413 research outputs found

    Book Review - Among the Living

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    We were evaluating the effectiveness of disinfecting appliance Dusept on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria and on the micro-organisms of heat-treated milk by three methods. By using the qualitative method effective action of 2% reagent was found on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria. By the qualitative method with carrier the 2% reagent was also effective on the mixture of G+ and G- bacteria, 1% and 0,1% reagents were not effective. The 2% reagent was not effective on the micro-organisms of milk on a carrier. The 2% solution was effective when applying the quantitative method by 20 minutes actuation on bacteria contained in milk.V experimente sme hodnotili účinnosť dezinfekčného prípravku na báze chlóru tromi metódami na zmes G+ a G- baktérií a na mikroorganizmy obsiahnuté v pasterizovanom mlieku. Pri použití kvalitatívnej platňovej metódy bolo účinné pôsobenie 2 %-ného roztoku na zmes G+ a G- baktérií. Pri kvalitatívnej metóde s použitím skleneného nosiča bol 2 %-ný roztok taktiež účinný na zmes G+ a G- , 1 %-ný a 0,1 %-ný roztok nebol účinný. Pre mikroorganizmy mlieka na nosiči 2 %-ný roztok bol neúčinný. Pri kvantitatívnej metóde bol 2 %-ný roztok po 20 minútovom pôsobení na baktérie obsiahnuté v mlieku účinný

    Determining the presence of chicken and turkey meat in selected meat products using realtime PCR method

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    The one of the most convenient method for the identification of animal species in raw and processed meat products is the examination of DNA sequences. Real-Time PCR are particularly suitable because even small fragments of DNA formed during heat processing of the meat can be amplified and identified. TaqMan Real-Time PCR is a rapid, convenient and sensitive assay for meat identification. For chicken and turkey meat identification we were using species-specific primers and TaqMan probe designed on the mitochondrial cytochrome b. The intensity of the fluorescence signal has risen at a variety of different samples. We analysed sixteen the samples of turkey meat products and we found the incidence of chicken at nine samples in the range of the detection range of the reaction0.1 to 100%.  Sample 8 fluorescence intensity exceeded the detection threshold in the 22.11 cycle (Cp = 22.11); Sample 6, (Cp = 23.19); Sample 1 in 27.08 cycle (Cp = 27.08); Sample 7 in 31,7 cycle (Cp = 31.7) and sample 5 in 32.32 cycle (Cp = 32.32). All Cp values for these samples fluorescence intensity exceeded the detection threshold in earlier cycles as sample the 100% turkey DNA. It follows that in the samples no. 8, 6, 1, 5, and 7 is in the range of chicken DNA detection range of the reaction, from 0.1 to 100%. Sample 11 in the cycle 27,08 (Cp = 27.08); Sample 10 in the cycle 27.8 (Cp = 27.8); sample 16 in 28.03 cycle (Cp = 28.03) and sample 13 in the cycle of 29.18 (Cp = 29.18). In recognition of the results of the monitoring of the content of chicken meat in meat products it is appropriate to further verification and testing detection kits used to work for possible use in practice since it has been found to be sufficient sensitivity and specificity to 30 cycle reaction

    Narodenie dvojičiek, požehnanie či utrpenie? Historicko-demografická analýza krstných matrík vybraných rímskokatolíckych a evanjelických a.v. farností na Slovensku

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    The study deals with births of twins as recorded in church registers of selected rural parishes in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. It represents a certain microprobe into the records of church registers of the baptized population in Slovakia. It describes regional and denomination differences as regards the attitude to this not very common type of birth. The selected parishes include Lúčky, now part of Kremnica (Žiar nad Hronom district), Lukáčovce (Nitra district) and Rabča (Námestovo district) on the Catholic side, and Turičky, at present part of the Cinobaňa village (Poltár district), on the Evangelic side. The study investigates the number of twin births as compared to the total population numbers of the idividual parishes, the seasonal character of twin births and the irregularity of the occurrence of twin births. It examines the ratio of newborn boys and girls in twin and single births. The study is accompanied by examples of the choice of godparents for twins. Attention is further paid to the popularity of the first names chosen for twins in individual families, with respect to families with repeated births of twins. The work also looks into phenomena such as conditions under which twins were born illegitimate, or the death rate of twins before baptism and within three years of their lives. The study is a contribution to the reasearch of specific features of family life in the 18th and 19th centuries in Slovakia

