15 research outputs found

    Antecedents of intention to buy green products: an empirical study

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi – Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Resistance Across Borders: Belarusian Civic Activism in Exile under (Trans-)National Repression

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    The mass protests following the rigged 2020 presidential elections in Belarus led to unprecedented repression, resulting in the liquidation of over 1,600 NGOs, the imprisonment of hundreds of activists, and the displacement of thousands. After relocating, these activists continued to mobilize resources and use digital platforms to sustain and expand their support networks across borders. Urban activists played a pivotal role in this transformation, though they acutely felt the challenges of relocation due to their dependence on physical urban spaces and their ties to support networks and governmental bodies. This paper investigates the challenges faced by urban activists, post-relocation, as well as their resource mobilization strategies, utilizing surveys of 47 Belarusian NGOs and conducting 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with urban development experts. It contributes to the understanding of civic activism in exile, emphasizing the strategic use of resources to reorganize activity and resist transnational repression of authoritarian regimes

    The Evolution of Antitrust Regulation in Russia in Digital Era

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    The article includes a comprehensive analysis of changes that have been taking place in Russian antitrust enforcement in response to the digitalization of the economy. Digitalization has led to increase of the role of information and digital platforms in day-to-day business activities of the market players. Digitalization vanished geographical boundaries of the digital markets and modified market structures in general. Innovative technologies, big data, and intellectual property have become the key drivers of economic growth. The authors analyze new violations of antimonopoly legislation in the digital era (in particular collusive tendering using auction robots), the anticompetitive effects resulting from the use of pricing algorithms, and the first approaches of the antitrust authority to regulations of the algorithmic pricing. In addition, within the framework of this article, the first legal positions of the antitrust authority regarding the use of pricing algorithms, as well as the new approaches of the regulator to the analysis of digital markets in merger control are considered, taking into account such factors as network effects, big data and technologies. Moreover, the authors analyze the first practice of using the technology transfer as a remedy in merger control by the antitrust authority to mitigate anti-competitive effects of the transactions planned in the Russian market. Finally, the authors conduct an overview of the new legal provisions governing the mandatory pre-installation of applications by Russian developers, and also describe the background for this initiative. When considering the above topics, the authors deeply analyze the relevant Russian and foreign legislation, draft laws, and the law enforcement practice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. New approaches of the regulator to the analysis of digital markets in the framework of antitrust investigations and merger control, as well as automation of the processes of detecting antitrust violations, demand more attention from market players. Companies are encouraged to take these trends into account in their business activities, reflect them in antitrust compliance programs, as well as implement additional measures to prevent potential antitrust violations in digital markets, in particular, committed with the use of pricing algorithms

    Technological Changes as the Development Factor of the Global and Russian Energy Sector

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    This article aims to study the real and hidden technological changes that will shape the strategic contours of the world energy civilization development, as well as the development of the Russian energy sector. The paper presents the following main conclusions: i) global energy development and nation states energy sector development are determined by a set of issues, foremost of which is innovation and technological aspect that determines the local and global changes that are likely to lead to the formation of a new energy civilization; ii) new energy civilization is established by concepts of "green economy" and "smart energy". In the new energy civilization for a sufficiently long period, the level of primary fossil energy resources consumption will be reduced, and the consumption of energy derived from renewable energy sources will be increased; iii) The prospect of long-term and distant future now requires a reorientation of national energy sectors from resource-intensive and resource-dependent development type to resource-efficient and resource-tech development type. For the Russian energy sector, which is one of the problematic areas of the national economy, the local and systemic solutions are offered that reduce the level of its energy intensity and improve its energy efficiency. Keywords: Energy Sector, Green Economy, Consumption JEL Classifications: O32, Q48, O13, Q28, Q57, Q3

    6-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-4 H

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    Building foundational digital competencies of teachers in general and inclusive education

