11 research outputs found


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    Triathlon is a sport modality that has been on the rise in recent years, and represents a great physical load for the body. Therefore, the first goal of the present study was to investigate physiological response in non-professional half-distance triathlon participants regarding to muscle and kidney damage. Secondly, we evaluated the short-term recovery of this competition. Blood parameters of muscle and kidney damage of seventeen trained and experienced male triathletes were assessed before (pre) and after (post) the competition and 24h (24h REC) and 48 h (48h REC) after the individual finish. After race there were significant increases in the concentrations of creatine kinase and Total Protein (≤0.005) compared with Pre- race. A significant decrease in the total bilirubin (Δ =-24.5%; p<0.05) and Total Protein (Δ =-11.4%; p<0.05) values compared with post-race were shown 24h after race finish. At 48h of recovery, Total Protein decrease significantly compared with post- (Δ =-10.8%; p<0.05) and shown lower values compared with Pre- race (Δ =-5.7%; p<0.05). Significant muscle damage is caused in non-professional triathletes as result of half-distance race competition and 48h of recovery could be not sufficient to the decrease of serum creatine kinase

    Anthropometric and physical performance of youth handball players: The role of the relative age

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    FUNDAMENTOS: El efecto de la edad relativa es esencial a lo largo de todos los procesos de selección de talentos en el deporte, especialmente durante la adolescencia, lo que deja menos atletas dentro de cada cohorte que nacen al final del año seleccionado. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar el papel de la edad relativa en las características antropométricas y de rendimiento físico de los jóvenes jugadores de balonmano por sexo. MÉTODOS: La muestra que se seleccionó incluyó 47 participantes (varón n = 23, mujer n = 24). La recolección de datos incluyó parámetros antropométricos, de composición corporal y de niveles de rendimiento físico. RESULTADOS: Hubo una representación significativamente mayor de jugadores en el primer semestre en comparación con el segundo semestre, para todos los grupos de género, excepto para los jugadores masculinos seleccionados. En los varones, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en altura, altura sentada, peso, envergadura, circunferencias de brazos y piernas, y en la velocidad de los lanzamientos (en apoyo y en suspensión) entre los jugadores que nacieron en el primer y segundo semestre. CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados confirmaron un efecto de edad relativa en los jugadores nacidos en 2002 que fueron seleccionados para participar en el Campeonato de España, que fue diferente para hombres y mujeres. A pesar de este efecto, que sólo apareció en las hembras, aparecieron diferencias significativas en las condiciones antropométricas y físicas de los jugadores masculinos.BACKGROUND: The relative age effect is essential throughout all of the talent selection processes in sports, especially during adolescence, which leaves fewer athletes within each cohort that are born late in the selected year. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of relative age in anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of youth handball players by gender. METHODS: The sample that was selected included 47 participants (male n = 23, female n = 24). The data collection included anthropometric, body compositions parameters, and physical performance levels. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher representation of players in the first semester in comparison with the second semester, for all of the gender groups, except for the selected male players. In males, statistically significant differences were found in height, sitting height, weight, wingspan, arm and leg circumferences, and in throws speed (in support and in suspension) between those players that were born in the first and second semester. CONCLUSION: The results confirmed an effect of relative age in the players born in 2002 that were selected to participate in the Spanish Championship, which was different for males and females. In spite of this effect, which only appeared in females, significant differences in the anthropometric and physical conditions appeared in the male players.• Junta de Extremadura y Programa FEDER. bECA gr15020 • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. Beca FPU15/00450 y FPU15/00452peerReviewe

    Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24: estructura factorial, validez y confiabilidad en estudiantes universitarios argentinos

