19 research outputs found

    Detection and phylogenetic characterisation of novel Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species in Amblyomma triguttatum subsp. from four allopatric populations in Australia

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    Anaplasma and Ehrlichia spp. are tick-borne pathogens that can cause severe disease in domestic animals, and several species are responsible for emerging zoonoses in the northern hemisphere. Until recently, the only members of these genera reported in Australia (A. marginale, A. centrale, and A. platys) were introduced from other continents, through the importation of domestic animals and their associated ticks. However, unique Anaplasma and Ehrlichia 16S rRNA gene sequences were recently detected for the first time in native Australian ticks, particularly in Amblyomma triguttatum subsp. ticks from southwest Western Australia (WA). We used molecular techniques to survey Am. triguttatum subsp. ticks from four allopatric populations in southern and western Australia for Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species, and described here the phylogeny of these novel organisms. An A. bovis variant (genotype Y11) was detected in ticks from two study sites; Yanchep National Park (12/280, 4.3%) and Barrow Island (1/69, 1.4%). Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and groEL gene sequences concluded that A. bovis genotype Y11 is a unique genetic variant, distinct from other A. bovis isolates worldwide. Additionally, a novel Ehrlichia species was detected in Am. triguttatum subsp. from three of the four study sites; Yanchep National Park (18/280, 6.4%), Bungendore Park (8/46, 17.4%), and Innes National Park (9/214, 4.2%), but not from Barrow Island. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S, groEL, gltA, and map1 gene sequences revealed that this Ehrlichia sp. is most closely related to, but clearly distinct from, E. ruminantium and Ehrlichia sp. Panola Mountain. We propose to designate this new species '. Candidatus Ehrlichia occidentalis'. Anaplasma bovis genotype Y11 and 'Candidatus E. occidentalis' are the first Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species to be recorded in native Australian ticks

    A survey of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of companion animals in Australia

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    Background: Ticks are among the most important vectors of pathogens affecting companion animals, and also cause health problems such as tick paralysis, anaemia, dermatitis, and secondary infections. Twenty ixodid species have previously been recorded on dogs, cats, and horses in Australia, including Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Ixodes holocyclus and Haemaphysalis longicornis, which transmit tick-borne diseases. A survey of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) was conducted during 2012-2015 to investigate tick species that infest dogs, cats, and horses in Australia. Methods: Individual tick specimens were collected from dogs, cats and horses across Australia and sample collection locations were mapped using QGIS software. Ticks were morphologically examined to determine species, instar and sex. The companion animal owners responded to questionnaires and data collected were summarised with SPSS software. Results: A total of 4765 individual ticks were identified in this study from 7/8 states and territories in Australia. Overall, 220 larvae, 805 nymphs, 1404 males, and 2336 females of 11 tick species were identified from 837 companion animal hosts. One novel host record was obtained during this study for Ixodes myrmecobii, which was found on Felis catus (domestic cat) in the town of Esperance, Western Australia. The most common tick species identified included R. sanguineus on dogs (73 %), I. holocyclus on cats (81 %) and H. longicornis on horses (60 %). Conclusions: This study is the first of its kind to be conducted in Australia and our results contribute to the understanding of the species and distribution of ticks that parasitise dogs, cats, and horses in Australia. Records of R. sanguineus outside of the recorded distribution range emphasise the need for a systematic study of the habitat range of this species. Several incomplete descriptions of ixodid species encountered in this study hindered morphological identification

    Recent insights into the tick microbiome gained through next-generation sequencing

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    The tick microbiome comprises communities of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria and eukaryotes, and is being elucidated through modern molecular techniques. The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has enabled the genes and genomes within these microbial communities to be explored in a rapid and cost-effective manner. The advantages of using NGS to investigate microbiomes surpass the traditional non-molecular methods that are limited in their sensitivity, and conventional molecular approaches that are limited in their scalability. In recent years the number of studies using NGS to investigate the microbial diversity and composition of ticks has expanded. Here, we provide a review of NGS strategies for tick microbiome studies and discuss the recent findings from tick NGS investigations, including the bacterial diversity and composition, influential factors, and implications of the tick microbiome

