959 research outputs found

    Shot noise and Coulomb effects on non-local electron transport in normal-superconducting-normal heterostructures

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    We argue that Coulomb interaction can strongly influence non-local electron transport in normal-superconducting-normal structures and emphasize direct relation between Coulomb effects and non-local shot noise. In the tunneling limit non-local differential conductance is found to have an S-like shape and can turn negative at non-zero bias. At high transmissions crossed Andreev reflection yields positive noise cross-correlations and Coulomb anti-blockade of non-local electron transport.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    Weak localization in a system with a barrier: Dephasing and weak Coulomb blockade

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    We non-perturbatively analyze the effect of electron-electron interactions on weak localization (WL) in relatively short metallic conductors with a tunnel barrier. We demonstrate that the main effect of interactions is electron dephasing which persists down to T=0 and yields suppression of WL correction to conductance below its non-interacting value. Our results may account for recent observations of low temperature saturation of the electron decoherence time in quantum dots.Comment: published version, 10 page

    Non-local Andreev reflection in superconducting quantum dots

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    Transport of interacting electrons in arrays of quantum dots and diffusive wires

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    We develop a detailed theoretical investigation of the effect of Coulomb interaction on electron transport in arrays of chaotic quantum dots and diffusive metallic wires. Employing the real time path integral technique we formulate a new Langevin-type of approach which exploits a direct relation between shot noise and interaction effects in mesoscopic conductors. With the aid of this approach we establish a general expression for the Fano factor of 1D quantum dot arrays and derive a complete formula for the interaction correction to the current which embraces all perturbative results previously obtained for various quasi-0D and quasi-1D disordered conductors and extends these results to yet unexplored regimes.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure
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