172 research outputs found

    The External Dimension of EU Citizenship: Arguing for Effective Protection of Citizens Abroad. CEPS Policy Brief No. 136, 3 July 2007

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    [From the Introduction]. This Policy Brief is the edited and extended version of CEPS’ contribution to the Commission’s Green Paper consultation. While acknowledging that the Green Paper addresses a wide range of issues, this document focuses mainly on the following themes: 1) the material scope of Art. 20 TEC, 2) its legal character as regards individual entitlement and 3) its enforceability and justiciability. The last sections deal with the questions of harmonisation as well as a possible involvement of Commission delegations in the exercise of consular assistance and diplomatic protection

    Fruit of the Poisonous Tree - Member States' Indirect Use of Extraordinary Rendition and the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy. CEPS Working Document, No. 263, 3 April 2007

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    Recent investigations, not least by the EP Temporary Committee, have shed light on the illegal practice of extraordinary renditions and unlawful detentions by foreign security services on European territory with the alleged involvement of certain member states, which suggests that the line between cooperation and complicity has become blurred. This paper addresses the issue of how EU member states could not resist taking advantage of extraordinary renditions and unlawful detentions and how they still profit from such practice. Recent examples of this kind of profiteering are provided, together with an assessment of their legality. The paper also addresses the issue from an EU perspective and evaluates implications of and for EU counter-terrorism policies, in particular the question of how these policies might be tainted by the counter-terrorism behaviour of member states. A concrete set of policy recommendations is proposed in the last chapter


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    Diese Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Konzepts zur Morphologiekontrolle niedermolekularer organischer Halbleiter. Durch Geometrisierung monomerer, im Feststoff hochkristalliner Acene in rigide, makromolekulare Konstrukte gelang es, spezifische Eigenschaften zu betonen oder abzuschwĂ€chen. Die Kontrolle ĂŒber die Materialmorphologie wurde ohne EinfĂŒhrung zusĂ€tzlicher, elektronisch inaktiver Reste erreicht und bedient sich ausschließlich der molekularen Gestalt zur Festlegung der Festkörperinteraktion. Hierbei werden konjugative und absorptive Eigenschaften des Monomers verbessert. Wegen des heutigen Mangels an morphologisch vielseitigen Elektronenakzeptoren in optoelektronischen Anwendungen wurde sich auf 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethinyl)-5,7,12-14-tetraazapentacen (TIPSTAP) als elektrisch aktive Komponente fokussiert. Aus dem monomeren „nulldimensionalen“ TIPSTAP wurden starre, molekulare Konstrukte verschiedener DimensionalitĂ€t geschaffen. Diese sind elektronisch mit C60 vergleichbar, jedoch morphologisch divers, was zur Etablierung von Struktur-Wirkungs-Prinzipien genutzt werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich das entwickelte Konzept direkt auf das isostrukturelle Pentacen-Derivat ĂŒbertragen lĂ€sst und somit zu generalisieren ist. In zweidimensionalen und besonders in eindimensionalen Konstrukten wurden Festkörperinteraktionen betont, wĂ€hrend sie in dreidimensionalen, expandiert tetraedrischen Konstrukten in etwa denen des Monomers entsprachen. Filmbildungseigenschaften wurden in den dreidimensionalen Tetraedern besonders stark verbessert, sodass dem kristallinen TIPSTAP Material durch EinfĂŒhrung nur eines einzigen zusĂ€tzlichen, unkonjugierten Atoms pro vier Monomere jegliche Neigung zur Ausbildung makroskopischer Kristallite genommen werden konnte. Bei den zweidimensionalen Konstrukten kam es zu leichten und bei linearen Konstrukten zu ausgeprĂ€gten Aggregationseffekten. Trotz ihrer ausgezeichnet filmbildenden Eigenschaften weisen die TIPSTAP-Konstrukte hohe Ordnung im Festkörper auf, was ein hohes Anwendungspotential der in dieser Arbeit dargestellten Verbindungen fĂŒr photovoltaische Anwendungen verspricht

    A Spreadsheet Implementation of the Hodgkin- Huxley Model for Action Potentials in Neurons

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    A Microsoft Excel workbook is presented that enables students to explore the Hodgkin-Huxley Model for action potentials in neurons. The model is implemented by a system of four coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations and requires a numerical solution method. The method used in the workbook is the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The workbook provides a user interface to control the simulations by a variety of parameters and to display the model results. All related data is available to allow the addition of charts to the workbook. The workbook is designed to challenge the students’ understanding of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model and to encourage them to create their own simulations that can be checked in a real lab course

    Process Selection in RPA Projects – Towards a Quantifiable Method of Decision Making

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    The digital age requires companies to invest in value-creating rather than routine activities to drive innovation as a future source of competitiveness and business success. Thus, many companies are reluctant to invest in large-scale, costly backend integration projects and seek adaptable solutions to automate their front-office activities. Bridging artificial intelligence and business process management, robotic process automation (RPA) provides the promise of robots as a virtual workforce that performs these tasks in a self-determined manner. Many studies have highlighted potential benefits of RPA. However, little data is available on operationalizing and automating RPA to maximize its benefits. In this paper, we shed light on the automation potential of processes with RPA and operationalize it. Based on process mining techniques, we propose an automatable indicator system as well as present and evaluate decision support for companies that seek to better prioritize their RPA activities and to maximize their return on investment

    Computersimulation in der Astrophysik

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    Unser Wissen ĂŒber die Struktur des Kosmos und die darin enthaltenen Objekte stammt aus der sorgfĂ€ltigen Analyse der einfallenden elektromagnetischen Strahlung, verbunden mit einer theoretischen Modellierung im Rahmen der von uns erforschten Naturgesetze. Die Beobachtungen erstrecken sich dabei heute vom Radiowellenbereich ĂŒber den Infrarot-, den optischen, den Röntgenbereich bis hin zum Höchstenergie-Gamma-Bereich, also ĂŒber mehr als 20 Dekaden des elektromagnetischen Spektrums. Eine realistische Modellierung der Systeme im Rahmen einer beobachtungsnahen Theorie erfordert vor allem bei Systemparameterstudien im allgemeinen den Einsatz der grĂ¶ĂŸten verfĂŒgbaren Rechenleistungen

    Analysis of hydrogen Rydberg spectra in a uniform magnetic field: uncovering the transition from regularity to irregularity in a real quantum system

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    Studies of the behaviour of quantum systems in a range of energy where their classical counterparts undergo transitions from regularity to irregularity, as manifested in phase space by the gradual destruction of invariant tori, to date have largely been confined to model Hamiltonian systems such as harmonic oscillators with cubic, quartic, or higher-degree polynomial corrections, or the stadium problem. We show that phenomena which have turned out characteristic of the onset of "quantum stochasticity" in these model systems can in fact be recovered in the quantal energy spectra of a "real" physical system, viz. spectra of hydrogen Rydberg atoms in strong magnetic fields. This implies that one has a simple prototype system at hand in which to study - not only in theory but also in experiment, quantitatively and in detail, and as a function of a continuously tunable external parameter - phenomena that are expected to be typical of the quantum properties of nonintegrable systems in general
