175 research outputs found


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    Nel presente lavoro l’attenzione è rivolta alle possibilità offerte dai nuovi strumenti di informazione geografia oggi disponibili per la didattica della cartografia. Lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e di sistemi per la diffusione dell’informazione geografica, non ultimi telefoni cellulari, macchine fotografiche, navigatori personali e altri strumenti collegabili a sistemi di posizionamento satellitare, nonché l’abitudine all’utilizzo di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione sia nella comunicazione delle notizie sia attraverso l’ormai onnipresente Internet, hanno rinvigorito l’interesse per le tematiche geografiche e in particolare per la rappresentazione dello spazio e conseguentemente per la cartografia. Da disciplina ‘strumentale’ all’apprendimento di Sistemi Informativi Geografici, del Telerilevamento e delle tecniche di posizionamento satellitare quale si presentava nei primi periodi dello sviluppo di questi sistemi di acquisizione, rappresentazione e analisi dello spazio geografico, oggi la cartografia di per se può beneficiare delle esperienze maturate con nuove tecnologie e nuovi strumenti di informazione geografica per la propria diffusione e per il proprio apprendimento da parte di un’utenza sempre più vasta. Nel lavoro vengono presentate delle esemplificazioni sulle possibilità offerte dai Sistemi Informativi Geografici per l’apprendimento della cartografia, con particolare riferimento alle opportunità offerte da questi ultimi di familiarizzare con la localizzazione nello spazio di luoghi della superficie terrestre, con le diverse proiezioni cartografiche, con la scomposizione del territorio rappresentato in strati informativi. Ciò è presentato ponendo l’attenzione sia sulle funzionalità standard ormai disponibili nella maggior parte dei software GIS, sia sulle possibilità offerte in tal senso dai programmi e dai visualizzatori cartografici gratuiti, ivi compresi gli strumenti di visualizzazione disponibili su Internet (es. Google Earth; Microsoft Virtual Earth)In this paper the attention is focused on the possibilities given by the new instruments of geographic information to-date available for teaching cartography. The widespread use of new technologies and instruments for broadcasting geographic information, these including last generation mobile phones, digital cameras, PDA and personal navigators and other tools connected to satellite positioning systems, as well as the use of high resolution satellite imagery in the news and in the Internet, have reinforced the interest for geographic topics and particularly for cartography as the representation of the geographical space. To-date cartography has moved from being a discipline ancillary to the study and comprehension of Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and satellite positioning, as it was in the early stages of development and diffusion of such instruments, to a stage of new ‘dignity’ in which it can benefit from the experience acquired with the new technologies and instruments for geographic information for being studied and appreciated per se from a growing community of users. In this paper some examples on the opportunities given by Geographic Information Systems for learning cartography with particular reference to the possibilities of familiarizing with locations on the Earth’s surface, with different projections and reference systems and with the organization of space in layers are presented. This is done drawing the attention both on the standard functionality available in most of the GIS packages, and on the possibilities offered by software and freeware cartographic viewers, these comprehending visualisation instruments available through the Internet (i.e., Google Earth; Microsoft Virtual Earth, etc.)


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    La cartografia digitale ‘creata dagli utenti’ rappresenta un fenomeno in crescita. Sono molteplici gli utenti che contribuiscono con elementi ‘semplici’ a una diffusione e condivisione cartografica digitale, si pensi a chi produce tracciati derivanti da GPS per percorsi ciclabili, turistici, ma anche punti di interesse (POIs) per navigatori satellitari; inoltre sono da ricordare fenomeni di produzione cartografica più ampia, quali il progetto Open- StreetMap, dove una cartografia ‘globale’ viene costruita e aggiornata esclusivamente dagli utenti con una logica presa in prestito da strutture quali Wikipedia, e che si presenta come un ambiente multiforme dove il prodotto cartografico può essere visualizzato, stampato, scaricato per l’utilizzo in navigatori satellitari ma anche in sistemi informativi geografici.User-created digital cartography represents a growing phenomenon. Several users contribute with ‘simple’ elements to the diffusion and sharing of digital cartography. Examples can be found in GPS originating tracks for bike and tourist tracks, as well as POIs (Points of Interest) for satellite navigation devices. Also, some wider cartographic phenomena must me reminded as the OpenStreetMap project, where a ‘global’ cartography is built and updated only by users under a procedure borrowed from Wikipedia – like structures, and that represents a multi-shape environment where the cartographic product can be visualized, printed, downloaded for the use in satellite navigation devices as well as in Geographical Information Systems


