7 research outputs found

    Clinical and laboratory indicators predictive of the negative outcome of gastrointestinal emergencies in cattle

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    This study aimed to identify clinical and laboratory variables that could help predict the negative outcome in cattle affected by gastrointestinal emergencies. A retrospective cohort study was carried out using multivariate logistic regression analysis based on data collected from the clinical records of cattle hospitalized at the Garanhuns Bovine Clinic, UFRPE campus. One hundred and twenty-two cattle met the inclusion criteria established for the study. Among the clinical variables, heart rate (HR) and abdominal distension are associated with the outcome in animals with right displaced abomasum (RDA), and anorexia and 10% dehydration in animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Among the laboratory variables, plasma fibrinogen (PF) and total leukocyte count were associated with the outcome in animals with RDA, while PF and plasma L-lactate were associated with animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. HR and the total leukocyte count remained in the final model of the regression adjusted for animals with RDA. On the other hand, plasma L-lactate and PF remained in the final model in the adjusted model for animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Cattle with RDA and HR higher than 90 bpm present an increased chance of having a negative outcome whereas cattle with obstructive intestinal disorder and plasma L-lactate higher than 1.84 mmol/L or PF higher than 850 mg/dL have a higher chance of not survive. Therefore, clinical and laboratory variables such as HR, fibrinogen, and plasma L-lactate are useful to predict the negative outcome in cattle with gastrointestinal emergencies, especially RDA and obstructive intestinal disorders. Keywords: biomarkers; gastrointestinal disease; prognostic factor

    Epidemiological, clinical and hematological aspects of bovine anaplasmosis: a retrospective hospital-based study (2012-2021)

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    The aim was to carry out a retrospective study of bovine anaplasmosis diagnosed at the Bovine Clinic of Garanhuns, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (CBG/UFRPE) from 2012 to 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed of the epidemiological, clinical, and hematological data of 230 clinical records of cattle of different age groups. The disease represented 79.9% of the hemoparasites diagnosed at the Institution. Females aged ? 24 months of taurine lineage and their crosses, reared under intensive and semi-intensive systems, were the most affected. A higher occurrence of the disease was observed in the months of August to December.   The most frequently observed clinical findings were apathy, decreased appetite, icteric mucous membranes, and tachycardia. Spontaneous abortion occurred in 12.8% of pregnant cows. Hematological findings revealed regenerative anemia, and the severity of the anemia was associated with a greater intensity of bone marrow response. Antimicrobials (oxytetracycline LA and enrofloxacin) were effective in reducing parasitemia, which, together with blood transfusion, were essential for the patient's clinical improvement. Clinical resolution with hospital discharge occurred in 82.6% of patients, with a mean hospital stay of eight days. Anaplasmosis was the most frequent hemoparasitosis in CBG/UFRPE. It is important to provide guidance measures for producers in the region, especially at the end of the rainy season before the dry season, so that the diagnosis and disease treatment are carried out as early as possible, allowing a faster recovery and return of the animals to production, and thus minimizing the economic impact to the dairy basin of the state of Pernambuco

    Ocorrência de afecções podais em bovinos atendidos pela Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns: aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, terapêuticos e econômicos

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    Objetivou-se estudar a ocorrência das afecções podais em bovinos atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Campus da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no intervalo de 1999 a 2021. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários, com total 334 casos, dos quais foram diagnosticadas 613 lesões digitais. Foi realizada a distribuição de frequência, média simples e desvio padrão para avaliação dos dados. A dermatite interdigital foi a mais frequente, sendo observada em 12,4% (76/613) dos casos, seguida por sola dupla 9,79% (60/613), laminite crônica 8,81% (54/613), úlcera de sola 7,83% (48/613) e a hiperplasia interdigital 7,24% (45/613). A laminite e suas consequências representaram 45% do total de lesões identificadas, acompanhadas por 36% das injúrias de causa secundárias ou incertas e de doenças infecciosas com 19%. A distribuição das lesões entre os membros foi de 68% nos pélvicos e 32% nos torácicos. As fêmeas criadas em sistema semi-intensivo, holandesas, com escore corporal III e porte grande eram mais acometidas. A claudicação estava presente em 78% dos animais, enquanto 10% não claudicavam. As taxas de letalidade e recuperação foram de 9% (31/334) e 73 % (243/334), respectivamente. No período chuvoso foram 51% dos casos e 49% na época seca. Os principais municípios de origem foram Bom Conselho 22,75% (76/334), Garanhuns 18, 86% (63/334) e Brejão 12,57% (42/334). O custo estimado com tratamento foi de US$ 150,13/caso. Provavelmente falhas de manejo nas propriedades foram importantes fatores de risco para as doenças. Sugere-se a implementação de medidas profiláticas para evitar as perdas econômicas associadas às enfermidades podais. Palavras-chave: doenças de casco; podologia bovina; afecções digitais; estojo córneo digita

