3 research outputs found

    Sustainable Supply Chain Solutions – A Case Study Regarding Modifications of an Existing Spare Part Distribution System

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    The main purpose of the thesis is to provide Syncron with guidelines regarding how to modify their software for logistic planning in order to meet future customer needs. Furthermore, the thesis serves as input to the research project supported by NGIL, named Design and Control of Sustainable Supply Chains. Problem Formulation: Transport costs have not been a significant cost driver in the past, which is why little effort has been spent on optimizing this area. With the predictions regarding new conditions within the transport industry, this will most likely change. To stay competitive, companies might have to focus a lot more on creating sustainable and cost efficient supply chains; sustainable in the sense that logistics are performed in an environmental and competitive way and are well adjusted to the optimal design of the inventory structure. With this in mind, the problem formulation has converged into: What upcoming legislations and other transport related obstacles will have impact on the design of the supply chain? How can Lantmännen Maskin’s supply chain be adapted to the changes in transport related regulations in the sense that it is optimized with respect to environmental as well as economical aspects? With respect to Lantmännen Maskin, what additional costs are associated to new legislations and how much can these costs be reduced, by modifying the supply chain? Methodology: Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in the thesis. Data was collected from primary sources such as, email correspondence with authorities, interviews and a questionnaire, while secondary data was mainly gathered from government publications and other literature. Initially, a comprehensive theoretical framework, Part 1, was built using an analytical approach. Subsequently, a case study, presented in Part 2, was performed with a systems approach in order to obtain material on which to conduct an analysis. The analysis ends in conclusions and recommendations to concerned parties. Theoretical Framework: Part 1 consists of an extensive theoretical base where present and future environmental regulations, such as taxes and fees, have been investigated and discussed. The theoretical framework is completed by a short theory section in the beginning of Part 2. This sectio

    Improved care after perineal tear : A case study about patient involvement

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    Bakgrund. Att få en allvarlig bristning i samband med förlossning kan ge kvinnor smärta, lidande, och låg livskvalitet under lång tid. Syfte. Syftet med förbättringsarbetet har varit att förbättra eftervården genom att införa strukturerad uppföljning, öka kvalitén i bedömning och diagnostik, förbättra informationen till patienten och utveckla former för patientdelaktighet i förbättringsarbetet. Syftet med studien har varit att ur ett verksamhetsperspektiv beskriva erfarenheterna av patientdelaktigheten i förbättringsarbetet. Metod. Förbättringsarbetet har designats med hjälp av Förbättringstrappan och utgått från ett patientprocessorienterat perspektiv. Metod för studien var kvalitativ i form av en fallstudie. Resultat. Genom förbättringsarbetet följs kvinnorna upp via bristningsregistret, uppföljningsbesök med 3D- ultraljud görs på en specialinrättad mottagning. Vidare får kvinnorna individuell fysioterapeutinformation innan hemgång, en vårdkedja har införts och former för patientdelaktighet har utformats och använts. Dessa är frågeformulär, intervjuer, workshops och patientföreträdare i förbättringsnätverket. Resultatet från studien visar att formerna för patientdelaktighet ger skilda förutsättningar för delaktigheten. Resultatet visar på betydelsen av organisatoriska förutsättningar, värdet av patientdelaktighet, utmaningar vid införande och vilket reellt inflytande som patientdelaktigheten haft under processen och för resultaten av förbättringsarbetet. Slutsatser. Patientdelaktighet skapar värde i flera dimensioner. Patientdelaktighet behöver designas, anpassas till kontexten och förbättringsarbetets mål och dess syfte behöver vara tydligt uttryckt.Background. Perineal tears during childbirth can lead to after-delivery complications that leads to great suffering and low quality of life for a long time. Purpose. The purpose has been to improve after-delivery care by systematic follow-up, increasing the quality of diagnostics and management of these women, improving the information for the patient and developing new ways of improving including patients in the improvement work. The purpose of the study has been to study the effect of patient participation in the improvement work. Method. "The improvement ramp" and patient process-oriented perspective has been used to design the improvement work. The method of the study was qualitative in the form of a case study. Results. Follow-up using 3D-ultrasound is introduced. A care chain has been introduced and ways of patient participation have been designed and used. These are questionnaires, interviews, workshops and patient representatives in the improvement network. The results of the study show that the ways of patient participation provide different conditions for participation. The result shows the importance of organizational conditions, the value of patient participation, challenges in the introduction and the real influence that patient participation has had during the process and on the results of the improvement work. Conclusions. Patient-participation in QI creates values in several dimensions. Patient-participation needs to be carefully designed in compliance with context, goals and purpose