32 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of gratitude training on happiness in mother of child with mental retardation

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    Abstract: The aim of the present research was to assess the effectiveness of gratitude training on happiness in mothers of child with mental retardation. The research method was semi-empirical with pretest-post test, which was held on the control group. Research statistic population included mothers of mentally retarded children in Isfahan city in the year 2013.The research sample included about thirty two mother and were selected voluntary and placed in Two groups: Experimental and control. The instrument used where 29 items questionnaire of Oxford (2013). Experimental interference (gratitude training) was held on the experimental group. After finishing the training Program, post-test was held on both groups, for analyzing the data, covariance was used (mancova) analysis. Results showed that the mother's happiness level was increased appreciation of education

    Development of a Wise Parenting Package Based on the Teachings of Imam Ali and Evaluation of its Effect on the Parent-Child Relationship and Symptoms of Internalized Behavior Problems in Female Children

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    The present study is an attempt to develop a wise parenting package based on the teachings of Imam Ali and evaluate its effect on parent-child relationship and symptoms of internalized behavior problems in preschool girls. The study falls under the category of hybrid heuristic research studies. The population of the study consists of two valuable books in the qualitative phase, namely Nahj al-Balaghah and Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim. The purposive sampling method was used to select the sample. Two components, namely wisdom and parenting were extracted and coded using qualitative thematic analysis methods. Finally, a wise parenting package was formulated based on the teachings of Imam Ali in 12 sessions. The validity of the package was calculated using Fleiss' kappa method (0.84). In the quantitative phase, the research fell into the category of experimental studies with control group and pretest/posttest design. The population consisted of the parents of female preschoolers Ā in Isfahan during the academic year 2017-2018. According to the inclusion criteria, 30 subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental group (receiving training with Wise Parenting Package) and a control group (without intervention) (15 subjects in each group). Data collection instruments included the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Piantaā€™s Child-Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS). The MANCOVA results in SPSS-25 showed a significant difference between the parent-child relationship subscales (intimacy and conflict) and the behavior problems subscales (anxiety and depression) in the control group. However, no significant difference was found between dependence and physical complaints in the control group. It is recommended that this package be used to further improve health and conflict among family members.

    The Effectiveness of Self-Compassion-Based Parenting Training on Behavioral Problems and Self-Concept in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self- compassion-based parenting training on behavioral problems and self-concept challenges in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) by using a pretest, posttest, and follow-up experimental research design. The statistical population included all mothers who had IDD children and were living in Qom in the academic year of 2017-2018. First, the subjects were screened on the basis of inclusion criteria, then 30 participants were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental and control group (15 subjects in each group). Mothers in the experimental group received 8 sessions of intervention, and the control group received no intervention. Research instruments used in this research were the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (SES). The scales were administered to the subjects in all three stages. The results were analyzed using the repeated measures ANOVA method, and showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in terms of the variables related to behavioral problems and self-concept in children with IDD. According to the results, compassion-based parenting education seems to be an effective intervention for improving the parenting skills of mothers who have children with intellectual and developmental disability by reducing their behavioral problems and having a positive effect on their self-concept

    Explanation of Self-determination Experiences in Students with Externalized Behavior Disorders: A Phenomenological Approach

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    Introduction: Students with externalized behavior disorders have lower levels of capacity for self-determination skills. The aim of this study was to explain self-determination experiences in students with externalized behavior disorders. Method: This qualitative study was conducted using phenomenological approach. Data were collected using in-depth interview with 10 students with externalized behavior disorders who were selected through purposive sampling method. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using Colaizziā€™s nine-step analysis method. Results: Four themes of social challenges, lack of motivation for effort, emotional challenges, and choice making were obtained that could illustrate self-determination experiences in students with externalized behavior disorders. Conclusion: These findings can provide information required for identifying self-determination problems, as well as significance and adoption of supportive and medical strategies for improving psychological health in students with externalized behavior disorders

    The study of relationship between alexithymia and sexual satisfaction among female married students in Tabriz University

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between alexithymia and sexual satisfaction among female married students in Tabriz University. Relevant data was collected from 100 female married students who were chosen by means of simple random sampling. The research tools used were: (1) Farsi Version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), with three factors of difficulty identifying feelings (DIF), difficulty describing feelings (DDF), and externally-oriented thinking; and (2) the sexual satisfaction questionnaire. Analysis of multivariate regression shows that there are negative and significant relationships between the total score and the subscale score of the Alexithymia scale with sexual satisfaction. Furthermore, results indicate that the best predictors of sexual satisfaction, in order of importance, are the total score and the (DIF) subscale of alexithymia scale