    Perfil metabólico de cabras leiteiras hígidas durante o período de transição

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o perfil metabólico (energético, proteico, enzimático, hormonal e mineral) de cabras leiteiras, clinicamente saudáveis, criadas na região semiárida do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, durante o período de transição. Foram acompanhadas 94 cabras mestiças (Saanen, Toggenburg, Pardo Alpina e Alpina Americana), gestantes, multíparas em sua grande maioria com gestação gemelar, submetidas ao sistema de criação intensivo. O delineamento experimental compreendeu os momentos, 30 dias antes do parto (30dap), 20dap, 10dap, momento do parto (P), 10 dias pós-parto (10dpp), 20dpp e 30dpp. Analisou-se os metabólitos sanguíneos energéticos (βHB, AGNES, glicose, frutosamina, colesterol e triglicerídeos); proteicos (proteína total, albumina, globulina, ureia e creatinina); enzimáticos (AST, GGT, CK e amilase); hormonais (insulina, cortisol, T3 livre e T4 livre) e minerais (cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, potássio, sódio e cloreto). Os resultados foram analisados por meio da análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade e pela análise de regressão. As variáveis, colesterol, CK, T3 livre, T4 livre, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, sódio e potássio não apresentaram alterações adaptativas fisiológicas durante o período de transição. No momento do parto verificou-se as maiores concentrações (P<0,05) dos AGNEs, glicose e cortisol e as menores (P<0,05) de cálcio total e albumina. Na fase final da gestação verificou-se maiores concentrações de insulina, creatinina e triglicerídeos, já na fase inicial da lactação as concentrações de βHB, frutosamina e globulina foram mais elevadas. As enzima AST, GGT e amilase apresentaram maior atividade sérica na lactação. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo, numa condição fisiológica, poderão ser utilizados como ferramenta de auxilio na detecção precoce de alterações sanguíneas, resultantes de desequilíbrios metabólicos ocorridos no período de transição, permitindo a intervenção terapêutica precoce.The objective of this study was to evaluate the metabolic profile (energetic, proteic, enzymatic, hormonal and mineral) of clinically healthy dairy goats, reared in the semi-arid region of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, during the transition period. 94 crossbred goats (Saanen, Toggenburg, Pardo Alpina and Alpina Americana), pregnant, multiparous, mostly with twin pregnancy, were submitted to the intensive breeding system. The experimental design consisted of the moments, 30 days before delivery (30dap), 20dap, 10dap, time of delivery (P), 10 days postpartum (10dpp), 20dpp and 30dpp. Energy metabolic metabolites (βHB, AGNES, glucose, fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides) were analyzed; Proteins (total protein, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine); Enzymes (AST, GGT, CK and amylase); Hormones (insulin, cortisol, free T3 and free T4) and minerals (total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride). The results were analyzed through analysis of variance at the 5% probability level and by regression analysis. The variables, cholesterol, CK, free T3, free T4, ionized calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium did not present physiological adaptive changes during the transition period. At the time of delivery, the highest concentrations (P <0.05) of AGNEs, glucose and cortisol were observed, and the lowest (P <0.05) of total calcium and albumin were observed. In the final stage of gestation, higher concentrations of insulin, creatinine and triglycerides were observed, whereas in the initial phase of lactation the concentrations of βHB, fruitsamine and globulin were higher. The AST, GGT and amylase enzymes showed higher serum lactate activity. The results obtained in this study, in a physiological condition, could be used as an aid tool in the early detection of blood changes, resulting from metabolic imbalances that occurred in the transition period, allowing early therapeutic intervention.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Doenças do sistema digestório dos bovinos: Estudo retrospectivo (1999-2018) de base hospitalar

