57 research outputs found

    El valor político de la amistad

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    Reseña de: Hannah Arendt, Freundschaft in finsteren Zeiten. Gedanken zu Lessing. Matthes & Seitz Berlin: Berlin, 2018, 144 pp

    El sentimiento y la razón. La crítica de Schiller a la moral kantiana

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal exponer los planteamientos morales que Schiller desarrolla en Sobre la gracia y la dignidad y que conducen a una importante crítica de algunas concepciones fundamentales de la ética kantiana. La publicación de esta obra propició un debate con Kant que se caracterizó por la enorme convicción con que ambos filósofos defendieron sus propias posiciones y que se prolonga hasta nuestros días. Se dará cuenta asimismo de las distintas fases por las que pasó el debate, y se reivindicará el valor de la obra teórica de Schiller«Feeling and reason. Schiller’s critique of Kant’s». The aim of this article is to describe the moral arguments that Schiller develops in On Grace and Dignity, which lead to an important critique on some basic conceptions of Kant’s Ethic. The publication of this book initiated a debate with Kant, which was characterized by the strong conviction with which both philosophers defended their positions and which is still ongoing. The current article will explain the different phases of this debate and will vindicate the value of Schiller’s the theoretical work

    Hacia una agenda de investigación sobre la relación entre capital social y turismo

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      The present study conducts a reflective analysis of academic production about the relationship between tourism and social capital, with the aim of responding to the question: What are the themes, variables and paths that the study of social capital ought to follow in the tourism sphere? It became clear that although there is relevant academic production regarding the relationship between tourism and social capital, the entire range of the possibilities for its study and understanding has still not been covered, which in addition limits its academic knowledge, the possibility of designing intervention actions that could have an impact on the improvement of tourism or of social capital in societies where they participate, or in both. The elements to be considered when approaching a research agenda are presented, in order to delve into the knowledge of the relationship between tourism and social capital as theoretical-conceptual framework, that is, stemming from the type of relationship between the themes, the scenarios to be considered, the scales to approach the studies, the actors to be included, and the dimensions, categories, themes or variables to be considered. Finally, reflections are made about what has been researched until today, and the different scientific academic work lines that can be pursued in the future.  El presente ensayo, realiza un análisis reflexivo de la producción académica sobre la relación entre turismo y capital social, con la finalidad de responder a la interrogante ¿cuáles son las temáticas, variables y rumbos que ha de seguir el estudio del capital social en el ámbito turístico? Se encontró que, si bien existe producción académica importante respecto a la relación entre turismo y capital social, aún no se ha cubierto toda la gama de posibilidades para su estudio y comprensión, lo cual limita además de su conocimiento académico, la posibilidad de diseñar acciones de intervención que incidan en la mejora de la propia actividad turística o del capital social en las sociedades que en él participan o en ambos. Se presentan los elementos a considerar al abordar una agenda de investigación para profundizar en el conocimiento de la relación entre turismo y capital social como marco teórico-conceptual, a saber, desde el tipo de relación entre las temáticas, los escenarios a considerar, las escalas para abordar los estudios, los actores a incluir y las dimensiones, categorías, temáticas o variables a considerar. Finalmente se hacen reflexiones sobre lo que hasta el momento se ha investigado y las distintas líneas de trabajo académico científico que pueden seguirse en el futuro

    Invited review: Artisanal Mexican cheeses

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    AbstractThe objective of this review is to present an overview of some of the most commonly consumed artisanal Mexican cheeses, as well as those cheeses that show potential for a protected designation of origin. A description is given for each of these cheeses, including information on their distinguishing characteristics that makes some of them potential candidates for achieving a protected designation of origin status. This distinction could help to expand their frontiers and allow them to become better known and appreciated in other parts of the world. Due to the scarcity of scientific studies concerning artisanal Mexican cheeses, which would ultimately aid in the standardization of manufacturing processes and in the establishment of regulations related to their production, more than 40 varieties of artisanal cheese are in danger of disappearing. To preserve these cheeses, it is necessary to address this challenge by working jointly with government, artisanal cheesemaking organizations, industry, academics, and commercial partners on the implementation of strategies to protect and preserve their artisanal means of production. With sufficient information, official Mexican regulations could be established that would encompass and regulate the manufacture of Mexican artisanal cheeses. Finally, as many Mexican artisanal cheeses are produced from raw milk, more scientific studies are required to show the role of the lactic acid bacteria and their antagonistic effect on pathogenic microorganisms during aging following cheese making