46 research outputs found

    Synthesis of sodium cobaltate Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} single crystals with controlled Na ordering

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    In this study, we synthesized single crystals of Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} with x∼0.8x\sim0.8 using the optical floating zone technique. A thorough electrochemical treatment of the samples permitted us to control the de-intercalation of Na to obtain single crystal samples of stable Na ordered phases with x=0.5−0.8x=0.5-0.8. Comparisons of the bulk magnetic properties with those observed in the Na ordered powder samples confirmed the high quality of these single crystal phases. The ab plane resistivity was measured for the Na ordered samples and it was quite reproducible for different sample batches. The data were analogous to those found in previous initial experimental studies on single crystals, but the lower residual resistivity and sharper anti-ferromagnetic transitions determined for our samples confirmed their higher quality.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Complex magnetic differentiation of cobalts in Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} with 22K N\'eel temperature

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    Single crystals of sodium cobaltates Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} with x≈0.8x \approx 0.8 were grown by the floating zone technique. Using electrochemical Na de-intercalation method we reduced the sodium content in the as-grown crystals down to pure phase with 22 K N\'eel temperature and x≈0.77x \approx 0.77. The 59^{59}Co NMR study in the paramagnetic state of the TN=22T_{N}=22 K phase permitted us to evidence that at least 6 Co sites are differentiated. They could be separated by their magnetic behaviour into three types: a single site with cobalt close to non-magnetic Co3+^{3+}, two sites with the most magnetic cobalts in the system, and the remaining three sites displaying an intermediate behaviour. This unusual magnetic differentiation calls for more detailed NMR experiments on our well characterized samples.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to JETP Let

    Magnetic and spectral properties of multi-sublattice oxides SrY2O4:Er3+ and SrEr2O4

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    SrEr2O4 is a geometrically frustrated magnet which demonstrates rather unusual properties at low temperatures including a coexistence of long- and short-range magnetic order, characterized by two different propagation vectors. In the present work, the effects of crystal fields (CF) in this compound containing four magnetically inequivalent erbium sublattices are investigated experimentally and theoretically. We combine the measurements of the CF levels of the Er3+ ions made on a powder sample of SrEr2O4 using neutron spectroscopy with site-selective optical and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements performed on single crystal samples of the lightly Er-doped nonmagnetic analogue, SrY2O4. Two sets of CF parameters corresponding to the Er3+ ions at the crystallographically inequivalent lattice sites are derived which fit all the available experimental data well, including the magnetization and dc susceptibility data for both lightly doped and concentrated samples.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Interplay between strong correlations and electronic topology in the underlying kagome lattice of Na2/3CoO2

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    Electronic topology in metallic kagome compounds is under intense scrutiny. We present transport experiments in Na2/3CoO2 in which the Na order differentiates a Co kagome sub-lattice in the triangular CoO2 layers. Hall and magnetoresistance (MR) data under high fields give evidence for the coexistence of light and heavy carriers. At low temperatures, the dominant light carrier conductivity at zero field is suppressed by a B-linear MR suggesting Dirac like quasiparticles. Lifshitz transitions induced at large B and T unveil the lower mobility carriers. They display a negative B^2 MR due to scattering from magnetic moments likely pertaining to a flat band. We underline an analogy with heavy Fermion physics.Comment: Title and discussion changed after review. More technical details have been added in the Supplementary Materials. Published as a letter in Phys. Rev. B (Phys. Rev. B 104, L201103). 4 figures in the Main text + 7 figures in the Supplemental Material

    Magnetic and Mössbauer effect studies of ZnO thin film implanted with iron ions to high fluence

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.We present the results of magnetic and Mössbauer effect studies of zinc oxide thin film obtained by RF magnetron sputtering and implanted with 40 keV iron ions to a fluence of 1.5•1017 ion/cm2. As-implanted and post-annealed sample shows ferromagnetic properties at room temperature and consists of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases according to Mössbauer spectroscopy

    Double-loop hysteresis of multisite dilute Sr(Y1−x_{1-x}Dyx_x)2_2O4_4 single crystal Kramers paramagnets: electron-phonon interaction, quantum tunneling and cross-relaxation

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    Experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamic magnetization in swept magnetic fields of the orthorhombic SrY2_2O4_4 single-crystals doped with the Dy3+^{3+} Kramers ions (0.01 and 0.5 at.%) with natural abundances of even and odd Dy isotopes are presented. Impurity ions substitute for Y3+^{3+} ions at two nonequivalent crystallographic sites with the same local CsC_s symmetry but strongly different crystal fields. Well pronounced double-loop hysteresis is observed at temperatures 2, 4, 5 and 6 K for sweeping rates of 5 and 1 mT/s. The microscopic model of spectral, magnetic and kinetic properties of Dy3+^{3+} ions is developed based on the results of EPR, site selective optical spectra and magnetic relaxation measurements. The derived approach to the dynamic magnetization in the sweeping field based on the numerical solution of generalized master equations with time-dependent transition probabilities induced by the electron-phonon interaction, quantum tunneling and cross-relaxation allowed us to reproduce successfully the evolution of the hysteresis loop shape with temperature, sweeping rate and concentration of paramagnetic ions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, 52 reference

    Thermograms of High-Frequency Capacitive Discharge Between Solid and Liquid Electrodes

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Abstract: We present the experimental results on thermograms and plots of temperature distributions along the streamer and spark discharges in a high-frequency capacitive field between solid and liquid electrodes for different electrode geometries