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    The article discusses some approaches to developing conceptually new cognitive models and algorithms of forming and evaluating key and digital competencies of teachers in inclusive education, aimed at constructing management decisions when organizing additional professional education in conditions of the digitalization of general education. The significance of the research is in the need to identify the level of and to improve the foundational digital competencies of teachers in conditions of digital transformation of education.Nowadays, due to a mass shift towards online education internet users, especially children with disabilities or with special needs, find themselves in the risk zone, and urgently need to be immersed into the field of digital technologies. The results of research on identifying digital competencies in this situation show that the problem is in the contradiction between the indicators of use of electronic teaching and distant education technologies in general education organizations and the level of development of digital competencies among teachers who work with such children.The authors identified approaches to building and evaluating key and digital competencies among teachers and analysed the issues of organizing and implementing advanced training programmes for teachers, including those who work with children with disabilities or with special needs.The results of the research will contribute to updating the content of additional professional education system; creating a modern digital educational environment, where the development of key and digital competencies among teachers will promote a systemic introduction of a wide range of modern methods and foundational technologies of digital education

    Building foundational digital competencies of teachers in general and inclusive education

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    The article discusses some approaches to developing conceptually new cognitive models and algorithms of forming and evaluating key and digital competencies of teachers in inclusive education, aimed at constructing management decisions when organizing additional professional education in conditions of the digitalization of general education. The significance of the research is in the need to identify the level of and to improve the foundational digital competencies of teachers in conditions of digital transformation of education.Nowadays, due to a mass shift towards online education internet users, especially children with disabilities or with special needs, find themselves in the risk zone, and urgently need to be immersed into the field of digital technologies. The results of research on identifying digital competencies in this situation show that the problem is in the contradiction between the indicators of use of electronic teaching and distant education technologies in general education organizations and the level of development of digital competencies among teachers who work with such children.The authors identified approaches to building and evaluating key and digital competencies among teachers and analysed the issues of organizing and implementing advanced training programmes for teachers, including those who work with children with disabilities or with special needs.The results of the research will contribute to updating the content of additional professional education system; creating a modern digital educational environment, where the development of key and digital competencies among teachers will promote a systemic introduction of a wide range of modern methods and foundational technologies of digital education

    Застосування методу рідинної хроматографії для кількісного визначення діючих речовин в таблетках Еналаприл-Н

