11 research outputs found


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    Abstract A brief review of urine analysis in studies of occupational exposure to volatile organic compounds and gases is provided. Analysis of exhaled breath for volatile compounds does not have a long history in occupational medicine. A number of studies has been undertaken since the 1980s, and the methods are well enough accepted to be put forward as biological equivalents of threshold limit values (TLVs) for some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as acetone; methanol; methyl ethyl ketone (MEK); methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK); tetrahydrofurane; dichloromethane. In the last 20 years many scientific articles have shown that the urinary concentrations of unchanged solvents are correlated with environmental exposure and could be used for biological monitoring

    Genetic polymorphisms influence variability in benzene metabolism in humans

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    The role of genetic polymorphism in modulating urinary excretion of two benzene metabolites, i.e. trans,trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA) and S-phenylmercapturic acid (PMA), has been investigated in 59 non-smoking city bus drivers, professionally exposed to benzene via vehicle exhausts. Exposure to benzene was determined by personal passive samplers (mean +/- SD = 82.2 +/- 25.6 micrograms/m3), while internal dose and metabolic rate were evaluated by measuring urinary excretion of unmodified benzene (mean +/- SD = 361 +/- 246 ng/l), t,t-MA (mean +/- SD = 602 +/- 625 micrograms/g creatinine), and PMA (mean +/- SD = 5.88 +/- 4.76 micrograms/g creatinine). Genetic polymorphism at six loci encoding cytochrome-P450-dependent monooxygenases (CYP2E1 and CYP2D6), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTT1, GSTP1 and GSTM1) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQOR) was determined by polymerase chain reaction-based methods. No evidence emerged for a possible role of CYP2E1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms in determining the wide differences observed in the rate of benzene biotransformation. Conversely, a significantly higher t,t-MA urinary excretion was found to be correlated to, GSTT1 null genotype, and a significantly lower PMA excretion was detected in the subjects lacking NQOR activity and in the CYP2D6 extensive-metabolizers. Many biological (i.e. age and body burden) or lifestyle factors (i.e. rural or urban residence, use of paints and solvents, medication, alcohol and coffee intake), also taken into account as potential confounders, did not influence the correlations found. These findings suggest that CYP2D6, GSTT1 and NQOR polymorphisms contribute in explaining the metabolic variability observed in our sample. Therefore, these polymorphisms should be regarded as potential risk factors for benzene-induced adverse health effects

    Importance of genetic polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing enzymes for the interpretation of biomarkers of exposure to styrene

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    The objective of this study was to test the influence of genetic polymorphisms for metabolic enzymes (CYP2E1, mEH, GSTM1 and GSTT1) implicated in the biotransformation of styrene in humans on the interpretation of urinary biomarkers of exposure. Thirty workers from a fibreglass-reinforced plastics factory took part in the study. Ambient styrene concentration was determined during the whole workshift by passive sampling. Urine was collected at the end of the shift for the determination of mandelic acid (MA) and phenylglyoxylic acid (PGA) (major biotransformation pathway), N-acetyl-S-(1-phenyl-2-hydroxy)ethyl-L-cysteine (M1) and N-acetyl-S-(2-phenyl-2-hydroxy) ethyl-L-cysteine (M2) (minor metabolic pathway) and creatinine. The average airborne styrene concentration of 18.2 ppm (range: 0.9-68.9 ppm) was very close to the current threshold limit value (TLV-TWA) recently adjusted by ACGIH from 50 to 20 ppm. There was a better correlation between external and internal exposure as estimated by urinary MA + PGA (r = 0.92; p < 0.0001) compared with urinary M1 + M2 (r = 0.74; p < 0.0001). To investigate to what extent genetic polymorphisms in metabolic enzymes could explain interindividual variations observed in the concentration of urinary biomarkers related to a given external exposure, two 'metabolic indexes' (derived from the ratio between the sum of urinary metabolites for a specific pathway and ambient styrene concentration) were calculated for each worker and compared for different allelic combinations. Monovariate analyses showed that GSTM1 polymorphism was clearly the most significant parameter influencing urinary concentrations of mercapturic acids. Based on GSTM1 allelic status, two different biological exposure indexes (BEIs) for M1 + M2 in post-shift urinary samples corresponding to a 20 ppm styrene concentration are proposed (GSTM1null: 1330 mug g(-1) creatinine, GSTM1+: 2878 mug g(-1) creatinine). Multivariate regression analyses were also performed and revealed that the presence of the rare CYP2E1*1B allele linked to TaqI polymorphism (A1/A2) was associated with increased urinary concentrations of metabolites from both pathways. Two previously described polymorphisms for the EPHX gene were also tested but seemed not really relevant for interpretation of biomarkers. In conclusion, while CYP2E1 genotyping, particularly assessment of the CYP2E1*1B allelic status, is useful for a more accurate interpretation of the concentration of urinary biomarkers, GSTM1 genotyping is absolutely necessary when considering a biological monitoring programme based on determination of urinary mercapturic acids

