365 research outputs found

    Scalable learning of interpretable rules for the dynamic microbiome domain [preprint]

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    The microbiome, which is inherently dynamic, plays essential roles in human physiology and its disruption has been implicated in numerous human diseases. Linking dynamic changes in the microbiome to the status of the human host is an important problem, which is complicated by limitations and complexities of the data. Model interpretability is key in the microbiome field, as practitioners seek to derive testable biological hypotheses from data or develop diagnostic tests that can be understood by clinicians. Interpretable structure must take into account domainspecific information key to biologists and clinicians including evolutionary relationships (phylogeny) and dynamic behavior of the microbiome. A Bayesian model was previously developed in the field, which uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference to learn human interpretable rules for classifying the status of the human host based on microbiome time-series data, but that approach is not scalable to increasingly large microbiome datasets being produced. We present a new fully-differentiable model that also learns human-interpretable rules for the same classification task, but in an end-to-end gradient-descent based framework. We validate the performance of our model on human microbiome data sets and demonstrate our approach has similar predictive performance to the fully Bayesian method, while running orders-of-magnitude faster and moreover learning a larger set of rules, thus providing additional biological insight into the effects of diet and environment on the microbiome

    Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-Based Models For Discovery of Cross-species Mammalian Gene Expression

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    An important research problem in computational biology is theidentification of expression programs, sets of co-activatedgenes orchestrating physiological processes, and thecharacterization of the functional breadth of these programs. Theuse of mammalian expression data compendia for discovery of suchprograms presents several challenges, including: 1) cellularinhomogeneity within samples, 2) genetic and environmental variationacross samples, and 3) uncertainty in the numbers of programs andsample populations. We developed GeneProgram, a new unsupervisedcomputational framework that uses expression data to simultaneouslyorganize genes into overlapping programs and tissues into groups toproduce maps of inter-species expression programs, which are sortedby generality scores that exploit the automatically learnedgroupings. Our method addresses each of the above challenges byusing a probabilistic model that: 1) allocates mRNA to differentexpression programs that may be shared across tissues, 2) ishierarchical, treating each tissue as a sample from a population ofrelated tissues, and 3) uses Dirichlet Processes, a non-parametricBayesian method that provides prior distributions over numbers ofsets while penalizing model complexity. Using real gene expressiondata, we show that GeneProgram outperforms several popularexpression analysis methods in recovering biologically interpretablegene sets. From a large compendium of mouse and human expressiondata, GeneProgram discovers 19 tissue groups and 100 expressionprograms active in mammalian tissues. Our method automaticallyconstructs a comprehensive, body-wide map of expression programs andcharacterizes their functional generality. This map can be used forguiding future biological experiments, such as discovery of genesfor new drug targets that exhibit minimal "cross-talk" withunintended organs, or genes that maintain general physiologicalresponses that go awry in disease states. Further, our method isgeneral, and can be applied readily to novel compendia of biologicaldata

    Automated Discovery of Functional Generality of Human Gene Expression Programs

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    An important research problem in computational biology is the identification of expression programs, sets of co-expressed genes orchestrating normal or pathological processes, and the characterization of the functional breadth of these programs. The use of human expression data compendia for discovery of such programs presents several challenges including cellular inhomogeneity within samples, genetic and environmental variation across samples, uncertainty in the numbers of programs and sample populations, and temporal behavior. We developed GeneProgram, a new unsupervised computational framework based on Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes that addresses each of the above challenges. GeneProgram uses expression data to simultaneously organize tissues into groups and genes into overlapping programs with consistent temporal behavior, to produce maps of expression programs, which are sorted by generality scores that exploit the automatically learned groupings. Using synthetic and real gene expression data, we showed that GeneProgram outperformed several popular expression analysis methods. We applied GeneProgram to a compendium of 62 short time-series gene expression datasets exploring the responses of human cells to infectious agents and immune-modulating molecules. GeneProgram produced a map of 104 expression programs, a substantial number of which were significantly enriched for genes involved in key signaling pathways and/or bound by NF-κB transcription factors in genome-wide experiments. Further, GeneProgram discovered expression programs that appear to implicate surprising signaling pathways or receptor types in the response to infection, including Wnt signaling and neurotransmitter receptors. We believe the discovered map of expression programs involved in the response to infection will be useful for guiding future biological experiments; genes from programs with low generality scores might serve as new drug targets that exhibit minimal “cross-talk,” and genes from high generality programs may maintain common physiological responses that go awry in disease states. Further, our method is multipurpose, and can be applied readily to novel compendia of biological data

