2,764 research outputs found

    Adaptive, spatially-varying aberration correction for real-time holographic projectors.

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    A method of generating an aberration- and distortion-free wide-angle holographically projected image in real time is presented. The target projector is first calibrated using an automated adaptive-optical mechanism. The calibration parameters are then fed into the hologram generation program, which applies a novel piece-wise aberration correction algorithm. The method is found to offer hologram generation times up to three orders of magnitude faster than the standard method. A projection of an aberration- and distortion-free image with a field of view of 90x45 degrees is demonstrated. The implementation on a mid-range GPU achieves high resolution at a frame rate up to 12fps. The presented methods are automated and can be performed on any holographic projector.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Optical Society of America via https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.24.01574

    An optical Fourier transform coprocessor with direct phase determination.

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    The Fourier transform is a ubiquitous mathematical operation which arises naturally in optics. We propose and demonstrate a practical method to optically evaluate a complex-to-complex discrete Fourier transform. By implementing the Fourier transform optically we can overcome the limiting O(nlogn) complexity of fast Fourier transform algorithms. Efficiently extracting the phase from the well-known optical Fourier transform is challenging. By appropriately decomposing the input and exploiting symmetries of the Fourier transform we are able to determine the phase directly from straightforward intensity measurements, creating an optical Fourier transform with O(n) apparent complexity. Performing larger optical Fourier transforms requires higher resolution spatial light modulators, but the execution time remains unchanged. This method could unlock the potential of the optical Fourier transform to permit 2D complex-to-complex discrete Fourier transforms with a performance that is currently untenable, with applications across information processing and computational physics

    Effects of biochemical and mechanical stimulation of articular chondrocytes in collagen-GAG scaffolds : extracellular matrix biosynthesis and scaffold stiffness

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-59).As the incidence of osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint conditions continues to grow, rehabilitation via tissue engineering is becomingly increasingly attractive as an alternative to traditional surgical interventions. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis are specifically concerned with cartilage tissue engineering, while chapter 4 is relevant to bone and osteochondral tissue engineering. The cartilage tissue engineering sections focus on the effects of two different classes of regulators of chondrocyte behavior: chemical growth factors and mechanical loading. In chapter 2, FGF-2, a chemical regulator, was supplied to chondrocyte-seeded constructs over a 4 week culture period. Afterward, these constructs were subjected to sequential ramp and hold compressive strains on a Dynastat mechanical testing apparatus, and the unconfined elastic moduli were calculated. These data were compared to the values for scaffolds receiving no FGF. The results indicate that FGF-2 induced a significant increase in the modulus of chondrocyte-seeded scaffolds. Numerous reports indicate that certain types of mechanical loading can increase chondrocytes' ECM biosynthesis in particular cell-scaffold systems in vitro. Few if any loading experiments have been done, however, with type II collagen-GAG scaffolds cultured in serum-free medium. Chapter 3 describes a series of experiments in which chondrocyte-seeded scaffolds were subjected to dynamic compression and the effects of this treatment on the proliferation of the chondrocytes, their synthesis of ECM, and the stiffness of the scaffolds were measured. The results of these experiments were inconclusive. Analysis indicated that very few chondrocytes were retained in the scaffolds.(cont.) A post hoc investigation of the scaffolds revealed that they were biologically inactive due to their oversize pores. The low cell density was reflected in unusually low biosynthesis values and no significant differences in stiffness post-loading. The mechanical properties of implantable constructs such as stiffness and compressive strength are likely to significantly affect the clinical outcome. The fourth chapter describes measurements of the elastic modulus and ultimate compressive strength of a bone scaffold material. Five different scaffold formulations were tested, and the mechanical properties correlated with the variations in their composition.by Timothy D. Gordon.S.M

    Single-pixel phase-corrected fiber bundle endomicroscopy with lensless focussing capability.

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    In this paper a novel single-pixel method for coherent imaging through an endoscopic fiber bundle is presented. The use of a single-pixel detector allows greater sensitivity over a wider range of wavelengths, which could have significant applications in endoscopic fluorescence microscopy. First, the principle of lensless focussing at the distal end of a coherent fiber bundle is simulated to examine the impact of pixelation at microscopic scales. Next, an experimental optical correlator system using spatial light modulators (SLMs) is presented. A simple contrast imaging method of characterizing and compensating phase aberrations introduced by fiber bundles is described. Experimental results are then presented showing that our phase compensation method enables characterization of the optical phase profile of individual fiberlets. After applying this correction, early results demonstrating the ability of the system to electronically adjust the focal plane at the distal end of the fiber bundle are presented. The structural similarity index (SSIM) between the simulated image and the experimental focus-adjusted image increases noticeably when the phase correction is applied and the retrieved image is visually recognizable. Strategies to improve image quality are discussed.G. Gordon would like to acknowledge support from a Henslow Research Fellowship from the Cambridge Philosophical Society, as well as research funding from the Cambridge Cancer Centre and Cancer Research UK. S. Bohndiek would like to acknowledge research funding from a Cancer Research UK Career Establishment Award and the CRUK-EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre in Cambridge and Manchester.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2015.243681

    Dynamic detection of electron spin accumulation in ferromagnet-semiconductor devices by ferromagnetic resonance

