25 research outputs found

    ordinary differential equation

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    Existence of periodic solutions for a semilinea

    Analysis of the ranges of perturbed noninvertible operators

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    Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Generalized trigonometric functions in complex domain

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    summary:We study extension of pp-trigonometric functions sinp\sin _p and cosp\cos _p to complex domain. For p=4,6,8,p=4, 6, 8, \dots , the function sinp\sin _p satisfies the initial value problem which is equivalent to (*) (u)p2uup1=0,u(0)=0,u(0)=1-(u')^{p-2}u''-u^{p-1} =0, \quad u(0)=0, \quad u'(0)=1 in R\mathbb {R}. In our recent paper, Girg, Kotrla (2014), we showed that sinp(x)\sin _p(x) is a real analytic function for p=4,6,8,p=4, 6, 8, \dots on (πp/2,πp/2)(-\pi _p/2, \pi _p/2), where πp/2=01(1sp)1/p\pi _p/2 = \int _0^1(1-s^p)^{-1/p}. This allows us to extend sinp\sin _p to complex domain by its Maclaurin series convergent on the disc {zC ⁣:z2\{z\in \mathbb {C}\colon |z|2. Finally, we provide some graphs of real and imaginary parts of sinp(z)\sin _p(z) and suggest some new conjectures


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    We study extension of p-trigonometric functions sinp and cosp and of p-hyperbolic functions sinhp and coshp to complex domain. Our aim is to answer the question under what conditions on p these functions satisfy well-known relations for usual trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, such as, for example, sin(z)=-i·sinh⁡i·z. In particular, we prove in the paper that for p=6,10,14,… the p-trigonometric and p-hyperbolic functions satisfy very analogous relations as their classical counterparts. Our methods are based on the theory of differential equations in the complex domain using the Maclaurin series for p-trigonometric and p-hyperbolic functions

    Bifurcations of Positive and Negative Continua in Quasilinear Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems

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    A global bifurcation result for a class of semipositone elliptic systems

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    V článku se zabýváme jistou třídou soustav eliptických PDR závisejících na parametru s nelinearitou typu "semipoziton". K jejich studiu používáme teorii bifurkací. Podařilo se nám ukázat, že množina řešení obsahuje dvě disjunktní neomezené souvislé komponenty. V článku diskutujeme nodální vlastnosti řešení na těchto komponentách. Na závěr, jakožto důsledek těchto bifurkačních výsledků, dokážeme existenci a násobnost řešení v situaci, kdy se bifurkační parametr nalézá v blízkosti jednoduchého vlastního čísla asociovaného problému na vlastní čísla.We study a class of semipositone elliptic systems depending on a parameter using bifurcation theory. We show that there are two disjoint unbounded connected components of the solution set and discuss the nodal properties of solutions on these components. Finally, as a consequence of these results, we infer the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the bifurcation parameter in a neighborhood containing the simple eigenvalue of the associated eigenvalue problem

    Prufer transformation for the p-Laplacian

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    Prufer transformation is a useful tool for study of second-order ordinary differential equations. There are many possible extensions of the original Prufer transformation. We focus on a transformation suitable for study of boundary value problems for the p-Laplacian in the resonant case. The purpose of this paper is to establish its basic properties in deep detail