1,906 research outputs found

    Big Bang – can confidence be restored in time?

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    The author gives his view of the reasons behind the economic crisis in Asia in late 1990s and details his vision of the likely future course of events in the region. Article by Hiroshi Goto (Legal Department, Nissho Iwai Corporation) published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

    Construction of action for heterotic string field theory including the Ramond sector

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    Extending the formulation for open superstring field theory given in arXiv:1508.00366, we attempt to construct a complete action for heterotic string field theory. The action is non-polynomial in the Ramond string field Psi, and we construct it order by order in Psi. Using a dual formulation in which the role of eta and Q is exchanged, the action is explicitly obtained at the quadratic and quartic order in Psi with the gauge transformations.Comment: 44pages; ver2: Modification for one of the author's address; ver3: appendix B is added (50 pages in total); ver4: typos are correcte

    γ線照射処理した Picea abies の仮道管壁の構造

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    When a wood specimen (Picea abies (L.) KARST) was γ-irradiated (655 Mrad), microfibrillar texture as seen in the untreated wood was still clearly observed by replica on the surface of the tracheid, while this wood became non-crystalline with X-ray diffractioIn. In transverse and longitudinal sections of the tracheid in γ-irradiated wood microfibrils were observed by the method of block negative staining with uranyl acetate. The disintegration of γ-irradated wood produced many short broken microfibrils. The above facts indicate that γ-irradiation produces many defects even within the crystalline region of microfibrils while retaining their original shapeγ線照射 (655 Mrad) 処理材 〔Picea abies (L.) KARST〕 のX線回折図では結晶性ピークを示さないのに, 電子顕微鏡でレプリカ法により観察すると, 仮道管内壁面には顕著なミクロフィブリルの配向がみられた。本報では, γ線処理材の仮道管にみられるこのようなミクロフィブリル像の実体を明らかにしようとした。γ線処理材を酢酸ウラニルでブロック負染色法により電子顕微鏡観察すると, 仮道管の横断面・縦断面ともにミクロフィブリルが白い斑点状 或いは線状に存在することが確認された。さらにこの試料を解体して観察すると, 短破片状のミクロフィブリルがみられた。以上の結果から, このγ線処理材においては, ミクロフィブリル中に多くの結晶欠陥が存在するが, なおミクロフィブリルの形態は保持されているものと推定される

    MgII Absorption Lines in z=2.974 Damped Lyman-alpha System toward Gravitationally Lensed QSO APM 08279+5255: Detection of Small-scale Structure in MgII Absorbing Clouds

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    1.02-1.16 micron spectra (R ~ 7,000) of the gravitationally lensed QSO APM 08279+5255 at z_em=3.911 were obtained during the commissioning run of IRCS, the 1-5 micron near-infrared camera and spectrograph for the Subaru 8.2 m Telescope. Strong MgII doublet at 2976,2800 angstrom and FeII (2600 angstrom), FeII (2587 angstrom) absorption lines at z_abs=2.974 were clearly detected in the rest-frame UV spectra, confirming the presence of a damped Lyman-alpha system at the redshift as suggested by Petitjean et al. Also MgI (2853 angstrom) absorption line is probably detected. An analysis of the absorption lines including velocity decomposition was performed. This is a first detailed study of MgII absorption system at high redshift (z > 2.5) where the MgII doublet shifts into the near-infrared in the observer's frame. The spectra of the lensed QSO pair A and B with 0.38 arcsec separation were resolved in some exposure frames under excellent seeing condition. We extracted the MgII doublet spectra of A and B separately. Although three velocity components (v ~ -28, +5, +45 km/s) are known to exist in this MgII system (Petitjean et al.), the v ~ +45 km/s absorption line was not detected toward source B, showing that the +45 km/s MgII cloud lies only in the line of sight to the source A. Our results suggests that the size of the MgII absorbing clouds is as small as 200 pc, which corresponds to the separation of A and B at the redshift of the absorber. This is the first direct detection of the small-scale structure of MgII clouds at high-redshift, confirming the estimated cloud sizes from photoionization model by Churchill and Charlton.Comment: ApJ in press (Vol.569, 20 April 2002 issue

    Infrared Spectroscopy of CO Ro-vibrational Absorption Lines toward the Obscured AGN IRAS 08572+3915

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    We present high-resolution spectroscopy of gaseous CO absorption in the fundamental ro-vibrational band toward the heavily obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN) IRAS 08572+3915. We have detected absorption lines up to highly excited rotational levels (J<=17). The velocity profiles reveal three distinct components, the strongest and broadest (delta_v > 200 km s-1) of which is due to blueshifted (-160 km s-1) gas at a temperature of ~ 270 K absorbing at velocities as high as -400 km s-1. A much weaker but even warmer (~ 700 K) component, which is highly redshifted (+100 km s-1), is also detected, in addition to a cold (~ 20 K) component centered at the systemic velocity of the galaxy. On the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium, the column density of CO in the 270 K component is NCO ~ 4.5 x 10^18 cm-2, which in fully molecular gas corresponds to a H2 column density of NH2 ~ 2.5 x 10^22 cm-2. The thermal excitation of CO up to the observed high rotational levels requires a density greater than nc(H2) > 2 x 10^7 cm-3, implying that the thickness of the warm absorbing layer is extremely small (delta_d < 4 x 10-2 pc) even if it is highly clumped. The large column densities and high radial velocities associated with these warm components, as well as their temperatures, indicate that they originate in molecular clouds near the central engine of the AGN.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Vol.65 No.1 2013/02/25