadre d’une analyse coĂ»ts/bĂ©nĂ©fices. Cela permet de comparer les coĂ»ts engendrĂ©s pour la communautĂ© d’accueil avec les bĂ©nĂ©fices pour la population en termes de bien-ĂȘtre social. Pourtant, il y a toujours une forte demande d’études d’impact Ă©conomique de la part des pouvoirs publics avant l’organisation de grands Ă©vĂ©nements sportifs, alors que les Ă©tudes coĂ»ts/bĂ©nĂ©fices sont quasiment inexistantes, d’oĂč des dĂ©cisions peu rationnelles en la matiĂšre. On peut mĂȘme supposer que les rĂ©sultats des Ă©tudes d’impact Ă©conomique aient servi Ă  justifier des dĂ©cisions prises sur la base de considĂ©rations essentiellement politiques. Dans cet article, pour rendre compte Ă  la fois de l’impact Ă©conomique et de l’utilitĂ© sociale de l’organisation d’un grand Ă©vĂšnement sportif, nous proposons un test de lĂ©gitimitĂ© que nous illustrons avec l’exemple de la Coupe du Monde de Rugby de 2007 en France. Abstract - The legitimacy of allocating public funds and common resources to the organization of mega sporting events cannot be solely based on an economic impact study. The analysis should also measure the social utility that is generated, and, within the framework of a cost-benefit analysis, compare the costs of the project for the community and the benefits people derive from it in terms of social well-being. Nevertheless, there is a paradox with a strong demand for economic impact studies by public decision makers, while hardly any costs-benefit analyses exist. It is very likely that the lack of such studies has driven to inappropriate public decisions over the past years. Sometimes, economic impact studies have been used, ex post, to justify decisions made on a political level. Here we propose a legitimacy test of such an important event, illustrated through the 2007 Rugby World Cup in France.DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE RÉGIONAL, THÉORIE DE LA BASE, IMPACT ÉCONOMIQUE, GRANDS ÉVÉNEMENTS SPORTIFS, COUPE DU MONDE DE RUGBY, ÉCONOMIE DU BIEN-ÊTRE, ANALYSE COÛT-BÉNÉFICE, MÉTHODE D’ÉVALUATION CONTINGENTE

    The importance of foreign spectators’ expenditure in the tourism impact of mega-sporting events

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    Many economic impact studies assessed that mega-sporting events can have an influence on the level of economic activity of the host territory. The attraction of many tourists is usually at the centre of the analysis. During the Rugby World Cup 2007 in France, foreign spectators are at the root of most of the economic impact on French regions, with significant differences depending on their nationalities and their sociodemographic profiles. It thus appears that the regional impact of the event is even stronger since the host matches have attracted many foreign spectators with a high level of income and expenditure

    Projet de Convention relative au statut international des déplacés environnementaux

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    12 pagesInternational audienceTexte intégral du Projet de Convention relative au statut international des déplacés environnementaux élaboré en 2008 à l'Université de Limoges (CRIDEAU-CRDP-OMIJ-CIDCE

    Sport et environnement : historique et bilan des conférences mondiales

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    National audienc

    'Sport et mondialisation : quel enjeu pour le XXIe siÚcle ' : introduction du numéro thématique

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    Self-management post-stroke is challenging for many persons after a stroke. In this thesis is explored how stroke survivors, spouses and professionals perceived self-management post-stroke and how the process of self-management post-stroke evolved over time. The following studies are conducted: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies, three focus group studies with stroke survivors, their spouses and professionals, and a longitudinal study among stroke survivors with participant observations and interviews. The process of self-management is a complex and dynamic process. Three phases can be distinguished: 1) Self-management of stroke consequences; 2) Self-management of daily activities; and 3) Selfmanagement of a meaningful life post-stroke. Stroke survivors, spouses and professionals all concluded that stroke survivors‘ self-management can best be developed durng the performance of daily activities at home. Furthermore, beside stroke survivors‘ self-management, there should also be attention for self-management of the spouses, co-management, and family management. Two types of stroke self-management programs are advised. In the first period post-discharge, the interventions should focus on development of stroke survivors’ self-management of everyday activities. The second type, recommended for stroke survivors who are at home for a longer time, should focus more on existential issues post-stroke and the possibiltiies stroke survivors (still) have to live a meaningful life

    E comme externalités

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    Concerne la notion économique d'éffets externes appliquée au sport....externalités sportives, solution pigouvienne ou coasienne pour équilibrer les marchés économiques sportif

    Conférences introductives

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    JEAN-JACQUES GOUGUETProfesseur de sciences Ă©conomiquesUniversitĂ© de Limoges, Centre de Droit et d’Économie du SportAncien PrĂ©sident de la section Savate du Limoges Étudiants Club J’ai eu l’honneur d’ĂȘtre vice-prĂ©sident du Limoges Étudiants Club et de prĂ©sider pendant 35 ans la section de Savate-Boxe française. J’ai Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© PrĂ©sident de la Ligue du Limousin de Savate et effectuĂ© plusieurs mandats au ComitĂ© directeur de la FĂ©dĂ©ration française de Savate. Tout cela pour dire qu’au Centre d..

    Réfugiés écologiques : un débat controversé

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    Gouguet Jean-Jacques. Réfugiés écologiques : un débat controversé. In: Revue Européenne de Droit de l'Environnement, n°4, 2006. pp. 381-399
