278 research outputs found

    Risk Factors for Immediate and Delayed-Onset Fever After Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage

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    Objectives To prospectively investigate the pre and intraprocedural risk factors for immediate (IF) and delayedonset (DOF) fever development after percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD). Methods Institutional review board approval and informed patient consent were obtained. Between February 2013 and February 2014, 97 afebrile patients (77 at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and 20 at the Sun Yatsen University of Guangzhou, China) with benign (n = 31) and malignant (n = 66) indications for a first PTBD were prospectively enrolled. Thirty pre- and intra-procedural clinical/radiological characteristics, including the amount of contrast media injected prior to PTBD placement, were collected in relation to the development of IF (within 24 h) or DOF (after 24 h). Fever was defined as C37.5 C. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to assess independent associations with IF and DOF. Results Fourteen (14.4 %) patients developed IF and 17 (17.5 %) developed DOF. At multivariable analysis, IF was associated with pre-procedural absence of intrahepatic bile duct dilatation (OR 63.359; 95 % CI 2.658–1510.055; P = 0.010) and low INR (OR 4.7 9 10-4 ; 95 % CI 0.000–0.376; P = 0.025), while DOF was associated with unsatisfactory biliary drainage at the end of PTBD (OR 4.571; 95 % CI 1.161–17.992; P = 0.030)

    Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk after liver transplantation: a single-center experience.

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    Excessive weight gain, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes are frequently observed among orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) patients. These alterations, which are probably multifactorial in origin, contribute to posttransplantation metabolic syndrome (PTMS), which increases the risk of cardiovascular events. We assessed the prevalence of PTMS (diagnosed according to modified NCEP Adult Treatment Panel III criteria) in 156 OLT patients undergoing regular follow-up after transplantation (median 68 months; range, 6 to 234 months). Several pre- and post-OLT data were collected to identify the factors associated with the presence of PTMS which was found in 28% of cases. The only independent predictive factors for PTMS were diabetes mellitus and patients who were overweight or obese before-OLT. The prevalence of PTSM was lower among patients on tacrolimus immunosuppression. In our population, 21% of patients showed a high cardiovascular risk score with a 4% incidence of cardiovascular events, which was higher among subjects with PTMS. Close follow-up is mandatory to prevent the development of PTMS mainly among overweight and diabetic patients before transplantation

    Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in the setting of liver transplantation for hepatocellular cancer. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    AIM: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) as a risk factor for post-transplant hepatocellular cancer (HCC) recurrence. METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed using PubMed. Participants of any age and sex, who underwent liver transplantation for HCC were considered following these criteria: (1) studies comparing pre-transplant low vs high PLR values; (2) studies reporting post-transplant recurrence rates; and (3) if more than one study was reported by the same institute, only the most recent was included. The primary outcome measure was set for HCC recurrence after transplantation. RESULTS: A total of 5 articles, published between 2014 and 2017, fulfilled the selection criteria. As for the quality of the reported studies, all the investigated articles presented an overall high quality. A total of 899 cases were investigated: 718 cases (80.0%) were males. Three studies coming from European countries and one from Japan presented HCV as the main cause of cirrhosis. On the opposite, one Chinese study presented a greater incidence of HBV-related cirrhotic cases. In all the studies apart one, the PLR cut-off value of 150 was reported. At meta-analysis, high PLR value was associated with a significant increase in recurrence after transplantation (OR = 3.33; 95%CI: 1.78-6.25; p < 0.001). A moderate heterogeneity was observed among the identified studies according to the Higgins I 2 statistic value. CONCLUSION: Pre-transplant high PLR values are connected with an increased risk of post-operative recurrence of hepatocellular cancer. More studies are needed for better clarify the biological mechanisms of this results

    Specific issues concerning the management of patients on the waiting list and after liver transplantation

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    The present document is a second contribution collecting the recommendations of an expert panel of transplant hepatologists appointed by the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) concerning the management of certain aspects of liver transplantation, including: the issue of prompt referral; the management of difficult candidates; malnutrition; living related liver transplants; hepatocellular carcinoma; and the role of direct acting antiviral agents before and after transplantation. The statements on each topic were approved by participants at the AISF Transplant Hepatology Expert Meeting organized by the Permanent Liver Transplant Commission in Mondello on 12-13 May 2017. They are graded according to the GRADE grading system

    Alpha-SMA expression in hepatic stellate cells and quantitative analysis of hepatic fibrosis in cirrhosis and in recurrent chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation