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    As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente relacionadas ao inadequado manejo nutricional e responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Em razão da importância econômica e social da bovinocultura para a região, onde situa-se a principal bacia leiteira do estado de Pernambuco, e da influência que a alta incidência de doenças causa sobre a produtividade dos animais objetivou-se realizar um estudo clínico-epidemiológico das enfermidades do sistema digestório diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018, que possibilitasse conhecer as distintas enfermidades digestivas diagnosticadas nos bovinos da região, bem como a distribuição destas quanto à características epidemiológicas. Estas enfermidades representaram 24% (2238/9343) dos atendimentos de bovinos realizados neste período sendo as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%) e dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%). A taxa de letalidade geral para estas doenças foi de 46,0%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas, mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo e durante o período seco. Também neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caracterização clínico-epidemiológica e laboratorial da indigestão vagal em bovinos. Essa síndrome, representou 5,5% (70/1279) dos casos digestivos de bovinos e apresentou prognóstico desfavorável em 78,3% dos casos. A indigestão vagal tipo II foi a mais prevalente (40%), seguida do tipo I (24,3%) e dos tipos III e IV, que corresponderam a 18,5% e 10,0%, respectivamente. Em 67,1% dos casos, a indigestão vagal ocorreu em consequência de outras enfermidades, sendo a reticuloperitonite traumática a mais frequente (27,7%). As alterações motoras do trato gastrointestinal, tais como hipomotilidade, distensão abdominal e timpania foram os sinais clínicos mais frequentes. As alterações laboratoriais, de imagem e anatomopatológicas são oriundas principalmente das enfermidades primárias presentes em cada caso. Além dos estudos descritivos acima mencionados, foi realizado neste trabalho um estudo analítico do tipo coorte-retrospectiva com objetivo de identificar variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais que pudessem auxiliar na predição do desfecho em bovinos com enfermidades digestivas emergenciais. Cento e vinte e dois bovinos foram incluídos no estudo: 35 com transtorno intestinal obstrutivo, 31 com DAD, 30 com timpanismo espumoso, 17 com dilatação de ceco e nove com acidose láctica ruminal. O desfecho foi considerado positivo quando o animal recebeu alta hospitalar após o procedimento terapêutico e negativo quando houve óbito natural ou foi submetido a eutanásia durante o internamento. Para identificação das variáveis preditoras modelos de regressão logística multivariada foram construídos. Nenhuma das variáveis estudadas foram associadas ao desfecho nos animais com timpanismo espumoso e dilatação de ceco. Permaneceram no modelo final ajustado para animais com DAD a FC (OR=11,4; IC: 1,04 – 125,1) e a contagem total de leucócitos (OR=5,7; IC: 0,71 – 45,0). Enquanto, para animais com transtorno intestinal obstrutivo permaneceram o lactato (OR=22,8; IC: 1,74 – 299,4) e o fibrinogênio plasmático (OR=14,2; IC: 1,01 – 199,5). As enfermidades do sistema digestório, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região e a importância da realização de estudos que possibilitem maior entendimento a seu respeito.Diseases of the digestive system of cattle make up an important group of diseases frequently related to inadequate nutritional management and responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. Due to the economic and social importance of cattle culture for the region, where the main dairy basin of the state of Pernambuco is located, and the influence that the high incidence of diseases causes on animal productivity, the objective was to conduct a clinical-epidemiological study of digestive system diseases diagnosed at the Garanhuns Cattle Clinic, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, from January 1999 to December 2018,which would make it possible to know the different digestive diseases diagnosed in cattle in the region, as well as their distribution of epidemiological characteristics. These diseases represented 24% (2238/9343) of the visits of cattle performed in this period, with mechanical/motor diseases being the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative diseases (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%) and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) were the most prevalent diseases, followed by simple indigestions (10.1%) and esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%). The overall lethality rate for these diseases was 46.0%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, mixed race, aged more than 24 months, reared in a semi-intensive system and during the dry period. Also, in this work, a clinical-epidemiological and laboratory characterization study of vagal indigestion in cattle was carried out. This syndrome represented 5.5% (70/1279) of the digestive cases of cattle and presented unfavorable prognosis in 78.3% of the cases. Vagal indigestion type II was the most prevalent (40%) followed by type I (24.3%) and types III and IV, which corresponded to 18.5% and 10.0%, respectively. In 67.1% of the cases, vagal indigestion occurred because of other diseases, with traumatic reticuloperitonitis being the most frequent (27.7%). Motor changes in the gastrointestinal tract, such as hypomotility, abdominal distension, and timpania were the most frequent clinical signs. Laboratory, imaging and anatomopathological alterations originate mainly from the primary diseases present in each case. In addition to the descriptive studies mentioned above, this study was carried out in this study with an analytical study of the cohort-retrospective type with the objective of identifying clinical and laboratory variables that can help in predicting the outcome in cattle with emergency digestive diseases. One hundred and twenty-two cattle were included in the study: 35 with obstructive bowel disorder, 31 with DAD,30 with frothy bloat, 17 with cecum dilation and nine with ruminal lactic acidosis. The outcome was considered positive when the animal was discharged after the therapeutic procedure and negative when there was natural death or was euthanized during hospitalization. Multivariate logistic regression models were constructed to identify the predictor variables. None of the variables studied were associated with the outcome in animals with frothy bloat and cecum dilation. They remained in the final model adjusted for animals with DAD to HR (OR=11.4; CI: 1.04 - 125.1) and the total leukocyte count (OR=5.7; CI: 0.71 - 45.0). While for animals with obstructive bowel disorder, lactate remained (OR=22.8; CI: 1.74 - 299.4) and plasma fibrinogen (OR=14.2; CI: 1.01 - 199.5). The diseases of the digestive system represented a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in the region that make up the main dairy basin of the State of Pernambuco, ratifying its economic and social impact for the region and the importance of conducting studies that allow greater understanding of it.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Cardiac, Energy and Hormonal Blood Markers, and Lactatemia in Cows with Displaced Abomasum