    Towards a Visual-Language Foundation Model for Computational Pathology

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    The accelerated adoption of digital pathology and advances in deep learning have enabled the development of powerful models for various pathology tasks across a diverse array of diseases and patient cohorts. However, model training is often difficult due to label scarcity in the medical domain and the model's usage is limited by the specific task and disease for which it is trained. Additionally, most models in histopathology leverage only image data, a stark contrast to how humans teach each other and reason about histopathologic entities. We introduce CONtrastive learning from Captions for Histopathology (CONCH), a visual-language foundation model developed using diverse sources of histopathology images, biomedical text, and notably over 1.17 million image-caption pairs via task-agnostic pretraining. Evaluated on a suite of 13 diverse benchmarks, CONCH can be transferred to a wide range of downstream tasks involving either or both histopathology images and text, achieving state-of-the-art performance on histology image classification, segmentation, captioning, text-to-image and image-to-text retrieval. CONCH represents a substantial leap over concurrent visual-language pretrained systems for histopathology, with the potential to directly facilitate a wide array of machine learning-based workflows requiring minimal or no further supervised fine-tuning

    AI-driven Discovery of Morphomolecular Signatures in Toxicology.

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    Early identification of drug toxicity is essential yet challenging in drug development. At the preclinical stage, toxicity is assessed with histopathological examination of tissue sections from animal models to detect morphological lesions. To complement this analysis, toxicogenomics is increasingly employed to understand the mechanism of action of the compound and ultimately identify lesion-specific safety biomarkers for which in vitro assays can be designed. However, existing works that aim to identify morphological correlates of expression changes rely on qualitative or semi-quantitative morphological characterization and remain limited in scale or morphological diversity. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising approach for quantitatively modeling this relationship at an unprecedented scale. Here, we introduce GEESE, an AI model designed to impute morphomolecular signatures in toxicology data. Our model was trained to predict 1,536 gene targets on a cohort of 8,231 hematoxylin and eosin-stained liver sections from Rattus norvegicus across 127 preclinical toxicity studies. The model, evaluated on 2,002 tissue sections from 29 held-out studies, can yield pseudo-spatially resolved gene expression maps, which we correlate with six key drug-induced liver injuries (DILI). From the resulting 25 million lesion-expression pairs, we established quantitative relations between up and downregulated genes and lesions. Validation of these signatures against toxicogenomic databases, pathway enrichment analyses, and human hepatocyte cell lines asserted their relevance. Overall, our study introduces new methods for characterizing toxicity at an unprecedented scale and granularity, paving the way for AI-driven discovery of toxicity biomarkers

    A microbiota signature associated with experimental food allergy promotes allergic sensitization and anaphylaxis

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    Background: Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. Methods: Food allergy–prone mice with a gain-of-function mutation in the IL-4 receptor α chain (Il4raF709) and wild-type (WT) control animals were subjected to oral sensitization with chicken egg ovalbumin (OVA). Enforced tolerance was achieved by using allergen-specific regulatory T (Treg) cells. Community structure analysis of gut microbiota was performed by using a high-density 16S rDNA oligonucleotide microarrays (PhyloChip) and massively parallel pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons. Results: OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice exhibited a specific microbiota signature characterized by coordinate changes in the abundance of taxa of several bacterial families, including the Lachnospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Rikenellaceae, and Porphyromonadaceae. This signature was not shared by similarly sensitized WT mice, which did not exhibit an OVA-induced allergic response. Treatment of OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice with OVA-specific Treg cells led to a distinct tolerance-associated signature coincident with the suppression of the allergic response. The microbiota of allergen-sensitized Il4raF709 mice differentially promoted OVA-specific IgE responses and anaphylaxis when reconstituted in WT germ-free mice. Conclusion: Mice with food allergy exhibit a specific gut microbiota signature capable of transmitting disease susceptibility and subject to reprogramming by enforced tolerance. Disease-associated microbiota may thus play a pathogenic role in food allergy
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