747 research outputs found

    Wachstumsperspektiven im Strukturwandel: Neue Branchencluster entstehen

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    Diese Arbeit thematisiert den Strukturwandel in Deutschland. Bei der klassischen Darstellung anhand der drei Wirtschaftssektoren Landwirtschaft/Industrie/Dienstleistung gehen wichtige Details verloren. Denn Tertiarisierung bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass alle Dienstleistungen auf einem aufstrebenden Ast sind und alle Industriebranchen an Bedeutung verlieren. Mittels einer multivariaten Clusteranalyse teilen wir die Wirtschaft anhand von Strukturmerkmalen von Branchen in aussagekräftige Abschnitte ein. Grundlage für die Neueinteilung sind wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren der Wachstumstheorie und des Strukturwandels, nämlich die Kapital-, IKT-, Export-, Outsourcing-, Forschungs- und Wissensintensität der Wirtschaftszweige. Die identifizierten Branchencluster überwinden die Grenzen des Drei-Sektoren-Modells und setzen sich sowohl aus Industrie- als auch Dienstleistungsbranchen zusammen. Aufgrund vergleichbarer Strukturmerkmale folgen sie ähnlichen Wachstumstrends und dürften auf exogene Schocks in ähnlicher Weise reagieren. Wir können so Aussagen zum künftigen Strukturwandel und zu den Aussichten der einzelnen Cluster treffen. Nach unseren Ergebnissen ist der Ausblick vor allem für ein forschungs- und wissensintensives Industriecluster und ein Cluster bestehend aus den unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen, dem Finanzwesen und den Versorgen günstig. Zukunftsbranchen stammen also nicht allein aus dem Dienstleistungssektor, daher sollte die Wachstumsdiskussion nicht einseitig geführt werden

    Wachstumsperspektiven im Strukturwandel: Neue Branchencluster entstehen

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    Diese Arbeit thematisiert den Strukturwandel in Deutschland. Bei der klassischen Darstellung anhand der drei Wirtschaftssektoren Landwirtschaft/Industrie/Dienstleistung gehen wichtige Details verloren. Denn Tertiarisierung bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass alle Dienstleistungen auf einem aufstrebenden Ast sind und alle Industriebranchen an Bedeutung verlieren. Mittels einer multivariaten Clusteranalyse teilen wir die Wirtschaft anhand von Strukturmerkmalen von Branchen in aussagekräftige Abschnitte ein. Grundlage für die Neueinteilung sind wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren der Wachstumstheorie und des Strukturwandels, nämlich die Kapital-, IKT-, Export-, Outsourcing-, Forschungs- und Wissensintensität der Wirtschaftszweige. Die identifizierten Branchencluster überwinden die Grenzen des Drei-Sektoren-Modells und setzen sich sowohl aus Industrie- als auch Dienstleistungsbranchen zusammen. Aufgrund vergleichbarer Strukturmerkmale folgen sie ähnlichen Wachstumstrends und dürften auf exogene Schocks in ähnlicher Weise reagieren. Wir können so Aussagen zum künftigen Strukturwandel und zu den Aussichten der einzelnen Cluster treffen. Nach unseren Ergebnissen ist der Ausblick vor allem für ein forschungs- und wissensintensives Industriecluster und ein Cluster bestehend aus den unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen, dem Finanzwesen und den Versorgen günstig. Zukunftsbranchen stammen also nicht allein aus dem Dienstleistungssektor, daher sollte die Wachstumsdiskussion nicht einseitig geführt werden. --Strukturwandel,Wirtschaftsstruktur,Tertiarisierung


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    Não é de hoje que o Direito se preocupa em tutelar os interesses de classes, grupos ou categorias de pessoas, e, apesar de tal sorte, são poucos os instrumentos processuais que demonstrem considerável eficácia, especialmente levando em consideração a incompatibilidade de diversos institutos do processo civil individual, transportados, deveras, para o processo coletivo, os quais não mantêm coerência quando aplicadosà esta última seara, sob uma perspectiva de efetividade da jurisdição, acesso à justiça e segurança jurídica. Vislumbra-se, aqui, uma visão um tanto quanto tímida, objeto de muita crítica entre os doutrinadores processualistas e constitucionalistas. A pesquisa de natureza bibliográfica, busca identificarpossíveis falhas dos instrumentos de tutela coletiva, bem como apontamentos relevantes no que tange à autoridade do instituto da coisa julgada formada nas demandas de natureza coletiva, sua qualidade, (i)mutabilidade e alcance, conjugada com o paradigma da segurança jurídica, trazendo à baila uma perspectiva de colisão de direitos fundamentais, a superação do neoconstitucionalismo reconhecido e aplicado em terra e brasilis como uma forma de reafirmar os valores primados pelo Estado Democrático de Direito pós-positivista.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Coisa Julgada. Direitos Transindividuais. Tutela Coletiva.Segurança Jurídica