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    Background. The alpha isotype of actin expressed by hepatic stellate cells reflects their activation to myofibroblast-like cell and has been directly related to experimental liver fibrogenesis, and indirectly to human fibrosis in chronic liver disease. Aims. To evaluate the changes in distribution and percentage of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive hepatic stellate cells and the correlation with the degree of the fibrosis in cirrhotic livers, as well as in patients with recurrent HCV chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation. Methods. Human liver biopsies were divided in four groups: (1) normal livers obtained from cadaveric liver donors (n = 35), (2) cirrhosis post-HBV hepatitis (n = 11), (3) cirrhosis post-HCV hepatitis (n = 10), and (4) post-transplant recurrent HCV chronic hepatitis (n = 13). Samples were stained with anti-alpha-smooth muscle actin antibody by immunoperoxidase method and semi-quantitatively evaluated. Liver fibrosis was assessed from specimens stained with Masson's trichrome and quantified by computer image analysis. Results. The percentage of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive hepatic stellate cells was significantly higher in the HBV cirrhosis, HCV cirrhosis and post-transplant HCV recurrent hepatitis groups (36.1 +/- 15.2, 23.8 +/- 19.7 and 27.8 +/- 16.4%, respectively) compared to the liver donor group (2.9 +/- 4.0%). The alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive hepatic stellate cells to fibrous tissue ratio were significantly higher in the post-transplant recurrent HCV hepatitis group (2.36 +/- 1.12) compared to both the donor livers and the HCV cirrhosis groups (0.74 +/- 1.09 and 1.03 +/- 0.91, respectively). The alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive hepatic stellate cell percentage and fibrosis correlated positively in the post-transplant recurrent HCV hepatitis group and negatively in the HCV cirrhosis group. No difference in the immunohistochemical and morphometrical variables was found between the HCV cirrhosis and HBV cirrhosis groups. Conclusions. These results indirectly confirm that, in vivo, alpha-smooth muscle actin expression is a reliable marker of hepatic stellate cells activation which precedes fibrous tissue deposition even in the setting of recurrent HCV chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation, and it could be useful to identify the earliest stages of hepatic fibrosis and monitoring the efficacy of the therapy. In the presence of advanced cirrhosis other factors, rather than alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive hepatic stellate cells, may sustain fibrosis deposition. (c) 2005 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    Background/Aims: Several proteins present in human bile have been reported to promote cholesterol crystallization and thus are potentially important in the formation of cholesterol crystals as the initial stage in gallstone pathogenesis. To be physiologically relevant, such proteins must either be present in high concentration in bile or have a potent promoting activity. The current study explored several of the more abundant but unexamined biliary proteins based upon their also having sufficiently high serum concentrations that antibodies were available for both their isolation and quantitation. Methods: Protein purification was accomplished by immunoaffinity chromatography of bile followed by delipidation. Con A affinity chromatography of bile was used to obtain the bound fraction, a portion of which was delipidated. Crystallization-promoting activity of both the purified proteins and Con A-bound glycoprotein fractions (CABG) was measured by a photometric crystal growth assay. A competitive antibody-capture ELISA assay was developed to measure concentrations of alpha(1)-antitrypsin, transferrin, and haptoglobin in native bile. Results: At their relevant physiological concentrations, biliary haptoglobin (15 mu g/ml) had a crystallization-promoting activity twice that of the biliary IgM (75 mu g/ml) used as a reference standard (P < 0.05). Biliary transferrin (20 mu g/ml) had only modest promoting activity (P < 0.05). Biliary alpha(1)-antitrypsin (50 mu g/ml), by contrast, showed no promoting activity. Delipidation of the CABG fraction decreased its promoting activity by 75%. Biliary haptoglobin accounts for about 30% of delipidated total CABG-promoting activity. Conclusions: Biliary haptoglobin at its physiological concentration has a highly potent crystallization-promoting activity and thus becomes a candidate for major attention in understanding gallstone pathogenesis. Biliary lipids associated with CABG account for a major portion of the cholesterol-crystallization-promoting activity of this fraction

    Purification and characterization of a novel human 15 kd cholesterol crystallization inhibitor protein in bile

