37 research outputs found

    Introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Health risks and benefits for animals and citizens of Republic of Macedonia

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    Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic modification of heritable genetic material (DNA) is a planned amendment to the unnatural way by applying modern techniques of genetic engineering, or, a gene or genes from one organism are inserted into another organism, what in nature with a natural breeding would never be created. GMOs are a source of modified laboratory food, supplements and various additives. The subject of this research paper is to see the impact of GM food as a threat or a benefit on the health of humans and animals, as well as its application in the Republic of Macedonia. Comparative analysis of scientific research in the field of modern biotechnology science using the technique of genetic engineering has been used in this paper. From the analysis of previous research, there are no official data on possible effects on human health, and animal tests have shown negative effects on their health


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    A study on few production traits (total milk production, commercial milk, lactation period), in a total of 89 crossbreeds between Awassi and domestic population of sheep in Macedonia was carried out in a during two year period (2004, 2005). The sheep were in the first and second lactation and a total of 1145 individual lactation tests were carried out on them, during two years. All the data were analyzed by multi trait fixed model. The separate trait influence was studied by the F-test, and the differences between LS –estimates of each effect were determined by the T-test. The analyses were made by the set of programs SPSS. Several factors (year and lactation), had a highly significant influence (P0,05).Istraživanje nekih proizvodnih značajki (ukupna proizvodnja mlijeka, komercijalno mlijeko, razdoblje laktacije) na ukupno 89 križanaca awassi ovce i domaće populacije ovaca u Makedoniji provodilo se tijekom dvije godine (2004, 2005). Ovce su bile u prvoj i drugoj laktaciji i na njima je obavljeno 1145 pojedinačnih kontrola laktacije tijekom dvije godine. U vezi statističke analize, osim osnovne statistike, svi su podaci analizirani fiksnim modelom više značajki. Odvojeni utjecaj značajki istraživan je pomoću Ftesta, a razlike između LS procjena svakog učinka određene su T-testom. Analize su obavljene paketom SPSS programa. Nekoliko faktora (godina i laktacija) visoko značajno je utjecalo (P<0.00) na sve značajke godišnje proizvodnje mlijeka. Ostali faktori kao mjesec janjenja pokazuju visoko značajan utjecaj (P<0.01) na neke značajke (laktacija, količina komercijalnog mlijeka i duljina laktacije), dok ovaj faktor nema nikakav utjecaj na ostale značajke (duljina sisanja). U vezi sa četiri značajke, plodnost nije imala utjecaja (P>0.05)


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    The subject of this work is of special interest for the Republic of Macedonia because the by-products obtained from agroindustry range from 5 to10% for tomatoes, 25 to 30% for peppers and 20 to 25% for grapes. To examine the by-products quality and hygienic correctness taken the samples origin from different regions of Macedonia. The chemical analysis of the by-products obtained in manufacturing tomatoes, peppers and grapes indicates that they contain great amounts of proteins, fats and cellulose where the proteins have an unfavorable aminoacid composition. The bacteriological analyses and the research heavy metals and micotoxins content show that the by-products obtained in the manufacturing tomatoes, peppers and grapes are hygienically correct and safe food which can be used in pigs nutrition in small amounts, without negative effects on health.Problematika obrađena u radu je od posebnog interesa za R. Makedoniju zato što se otpatci dobiveni iz agroindustrijskog kompleksa kreću u količini od 5 do 10% kod rajčice, 25 do 30% kod paprike i 20 do 25% kod grožđa. U cilju ispitivanja kakvoće i higijenske ispravnosti sporednih proizvoda dobivenih preradom rajčice, paprike i grožđa uzeti su uzorci podrijetlom iz različitih krajeva R. Makedonije. Kemijskom analizom sporednih proizvoda dobivenih preradom rajčice, paprike i grožđa utvrđeno je da ova krmiva odlikuje značajan sadržaj bjelančevina, masti i celuloze, pri čemu bjelančevine imaju nepovoljan aminokiselinski sastav. Na osnovi bakterioloških analiza i ispitivanja sadržaja teških metala i mikotoksina može se zaključiti da sporedni proizvodi dobiveni preradom rajčice, paprike i grožđa predstavljaju higijenski ispravna i sigurna krmiva koja se mogu upotrijebiti u hranidbi svinja u manjim količinama, bez negativnog utjecaja na zdravstveno stanje

    Introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) -Health Risks and Benefits for Animals and Citizens of Republic of Macedonia