    Bacterial profiling reveals novel "Ca. Neoehrlichia", Ehrlichia, and anaplasma species in Australian human-biting ticks

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    In Australia, a conclusive aetiology of Lyme disease-like illness in human patients remains elusive, despite growing numbers of people presenting with symptoms attributed to tick bites. In the present study, we surveyed the microbial communities harboured by human-biting ticks from across Australia to identify bacteria that may contribute to this syndrome. Universal PCR primers were used to amplify the V1-2 hyper-variable region of bacterial 16S rRNA genes in DNA samples from individual Ixodes holocyclus (n = 279), Amblyomma triguttatum (n = 167), Haemaphysalis bancrofti (n = 7), and H. longicornis (n = 7) ticks. The 16S amplicons were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform and analysed in USEARCH, QIIME, and BLAST to assign genus and species-level taxonomies. Nested PCR and Sanger sequencing were used to confirm the NGS data and further analyse novel findings. All 460 ticks were negative for Borrelia spp. by both NGS and nested PCR analysis. Two novel “Candidatus Neoehrlichia” spp. were identified in 12.9% of I. holocyclus ticks. A novel Anaplasma sp. was identified in 1.8% of A. triguttatum ticks, and a novel Ehrlichia sp. was identified in both A. triguttatum (1.2%) ticks and a single I. holocyclus (0.6%) tick. Further phylogenetic analysis of novel “Ca. Neoehrlichia”, Anaplasma and Ehrlichia based on 1,265 bp 16S rRNA gene sequences suggests that these are new species. Determining whether these newly discovered organisms cause disease in humans and animals, like closely related bacteria do abroad, is of public health importance and requires further investigation

    Evaluation of 16S next-generation sequencing of hypervariable region 4 in wastewater samples: An unsuitable approach for bacterial enteric pathogen identification

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    Recycled wastewater can carry human-infectious microbial pathogens and therefore wastewater treatment strategies must effectively eliminate pathogens before recycled wastewater is used to supplement drinking and agricultural water supplies. This study characterised the bacterial composition of four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) (three waste stabilisation ponds and one oxidation ditch WWTP using activated sludge treatment) in Western Australia. The hypervariable region 4 (V4) of the bacterial 16S rRNA (16S) gene was sequenced using next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the Illumina MiSeq platform. Sequences were pre-processed in USEARCH v10.0 and denoised into zero-radius taxonomic units (ZOTUs) with UNOISE3. Taxonomy was assigned to the ZOTUs using QIIME 2 and the Greengenes database and cross-checked with the NCBI nr/nt database. Bacterial composition of all WWTPs and treatment stages (influent, intermediate and effluent) were dominated by Proteobacteria (29.0-87.4%), particularly Betaproteobacteria (9.0-53.5%) and Gammaproteobacteria (8.6-34.6%). Nitrifying bacteria (Nitrospira spp.) were found only in the intermediate and effluent of the oxidation ditch WWTP, and denitrifying and floc-forming bacteria were detected in all WWTPs, particularly from the families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclales. Twelve pathogens were assigned taxonomy by the Greengenes database, but comparison of sequences from genera and families known to contain pathogens to the NCBI nr/nt database showed that only three pathogens (Arcobacter venerupis, Laribacter hongkongensis and Neisseria canis) could be identified in the dataset at the V4 region. Importantly, Enterobacteriaceae genera could not be differentiated. Family level taxa assigned by Greengenes database agreed with NCBI nr/nt in most cases, however, BLAST analyses revealed erroneous taxa in Greengenes database. This study highlights the importance of validating taxonomy of NGS sequences with databases such as NCBI nr/nt, and recommends including the V3 region of 16S in future short amplicon NGS studies that aim to identify bacterial enteric pathogens, as this will improve taxonomic resolution of most, but not all, Enterobacteriaceae species