    Treatment of Bone Marrow Edema of the Foot and Ankle With the Prostacyclin Analog Iloprost

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    Background: Bone marrow edema (BME) of the foot and ankle is challenging to treat. One approach is intravenous Iloprost treatment, which is a vasoactive prostacyclin analog. The aim of this study was to evaluate the early and intermediate outcome of intravenous Iloprost therapy on BME of the foot and ankle and to analyze the influence of its etiology and Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) stage on the outcome. Methods: This was a retrospective study with prospective follow-up. All patients treated by intravenous Iloprost for BME of the foot and ankle (ARCO I-III) at a single orthopedic reference center were included. Demographics, medical history, and MRIs were assessed prior to treatment (t0). MRIs were used to assess the BMEs' etiology (idiopathic/ ischemic/ metabolic, mechanical/ degenerative, traumatic) and severity (ARCO). Complications as well as changes in pain, treatment, and MRI were evaluated after 3 months (t1). The following patient-rated outcome measures (PROMs) were assessed prospectively (t2): 12Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), Visual Analog Scale Foot and Ankle (VAS FA), and the Foot Function Index (FFI) (also at t0). The descriptive outcomes and the influence of the etiology and ARCO on the outcome parameters were evaluated. Out of 70 eligible patients, 42 patients (60%;47 +/- 15 years;30% female) with a mean follow-up of 28 +/- 19 months were included. Results: Twelve patients reported minor complications during Iloprost therapy. At t1, pain decreased significantly in 56%, and the amount of BME decreased in 83% of patients. Both parameters correlated moderately (r = -0.463, P =.015). The PROMs at t2 revealed moderate results. The overall FFI improved from 59 +/- 21 to 30 +/- 22 (P <.001), the overall VAS FA was 68 +/- 20, the SF-12 Physical Component Summary 42 +/- 12 and Mental Component Summary 50 +/- 9. Subgroup analysis revealed no significant influence of the etiology or ARCO stage on any outcome measure. Conclusion: Iloprost therapy for BME of the foot and ankle resulted in a 60% pain and 80% edema decrease after 3 months. After 2 years, patient-rated outcome measures showed residual impairment. Neither the etiology nor ARCO stage significantly influenced the outcome

    Spin-Parity Analysis of the Centrally produced KsKs system at 800 GeV

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    Results are presented of the spin-parity analysis on a sample of centrally produced mesons in the reaction (p p -> p_{slow} K_s K_s p_{fast}) with 800 GeV protons on liquid hydrogen. The spin-parity analysis in the mass region between threshold and 1.58 GeV/c^2 shows that the (K_s K_s) system is produced mainly in S-wave. The f_0(1500) is clearly observed in this region. Above 1.58 GeV/c^2 two solutions are possible, one with mainly S-wave and another with mainly D-wave. This ambiguity prevents a unique determination of the spin of the f_J(1710) meson.Comment: 6 pages, including 6 figures. LaTex, uses 'espcrc2.sty'. To appear in LEAP'96 proceeding

    Huddle Up: Using Mediation to Help Settle the National Football League Labor Dispute

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    In a patient transferred from Togo to Cologne, Germany, Lassa fever was diagnosed 12 days post mortem. Sixty-two contacts in Cologne were categorised according to the level of exposure, and gradual infection control measures were applied. No clinical signs of Lassa virus infection or Lassa specific antibodies were observed in the 62 contacts. Thirty-three individuals had direct contact to blood, other body fluids or tissue of the patients. Notably, with standard precautions, no transmission occurred between the index patient and healthcare workers. However, one secondary infection occurred in an undertaker exposed to the corpse in Rhineland-Palatinate, who was treated on the isolation unit at the University Hospital of Frankfurt. After German authorities raised an alert regarding the imported Lassa fever case, an American healthcare worker who had cared for the index patient in Togo, and who presented with diarrhoea, vomiting and fever, was placed in isolation and medevacked to the United States. The event and the transmission of Lassa virus infection outside of Africa underlines the need for early diagnosis and use of adequate personal protection equipment (PPE), when highly contagious infections cannot be excluded. It also demonstrates that larger outbreaks can be prevented by infection control measures, including standard PPE