    The changing trends of the research history of population in Slovakia

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    Works dealing with the issue of population research in Slovakia, a field which significantly developed during the second half of the 20th century, have often built on the earlier works of the interwar period. The common denominator of these works was most frequently the current issue of ethnicity and the need felt by Slovaks to demarcate their borders (especially the Southern border) in a young Czechoslovakia (A. L. Petrov, J. Husek). Academic grappling with present demographic questions reagrding interwar Slovakia (A. J. Chura, J. Svetoň) resumed after the Second World War, with new questions regarding the demographic developments in Upper Hungary from the 18th century onwards. The School of modern historical demography which has its roots in French academia did not, unfortunately, establish itself in Slovak academia. The few works published (J. Alberty, M. Kohútová, J. Kandert) failed to elicit the necessary inspiration and no increase was noted in graduate dissertations produced on these topics at Slovak universities.Today, in the era of free historical inquiry, P. Tišliar‘s and B. Šprocha‘s accounts of population history research reach new audiences. Similarly, our thesis “ Social and Confessional Determinants of Demographic Development in the Podpol’ania in a “long” 19th Century” aims to contribute to these modern works and open a discussion on historical demography in the specific micro region of Detva.Works dealing with the issue of population research in Slovakia, a field which significantly developed during the second half of the 20th century, have often built on the earlier works of the interwar period. The common denominator of these works was most frequently the current issue of ethnicity and the need felt by Slovaks to demarcate their borders (especially the Southern border) in a young Czechoslovakia (A. L. Petrov, J. Husek). Academic grappling with present demographic questions reagrding interwar Slovakia (A. J. Chura, J. Svetoň) resumed after the Second World War, with new questions regarding the demographic developments in Upper Hungary from the 18th century onwards. The School of modern historical demography which has its roots in French academia did not, unfortunately, establish itself in Slovak academia. The few works published (J. Alberty, M. Kohútová, J. Kandert) failed to elicit the necessary inspiration and no increase was noted in graduate dissertations produced on these topics at Slovak universities.Today, in the era of free historical inquiry, P. Tišliar‘s and B. Šprocha‘s accounts of population history research reach new audiences. Similarly, our thesis “ Social and Confessional Determinants of Demographic Development in the Podpol’ania in a “long” 19th Century” aims to contribute to these modern works and open a discussion on historical demography in the specific micro region of Detva

    The yield of dna in thermal terated deer meat

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    Residuals of DNA are one of the most important factors for detection, traceability and reverse authentication of deer meat. In this project we isolated DNA from deer processed meat and analysed by electrophoresis. Goal of the study was compute ratio between raw meat and several heat processed deer meat. Samples were prepared by five heat treatment techniques (pan roasted with temperature 180-240°C, fried with 156°C, braised with temperature 100-150°C, boiled in 100.2°C water and autoclaved in different time intervals). The highest amount of residual DNA 1927ng was obtained with two hours boiled sample. The lowest value 89.89ng was obtained with one hour braised sample. In technological adjustments highest amount of DNA and 1927ng, so the total yield of 192.7ng.-l was observed in the sample we cooked for two hours at boiling temperature.

    Wybrane instrumenty marketingu usług agroturystycznych na Roztoczu

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    Intense competition in the tourist services market makes that also farmers involved in agro-tourism have to use marketing tools to succeed in their business. The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate marketing activities used by agro-tourism accommodation providers in Roztocze. Prices of agritourism services, promotional activities and distribution channels were taken into account. Based on the obtained results, it was found that the marketing activities undertaken by the agritourism farms owners are insufficient. They most often use the cheapest promotion tools and distribution channels for their services, but they are not fully utilized either. The prices of agrotourism services vary across the region, with the highest ones in Central Roztocze. During the high season, rates are higher by 9%, and the full board by about 13–20%