    Molecular investigation into the presence of a Coxiella sp. in Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks in Australia

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    Q fever is an infectious disease with a global distribution caused by the intracellular bacterium, Coxiella burnetii, which has been detected in a large number of tick species worldwide, including the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Recent reports of a high seroprevalance of C. burnetii in Australian dogs, along with the identification of additional Coxiella species within R. sanguineus ticks, has prompted an investigation into the presence and identification of Coxiella species in R. sanguineus ticks in Australia. Using a combination of C. burnetii species-specific IS1111a transposase gene and Coxiella genus-specific 16S rRNA PCR assays, a Coxiella sp. was identified in 100% (n = 199) of R. sanguineus ticks analysed, and C. burnetii was not detected in any R. sanguineus ticks studied. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed the Coxiella sequences were closely related to Coxiella sp. identified previously in R. sanguineus and R. turanicus ticks overseas. This study illustrates the value of using genus specific PCR assays to detect previously unreported bacterial species. Furthermore, the presence of an additional Coxiella sp. in Australia requires further investigation into its potential for contributing to serological cross-reactions during Q fever testing

    Increased genetic diversity and prevalence of co-infection with Trypanosoma spp. in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) and their ticks identified using next-generation sequencing (NGS)

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    Infections with Trypanosoma spp. have been associated with poor health and decreased survival of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus), particularly in the presence of concurrent pathogens such as Chlamydia and koala retrovirus. The present study describes the application of a next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based assay to characterise the prevalence and genetic diversity of trypanosome communities in koalas and two native species of ticks (Ixodes holocyclus and I. tasmani) removed from koala hosts. Among 168 koalas tested, 32.2% (95% CI: 25.2-39.8%) were positive for at least one Trypanosoma sp. Previously described Trypanosoma spp. from koalas were identified, including T. irwini (32.1%, 95% CI: 25.2-39.8%), T. gilletti (25%, 95% CI: 18.7-32.3%), T. copemani (27.4%, 95% CI: 20.8-34.8%) and T. vegrandis (10.1%, 95% CI: 6.0-15.7%). Trypanosoma noyesi was detected for the first time in koalas, although at a low prevalence (0.6% 95% CI: 0-3.3%), and a novel species (Trypanosoma sp. AB-2017) was identified at a prevalence of 4.8% (95% CI: 2.1-9.2%). Mixed infections with up to five species were present in 27.4% (95% CI: 21-35%) of the koalas, which was significantly higher than the prevalence of single infections 4.8% (95% CI: 2-9%). Overall, a considerably higher proportion (79.7%) of the Trypanosoma sequences isolated from koala blood samples were identified as T. irwini, suggesting this is the dominant species. Co-infections involving T. gilletti, T. irwini, T. copemani, T. vegrandis and Trypanosoma sp. AB-2017 were also detected in ticks, with T. gilletti and T. copemani being the dominant species within the invertebrate hosts. Direct Sanger sequencing of Trypanosoma 18S rRNA gene amplicons was also performed and results revealed that this method was only able to identify the genotypes with greater amount of reads (according to NGS) within koala samples, which highlights the advantages of NGS in detecting mixed infections. The present study provides new insights on the natural genetic diversity of Trypanosoma communities infecting koalas and constitutes a benchmark for future clinical and epidemiological studies required to quantify the contribution of trypanosome infections on koala survival rates

    Next generation sequencing reveals widespread trypanosome diversity and polyparasitism in marsupials from Western Australia