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    Background: Displaced abomasum (DA) is a common and economically important disorder that affects dairy cattle. Nutritional factors and adaptive responses that occur in the peripartum play a central role in the pathogenesis. The measurement of blood metabolites represents a useful tool for monitoring and prognostic determination in affected animals. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate cardiac, energy and hormonal blood markers, lactatemia, and insulin sensitivity in cows diagnosed with right displaced abomasum (RDA) and left displaced abomasum (LDA), comparing them with each other.Materials, Methods & Results: Nineteen cases of abomasum displacement in cows were studied, including 9 cases of RDA and 10 cases of LDA. The diagnosis was established by means of physical examination and measurement of the concentration of chlorides in the ruminal fluid (> 30mEq/L). After diagnosis, clinical-surgical therapeutic management was instituted. At the time of diagnosis (M1) and at the resolution of the case (M2), blood samples were collected to assess the variables: non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta hydroxybutyrate (βHB), L-lactate, creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), cardiac troponin I (cTnI), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose, insulin, and cortisol. In addition, insulin sensitivity was estimated using the Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index (RQUICKI) and RQUICKI-βHB. The means of the variables were compared, separating the effects of groups (RDA and LDA) and moments (M1 and M2), at the level of 5% probability. The concentrations of NEFA, CK-MB, L-lactate, glucose, insulin, and cortisol were higher at M1 and the RQUICKI and RQUICKI-βHB indices were lower at this moment. L-lactate, CK, and CK-MB were higher in the RDA group, while cTnI, βHB, and LDH did not present a group or moment effect. Cardiac markers correlated with the energy profile metabolites, L-lactate, and cortisol.Discussion: The high concentrations of NEFA at M1 reflected the condition of negative energy balance. βHB concentrations were stable, that may be related to the number of days postpartum in which the animals were diagnosed. The hyperglycemic condition and the increase in serum cortisol concentrations found at M1 can be induced by the condition of metabolic stress resulting from the disease. Hyperinsulinemia were recorded in the present study could be an important factor related to the pathogenesis of DA, since there seems to be a correlation between hyperinsulinemia and decreased abomasal emptying rate. The RQUICKI and RQUICKI-βHB indices was significantly lower at M1, which may indicate lower sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin at this time. Changes in serum activity of LDH and CK may result from tissue damage due to organ displacement, in addition to damage associated with surgery and the administration of injectable drugs, mainly intramuscularly. The elevation in plasma L-lactate at M1 and in the RDA group may be associated with abomasal hypoperfusion. The high positive correlations found between L-lactate and the variables glucose, insulin, and cortisol reinforcing the association between the concentration of L-lactate and the moment of greatest stress. The increase in cardiac biomarkers may be related to the occurrence of ischemia/reperfusion injury in the abomasum, which involves oxidative stress and the production of inflammatory mediators. The hyperglycemic condition and the higher concentrations of NEFA can also contribute to the occurrence of myocardial injury. The correlations found between cardiac biomarkers and plasma L-lactate, strengthen the idea that there is a relationship between L-lactate and myocardial injury. In this sense, the measurement of blood concentrations of cTnI, CK-MB, and L-lactate could contribute as severity markers and prognosis indicators in cattle with DA.