11 research outputs found

    Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work With Computer Scientists on Big Data

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    This article is based on conversations from the project “Big Data in Psychological Assessment” (BDPA) funded by the European Union, which was initiated because of the advances in data science and artificial intelligence that offer tremendous opportunities for personnel assessment practice in handling and interpreting this kind of data. We argue that psychologists and computer scientists can benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration. This article aims to inform psychologists who are interested in working with computer scientists about the potentials of interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as the challenges such as differing terminologies, foci of interest, data quality standards, approaches to data analyses, and diverging publication practices. Finally, we provide recommendations preparing psychologists who want to engage in collaborations with computer scientists. We argue that psychologists should proactively approach computer scientists, learn computer scientific fundamentals, appreciate that research interests are likely to converge, and prepare novice psychologists for a data-oriented scientific future

    Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work with Computer Scientists on Big Data

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    This article is based on conversations from the project “Big Data in Psychological Assessment” (BDPA) funded by the European Union, which was initiated because of the advances in data science and artificial intelligence that offer tremendous opportunities for personnel assessment practice in handling and interpreting this kind of data. We argue that psychologists and computer scientists can benefit from interdiscip

    Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work With Computer Scientists on Big Data

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    This article is based on conversations from the project “Big Data in Psychological Assessment” (BDPA) funded by the European Union, which was initiated because of the advances in data science and artificial intelligence that offer tremendous opportunities for personnel assessment practice in handling and interpreting this kind of data. We argue that psychologists and computer scientists can benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration. This article aims to inform psychologists who are interested in working with computer scientists about the potentials of interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as the challenges such as differing terminologies, foci of interest, data quality standards, approaches to data analyses, and diverging publication practices. Finally, we provide recommendations preparing psychologists who want to engage in collaborations with computer scientists. We argue that psychologists should proactively approach computer scientists, learn computer scientific fundamentals, appreciate that research interests are likely to converge, and prepare novice psychologists for a data-oriented scientific future.Multimedia Computin

    L'Europe humanitaire en question(s)

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    La revue Humanitaire lance le débat sur la politique humanitaire de l’UE, les attentes et les craintes qu’elle peut susciter du côté des ONG. La Commission européenne est en effet l’un des plus importants donateurs humanitaires dans le monde. Son action s’inscrit aussi bien dans l’urgence qu’en dehors. La Commission finance également des projets de préparation aux catastrophes et de réduction des risques de désastres naturels dans les régions exposées. Pour l’aide humanitaire, la Commission européenne agit au travers de quelque 200 partenaires opérationnels comprenant les agences spécialisées des Nations unies, le mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge et des ONG, les financements étant régis par un contrat cadre de partenariat, un véritable accord contractuel entre ECHO et ses partenaires. Fin décembre 2007, la Commission européenne a adopté le « Consensus Européen sur l’aide Humanitaire » qui constitue désormais le texte de base en la matière. Ce « Consensus » est le premier texte politique de référence de l’Union européenne en matière d’aide humanitaire, intégrant depuis ce printemps un projet de feuille de route pour les années à venir, afin de ne pas rester lettre morte