444 research outputs found

    Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza

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    Local community networks can mitigate pandemic influenza in the absence of vaccine and antiviral drugs

    Sequelae of foodborne Illness caused by 5 pathogens, Australia, Circa 2010

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    In Australia circa 2010, 4.1 million (90% credible interval [CrI] 2.3–6.4 million) episodes of foodborne gastroenteritis occurred, many of which might have resulted in sequelae. We estimated the number of illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths from Gu

    Employers\u27 Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence among a Diverse Workforce

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    Objectives Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant global public health concern, affecting 5.3 million US individuals annually. An estimated 1 in 3 women globally are abused by an intimate partner in their lifetime, and the effects carry over into the workplace. This article examines employers\u27 perceptions of IPV in the workplace, targeting supervisors of Latina employees. Methods Fourteen employers and supervisors of small service-sector companies in Oregon were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Interpretive description was used to identify themes. These qualitative interviews preceded and helped to formulate a larger workplace intervention study. Results The following themes were found and are detailed: (1) factors associated with recognizing IPV in the workplace, (2) effects of IPV on the work environment and (3) supervisors\u27 responses to IPV-active vs. passive involvement. Also, supervisors\u27 suggestions for addressing IPV in the workplace are summarized. Conclusion These findings demonstrate the need for more IPV-related resources in the workplace to be available to supervisors as well as survivors and their coworkers. The needs of supervisors and workplaces vary by site, demonstrating the need for tailored interventions, and culturally appropriate workplace interventions are needed for Latinas and other racially and ethnically diverse populations

    Establishing a Community of Practice for Doctoral Studies Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In this discussion paper, we describe our experience completing the first year of the doctorate in nursing program at a large urban academic centre during the COVID-19 pandemic. We highlight the current nursing shortage and the importance of supporting all nursing students, including nurses in doctoral programs, towards successful graduation. We describe the development of a virtual community of practice incorporating five key strategies: Building community, fostering collaboration, strengthening connection, enhancing creativity, and promoting consistency. We believe that utilizing these strategies will contribute to our success and may be relevant to nursing leaders seeking to support the development of more doctorally prepared nurses. Participation in a community of practice early on in doctoral education will not only better prepare students for success in their program, but also continued success as they progress through their careers. It is important for students to not only make connections with peers in their area of academic study, but to also reach out to peers in other disciplines to improve both individual and interdisciplinary growth. Program administrators and educators can encourage the formation of community of practice among novice doctoral students. This encouragement can be achieved using a virtual platform, or in-person networking opportunities. Inviting incoming graduate students to connect with each other and with students from previous cohorts also fosters community of practice formation. Résumé Dans ce texte de discussion, nous décrivons notre expérience relative à la première année du doctorat en sciences infirmières dans un grand centre universitaire urbain pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Nous soulignons la pénurie actuelle d’infirmières et l’importance de soutenir toutes les étudiantes en sciences infirmières, y compris les infirmières inscrites à un programme de doctorat, vers la réussite de leurs études. Nous décrivons le développement d’une communauté virtuelle de pratique intégrant cinq stratégies clés : créer une communauté, favoriser la collaboration, renforcer les liens, mettre en valeur la créativité et promouvoir la cohérence. Nous pensons que l’utilisation de ces stratégies contribuera à notre succès et pourrait être pertinente pour les infirmières chefs de file qui cherchent à soutenir le développement d’un plus grand nombre d’infirmières préparées au doctorat. La participation à une communauté de pratique dès le début de la formation doctorale permettra non seulement de mieux préparer les étudiantes à réussir dans leur programme, mais favorisera également leur poursuite d’une carrière fructueuse. Il est important pour les étudiantes d’établir des liens non seulement avec des pairs dans leur domaine d’études universitaires, mais qu’ils entrent également en contact avec des pairs d’autres disciplines pour améliorer à la fois leur croissance individuelle et interdisciplinaire. Les administratrices de programme et les enseignantes peuvent encourager la formation d’une communauté de pratique parmi les doctorantes novices. Cet encouragement peut être réalisé à l’aide d’une plateforme virtuelle ou d’occasions de réseautage en personne. Inviter les étudiantes diplômées à entrer en contact les unes avec les autres et avec les étudiantes des cohortes précédentes favorise également la formation d’une communauté de pratique