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    Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic modification of heritable genetic material (DNA) is a planned amendment to the unnatural way by applying modern techniques of genetic engineering, or, a gene or genes from one organism are inserted into another organism,what in nature with a natural breeding would never be created. GMOs are a source of modified laboratory food, supplements and various additives.The subject of this research paper is to see the impact of GM food as a threat or a benefit on the health of humans and animals, as well as its application in the Republic of Macedonia. Comparative analysis of scientific research in the field of modern biotechnology science using the technique of genetic engineering has been used in this paper. From the analysis of previous research, there are no official data on possible effects on human health, and animal tests have shown negative effects on their health


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    During four production years (2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005), several production traits were tested in a total of 180 Ovchepolian sheep. The age of the sheep was from first to the seventh lactation and 4319 individual lactation tests were performed. Besides the basic statistics, the data were analyzed by multi trait fixed model. The influence of certain factors was studied with the F-test, and the differences between the LS – estimates of every effect were determined with the T-test. The analyses were performed by the set of programs SPSS. The factors year and lactation had a highly significant influence (P0.05). Regarding the four traits, the fertility did not manifest any influence (P>0.05). The average annual milk production of tested sheep population for the four years was 53±0.247 L, while the amount of suckled milk was on average 20±0.130 L. The maximum annual milk production in this population was recorded in 2003 (109.75 L). The production of commercial milk was on average 33±0.217 L, while the average length of the suckling period was 57±0.377 days. The lactation period length for these sheep was on average 180±0.31 days for the four testing years.Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi neke proizvodne odlike ovčepoljske ovce (n=180). Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 2002. do 2005. godine, a ukupno je analizirano 4319 individualnih kontrola mliječnosti ovaca od prve do sedme laktacije. Dobiveni rezultati analizirani su višefaktorijalnim fiksnim modelom (SPSS). Utjecaj pojedinih čimbenika utvrđen je uz pomoć F-testa, a razlike između LS ocjene svakog utjecaja utvrđene su T-testom. Utjecaji godine i laktacije bili su visoko značajni (P<0,01) kod svih navedenih osobina mliječnosti ovaca tijekom godine. Mjesec janjenja imao je visoko značajni utjecaj (P<0,01) na količinu mlijeka i trajanje laktacije te značajan (P<0,05) utjecaj na količinu posisanoga mlijeka, dok na dužinu razdoblja sisanja nije imao značajan utjecaj (P<0,05). Plodnost nije imala nikakav utjecaj na proizvodne osobine ovčepoljske ovce (P<0,05). Prosječna količina mlijeka u laktaciji istraživane populacije ovaca, tijekom sve četiri godine,bila je 53 ± 0,247 L, dok je količina posisanog mlijeka iznosila u prosjeku 20 ±0,130 L. Najveća količina mlijeka tijekom laktacije utvrđena je tijekom 2003. godine te je iznosila 109,75 L. Proizvodnja komercijalnog mlijeka bila je u prosjeku 33 ± 0,217 L dok je prosječna dužina razdoblja sisanja bila 57 ± 0,377 dana. Prosječna dužina laktacije tijekom istraživanja bila je 180 ± 0,31 dana

    Tables showing chemical composition and nutritive value of feedstuffs for ruminants produced in conditions of R. Macedonia

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    Prikazani su prosječan kemijski sastav, koeficijenti probavljivosti i energetska vrijednost 17 krmiva na statistički dovoljnom broju uzoraka (395 uzoraka) krmiva koja su proizvedena i najčešće se koriste u hranidbi preživača u Makedoniji. Osnovni kemijski sastav krmiva (suha tvar, pepeo, sirove bjelančevine, sirova mast, sirova vlaknina i nedušične ekstraktivne tvari) analitički su određeni u Zavodu za hranidbu domaćih životinja Instituta za stočarstvo u Skoplju, R. Makedonija. Koeficijenti probavljivosti hranljivih tvari krmiva za preživače uzeti su iz literature, a energetska vrijednost krmiva dobivena je računskim putem.The average chemical composition, digestibility coefficients and energy value with statistical critical level of 17 feedstuffs commonly used in Macedonia (395 samples) are presented. Chemical composition (DM, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, NET) was determined analytically in the laboratory of the Department of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Skopje, R. Macedonia. Digestibility coefficients of nutrients in feedstuffs for were taken from literature, while energy and protein values were derived by calculation