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    A distinguishing feature of spin accumulation in ferromagnet-semiconductor devices is precession of the non-equilibrium spin population of the semiconductor in a magnetic field. This is the basis for detection techniques such as the Hanle effect, but these approaches become less effective as the spin lifetime in the semiconductor decreases. For this reason, no electrical Hanle measurement has been demonstrated in GaAs at room temperature. We show here that by forcing the magnetization in the ferromagnet (the spin injector and detector) to precess at the ferromagnetic resonance frequency, an electrically generated spin accumulation can be detected from 30 to 300 K. At low temperatures, the distinct Larmor precession of the spin accumulation in the semiconductor can be detected by ferromagnetic resonance in an oblique field. We verify the effectiveness of this new spin detection technique by comparing the injection bias and temperature dependence of the measured spin signal to the results obtained using traditional methods. We further show that this new approach enables a measurement of short spin lifetimes (< 100 psec), a regime that is not accessible in semiconductors using traditional Hanle techniques.Comment: 4 figure

    Grayscale-to-Color: Scalable Fabrication of Custom Multispectral Filter Arrays.

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    Snapshot multispectral image (MSI) sensors have been proposed as a key enabler for a plethora of multispectral imaging applications, from diagnostic medical imaging to remote sensing. With each application requiring a different set, and number, of spectral bands, the absence of a scalable, cost-effective manufacturing solution for custom multispectral filter arrays (MSFAs) has prevented widespread MSI adoption. Despite recent nanophotonic-based efforts, such as plasmonic or high-index metasurface arrays, large-area MSFA manufacturing still consists of many-layer dielectric (Fabry-Perot) stacks, requiring separate complex lithography steps for each spectral band and multiple material compositions for each. It is an expensive, cumbersome, and inflexible undertaking, but yields optimal optical performance. Here, we demonstrate a manufacturing process that enables cost-effective wafer-level fabrication of custom MSFAs in a single lithographic step, maintaining high efficiencies (∼75%) and narrow line widths (∼25 nm) across the visible to near-infrared. By merging grayscale (analog) lithography with metal-insulator-metal (MIM) Fabry-Perot cavities, whereby exposure dose controls cavity thickness, we demonstrate simplified fabrication of MSFAs up to N-wavelength bands. The concept is first proven using low-volume electron beam lithography, followed by the demonstration of large-volume UV mask-based photolithography with MSFAs produced at the wafer level. Our framework provides an attractive alternative to conventional MSFA manufacture and metasurface-based spectral filters by reducing both fabrication complexity and cost of these intricate optical devices, while increasing customizability

    Evidence for a late glacial advance near the beginning of the Younger Dryas in western New York State: An event postdating the record for local Laurentide ice sheet recession

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    Widespread evidence of an unrecognized late glacial advance across preexisting moraines in western New York is confirmed by 40 14C ages and six new optically stimulated luminescence analyses between the Genesee Valley and the Cattaraugus Creek basin of eastern Lake Erie. The Late Wisconsin chronology is relatively unconstrained by local dating of moraines between Pennsylvania and Lake Ontario. Few published 14C ages record discrete events, unlike evidence in the upper Great Lakes and New England. The new 14C ages from wood in glacial tills along Buttermilk Creek south of Springville, New York, and reevaluation of numerous 14C ages from miscellaneous investigations in the Genesee Valley document a significant glacial advance into Cattaraugus and Livingston Counties between 13,000 and 13,300 cal yr B.P., near the Greenland Interstadial 1b (GI-1b) cooling leading into the transition from the Bölling-Alleröd to the Younger Dryas. The chronology from four widely distributed sites indicates that a Late Wisconsin advance spread till discontinuously over the surface, without significantly modifying the preexisting glacial topography. A short-lived advance by a partially grounded ice shelf best explains the evidence. The advance, ending 43 km south of Rochester and a similar distance south of Buffalo, overlaps the revised chronology for glacial Lake Iroquois, now considered to extend from ca. 14,800–13,000 cal yr B.P. The spread of the radiocarbon ages is similar to the well-known Two Creeks Forest Bed, which equates the event with the Two Rivers advance in Wisconsin

    Widespread Hydrogenation of the Moons South Polar Cold Traps

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    The study shows widespread evidence that the Moons permanently shadowed regions (PSR) are enhanced in hydrogen, likely in the form of water ice, as compared to non-permanently shadowed region locations (non-PSRs), to 79deg S. Results are consistent with the original findings of Watson et al, 1961. We use a novel method to aggregate the hydrogen response from all PSR, greater than 2 km wide pixels. Poleward of 79deg S, the PSR have a consistent hydrogen spatial response, which is enhanced in PSR (where the PSRs area density is highest) and diminishes with distance from any PSR (where the PSR area density is lowest). A correlation between the PSRs diameters and their observed hydrogen, is induced by the instrumental blurring of relatively hydrogenated PSR areas. An anomalously enhanced hydrogen concentration observed at Cabeus-1 PSR suggests a second hydrogen budget process at that location. Linear correlations, derived from the PSRs hydrogen observations, from two independent latitude bands, closely predict the hydrogen observation at Shoemaker, the largest area PSR, 1) 75deg to 83deg S, 2) 83deg to 90deg S. Results are consistent with ongoing processes that introduce volatiles to the surface including outgassing, solar wind production with regolith silicates, and mixing from small-scale meteor impacts and diurnal temperature variation. Results are derived from the Collimated Sensor for EpiThermal Neutrons (CSETN), which part of the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND), onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).Comment: 27 pages, 14 Figure
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