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    In Western Australia a number of indigenous Trypanosoma spp. infect susceptible native marsupials, such as the woylie (Bettongia penicillata), brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), and chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii). Two genotypes of Trypanosoma copemani (identified as G1 and G2) have been found in the woylie, and G2 has been implicated in the decline of this host species, making its presence of particular interest. Here we used targeted amplicon next generation sequencing (NGS) of the Trypanosoma 18S rDNA loci on 70 Trypanosoma-positive marsupial blood samples, to identify T. copemani genotypes and multiple Trypanosoma infections (polyparasitism) in woylies and cohabiting species in Western Australia. Polyparasitism with Trypanosoma spp. was found in 50% of the wildlife sampled, and within species diversity was high, with 85 zero-radius operational taxonomic units (ZOTUs) identified in nine putative parasite species. Trypanosoma copemani was assigned 17 ZOTUs and was identified in 80% of samples. The most abundant ZOTU isolated (63%) differed slightly from the published genotype of G1, and G2 was the second most abundant ZOTU (14%). Trypanosome diversity was significantly greater in woylies than in brushtail possums, and parasite community composition also differed significantly between these host species. One novel Trypanosoma spp. genotype (Trypanosoma sp. ANU2) was found in 20% of samples. A species of Crithidia was detected in a woylie, and two avian trypanosomes (Trypanosoma avium and Trypanosoma sp. AAT) were identified in woylies for the first time

    Factors Associated with Revision Surgery after Internal Fixation of Hip Fractures

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    Background: Femoral neck fractures are associated with high rates of revision surgery after management with internal fixation. Using data from the Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip fractures (FAITH) trial evaluating methods of internal fixation in patients with femoral neck fractures, we investigated associations between baseline and surgical factors and the need for revision surgery to promote healing, relieve pain, treat infection or improve function over 24 months postsurgery. Additionally, we investigated factors associated with (1) hardware removal and (2) implant exchange from cancellous screws (CS) or sliding hip screw (SHS) to total hip arthroplasty, hemiarthroplasty, or another internal fixation device. Methods: We identified 15 potential factors a priori that may be associated with revision surgery, 7 with hardware removal, and 14 with implant exchange. We used multivariable Cox proportional hazards analyses in our investigation. Results: Factors associated with increased risk of revision surgery included: female sex, [hazard ratio (HR) 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25-2.50; P = 0.001], higher body mass index (fo

    Novel Borrelia species detected in echidna ticks, Bothriocroton concolor, in Australia

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    Background: To date, little has been documented about microorganisms harboured within Australian native ticks or their pathogenic potential. Recently, a Borrelia sp. related to the Relapsing Fever (RF) group was identified in a single tick removed from a wild echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). The present study investigated the presence of Borrelia in 97 Bothriocroton concolor ticks parasitizing echidnas in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria, Australia, using nested PCR with Borrelia-specific primers targeting the 16S rRNA (16S) and flaB genes. Results: Borrelia-specific PCR assays confirmed the presence of a novel Borrelia sp. related to the RF and reptile-associated (REP) spirochaetes in 38 (39 %) B. concolor ticks. This novel Borrelia sp. was identified in 41 % of the B. concolor ticks in Queensland and New South Wales, but not in any ticks from Victoria. The resulting flaB sequences (407 bp) were 88 and 86 % similar to the flaB sequences from Borrelia turcica and Borrelia hermsii, respectively. Of the ticks confirmed as Borrelia-positive following the flaB assay, 28 were positive with the 16S assay. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S sequences (1097 bp) suggests that these sequences belong to a novel Borrelia sp., which forms a unique monophyletic clade that is similar to, but distinct from, RF Borrelia spp. and REP-associated Borrelia spp. Conclusions: We conclude that the novel Borrelia sp. identified in this study does not belong to the Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato) complex, and that the phylogenetic analysis of the partial 16S gene sequences suggests it forms a unique monophyletic cluster in the genus Borrelia, potentially forming a fourth major group in this genus associated with monotremes in Australia. However, a thorough molecular characterisation will be required to confirm the phylogenetic position of this unique Borrelia sp. The zoonotic potential and pathogenic consequences of this novel Borrelia sp. are unknown at the current time