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    Crystallization-inhibiting proteins can explain longer nucleation times associated with bile from gallstone-free subjects as compared with bile from patients with cholesterol gallstones. We partially characterized and examined the crystallization inhibitory potency of a newly purified 15 kd human biliary protein. Gallbladder bile was passed through an anti-apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) immunoaffinity column to extract lipid-associaied proteins. The bound fraction was separated by 30 kd ultrafiltration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophesis (SDS-PAGE) was performed under nonreducing and reducing conditions. Cholesterol crystallization activity was tested in a photometric cholesterol crystal growth assay. Isoelectric focusing was performed by using a standard gel, The purified 15 kd protein was subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing, Although the whole apo A-I-bound fraction contained a variety of proteins and lipids, its 30 kd filtrate yielded a nearly pure 15 kd protein with only minor contamination from apo A-I. Amino acid sequencing showed that the protein was unique. Enzymatic deglycosylation revealed no evidence for glycosylation. At a protein concentration of 10 mu g/ml, crystallization time was delayed as compared with control and apo A-I, and final crystal mass was reduced to 75% of control, Its isoelectric point was 6.1 without isoforms, Under nonreducing conditions, the protein formed a 30 kd dimer and a 60 kd tetramer. We conclude that this protein is a novel potent biliary crystallization inhibitor protein

    Peribiliary glands as a niche of extra-pancreatic precursors yielding insulin-producing cells in experimental and human diabetes

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    Peribiliary glands (PBGs) are niches in the biliary tree and containing heterogeneous endodermal stem/progenitors cells that can differentiate, in vitro and in vivo, towards pancreatic islets. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in experimental and human diabetes, proliferation of cells in PBGs and differentiation of the biliary tree stem/progenitor cells (BTSCs) towards insulin-producing cells. Diabetes was generated in mice by intraperitoneal injection of a single dose of 200 mg/kg (N=12) or 120 mg/kg (N=12) of streptozotocin. Liver, pancreas and extrahepatic biliary trees were en bloc dissected and examined. Cells in PBGs proliferated in experimental diabetes, and their proliferation was greatest in the PBGs of the hepato-pancreatic ampulla, and inversely correlated with the pancreatic islet area. In rodents, the cell proliferation in PBGs was characterized by the expansion of Sox9-positive stem/progenitor cells that gave rise to insulin-producing cells. Insulin-producing cells were located mostly in PBGs in the portion of the biliary tree closest to the duodenum, and their appearance was associated with up-regulation of MafA and Gli1 gene expression. In patients with type 2 diabetes, PBGs at the level of the hepato-pancreatic ampulla contained cells showing signs of proliferation and pancreatic fate commitment. In vitro, high glucose concentrations induced the differentiation of human BTSCs cultures towards pancreatic beta cell fates. The cells in PBGs respond to diabetes with proliferation and differentiation towards insulin-producing cells indicating that PBG niches may rescue pancreatic islet impairment in diabetes. These findings offer important implications for the patho-physiology and complications of this disease. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Fluctuations of estimated glomerular filtration rate outside kidney disease improving global outcomes diagnostic criteria for acute kidney injury in end-stage liver disease outpatients and outcome postliver transplantation

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    Background. Renal dysfunction in end-stage liver disease (ESLD) results fromsystemic conditions that affect both liver and kidney with activation of vasoconstrictor systems. In this setting, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) may undergo variations often outside Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria for acute kidney injury (AKI) diagnosis, whose meaning is not clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate eGFR variations in ESLD outpatients listed for liver transplant (liver Tx) and the association with post-Tx outcome. Methods. Fifty-one patients with ESLD were retrospectively evaluated from listing to transplant (L-Tx time), intraoperatively (Tx time), and up to 5 years post-Tx time. Variations between the highest and the lowest eGFR occurring in more than 48 hours, not satisfying Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes guideline, were considered as fluctuations (eGFR-F). Fluctuations of eGFR greater than 50%were defined as eGFR drops (DeGFR). Early graft dysfunction, AKI within 7 days, chronic kidney disease, and short- and long-term patient survivals were considered as outcomes. Results. All patients presented eGFR-F, whereas DeGFR were observed in 18 (35.3%) of 51 (DeGFR+ group). These patients presented higher levels of Model for End-stage Liver Disease score, pre-Tx bilirubin and significantly greater incidence of post-Tx AKI stages 2 to 3 compared with patients without drops (DeGFR−). DeGFR was the only independent predictive factor of the occurrence of post-Tx AKI. The occurrence of AKI post-Tx was associated with the development of chronic kidney disease at 3 months and 5 years post-Tx. Conclusions. Drops of eGFR are more frequently observed in patients with a worse degree of ESLD and are associated with a worse post-Tx kidney outcome
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