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. Una de las herramientas más utilizadas para la evaluación de la inteligencia emocional autopercibida (IEA) es el Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS). Sin embargo, existen escasos estudios que den cuenta de cómo funciona en estudiantes universitarios argentinos. Sumado a ello, recientemente se ha propuesto una revisión de la estructura factorial del TMMS-24, por lo que se requiere de nuevas investigaciones a los fines de examinar cuál es la estructura factorial que representa más adecuadamente a la IEA. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la estructura factorial del TMMS-24 (probando el modelo bifactor y utilizando coeficientes adicionales), como así también su validez y confiabilidad, con el fin de aportar evidencias que garanticen la calidad de la medida en su adaptación al contexto local para su aplicación a estudiantes universitarios de Buenos Aires, Argentina. MÉTODO. La muestra estuvo comprendida por 374 estudiantes, quienes respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el TMMS-24, y las versiones argentinas del Cuestionario de regulación emocional y el Inventario de cociente emocional. RESULTADOS. El análisis factorial confirmatorio dio cuenta de un adecuado ajuste del modelo a los datos al modelo oblicuo (tres factores correlacionados con sus respectivos indicadores: atención, claridad y reparación; X2 = 803.354, GL = 249, CFI .9384, TLI .931, RMSEA [90% IC] = .0778; [.071, .083], WRMR 1.5273). Si bien el modelo bifactor evidenció índices de ajuste satisfactorios, los indicadores adicionales no fueron adecuados. La consistencia interna fue adecuada para cada subescala (atención emocional ω = .90; claridad emocional ω = .90; reparación emocional ω = .88). Se encontraron diferencias según sexo y edad para ciertas subescalas y correlaciones esperadas con las subescalas del ERQ-A y del EQ-i. DISCUSIÓN. El TMMS-24 mostró propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para la medición de IEA en población universitaria de Buenos Aires

    A proposal to identify the maximal metabolic steady state by muscle oxygenation and VO2max levels in trained cyclists

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    • Financiación de acceso abierto gracias al acuerdo CRUE-CSIC con Springer NaturePROPÓSITO: Los sensores de espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano (NIRS) miden la saturación de oxígeno muscular (SmO2) como factor de rendimiento en atletas de resistencia. El objetivo de este estudio es delimitar los umbrales metabólicos relativos al estado metabólico máximo estable (MMSS) utilizando SmO2 en ciclistas. MÉTODOS: Cuarenta y ocho ciclistas realizaron una prueba incremental graduada (GTX) (100 W-calentamiento seguido de 30 W min) hasta el agotamiento. La SmO2 se midió con un NIRS portátil colocado en el vasto lateral. Los sujetos se clasificaron por niveles de VO2max con una escala del 2 al 5: L2 = 45-54,9, L3 = 55-64,9, L4 = 65-71, L5 = > 71, que representan entrenado de forma recreativa, entrenado, bien entrenado y profesional, respectivamente. A continuación, se determinaron los umbrales metabólicos: Zona Fatmax, potencia umbral funcional (FTP), punto de compensación respiratoria (RCP) y potencia aeróbica máxima (MAP). Además, la potencia de salida%, frecuencia cardiaca%, VO2%, consumo de carbohidratos y grasas hasta el punto de corte de SmO2 en relación con la MMSS. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una mayor disminución de SmO2 en ciclistas con > 55 VO2max (L3, L4 y L5) frente a los ciclistas (L2) en la MMSS. Asimismo, tras superar el FTP y el RCP, el rendimiento depende de una mejor extracción de oxígeno muscular. Además, la MMSS se definió al 27% de SmO2, donde comienza un estado no estable durante el ejercicio en ciclistas entrenados. CONCLUSIÓN: Se ha proporcionado un nuevo indicador para ciclistas entrenados, < 27% SmO2 como punto de corte para definir la Zona MMSS. Esta es la intensidad para la cual el atleta puede sostener 1 h de ejercicio bajo condiciones de estado cuasi estable sin fatigarse.PURPOSE: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors measure muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) as a performance factor in endurance athletes. The objective of this study is to delimit metabolic thresholds relative to maximal metabolic steady state (MMSS) using SmO2 in cyclists. METHODS: Forty-eight cyclists performed a graded incremental test (GTX) (100 W-warm-up followed by 30 W min) until exhaustion. SmO2 was measured with a portable NIRS placed on the vastus lateralis. Subjects were classified by VO2max levels with a scale from 2 to 5: L2 = 45–54.9, L3 = 55–64.9, L4 = 65–71, L5 = > 71, which represent recreationally trained, trained, well-trained, and professional, respectively. Then, metabolic thresholds were determined: Fatmax zone, functional threshold power (FTP), respiratory compensation point (RCP), and maximal aerobic power (MAP). In addition, power output%, heart rate%, VO2%, carbohydrate and fat consumption to cutoff SmO2 point relative to MMSS were obtained. RESULTS: A greater SmO2 decrease was found in cyclists with > 55 VO2max (L3, L4 and L5) vs. cyclists (L2) in the MMSS. Likewise, after passing FTP and RCP, performance is dependent on better muscle oxygen extraction. Furthermore, the MMSS was defined at 27% SmO2, where a non-steady state begins during exercise in trained cyclists. CONCLUSION: A new indicator has been provided for trained cyclists, < 27% SmO2 as a cut-off to define the MMSS Zone. This is the intensity for which the athlete can sustain 1 h of exercise under quasi-steady state conditions without fatiguing.• Junta de Extremadura Y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Subvención GR21189peerReviewe