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    Il lavoro affronta l’osservazione della forma e delle funzioni urbane e la proposta di una metodologia per la definizione e rappresentazione cartografica del central business district. (CBD). Vengono presentati i primi risultati di una ricerca in corso, volta alla definizione di un indicatore di dotazione di attività centrali urbane. L’analisi si sviluppa al fine di esplorare la formazione di centri di diverso ordine in ambiente urbano a partire dalla localizzazione di alcune attività umane che trovano la loro collocazione nelle città. Nel lavoro viene proposta una prima serie di indicatori di attività centrali e un indicatore di concentrazione di tali attività basato sulla densità. Tale indicatore iniziale consente la visualizzazione del tessuto funzionale centrale urbano sotto forma di superficie di densità, consentendo quindi l’evidenziazione delle aree a maggiore concentrazione di attività centrali. Esso fornisce degli spunti per future analisi e approfondimenti riguardo alla classificazione delle attività centrali di tipo urbano e la ricerca di un indicatore adattabile ai diversi contesti territoriali. Nel lavoro si fa ricorso a metodologie di indagine legate alla statistica spaziale e presentando i risultati in ambiente GIS. Per testare l’indicatore di concentrazione di attività proposto viene presentato un caso studio basato sull’area urbana di Trieste.The paper is focused on the observation of urban form and functions and is aimed at identifying a method for the cartographic definition and representation of CBD (Central Business District). First results of an ongoing research aimed at defining an indicator of urban central activities are presented here. The analysis is developed in order to explore the formation of centres of different order in the urban environment, starting from the locations of a selected set of human activities located in urban areas. In this paper a first set of indexes of central activities are presented, together with a first index of concentration of such activities based on the concept of density. Such index allows the visualization of the functional urban environment by means of density surface, allowing therefore highlighting of areas where central activities and functions concentrate. It provides suggestions and starting points for future more in depth analyses concerning the classification of central activities in an urban space and the research for a general index to be adapted to the different spatial contexts. This paper is based on analyses related to spatial statistics and the GIS environment. In order to test the index of concentration of activities a case-study based on the urban area of Trieste is presented


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    Negli ultimi anni la cartografia ha vissuto alcune ‘epocali’ rivoluzioni, ancora in atto, che l’hanno senz’altro segnata, trasformata ma non soffocata, fornendo, anzi, occasioni per rafforzarsi e presentarsi più forte che mai. Come tutte le rivoluzioni, però, i rischi e i punti ‘oscuri’ sono altresì presenti, e degni di essere tenuti d’occhio. GIS e neogeography vengono presentate come due rivoluzioni nella rappresentazione cartografica, entrambe figlie dell’era digitale, con importanze e caratteristiche diverse seppure legate da tratti comuni. Si analizza qui la domanda su quale sia l’effetto di tali rivoluzioni sulla cartografia e vengono presentate alcune ‘risposte’ da parte di alcuni autori su delle esemplificazioni cartografiche e dei casi di studio.Recent years have faced two main revolutions in cartography concerning the ways in which we produce maps and use them. Such revolutions deal mainly with the raise of the digital era although they focus on quite different aspects of that. GIS and neogeography are briefly presented as revolutionary for cartography and some of their characters and issues are presented. A question on the contribution of Web 2.0 and neogeography to cartography is posed and some replies by some authors are briefly presented and introduced

    Finding a Midpoint between Civil and Military Use. The Case of Villaputzu (Sardinia, Italy)