    Metabolic polymorphisms and urinary biomarkers in subjects with low benzene exposure

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    The effect of some common metabolic polymorphisms on the rate of trans,trans-muconic acid (TMA) and S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) excretion was investigated in 169 policemen exposed to low benzene levels (g/m(3)) during the work shift. End-shift urinary concentrations of TMA and SPMA, normalized to unmetabolized blood benzene concentration, were used as indicators of individual metabolic capacity. CYP2E1, NQO1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms were analyzed in all subjects by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length (RFL). The results obtained show significantly elevated levels of TMA and SPMA in urine of smokers compared to nonsmokers, whereas no correlation with environmental benzene was observed. TMA/blood benzene ratio was partially modulated by glutathione S-transferase (GST) genotypes, with significantly higher values in null individuals (GSTM1 and GSTT1 combined). However, a greater fraction of total variance of TMA/blood benzene in the study population was explained by other independent variables, that is, season of sampling, smoking habits, and gender. Variance in SPMA/blood benzene ratio was only associated with smoking and occupation, whereas no significant role was observed for the metabolic polymorphisms considered. These results suggest that in a population exposed to very low benzene concentrations, urinary TMA and SPMA levels are affected to a limited extent by metabolic polymorphisms, whereas other factors, such as gender, lifestyle, or other confounders, may account for a larger fraction of the interindividual variability of these biomarkers

    Interest of genotyping and phenotyping of drug-metabolizing enzymes for the interpretation of biological monitoring of exposure to styrene

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    In the field of occupational and/or environmental toxicology, the measurement of specific metabolites in urine may serve to assess exposure to the parent compounds (biological monitoring of exposure). Styrene is one of the chemicals for which biological monitoring programs have been validated and implemented in environmental and occupational medicine. However, inter-individual differences in the urinary excretion exist both for the main end-products (mandelic acid and phenylglyoxylic acid) and for its specific mercapturic acids (phenylhydroxyethylmercapturic acids, PHEMA). This limits to a certain extent the use of these metabolites for an accurate assessment of styrene exposure. In a group of 26 volunteers selected with relevant genotypes, and exposed to styrene vapours (50 mg/m3, 8 h) in an inhalation chamber, we evaluated whether genotyping or phenotyping relevant drug-metabolizing enzymes (CYP2E1, EPHX1, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) may help to explain the observed inter-individual variability in the urinary metabolite excretion. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were used for genotyping and as reporter cells for the phenotyping of CYP2E1 and EPHX1. The GSTM1 genotype was clearly the most significant parameter explaining the variance in urinary PHEMA excretion (6-fold lower in GSTM1 null subjects; P A) and His113EPHX1 were associated with a significant reduction of, respectively, the expression (P = 0.047) and activity (P = 0.022) of the enzyme in peripheral blood lymphocytes. In combination with GSTM1 genotyping, the phenotyping approach also contributed to improve the interpretation of urinary results, as illustrated by the combined effect of CYP2E1 expression and GSTM1 allelic status that explained 77% of the variance in PHEMA excretion and allows the recommendation of mercapturates as specific and reliable biomarkers of exposure to styrene