107 research outputs found

    La comunità macrozoobentonica come strumento per la valutazione dello stato di qualità ecologico in ambienti di transizione: il caso della laguna di Santa Gilla

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    Transitional habitats are vulnerable ecosystems, affected by strong and unpredictable environmental parameters and exposed to several threats, both natural and anthropic, that can deeply interfere with the biological components critical to their functionality (Lardicci et al., 1993; Fraschetti, 1996; Giangrande & Mistri et al., 2000; Lardicci et al., 2001,). The conservation and management of these habitats require an integrated study of three aspects: chemical, physical and biological (Gibson et al., 2000). Recent directives, specifically Water Framework Directive 60/2000/EC and Marine Strategy Framework Directive 56/2008/EC, suggest that biological elements are essential tools to evaluate the quality of coastal and transitional ecosystems. In particular, the macrozoobenthic component is often employed in transitional environmental programs (Blanchet et al., 2008). The location analyzed in this study is one of the most important wetlands in Sardinia. Despite this, there is no complete and recent information about the benthic community. The main aim of this study is to characterize the Santa Gilla lagoon, studying some abiotic aspects (granulometry, mineralogy, heavy metals and organic matter in sediments, and salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature of the water column) and providing information about the macrozoobenthic community in relation to spatial-temporal variations, creating the research foundation for the development of an appropriate resource management and conservation strategy. A total of 16910 organisms were found, belonging to 114 different taxa. The distribution of these organisms in relation to the abiotic parameters was studied. Multivariate analysis highlighted two main groups, originating from distinct areas of the lagoon and influenced by different factors. However, it is difficult to determine which variable most strongly influences the distribution of the community. Indeed, benthic organisms are expected to respond to a more complex set of environmental factors related to the water column, sediment, interstitial water, and interface layer (e.g. Maurer et al., 1985; Whiteman et al., 1996). Different biotic indices were applied and their effectiveness was evaluated. The results were varied, but all measurement indices concluded that best ecological quality measured was in close proximity to the sea. Through this project, important information necessary for future integrated ecosystem management was gathered. Undoubtedly, the analysis of the macrozoobenthic community is a prerequisite for the evaluation and management of ecosystems in a sustainable and appropriate manner (Ludovisi et al., 2013). Thus, this study constitutes the starting point for future quality status assessments, as well as the basis for subsequent analysis and monitoring

    Differences in the diet of breeding Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in an inland colony: the effect of years, breeding stages and locations within the colony

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    AbstractA study of the diet of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (fish species and size) in (1) different seasons (years), (2) breeding stages (incubation and chick rearing), and (3) breeding areas (center and edge) in the colony in the Dzierżno-Duże Reservoir (southern Poland) was carried out. Overall, 147 pellets of the Great Cormorant were analysed. The low values of the indexes of Levin (Bi) and Shannon (H') showed a limited trophic spectrum in the diet of the Great Cormorant. Roach (Rutilus rutilus) with a percentage index of relative importance (%IRI) of 62.89, perch (Perca fluviatilis) (%IRI = 22.63) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) (%IRI = 10.43), were the most common prey. Evident changes in the diet between 2003 and 2014, with less roach and more perch and ruffe in 2014 were found. They could be probably related to changes in the fish community. Differences in the food of cormorants between breeding stages reflected dietary requirements of the chicks. During the breeding season younger chicks require feeding with smaller fish than older chicks. The proportion of fish species found in the cormorant diet differed between the edge and the centre of the colony. We concluded that the impact of Great Cormorants on native fish assemblages may be dependent on the location within the colony, development state of the chicks and season, not just fish availability

    First record of the alien polychaete Naineris setosa (Scolecida; Orbiniidae) in Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean)

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    During a survey in Santa Gilla, a Tyrrhenian lagoon located in southern Sardinia, several specimens of the alien polychaete Naineris setosa were found. 1) A brief description of the specimens is presented; they possess the rounded prostomium and the crenulated capillary chaetae typical of the genus, but they are characterized by the absolute lacking of uncini or subuluncini in thoracic neuropodia, which is unique trait within Naineris; 2) some environmental characteristics of the collection site are measured; 3) the description and the distribution of the specimens are also provided

    Animal Forest Mortality: Following the Consequences of a Gorgonian Coral Loss on a Mediterranean Coralligenous Assemblage