    Effect of hypoxic conditioning on functional fitness, balance and fear of falling in healthy older adults: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Hypoxic conditioning has been proposed as a new tool to mitigate the sarcopenia and enhance health-related function, but decrements in standing balance have been observed during hypoxia exposure. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of a hypoxic conditioning training on functional fitness, balance and fear of falling in healthy older adults. Methods A total of 54 healthy older adults (aged 65–75 years), who voluntarily participated in the study, were randomly divided into three groups: the control group (CON), the normoxia training group (NT) that performed strength training in normoxia, and the hypoxia training group (HT) that trained under moderate hypoxic conditions at a simulated altitude of 2500 m asl. The training programme that was performed during 24 weeks was similar in both experimental groups and consisted of a full-body workout with elastic bands and kettlebells (three sets × 12–15 reps). The Senior Fitness Test (SFT), the Single Leg Stance test (SLS) and the Short Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) were assessed before and after the intervention. Results Results showed that after training, either in normoxia or in hypoxia, the participants increased upper and lower body strength, and the aerobic endurance, and decreased the fear of falling. Conclusions The moderate hypoxic conditioning seems to be a useful tool to increase the functional capacity in healthy older adults without observing a decline in balance. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04281264. Registered February 9, 2019-Retrospectively registered

    EFECTOS DEL ENTRENAMIENTO INTEGRADO EN MINI-BALONMANO SOBRE LAS HABILIDADES MOTORAS EN ESCOLARES DE 8-12 AÑOS [Effects of integrated mini-handball training on motor skills in schools aged 8-12 years]

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    El entrenamiento integrado ha sido utilizado en balonmano, combinando elementos técnicos-tácticos con cualidades motoras condicionales. El objetivo es estudiar si un programa integrado de mini-balonmano produce cambios en habilidades motrices específicas en jugadores/as benjamines y alevines. Los participantes (134) fueron categorizados en: benjamín (BE; n=80), alevín masculino (AM; n=22) y alevín femenino (AF; n=32). Realizaron 54 sesiones de mini-balonmano integrando elementos técnico-tácticos con habilidades motoras coordinativas específicas. Antes y después del programa se evaluaron la precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo del balón a través de 5 test específicos. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo BE en la prueba de precisión desde 7m. (p= 0,003), precisión desde 9m. (p= 0,027), carrera de 20m. con bote (p= 0,002), dribling (p<0,001) y autopases (p= 0,001). Ambos grupos de categoría alevín obtuvieron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la prueba de velocidad con balón (AF: p=0,043; AM: p=0,013). Además el grupo AM, consiguió mejoras estadísticamente significativas en autopase (p= 0,028). En conclusión, el entrenamiento integrado produce mejoras con altos porcentajes de cambio en las habilidades de precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo de balón en categoría benjamín y alevín. Abstract The integrated training has been used in handball, mainly combining the work of technical-tactical elements with conditional motor abilities. The aim is to study the effects of integrated training program in mini-handball produce changes on handball specific coordinated motor abilities in categories under 10 years old and under 12 years old. The participants (134) were divided in: U10 (BE; n = 80), male U12 (AM, n = 22) and female U12 (AF, n = 32). Participants performed 54 mini-handball training sessions, where the learning of technical-tactical elements was integrated with specific coordinated motor abilities. Before and after, accuracy, ball velocity and ball handling were evaluated by 5 different tests. Statistically significant differences were observed in the BE group in the accuracy from 7m (P = 0.003), accuracy from 9m. (P = 0.027), 20m run with ball (P = 0.002), dribbling (P <0.000) and ball handling (P = 0.001). Both groups U12 obtained statistically significant improvements in the 20m run (AF: P = 0.043; AM: P = 0.013). In addition, the AM group achieved statistically significant improvements in the ball handling test (P = 0.028). In conclusion, improvements with high percentages of change, were found in coordinated motor abilities of accuracy, speed with ball and ball handling