    Opportunities to reduce overuse of antibiotics for perinatal group B streptococcal disease prevention and management of preterm premature rupture of membranes.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify opportunities to reduce overuse of antibiotics for prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal (GBS) disease and management of preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM). METHODS: An anonymous written questionnaire was sent to each of 1031 Fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the responses were subjected to statistical analysis. RESULTS: Among those of the 404 respondents who saw obstetric patients in 2001, most (84%) screened for GBS colonization, and 22% of these prescribed prenatal antibiotics to try to eradicate GBS colonization. Of the 382 respondents (95%) who prescribed antibiotics for pPROM, 36% continued antibiotics for more than 7 days despite negative results from GBS cultures collected before initiation of treatment. Having more years of clinical experience (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.5 to 6.2), working in a non-academic setting (adjusted OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.0 to 6.9), and prescribing antibiotics prenatally for GBS colonization (adjusted OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.1 to 3.4) were associated with prescribing prolonged antibiotics for pPROM. CONCLUSION: Prenatal antibiotic treatment for GBS colonization and prolonged antibiotic treatment for pPROM contribute to overuse of antibiotics in obstetrics

    The connections of the insular VEN area in great apes: A histologically-guided ex vivo diffusion tractography study

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    We mapped the connections of the insular von Economo neuron (VEN) area in ex vivo brains of a bonobo, an orangutan and two gorillas with high angular resolution diffusion MRI imaging acquired in 36 h imaging sessions for each brain. The apes died of natural causes without neurological disorders. The localization of the insular VEN area was based on cresyl violet-stained histological sections from each brain that were coregistered with structural and diffusion images from the same individuals. Diffusion MRI tractography showed that the insular VEN area is connected with olfactory, gustatory, visual and other sensory systems, as well as systems for the mediation of appetite, reward, aversion and motivation. The insular VEN area in apes is most strongly connected with frontopolar cortex, which could support their capacity to choose voluntarily among alternative courses of action particularly in exploring for food resources. The frontopolar cortex may also support their capacity to take note of potential resources for harvesting in the future (prospective memory). All of these faculties may support insight and volitional choice when contemplating courses of action as opposed to rule-based decision-making

    Um guia prático sobre a anatomia do rinencéfalo

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    Pathology of the rhinencephalon has been a subject of interest in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, epilepsy and other neurological conditions. Most of what is known about the human rhinencephalon comes from comparative anatomy studies in other mammals and histological studies in primates. Functional imaging studies can provide new and important insight into the function of the rhinencephalon in humans but have limited spatial resolution, limiting its contribution to the study of the anatomy of the human rhinencephalon. In this study we aim to provide a brief and objective review of the anatomy of this important and often overlooked area of the nervous system744329336As patologias do rinencéfalo tem sido assunto de interesse para os estudiosos das doenças neurodegenerativas, do traumatismo cranio-encefálico, epilepsia e outras doenças neurológicas. A maior parte do conhecimento sobre a anatomia do rinencéfalo vem de estudos de anatomia comparativa com outros mamíferos e estudos histológicos em primatas. Estudos de imagem funcional, apesar de proporcionarem informações úteis e interessantes a respeito do funcionamento do rinencéfalo em humanos, sofrem de resolução espacial limitada, e portanto contribuem de maneira restrita ao estudo dos limites das áreas anatômicas. Neste artigo buscamos proporcionar ao neurologista e neurocientista interessado uma revisão prática e objetiva da anatomia desta área importante e muitas vezes esquecida do sistema nervos
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