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    The paper addresses the issue of the concurrent use of areas for military and civil activities. In particular, the paper analyzes the effect of planning tools on the valorization of a territorial enclave, namely a military training area located in the coastal area of the municipality of Villaputzu (South Sardinia, Italy), that is, moreover, a Site of Community Importance. In this area, thanks to an institutional agreements between the Municipal Administration of Villaputzu and the Ministry of Defense, has been possible define the coexisting ways where is an important coastal military easement. and the use of the coast for recreational tourism purposes through a specific planning tool. In this specific case, the Local Coastline Plan (LCP) has been identified as the planning tool, which better addresses the co-existence of apparently opposite land uses and interests, as those expressed by the local municipality and those expressed by the military hierarchy. The assessment method is based on the capacity of the Local Coastline Plan (LCP) and the Site of CommunityInterest Management Plan (SCIMP) to create ecosystem services in the military enclave. The evaluation of the LCP and SCIMP shows how their combined action favors the environmental enhancement of territory, contributing to the formation of ecosystem services, The area, initially subject to different constraint (military easements and SIC rules) evolve, by that way, from ‘anticommons’ to ‘semicommons’, guaranteeing sustainable renewal of economic development of the area and looking to become ‘commons’ through planning of ecosystem services

    A methodological approach on disused public properties in the 15-minute city perspective

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    Accessibility and Walkability represent, today, some of the most striking challenges contemporary cities are facing, particularly in light of the goals from UN Agenda 2030, aimed at a sustainable city, and particularly in terms of a livable, healthy and inclusive city. This can be also performed thanks to a set of high quality public services and a set of important and central services and infrastructures. These principles, however, are constrained by an overall, general fragmentation affecting many urban areas, particularly as an outcome of the vehicular accessibility needs. Scholars have debated through the years on the nature of cities and on the preference for centrality of services compared to the distribution of services towards dispersed neighborhood units. Recently, a need for a wider, minimum set of services that is easily reachable to most citizens is filling the scholars and city mayors’ agendas in order to improve urban performances. This is also coupled with a huge surge in the heritage of abandoned urban items coming from previous periods of time and alternative uses. The aim of this research is to evaluate the role of abandoned urban assets—particularly big-size buildings and compounds and their areas—to facilitate the implementation of the concept of a 15-minute city, a city that is capable of granting a wider social equality and access to main urban services to citizens and city users. To do this, we developed a set of indexes, capable of detecting porosity, crossing and attractiveness. This latter index in particular represents a combined index that can be used to improve the accessibility of pedestrians in urban central locations. In the present research, we decided to limit the analysis to a subset of disused public buildings in the historic center of a sample city, as Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). This was done in order to understand if and in which terms they can contribute, after their redevelopment, to the development of the 15-minute city, as well as reducing the “enclave–effect: they are, at present, playing in the historic urban fabric

    A Methodological Approach on Disused Public Properties in the 15-Minute City Perspective

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    Accessibility and Walkability represent, today, some of the most striking challenges contemporary cities are facing, particularly in light of the goals from UN Agenda 2030, aimed at a sustainable city, and particularly in terms of a livable, healthy and inclusive city. This can be also performed thanks to a set of high quality public services and a set of important and central services and infrastructures. These principles, however, are constrained by an overall, general fragmentation affecting many urban areas, particularly as an outcome of the vehicular accessibility needs. Scholars have debated through the years on the nature of cities and on the preference for centrality of services compared to the distribution of services towards dispersed neighborhood units. Recently, a need for a wider, minimum set of services that is easily reachable to most citizens is filling the scholars and city mayors\u2019 agendas in order to improve urban performances. This is also coupled with a huge surge in the heritage of abandoned urban items coming from previous periods of time and alternative uses. The aim of this research is to evaluate the role of abandoned urban assets\u2014particularly big-size buildings and compounds and their areas\u2014to facilitate the implementation of the concept of a 15-minute city, a city that is capable of granting a wider social equality and access to main urban services to citizens and city users. To do this, we developed a set of indexes, capable of detecting porosity, crossing and attractiveness. This latter index in particular represents a combined index that can be used to improve the accessibility of pedestrians in urban central locations. In the present research, we decided to limit the analysis to a subset of disused public buildings in the historic center of a sample city, as Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). This was done in order to understand if and in which terms they can contribute, after their redevelopment, to the development of the 15-minute city, as well as reducing the \u201cenclave\u2013effect: they are, at present, playing in the historic urban fabri