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    The quality and some minerals contents were followed in the green mass and hay from different localities on Divčibare. Samples were taken from three different altitudes, up to 250 m, from 250 m to 550 m and over 550 m above sea level. Twelve samples of early bloom plants were taken (four samples of green mass from the same altitude), and after mowing, samples of hay were also taken from the same meadow. The samples were prepared from ashes by use of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) macro- and microelements content was determined, while the phosphorus content was determined by application of standard methods. Average calcium content in the plants valued 5.85 g/kg, phosphorus 2.41 g/kg, magnesium 2.47 g/kg, sodium 0.93 g/kg and potassium 10.35 g/kg in dry substance. In the samples of hay, macro elements content was 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 and 10.76 g/kg respectively. Average iron content in the samples of plants from Divčibare region amounted to 171.87 mg/kg, copper 5.12 mg/kg, zinc 21.67 mg/kg, manganese 63.97 mg/kg and selenium 17.17 μg/kg in dry substance. The average amount of iron 92.47 mg/kg, 4.75 mg/kg copper, 19.65 mg/kg zinc, 113.29 mg/kg manganese and 26.00 μg/kg selenium were found in the hay from the same localities.Vrsta i sadržaj nekih minerala praćen je u zelenoj masi i sijenu s različitih lokacija na Divčibarama. Uzorci su uzimani s različitih nadmorskih visina: do 250 m, od 250 do 550 m i iznad 550 m. Uzeti su uzorci dvanaest rano procvalih biljaka (po četiri uzorka zelene mase s jedne nadmorske visine), a nakon košnje uzorci sijena su uzeti s iste livade. Uzorci su pripremljeni iz pepela korištenjem metode atomske spektrofotometrijske absorpcije (ASA), dok je sadržaj fosfora utvrđen primjenom standardnih metoda. Prosječan sadržaj kalcija u zelenoj masi iznosio je 5.85 g/kg, fosfora 2.41 g/kg, magnezija 2.47 g/kg, natrija 0.93 g/kg i kalija 10.35 g/kg suhe tvari. Odnosni iznosi makro elemenata u uzorcima sijena iznosili su: 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 i 10.76 g/kg. Prosječan sadržaj željeza u uzorcima zelene mase s područja Divčibara iznosio je: 171.87 mg/kg, bakra 5.12 mg/kg, cinka 21.67 mg/kg, mangana 63.97 mg/kg i selena 17.17 μg/kg suhe tvari. Prosječan sadržaj tih elemenata u uzorcima sijena s istog područja iznosio je za željezo 92.47 mg/kg, bakar 4.75 mg/kg, cink 19.65 mg/kg, mangan 113.29 mg/kg, te selen 26.00 μg /kg


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    U istraživanju je određena proizvodno hranjiva vrijednost pašnjaka u regiji Milovo, Pehčevsko područje (Maleševski okoliš), Istočna Makedonija, gdje se uobičajeno uzgajaju mali preživači (ovce i koze). Na osnovi botaničkog sustava pašnjaka, utvrđena je najveća zastupljenost trava (fam. Poaceae) sa 46%, mahunarki (fam. Fabaceae) sa 23%, korova, travolikih biljaka od kojih kao vrste Carex flava L. i Juncuns conglomeratus L. su bile zastupljene sa 12% i zeljanice koje su bile zastupljene sa 19% (Carum carvi L.-3%, Rumex acetosella-6% i Sonshus arvensis – 10%). Ustanovljeno je da pašnjak sadrži 23% visokokvalitetnih vrsta, 4% vrste vrlo dobre kakvoće, 18% vrste dobre kakvoće i 56% bezvrijednih vrsta. Imajući u vidu ove podatke, izračunata je hranjiva vrijednost pašnjaka po Ellenbergu (1952), modificiranoj po Šoštariću-Pisačiću i Kovačeviću (1968) i ona iznosi 37%. Produktivna vrijednost pašnjaka iznosila je 0,68 t/ha suhe mase, dok je energetska vrijednost istog pašnjaka iznosila 7,48 MJ/kg.The production qualitative value of the pasture in Milovo, Pehcevo region (Malesevo area)-East Macedonia, has been established as suitable for feeding of small ruminants (sheep and goat). According to the botanical analysis, the most represented plants on the pasture were grasses (Poaceae) with 46%, legumes (Fabaceae) with 23%, weeds such as Carex flava L., and Juncus conglomerates L. with 22% and the rest of the plants with approximately 9% (Carum carvi L. – 3%, Rumex acetosella – 6% and Sonchus arvensis – 10%). It has been established that the pasture contains: 23% high quality plants, 4% and 18% medium quality plants, 56% useful plants. Taking into consideration these facts, the quality or the feeding value of the pasture, according to the Ellenberg (1952) formula modified by Shoshtaric-Pisacic and Kovacevic (1968) is 37%. Productive value of the pasture is around 0.68 t/ha of hay, while the energetic value of the same pasture is 7.48 MJ/kg