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    The aim. Combination therapy is used to treat hypertension. Strengthening the action of the ACE inhibitor enalapril is carried out in combination with the thiazide diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. On the pharmaceutical market, such combined preparations are presented by different manufacturers in various concentrations of the active ingredients of enalapril maleate and hydrochlorothiazide. Development of methods for the quantitative determination of active substances in combined drugs by liquid chromatography is topical. Materials and methods. Shimadzu Nexera X2 LC-30AD liquid chromatograph equipped with DAD SPD-M20A diode array detector, SIL-30AC autosampler and CTO-20AC column thermostat; analytical balance - UniBloc AUW120D; pH meter - Knick type 911pH; chromatographic column ACE C18, size 250 mm × 4.6 mm, packed with octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography with a particle size of 5 μm. Results. Based on the results of the work, a method for the quantitative determination of enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide in the presence of HPLC was proposed. The obtained validation characteristics indicate that the method for the quantitative determination of hydrochlorothiazide in Enalapril-H tablets corresponds to the following parameters: correctness, precision, linearity ( =0.70 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.22 ≤ maxd = 0.51, a=0.71  max a=2.60, r = 0.9997  min r=0.9981). In the quantitative determination of enalapril maleate in combined tablets, it was found that correctness, precision, linearity are performed ( =1.21 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.24 ≤ max d=0.51, a=1.35  max a=2.60, r = 0.9991  min r= 0.9981). Conclusions. The method of quantitative chromatographic determination of enalapril maleate and hydrochlorothiazide in an antihypertensive combination drug has been improved. The proposed parameters of the chromatographic separation of the mixture in comparison with the initial ones contribute to a decrease in the costs of monitoring, a decrease in the volume of harmful emissions and cause an extension of the life of the chromatographic columnЦель. Для лечения гипертонической болезни используют комбинированную терапию. Усиление действия ингибитора АПФ эналаприла осуществляют в комбинации с тиазидным диуретиком гидрохлоротиазидом. На фармацевтическом рынке такие комбинированные препараты представлены разными производителями в различных концентрациях действующих веществ эналаприла малеата и гидрохлоротиазида. Актуальным является разработка методик количественного определения действующих веществ в комбинированных лекарственных средствах методом жидкостной хроматографии. Материалы и методы. Жидкостный хроматограф Shimadzu Nexera X2 LC-30AD, оборудованный диодно-матричным детектором DAD SPD-M20A, автосамплером SIL-30AC и термостатом колонки CTO-20AC; аналитичные весы – UniBloc AUW120D; рН‑метр – Knick type 911pH; колонка хроматографическая ACE C18 размером 250 мм × 4,6 мм, заполненная силикагелем октадецилсилильным для хроматографии с размером частиц 5 мкм. Результаты. По результатам работы предложена методика количественного определения эналаприла и гидрохлоротиазида при совместном присутствии методом ВЭЖХ. Полученные валидационные характеристики свидетельствуют о том, что методика количественного определения гидрохлортиазида в таблетках Эналаприл-Н соответствует по параметрам: правильность, прецизионность, линейность ( =0.70 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.22 ≤ maxd = 0.51, a=0.71  max a=2.60, r = 0.9997  min r=0.9981). При количественном определении эналаприла малеата в комбинированных таблетках установлено, что правильность, прецизионность, линейность выполняются ( =1.21 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.24 ≤ max d=0.51, a=1.35  max a=2.60, r = 0.9991  min r= 0.9981). Выводы. Усовершенствована методика количественного хроматографического определения эналаприла малеата и гидрохлоротиазида в антигипертензивном комбинированном лекарственном средстве. Предложенные параметры хроматографического разделения смеси по сравнению с исходными способствуют уменьшению расходов на проведение контроля, уменьшению объемов вредных выбросов и обусловливают продления срока эксплуатации хроматографической колонкиМета. Для лікування гіпертонічної хвороби використовують комбіновану терапію. Підсилення дії інгібітору ангіотензинперетворюючого ферменту еналаприлу здійснюють в комбінації з тіазидним діуретиком гідрохлоротіазидом. На фармацевтичному ринку такі комбіновані препарати представлено різними виробниками у різних концентраціях діючих речовин еналаприлу малеату та гідрохлоротіазиду. Актуальним є розробка методик кількісного визначення діючих речовин в комбінованих лікарських засобах методом рідинної хроматографії. Матеріали і методи. Рідинний хроматограф Shimadzu Nexera X2 LC-30AD, обладнаний діодно-матричним детектором DAD SPD-M20A, автосамплером SIL-30AC та термостатом колонки CTO-20AC; аналітичні ваги – UniBloc AUW120D; рН‑метр – Knick type 911pH; колонка хроматографічна ACE C18 розміром 250 мм × 4,6 мм, заповнена силікагелем октадецилсилільним для хроматографії з розміром часток 5 мкм. Результати. За результатами роботи запропонована методика кількісного визначення еналаприлу і гідрохлоротіазиду при сумісній присутності методом ВЕРХ. Отримані валідаційні характеристики свідчать про те, що методика кількісного визначення гідрохлоротіазиду в таблетках Еналаприл-Н відповідає за параметрами: правильність, прецизійність, лінійність ( =0.70 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.22 ≤ maxd = 0.51, a=0.71  max a=2.60, r = 0.9997  min r=0.9981). При кількісному визначенні еналаприлу малеату в комбінованих таблетках встановлено, що правильність, прецизійність, лінійність виконуються ( =1.21 ≤ max =1.60, d=0.24 ≤ max d=0.51, a=1.35  max a=2.60, r = 0.9991  min r= 0.9981). Висновки. Вдосконалено методику кількісного хроматографічного визначення еналаприлу малеату та гідрохлоротіазиду в антигіпертензивному комбінованому лікарському засобі. Запропоновані параметри хроматографічного розділення суміші у порівнянні з вихідними сприяють зменшенню витрат на проведення контролю, зменшенню об’ємів шкідливих викидів і обумовлюють подовження терміну експлуатації хроматографічної колонк


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    The molecule of the title compound, C11H9NO2, is essentially planar [r.m.s. deviation of the non-H atoms = 0.056 (1) Å]. In the crystal, strong O—H...O hydrogen bonds form zigzag chains along the b axis. The molecules form stacks along the a axis due to π–π interactions, the shortest distance between the centroids of the benzene and pyridinone rings being 3.6146 (7) Å