    Anthropometric and Physical Performance of Youth Handball Players: The Role of the Relative Age

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    Background: The relative age effect is essential throughout all of the talent selection processes in sports, especially during adolescence, which leaves fewer athletes within each cohort that are born late in the selected year. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of relative age in anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of youth handball players by gender. Methods: The sample that was selected included 47 participants (male n = 23, female n = 24). The data collection included anthropometric, body compositions parameters, and physical performance levels. Results: There was a significantly higher representation of players in the first semester in comparison with the second semester, for all of the gender groups, except for the selected male players. In males, statistically significant differences were found in height, sitting height, weight, wingspan, arm and leg circumferences, and in throws speed (in support and in suspension) between those players that were born in the first and second semester. Conclusion: The results confirmed an effect of relative age in the players born in 2002 that were selected to participate in the Spanish Championship, which was different for males and females. In spite of this effect, which only appeared in females, significant differences in the anthropometric and physical conditions appeared in the male players

    Effects of integrated mini-handball training on motor skills in schools aged 8-12 years

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    El entrenamiento integrado ha sido utilizado en balonmano, combinando elementos técnicos-tácticos con cualidades motoras condicionales. El objetivo es estudiar si un programa integrado de mini-balonmano produce cambios en habilidades motrices específicas en jugadores/as benjamines y alevines. Los participantes (134) fueron categorizados en: benjamín (BE; n=80), alevín masculino (AM; n=22) y alevín femenino (AF; n=32). Realizaron 54 sesiones de mini-balonmano integrando elementos técnico-tácticos con habilidades motoras coordinativas específicas. Antes y después del programa se evaluaron la precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo del balón a través de 5 test específicos. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo BE en la prueba de precisión desde 7m. (p= 0,003), precisión desde 9m. (p= 0,027), carrera de 20m. con bote (p= 0,002), dribling (p<0,001) y autopases (p= 0,001). Ambos grupos de categoría alevín obtuvieron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la prueba de velocidad con balón (AF: p=0,043; AM: p=0,013). Además el grupo AM, consiguió mejoras estadísticamente significativas en autopase (p= 0,028). En conclusión, el entrenamiento integrado produce mejoras con altos porcentajes de cambio en las habilidades de precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo de balón en categoría benjamín y alevín.The integrated training has been used in handball, mainly combining the work of technical-tactical elements with conditional motor abilities. The aim is to study the effects of integrated training program in mini-handball produce changes on handball specific coordinated motor abilities in categories under 10 years old and under 12 years old. The participants (134) were divided in: U10 (BE; n = 80), male U12 (AM, n = 22) and female U12 (AF, n = 32). Participants performed 54 mini-handball training sessions, where the learning of technical-tactical elements was integrated with specific coordinated motor abilities. Before and after, accuracy, ball velocity and ball handling were evaluated by 5 different tests. Statistically significant differences were observed in the BE group in the accuracy from 7m (P = 0.003), accuracy from 9m. (P = 0.027), 20m run with ball (P = 0.002), dribbling (P <0.000) and ball handling (P = 0.001). Both groups U12 obtained statistically significant improvements in the 20m run (AF: P = 0.043; AM: P = 0.013). In addition, the AM group achieved statistically significant improvements in the ball handling test (P = 0.028). In conclusion, improvements with high percentages of change, were found in coordinated motor abilities of accuracy, speed with ball and ball handling.peerReviewe

