22 research outputs found

    Nawadnianie ziemniakow przeznaczonych na bardzo wczesny zbior

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    Ziemniak w Wielkiej Brytanii

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    Wplyw nawadniania na jakosc plonu ziemniakow

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    Reaction of several potato cultivars to intervention irrigation during draught

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    В 1980-1983 гг. на Опытной станции Ядвисин был проведен точный полевой опыт с сортами Аба, Атоль, Циса, Попрад, Реда. При снижении влажности почвы ниже 50% ППВ применяли орошение дозами 20 и 40 мм (контроль - без орошения). На опыте велись наблюдения за развитием растений, оценивались высота конечного урожая, структура его, содержание крахмала, витамина С, зрелость клубней и их восприимчивость к механическим повреждениям. Установлено, что орошение не произвело большого влияния на развитие надземной массы растений, а только на накопление урожая клубней. О высоте урожая решал период II половина июля - I половина августа. Изучаемые сорта различались по требованиям к влаге: сорт Атоль оказался толерантным, сорта Аба, Попрад и Реда проявили средние требования к влаге, а сорт Циса - высокие. Не было установлено существенное воздействие орошения на содержание крахмала и витамина С, а также на зрелость клубней и устойчивость к механическим повреждениям.In the years 1980-1983 at Jadwisin Experimental Station field experiments on cvs. Aba, Atol, Cisa, Poprad and Reda were carried out. When the soil humidity decreased below 50% field water capacity then irrigation was applied at rates 20 mm, 40 mm and control - without irrigation. Plant development, final tuber yield, its structure, starch and vitamin С content, tuber maturity and their susceptibility to mechanical damage were assessed. It has been found that irrigation did not affect much haulm development, but tuber yield accumulation. The crucial period for the size of the yield was second half of July and first half of August. The cultivars tested differed in their water requirements, cv. Atol being tolerant, cvs. Aba, Poprad and Reda - with moderate water requirements, cv. Cisa - with high water requirements. There was no significant influence of the irrigation on starch and vitamin С content, tuber maturity and their resistance to mechanical damage

    Reakcja wybranych odmian ziemniaka na susze

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    Pot experiments were carried out in years 2003-2005 the drought tolerance in 11 potato cultivars: Asterix, Danusia, Korona, Rosalind, Satina, Saturna, Syrena, Wiking, Zebra, Zeus in 2-or 3-year cycle. Main evaluation criterion of drought tolerance was decrease of yield and its quality. Plants were subjected to drought stress during the highest sensitivity of water deficit i.e. 3 weeks when on tuberization beginning. RWC - relative water content in leaf tissues was measured after drought period. The effects of cultivar and drought on yielding level were significant, what indicates very high differentiation of investigated potato cultivars. No influence of drought on the quantity of potato tubers was observed. Tested cultivars were ranked according to yield reduction degree by the water stress and increasing sensitivity to drought: Korona, Syrena, Zeus, Andromeda, Danusia, Asterix, Zebra, Wiking, Saturna, Satina, Rosalind.Doświadczenie wazonowe przeprowadzono w latach 2003-2005 dla 11 odmian ziemniaka: Andromeda, Asterix, Danusia, Korona, Rosalind, Satina, Saturna, Syrena, Wiking, Zebra, Zeus w cyklu 2 lub 3 letnim. Głównym kryterium oceny wrażliwości na okresową suszę był plon bulw oraz jego jakość. Rośliny poddawano okresowej suszy w okresie największej wrażliwości roślin na niedobór wody, tj. 3 tygodnie od rozpoczęcia tuberyzacji. Po zakończeniu suszy dokonano pomiaru względnej zawartości wody w tkankach liści RWC (relative water content).Odnotowano wysoce istotny wpływ odmiany oraz suszy na wysokość plonu, co wskazuje na duże zróżnicowanie badanych odmian. Nie stwierdzono wpływu suszy na ilość bulw u badanych odmian. Badane odmiany uszeregowano wg wielkości spadku plonu pod wpływem stresu wodnego wraz ze wzrastającą wrażliwością na suszę: Korona, Syrena, Zeus, Andromeda, Danusia, Asterix, Zebra, Wiking, Saturna, Satina, Rosalind

    Evaluating Workloads Using Comparative Functional Coverage

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    Involvement of water in carbohydrate-protein binding

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    The interactions of trimannosides 1 and 2 with Con A were studied to reveal the effects of displacement of well-ordered water molecules on the thermodynamic parameters of protein- ligand complexation. Trisaccharide 2 is a derivative of 1. in which the hydroxyl at C-2 of the central mannose unit is replaced by a hydroxyethyl moiety. Upon binding, this moiety displaces a conserved water molecule present in the Con A binding site. Structural studies by NMR spectroscopy and MD simulations showed that the two compounds have very similar solution conformational properties. MD simulations of the complexes of Con A with 1 and 2 demonstrated that the hydroxyethyl side chain of 2 can establish the same hydrogen bonds in a low energy conformation with the protein binding site as those mediated by the water molecule in the complex of 1 with Con A. Isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) measurements showed that 2 has a more favorable entropy of binding compared to 1. This term, which was expected, arises from the return of the highly ordered water molecule to bulk solution. The favorable entropy term was, however, offset by a relatively large unfavorable enthalpy term. This observation was rationalized by comparing the extent of hydrogen bond and solvation changes during binding. It is proposed that an indirect interaction through a water molecule will provide a larger number of hydrogen bonds in the complex that have higher occupancies than in bulk solution, thereby stabilizing the complex