32 research outputs found

    Primož Trubar: A Contemporary and Principal Witness of the Reformation, Mediator and Maker of National Theology in the Slovene-Speaking Region

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    Im Werk Trubars spiegeln sich alle Prozesse der mitteleuropäischen Reformation des 16. Jahrhunderts. Der Slowene beteiligt sich in erster Linie jedoch nicht an den theologischen Diskussionen der Zeit. Sein Ziel ist die Umsetzung evangelischer Erkenntnisse in das Verständnis seiner Landsleute. Einige Beispiele verdeutlichen dieses pädagogische Bestreben.The work of Primož Trubar reflects all processes of the Central European Reformation. However, the Slovene minister hardly engages in theological discussions. His aim is to make his fellow countrymen aware of the Evangelical teachings. In the paper several examples are discussed which illustrate his pedagogical efforts

    Panjske končnice. Slovenski fenomen pod drobnogledom

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    Ob bogatem raziskovalnem izročilu panjskih končnic so obravnavni elementi, ki so omogočili motivne prilagoditve obliki panjskih končnic (nesorazmerni širina in višina deščice, tj. 30 cm x 12,5 cm). Avtor se ob tem dotakne tudi drugih, že raziskanih vprašanj (vzroki za poslikave, ustvarjalci, izviri in predloge cerkvenih in posvetnih motivov, zgradba upodobitev). Za posvetno motiviko je pomembno vprašanje o presevanju socialne strukture – iz panjskih končnic je mogoče razbrati mizogine podobe, hierarhizacijo poklicev, karikaturo in satiro vsakdanjega življenja, večkrat predstavljenega v živalskih podobah (t. i. »narobe svet«). Prenašanje motivov s predlog je ustvarjalni dosežek poslikovalcev, ki so npr. moralne poante upodobili v značilnih kompozicijah (simetrična dvo- ali tridelna struktura) ali v bolj pomenskem podajanju. *** Beehive front panels have been researched by a number of authors. This study examines motifs that could be adapted to the rather unusual size of beehive panels (disproportionate width and height of the panel measured 30 centimeters by 12, 5 centimeters respectively). Addressed are some additional questions that have already been the topic of research: possible reasons for these paintings, their creators, sources, structure, and religious and secular motifs that served as a model for them. Secular motifs depicted on the panels reflect the social structure of the period in which they originated: misogynist images, professional hierarchy, and satirization of everyday life, often presented through animals (the so-called “topsy-turvy world”). When translating these motifs on beehive panels their crea­tors had to display a large amount of ingenuity. They depicted themes such as moral lessons, for example, in characteristic compositions (symmetrical twopartite or tripartite structure) or by presenting their meaning in a different manner

    Der slovenische Staatsgedanke

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    Prispevek pregledno predstavlja, kako se je skozi stoletja, od Trubarja do slovenske države, izražala in oblikovala slovenska državotvorna zavest in samozavedanje oz. identiteta

    Dark septate endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Paris‐morphotype) affect the stable isotope composition of 'classically' non-mycorrhizal plants

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    The vast majority of terrestrial plants exchange nutrients with fungal partners forming different mycorrhizal types. The minority of plants considered as non-mycorrhizal, however, are not necessarily free of any fungi, but are frequently colonized by elusive fungal endophytes, such as dark septate endophytes (DSE) or fine root endophytes (FRE). While a functional role of FRE in improvement of nutrient gain was recently elucidated, the function of DSE is still in discussion and was here addressed for 36 plant species belonging to the families Equisetaceae, Cypereaceae and Caryophyllaceae. Molecular and microscopic staining approaches were conducted to verify the presence of DSE in the investigated species. Stable isotope natural abundances of the elements carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and total nitrogen concentrations were analyzed for the respective species of the target plant families and accompanying mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal (Brassicaceae) plant species. Staining approaches confirmed the presence of DSE in all investigated species within the families Equisetaceae, Cyperaceae and Caryophyllaceae. A co-colonization with Paris-type arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) was occasionally found by staining and molecular approaches in species of the Equisetaceae. Species of the Equisetaceae, Cyperaceae and Caryophyllaceae were significantly 15N-enriched in comparison to accompanying plants. In addition, a significant 13C and 2H enrichment and increased total nitrogen concentrations were found for representatives of the Equisetaceae. The 15N-enrichment found here for representatives of Equisetaceae, Cyperaceae and Caryophyllaceae provides evidence for a functional role of the ubiquitous DSE fungi. DSE fungi obviously provide access to 15N-enriched soil organic compounds probably in exchange for organic carbon compounds from plant photosynthesis. As indicated by additional 13C- and 2H-enrichments, representatives of the Equisetaceae apparently gain simultaneously organic carbon compounds from their AM fungi of the Paris-morphotype. Thus, species of the Equisetaceae have to be considered as partially, or in case of the achlorophyllous fertile Equisetum arvense, as fully mycoheterotrophic at least in some stages of their life cycle. So far mostly underappreciated fungi classified as DSE are suggested to occupy an ecologically relevant role similar to mycorrhizae and the occurrence of simultaneous functions of DSE and AM fungi in Equisetaceae is proposed