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    In this work, the consequences of a local gorgonian coral mortality on the whole coralligenous assemblage were studied. A Before/After-Control/Impact sampling design was used: the structure of the coralligenous assemblage was compared before and after the gorgonian mortality event at the mortality site and two control sites. At the mortality site, a relevant decrease in alpha and beta diversity occurred, with a shift from a stratified assemblage characterized by gorgonians and other invertebrates to an assemblage dominated by algal turfs; conversely, neither significant variations of the structure nor decrease in biodiversity were observed at the control sites. The assemblage shift involved the main taxa in different times: in autumn 2018, a large proportion of the plexaurid coral Paramuricea clavata died, but no significant changes were observed in the structure of the remaining assemblage. Then, in autumn 2019, algal turfs increased significantly and, one year later, the abundance of the gorgonian Eunicella cavolini and bryozoans collapsed. Although the mechanisms of the assemblage shift following gorgonian loss will remain uncertain and a cause-effect relationship cannot be derived, results suggest the need for detecting signs of gorgonian forests stress in monitoring programs, which should be considered early indicators of their condition. in the coralligenous monitoring programs for detecting any sign of gorgonian forests stress which should be considered an early indicator of the assemblage condition

    Comparative analysis of Volatile Compounds (potential aromatic ability) in the fruit of 15 olive Italian cultivars

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    Virgin olive oils (VOOs) are characterized by peculiar flavors appreciated by the consumers all over the world. Their organoleptic characteristics depend on the aromatic properties of the fruits of the different cultivars, which will originate the final products. VOCs spectra of fifteen certified Italian olive cultivars of the University of Florence Germplasm collection, chosen as their different geographical origin, diffusion, and product purpose, were acquired using a Proton Transfer Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS). The VOCs analyses highlighted a great variability among the fifteen cultivars, mostly due to compounds (C6 and C5) deriving from polyunsaturated fatty acids through the LOX pathway. The early identification in the olive fruit of these compounds which are considered among the major contributors to the positive VOOs attributes, would be useful to produce high quality olive oils, and get useful information to individuate the best parents for the genetic improvement.

    Inflammatory Indices during and after a Randomized Controlled Trial on Exercise in Old Adults: Could Moderate-intensity Exercise be Safe Enough? (Active Elderly and Health – Clinicaltrials.Gov, NCT03858114)

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    Background: Aging is characterized by a progressive increase in chronic diseases. According to WHO’s guidance, there is a need to develop strategies to monitor, maintain and rehabilitate the health of older people. The present research aims to elucidate whether or not a moderate physical activity intervention in older adults can cause an increase in inflammatory biomarker indices such as C-reactive Protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). It is a valuable tool for promoting health that can be considered tolerable in the over-65 population. Methods: 120 males and females over 65 years of age participated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT NCT03858114) in two groups of 60 individuals of similar size and underwent moderate physical activity or cultural and recreational activities. The exclusion criteria were being younger than 65 years old, being unable to participate in physical activity for medical reasons, and a Body Mass Index of greater than 35. Blood samples from participants were collected for the pre-treatment period (t0), at the end of the study of 12 weeks (t1), and 20 weeks after the end of the study (t2) for measurement of inflammatory indices CRP and ESR. Results: The commonly routine tests for inflammatory reactions (ERS and CPR) showed no change at the end of an RCT on mild-to-moderate exercise. Conclusion: The results on inflammatory indices confirm the safety of this type of intervention and encourage its long-term use and testin

    Glutamine Starvation Affects Cell Cycle, Oxidative Homeostasis and Metabolism in Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Cancer cells adjust their metabolism to meet energy demands. In particular, glutamine addiction represents a distinctive feature of several types of tumors, including colorectal cancer. In this study, four colorectal cancer cell lines (Caco-2, HCT116, HT29 and SW480) were cultured with or without glutamine. The growth and proliferation rate, colony-forming capacity, apoptosis, cell cycle, redox homeostasis and metabolomic analysis were evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide test (MTT), flow cytometry, high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques. The results show that glutamine represents an important metabolite for cell growth and that its deprivation reduces the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells. Glutamine depletion induces cell death and cell cycle arrest in the GO/G1 phase by modulating energy metabolism, the amino acid content and antioxidant defenses. Moreover, the combined glutamine starvation with the glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose exerted a stronger cytotoxic effect. This study offers a strong rationale for targeting glutamine metabolism alone or in combination with glucose metabolism to achieve a therapeutic benefit in the treatment of colon cancer

    Exercise improves long-term social and behavioral rhythms in older adults: did it play a role during the COVID-19 lockdown?

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    The study aimed to verify whether exercise training in older adults can improve social behavioral rhythms (SBR) and if any modification is maintained over time. Older adults (n=120) from a previous randomized controlled trial, were randomly allocated to either a moderate-intensity exercise group or a control group. SBR was evaluated at t0, t26, and t48 weeks (during the COVID-19 lockdown), using the brief social rhythms scale (BSRS). Seventy-nine participants completed the follow-up (age 72.3±4.7, women 55.3%). An improvement in the BSRS score was found in the exercise group at 26 weeks (p=0.035) when the exercise program was concluded, and it was maintained at 48 weeks (p=0.013). No improvements were observed in the control group. To conclude, SBR, previously found as a resilience factor in older adults during COVID-19, appear to improve after a moderate 12 weeks exercise program, and the improvement persisted even after stopping exercise during the COVID-19 lockdown
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