    Efectos del entrenamiento integrado en mini-balonmano sobre las habilidades motoras en escolares de 8-12 años

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    The integrated training has been used in handball, mainly combining the work of technical-tactical elements with conditional motor abilities. The aim is to study the effects of integrated training program in mini-handball produce changes on handball specific coordinated motor abilities in categories under 10 years old and under 12 years old. The participants (134) were divided in: U10 (BE; n = 80), male U12 (AM, n = 22) and female U12 (AF, n = 32). Participants performed 54 mini-handball training sessions, where the learning of technical-tactical elements was integrated with specific coordinated motor abilities. Before and after, accuracy, ball velocity and ball handling were evaluated by 5 different tests. Statistically significant differences were observed in the BE group in the accuracy from 7m (P = 0.003), accuracy from 9m. (P = 0.027), 20m run with ball (P = 0.002), dribbling (P <0.000) and ball handling (P = 0.001). Both groups U12 obtained statistically significant improvements in the 20m run (AF: P = 0.043; AM: P = 0.013). In addition, the AM group achieved statistically significant improvements in the ball handling test (P = 0.028). In conclusion, improvements with high percentages of change, were found in coordinated motor abilities of accuracy, speed with ball and ball handling.El entrenamiento integrado ha sido utilizado en balonmano, combinando elementos técnicos-tácticos con cualidades motoras condicionales. El objetivo es estudiar si un programa integrado de mini-balonmano produce cambios en habilidades motrices específicas en jugadores/as benjamines y alevines. Los participantes (134) fueron categorizados en: benjamín (BE; n=80), alevín masculino (AM; n=22) y alevín femenino (AF; n=32). Realizaron 54 sesiones de mini-balonmano integrando elementos técnico-tácticos con habilidades motoras coordinativas específicas. Antes y después del programa se evaluaron la precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo del balón a través de 5 test específicos. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo BE en la prueba de precisión desde 7m. (p= 0,003), precisión desde 9m. (p= 0,027), carrera de 20m. con bote (p= 0,002), dribling (p<0,001) y autopases (p= 0,001). Ambos grupos de categoría alevín obtuvieron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la prueba de velocidad con balón (AF: p=0,043; AM: p=0,013). Además el grupo AM, consiguió mejoras estadísticamente significativas en autopase (p= 0,028). En conclusión, el entrenamiento integrado produce mejoras con altos porcentajes de cambio en las habilidades de precisión, velocidad con balón y manejo de balón en categoría benjamín y alevín

    Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination in Non-Infected Cardiometabolic Patients from the Americas during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Sub-Analysis of the CorCOVID-LATAM Study

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    Background: Influenza vaccination (IV) and Pneumococcus vaccination (PV) are recommended for patients with cardiometabolic diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the immunization rate of ambulatory cardiometabolic patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas. Methods: Electronic surveys were collected from 13 Spanish speaking countries between 15 June and 15 July 2020. Results: 4216 patients were analyzed. Mean age 60 (±15) years and 49% females. Global IV rate was 46.5% and PV 24.6%. Vaccinated patients were older (IV = 63 vs. 58 years; PV = 68 vs. 59, p &lt; 0.01) but without gender difference. Vaccination rates were greater in higher-risk groups (65+, diabetics, heart failure), but not in coronary artery disease patients. In the Southern cone, the rate of IV and PV was approximately double that in the tropical regions of the Americas. In a multivariate model, geographic zone (IV = OR 2.02, PV = OR 2.42, p &lt; 0.001), age (IV = OR 1.023, PV = OR 1.035, p &lt; 0.001), and incomes (IV = OR 1.28, PV = OR 1.58, p &lt; 0.001) were predictors for vaccination. Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, ambulatory patients with cardiometabolic diseases from the Americas with no evidence of COVID-19 infection had lower-than-expected rates of IV and PV. Geographic, social, and cultural differences were found, and they should be explored in depth