    Explain Siblingsā€™ Lived Experiences in Living with Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Phenomenological Approach

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    Introduction: Living with individuals suffering from intellectual disability in families engenders particular concerns, worries, and challenges for siblings. The aim of the present study was to access siblingsā€™ lived experiences in living with individuals with intellectual disability. Method: This study was conducted employing a qualitative method, using the lived experienced technique, and via in-depth interviewing on 9 siblings with intellectual disability selected via purposive sampling method. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using Colaizziā€™s nine-step analysis method. Results: Findings obtained from siblingsā€™ experiences of living with individuals suffering from intellectual disability were summarized into 6 themes of ā€œfear of the futureā€, ā€œfamily turmoilā€, ā€œnegative emotionsā€, ā€œpositive emotionsā€, ā€œdiscrimination between siblingsā€ and ā€œsocial stigmaā€, and 9 sub-themes which were coded in the form of subgroups of 6 main themes. Conclusion: These findings can provide information for identifying problems, significance, and adoption of supportive and medical strategies for siblings of individuals with intellectual disability to improve their psychological health. Keywords: Intellectual disability, Life experiences, Siblings, Qualitative researc

    Exploring the Lived Experiences of Mothers of Children with Specific Learning Disability (SLD): A Phenomenological Study

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    Introduction: The presence of a child with a specific learning disability in the family who needs care and has special educational problems is a source of stress for mothers, affecting their mental health and adjustment. This study aimed to explore the lived experiences of mothers of children with specific learning disability (SLD). Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approach. The participants were 14 mothers of children with specific learning disability (SLD) whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The participants were selected using purposive sampling and the collected data were analyzed via Colaizzi's method of data analysis. Results: Analysis of the data revealed 4 main themes including ā€œimpact on familyā€, ā€œthe motherā€™s lifeā€, ā€œthe studentā€™s problemsā€, ā€œconcernsā€, and ā€œneedsā€, and 14 subthemes. Conclusion: The present study showed that specific learning disability has diverse effects on the child, mother, and family, and recognizing these effects can pave the way for taking supportive and therapeutic measure

    Understanding the Factors Influence Expressed Emotion in Mothers of Children Autistic with Autism (Mixed-Method Research)

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    Introduction: Expressed emotion has been used as a measure of the relationship between parents and children. This study aimed to compare expressed emotion among mothers and finally of children with and without autism and to investigate the factors influence it among them. Method: The Embedded Design Mixed Research Method was used to assess the quantity of mothers expressed emotion. The study population consisted of 50 mothers of the children with autism that their children ages were between 3-13 years were selected non-randomly and 50 mothers of children with normal growth at the same age were selected randomly. At the second phase, qualitative research method was used to examine the factors influenced mothers expressed emotions. Results: The mothers of the children with autism had higher score both in the total score of expressed emotion, and emotional over-involvement (EQI) and criticism. In addition, five factors influenced the mothers of the children with autism to be of high expressed emotion that were "being worried about others comment", "being worried about the child's future", "just paying attention to child's needs and ignoring their own and other family memberā€™s needs", "comparing their child with other children", and "blaming and criticizing the child". Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended that in rehabilitation of children with autism, intervention procedures that consider parents expressed emotion should be developed as well. Keywords: Mixed research method, Expressed emotion, Autism, Mother

    Effect of attachment-based therapy training on intimacy and alexithymia in parents of children with intellectual disabilities

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    Parents of children with Intellectual Disabilities obviously and undeniably experience the same love and joy for their children, but they also have an increased risk of encountering stressors (e.g., high medical costs), anxiety, and depression. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of attachment-based therapy training on increasing intimacy and alexithymia of the parents of intellectual disabilities children. 30 parents were randomly selected. They were then randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of attachment-based therapy and control group received no intervention. The research design was quasi-experimental. The research findings revealed a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group concerning the degree of intimacy. However, no significant contrast was found in terms of the Alexithymia. With respect to findings of the current study, it can be concluded that training based upon the attachment style can lead to intimacy increase among parents of mentally retarded children